MASSIVE SHOOTING in MAINE RIGHT NOW and shooter on the lose

In what way?

Several thousands. Try and read the entire tax code. Then try and find a list of all deductions, both business and personal. Then find all the court rulings and various IRS rulings on cases involving tax law and Codes. There is a reason tax lawyers make the big bux.

Want to know how to deduct your new swimming pool on your 1040? Look it up. most working people would never be able to afford one, much less deduct it from their taxes; just one example. Want to deduct Skippy and Buffy's allowances at high school and college? Make them 'Vice Presidents' of one of your companies, then in turn they can deduct some of their college costs as 'business related education deductions'. Drilling dry holes while claiming to be in the 'oil bidness' is another great tax dodge. Ask the Bushes about the many benefits of those 'partnerships'.
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I thought you just said, "It's not politics, super dupe." Naughty, naughty.

No not misinformed just a historian with knowledge of the democrat party.
The shooting itself is not political. Everything else is....If you don't vote Dem, you're either duped or a greedy rich IDIOT who doesn't know a healthy middle class raises all boats....dupe.
Several thousands. Try and read the entire tax code. Then try and find a list of all deductions, both business and personal. Then find all the court rulings and various IRS rulings on cases involving tax law and Codes. There is a reason tax lawyers make the big bux.

Want to know how to deduct your new swimming pool on your 1040? Look it up. most working people would never be able to afford one, much less deduct it from their taxes; just one example. Want to deduct Skippy and Buffy's allowances at high school and college? Make them 'Vice Presidents' of one of your companies, then in turn they can deduct some of their college costs as 'business related education deductions'. Drilling dry holes while claiming to be in the 'oil bidness' is another great tax dodge. Ask the Bushes about the many benefits of those 'partnerships'.
and you vote for hat crap if you don't vote Dem...
Sorry if this has already been answered...

Picture of the bowling alley entrance with gun-free zone sign...


Sign reads, “We kindly ask that you refrain from bringing firearms in this building and we would appreciate it if you left them in your vehicle. Please keep our atmosphere family-friendly.”

It appears that the shooter decided to ignore the silly sign. Only the law-abiding abide.

In the bar/restaurant, possession of firearms is illegal if posted, or by patrons who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs...

PS: Judging by the other signs in the picture, the bowling alley is a fan of masks, hijabs, and Bud Light beer.
A sign don't mean crap if it's not backed up by enforcement. Along with that sign should have been a metal detector and check in. This way everyone is screened before entering. In most cases it's impossible to have a recreational business if the patrons feel that they are being inconvenienced in any way or made to feel like they can't be trusted, but after these events one wonders when will this attitude begin to change, and better security paid for at these locations ? It's amazing they're wasn't a security guard at the bowling alley.

Best take that sign down, because it ain't shite if it doesn't have enforcement involved, and especially after it is proven that gun free zones posted by sign without enforcement is a recipe for disaster.
Several thousands. Try and read the entire tax code. Then try and find a list of all deductions, both business and personal. Then find all the court rulings and various IRS rulings on cases involving tax law and Codes. There is a reason tax lawyers make the big bux.

Want to know how to deduct your new swimming pool on your 1040? Look it up. most working people would never be able to afford one, much less deduct it from their taxes; just one example. Want to deduct Skippy and Buffy's allowances at high school and college? Make them 'Vice Presidents' of one of your companies, then in turn they can deduct some of their college costs as 'business related education deductions'. Drilling dry holes while claiming to be in the 'oil bidness' is another great tax dodge. Ask the Bushes about the many benefits of those 'partnerships'.
Top federal tax rate: 37%
Top California state tax rate: 13.3%
Top California city tax rates: 10.25%

Those three together add up to 56.3%. Add in California state sales and municipalities taxes that come up to 10.75%. The same story plays out in most of the other cities around the country.

Now, tell me again how the wealthy don't pay around half their income in taxes, and tell me why everyone should not try to do everything legal to reduce their tax burden. Of course, there are the hypocrites who piously proclaim that they don't pay enough in taxes, then turn around and pay an army of tax attorneys to keep their bill as low as possible.
Since Republicans ended the national assault weapons ban, mass homicides have skyrocketed.
Here are the facts, snowflake:

The enactment 1994 AWB did nothing to reduce access to 'assault weapons'.
The expiry of the 1994 AWB did nothing to increase access to 'assault weapons'
The 1994 AWB had no effect on shootings of any kind.


Now, tell me again how the wealthy don't pay around half their income in taxes,

I already did, and besides that nobody actually pays the 'top rate', never have. And, those state and local taxes are deductible from your Fed taxes, lol, at least until Trump put a ceiling on the state taxes deductible.

The GOP wants to increase taxes on 'the little people', same as your Saint Ronald Of Reagan did. The first Bill they voted on with their new majority in Congress was to jack up taxes on working people. And you Freepers wonder why you don't have any more credibility than lunatics like AOC and Biden.
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A sign don't mean crap if it's not backed up by enforcement. Along with that sign should have been a metal detector and check in. This way everyone is screened before entering. In most cases it's impossible to have a recreational business if the patrons feel that they are being inconvenienced in any way or made to feel like they can't be trusted, but after these events one wonders when will this attitude begin to change, and better security paid for at these locations ? It's amazing they're wasn't a security guard at the bowling alley.

Best take that sign down, because it ain't shite if it doesn't have enforcement involved, and especially after it is proven that gun free zones posted by sign without enforcement is a recipe for disaster.

If you see my 2nd link, you will see that the sign is law. It's true in my state as well, but in my state, any private establishment can post such a sign which will carry the weight of law. In Maine, an establishment which serves alcohol may conspicuously post such a sign.

If you see my 2nd link, you will see that the sign is law. It's true in my state as well, but in my state, any private establishment can post such a sign which will carry the weight of law. In Maine, an establishment which serves alcohol may conspicuously post such a sign.


Same here in Texas, and most other states I'm aware of.
But then the hateful Negroes like this IM2 racist asshole will be sooooo disappointed.

Sounds like they Middle East shitheads are bringing a little of their terrorism over here.
Just imagine if we had a million of this one guy, that would be like the middle East
Sorry if this has already been answered...

Picture of the bowling alley entrance with gun-free zone sign...


Sign reads, “We kindly ask that you refrain from bringing firearms in this building and we would appreciate it if you left them in your vehicle. Please keep our atmosphere family-friendly.”

It appears that the shooter decided to ignore the silly sign. Only the law-abiding abide.

In the bar/restaurant, possession of firearms is illegal if posted, or by patrons who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs...

PS: Judging by the other signs in the picture, the bowling alley is a fan of masks, hijabs, and Bud Light beer.
Yes, if you take the countries in Europe, and the likes of Australia and New Zealand, you will find all public places and buildings are gun free zones, yet they don't have the horrendous gun killings America enjoys.

So gun free zones is not the problem. And before any gun nut wet fannies start screaming banned guns, just Google other countries gun laws and number of firearms.

So what could be the problem? You don't have to be an Einstein to work that one out.
Yes, if you take the countries in Europe, and the likes of Australia and New Zealand, you will find all public places and buildings are gun free zones, yet they don't have the horrendous gun killings America enjoys.

So gun free zones is not the problem. And before any gun nut wet fannies start screaming banned guns, just Google other countries gun laws and number of firearms.

So what could be the problem? You don't have to be an Einstein to work that one out.

Feel free to move.
Yes, if you take the countries in Europe, and the likes of Australia and New Zealand, you will find all public places and buildings are gun free zones, yet they don't have the horrendous gun killings America enjoys.

So gun free zones is not the problem. And before any gun nut wet fannies start screaming banned guns, just Google other countries gun laws and number of firearms.

So what could be the problem? You don't have to be an Einstein to work that one out.
Australia and New Zealand didn’t have that many mass public shootings before they banned guns and the have the same amount now that they banned guns, with increasing crime against now disarmed citizens…..

I gave the list of public shootings in Australia in another thread…..they have had about one per year….the only reason they get to lie about them is their shooters fail to kill 3 people in the attacks…..not because their gun ban stopped them, simply because they fail to kill 3 people…..injuring rather than killing them…..

And you always fail to address the 15-20 million people murdered in Europe in just 6 years after Europe confiscated guns……

Gun murder in the U.S. over our entire 247 year history….around 2,470,000

Can you tell us how many hundreds of years it will take us to catch up to Europe?

And Americans use their legal guns 1.2 million times a year to save lives from rape, robbery, murder, beatings, stabbings and we even use them to stop mass public shootings….

Without legal guns in private hands those survivors become 1.2 million victims……..

Also, when your terrorist supporting immigrants do another Oct.7 in London…….what will you do to save yourself and your family when the unarmed police are overwhelmed?

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