MASSIVE SHOOTING in MAINE RIGHT NOW and shooter on the lose

We need money for cheap ed and training and infrastructure. At least. Like every other modern country.

We have given the government
Your chart is not Income. SHUP loon. Games on!

Look at the Income Tax chart. The high end pays 37%. Franco is confused on type of wealth gained? But it ain't ordinary income.

Hey dipshit...we have given the governmemt 33 trillion dollars..........more than that actually and they didnt spend it for what you want

What makes you think giving them even more money will get them to spend it on what you want?

Are you really this fucking stupid?

Cut them off, keep the money in the states so you have a tiny bit more control
GOP giveaway to the rich tax rates and loopholes, no money to invest in cheap Ed.and training and infrastructure. Not to mention GOP World Depression of 2008 and stupidest pandemic reaction ever....and stupidest wars ever.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The fucking bloated Federal government collects over $5trillion a year and now is borrowing a couple of trillion a year more and you are bitching about what they are spending it on? LOL!

The Federal government should never be in the business of education. Big waste of money. That is for the state and locals. The filthy ass Democrats will call every bit of welfare give always "infrastructure" like building stupid EV charging stations and free housing to Illegals.

The Federal government should only be spending about $1.5 trillion a year. The only thing they should be doing is Defense, State Department, Border Security, Courts and few other minor functions like a Patent office. Absolutely no welfare, entitlements, grants or subsidies. We need to do away with all these worthless alphabet agencies that don't do anything of value but waste billions and drag down the productive economy.
Several of the Northern States banned slavery within their state lines. Stories of blacks being horsewhipped for small infractions made them sick at their stomachs. I was raised in the south, and watching people mistreat their black brothers and sisters made me disgusted at a very young age, to the point of making my parents fear they would lose their standing in the community. I couldn't be convinced that people could scream epithets and "you're stupid" smears were going to heaven, because in Sunday School, we sang a song that included the line, "red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in God's sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world. In my heart, that little song was true, but I wouldn't betray my family by correcting the adults, mainly because when I did say what I thought, I got punched in the face with a fist until there was blood spatter all over the wall. Staying quiet after that was a lot easier that taking another brutal beating. It took me a lifetime to forgive the parent who did that to me. My only regret is that I hadn't processed the Lord Jesus' forgiving of the people who were killing him after nailing him onto the Cross until a few years after both parents were dead. I should have forgiven the incident on the spot, because I learned a long time ago if we talk the talk, well, we have to walk the walk. In my prayers I always remember my parents for all the good they did, but I also pray for those who were marginalized because of the color of their skin by my family. It also taught me to be extra kind to those who suffered all sorts of abuse on account of their race. I am convinced the Lord loves all of his children the same. I'm surprised that Moses missed that in the Ten Commandments, because his sister had a bad attitude toward his black wife and was stricken with some kind of disease when she verbally mistreated Moses wife. I think this was in the book of Numbers in the Old Testament:

Why did Miriam and Aaron speak against Moses?
  • In Numbers 12, Miriam and Aaron together "speak against" Moses: 1 And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman. 2 And they said, Hath the Lord indeed spoken only by Moses? hath he not spoken also by us? And the Lord heard it. (KJV)
Why did Moses ask Moses to forgive Miriam?
  • His punishment falls first on Miriam who becomes leprous to the point of death, and Aaron begs Moses to forgive them ( Num. 12:10-12 ). The authority of God’s chosen leader must be respected, for to rebel against such a leader is to rebel against God himself. God was uniquely present in Moses’ leadership.
Luke 23:34-46
  • Luke 23:34-46 TPT While they were nailing Jesus to the cross, he prayed over and over, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they’re doing.”
With no history in the Bible, the American Tribal Indians had a saying "Don't judge a man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins."
The American Indians did believe in "the Great Spirit." I believe that God makes his judgments in ways we seem to have forgotten in the heat of arguments in politics for some reason.. /end sermon.
That doesn’t seem to have much to do with my post.
I hope you weren’t inferring that northerners were more sympathetic to negroes back in those days. Because they weren’t.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The fucking bloated Federal government collects over $5trillion a year and now is borrowing a couple of trillion a year more and you are bitching about what they are spending it on? LOL!

The Federal government should never be in the business of education. Big waste of money. That is for the state and locals. The filthy ass Democrats will call every bit of welfare give always "infrastructure" like building stupid EV charging stations and free housing to Illegals.

The Federal government should only be spending about $1.5 trillion a year. The only thing they should be doing is Defense, State Department, Border Security, Courts and few other minor functions like a Patent office. Absolutely no welfare, entitlements, grants or subsidies. We need to do away with all these worthless alphabet agencies that don't do anything of value but waste billions and drag down the productive economy.
Poor houses and potters fields again... I don't think so ignoramuses. We'll do civilization, not even this GD trickle down crap, dupes....
You are confused Moon Bat.

The fucking bloated Federal government collects over $5trillion a year and now is borrowing a couple of trillion a year more and you are bitching about what they are spending it on? LOL!

The Federal government should never be in the business of education. Big waste of money. That is for the state and locals. The filthy ass Democrats will call every bit of welfare give always "infrastructure" like building stupid EV charging stations and free housing to Illegals.

The Federal government should only be spending about $1.5 trillion a year. The only thing they should be doing is Defense, State Department, Border Security, Courts and few other minor functions like a Patent office. Absolutely no welfare, entitlements, grants or subsidies. We need to do away with all these worthless alphabet agencies that don't do anything of value but waste billions and drag down the productive economy.
So continue dumbing down the voters.....the GOP dream. You're functional morons already. Politically of course.

If even remotely true? Your problem is with the IRS. Tax rates on income are published. If Income = $10million, income Tax rate is ~38%.

How could anyone pay 8%? Not possible. If you make Income? Tax law is clear.
Because you have to understand how billionaires get paid. They don't draw a salary like average Joe public, the companies they run compensate the CEO's by illiquid stock or options as opposed to cash.

Just like in the UK, there are income tax levels on wages. But if your wage is zero, the income tax due is also zero.
Americans are uncivilised animals.

When not invading foreign countries, they end up killing each others in mass shooting.

Is there an end for blood thirsty American lust for blood?

America was created by rapists, criminals, thugs, thieves, killers that Europe sent to North America, which mean crimes is part of American culture.

American culture is a violent.
Americans are uncivilised animals.

When not invading foreign countries, they end up killing each others in mass shooting.

Is there an end for blood thirsty American lust for blood?

America was created by rapists, criminals, thugs, thieves, killers that Europe sent to North America, which mean crimes is part of American culture.

American culture is a violent.
The saying goes, "All brawn and no brains"
"The rich" benefit the most from America's success and its military superiority. It is not their children who serve and die to protect and advance the economic advantages of the country. Any nation is a collective effort if it is to exist for any time. Ignoring that fact leads to unintelligent divisions and disaster.
The mass shooter represent America's violent culture and values.
The colonies in America were upset over the British government and wanted to rule themselves, and with France's help, 1776 was born. The brawn has continued, and look at the government the colonies now have! You have to laugh.
Americans are uncivilised animals.

When not invading foreign countries, they end up killing each others in mass shooting.

Is there an end for blood thirsty American lust for blood?

America was created by rapists, criminals, thugs, thieves, killers that Europe sent to North America, which mean crimes is part of American culture.

American culture is a violent.


Ever hear of Imperialism, colonialism, socialism, The 30 Years War, the Holocaust, World War 1, World War 2, the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, ethnic cleansing, ......all European.....

European socialists also murdered between 15-20 million innocent men, women and children between 1939-1945....6 years........over 1 million children.....

Gun murder in the U.S. over our entire 247 year history? Around 2,470,000....over 247 years....

And Americans with guns helped end World War 1 and essentially won World War2 stopping the Eurpeans from murdering the rest of the Jews in Europe as well as all the others the socialists were murdering in their death camps.....

European culture is violent and dumb......because after all of that murder of citizens by their governments, they still allowed their governments to take their guns away from them...

The saying is "Never Forget" ....they forgot....
The mass shooter represent America's violent culture and values.

No, actually he doesn't....

We have over 350 million 2022 there were 12 mass public shooters....

12 people out of over 350 million.....

We have over 600 million guns in private hands, with over 22 million people who can and do legally carry guns in public for self defense......

You don't understand the issue, you have no clue about the reality of our gun need to look and think deeper about these things...
Because you have to understand how billionaires get paid. They don't draw a salary like average Joe public, the companies they run compensate the CEO's by illiquid stock or options as opposed to cash.

Just like in the UK, there are income tax levels on wages. But if your wage is zero, the income tax due is also zero.

To the leftist morons, it doesn't matter how much you pay in taxes....since a Billionaire paying 8% of their income is paying more in actual cash to the government than any other American pays in taxes......their entire life, or several lives............the left only cares that the billionaire has lots and lots of money left over that the leftists don't get to confiscate.

If they care so much about how much lower income people are paying in taxes...they sure don't care enough to lower those taxes on those people......since it is never about how much people keep of the money they earn, it is how much the left can take from everyone to keep them enslaved to the left.
As always, you're so misinformed you're nuts. You dupes hate chinese for sending us covid, hate lazy blacks and browns, over achieving jews etc etc. The spike TRUMP caused DUHHHH.....
You're so busy pushing a leftist radical agenda that you are the poster child for what stands in evidence of being nuts.

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