MASSIVE SHOOTING in MAINE RIGHT NOW and shooter on the lose

Welcome to GOP World: giveaway to the rich tax rates, no real mental health system, the worst poverty and homelessness anywhere ever in the modern world, and brainwashed hateful MAGA. This guy forgot his meds....26% are mentally ill and all heavily armed....Great job!!
Welcome to GOP World: giveaway to the rich tax rates, no real mental health system, the worst poverty and homelessness anywhere ever in the modern world, and brainwashed hateful MAGA. This guy forgot his meds....26% are mentally ill and all heavily armed....Great job!!
Nutjob with 51/50s , Restraining order , held in Mental Ward , On Police Radar and multiple interviews and run ins , His Firearms should have been seized and he should have been a prohibited person
And yet very smart in a diabolical way... The two exist together yes.. Diabolical and Intellectually CRAZY, but not so much or in a way that doesn't allow the diabolical part to shine the most.
It wasn't a prediction. I merely repeated what a Twitter feed was reporting.

And yeah, he looks middle eastern.
Will be interesting to know that, but the Biden administration/DOJ would hide it from anyone's knowledge of, just like it did with the manifesto that was never released to the public concerning the girl that shot up the Christian school.

Ok, so it probably would be said that such releases would just insight more violence due to vengeful people that can't handle such information, but is that what truly is at play here ???????

If not, then would it be found possibly that groups are being protected to the point that it is empowering lone wolves to strike in the name of such groups when innocent people least expect it ???

There's that too...... So the old saying that the TRUTH shall set us free, is a great saying, and it should be honored regardless of. That's why we have law's that if they were enforced, then they would allow the truth to be told if those laws were enforced.

Major problem today.

The truth can't be told because we have no law and order that protects that Truth or protects the truth teller's when they speak the truth.
Now we have Professor Potatohead put in his usual stupid two cents worth.

View attachment 849056
The same guy that foolishly says to our law enforcement "can't you just shoot'em in the leg or something(?), and then arms Ukraine to the teeth with every kind of killing machine or ammunition that's made in order to kill as many so called Russian invader's that they can. So Ukraine's borders matter, and hey even give them cluster munitions in which is against the rules of war, but when someone trespasses here against the innocent, and holds a gun on that innocent citizen trying to rob or rape them, then just shoot'em in the leg or arm he says ?

What the hell is the difference in an American citizen being slaughtered by the enemy within, and a Ukrainian soldier being slaughtered in that conflict ? Otherwise why the killer reaction against the Russian, but when an American citizen is being brutalized and murdered, well just take a stick and hit him or if you got a gun, well just shoot him in his leg or arm, but don't kill him.

The man is a hypocrite and political lying hack from hell, otherwise a man who doesn't have the American people at heart, in fact he loathes and despises the American citizen for whom he shows no respect for.

The proof is all around us.
White Bounty Hunters Hunting Criminals of Color is a non Starter
Shouldn't matter what color anyone is, because if people can't discern good from evil, then they just use the color thing as an excuse to stop justice from winning the day.... Enough is enough of the bull shite already.

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