MASSIVE SHOOTING in MAINE RIGHT NOW and shooter on the lose

As always, you're so misinformed you're nuts. You dupes hate chinese for sending us covid, hate lazy blacks and browns, over achieving jews etc etc. The spike TRUMP caused DUHHHH.....

No, we hate the communists in China who created the chinese flu and let it get out of the lab with their screw up. The democrat party hates Jews, not Republicans, just look at how they support to blacks and hispanics? The democrat party policies have caused the deaths of 10s of thousands of black and hispanic children, the democrat party policies have trapped generations of black and hispanic children in crime and poverty, and yet they continue to vote for the democrat party. We don't hate them, we just want them to stop voting for the racist democrat party.

You left out Asians, the group the democrats really, really hate, because they don't give in to the democrats, and actually succeed well beyond their modest beginnings in this that is why the democrat party ignores when angry black democrats beat them, and when rich white democrats refuse to let Asians attend the best universities......
You are insane. Likely just a dumb troll......

Likely an apologist for the monsters of hamas....
These people hold the very same attributes and corrupted spirits that possessed the one's who were cast down to the earth due to a war that took place in Heaven, and they have great wrath in their intent all because of..

Beware the inhabitants of the earth, beware, for the devil and his angels have been cast down.

It's easy to recognize them by their words and actions.

Depart from their folly, and let the Lord guide you in your continued understanding old men of God.
No, we hate the communists in China who created the chinese flu and let it get out of the lab with their screw up. The democrat party hates Jews, not Republicans, just look at how they support to blacks and hispanics? The democrat party policies have caused the deaths of 10s of thousands of black and hispanic children, the democrat party policies have trapped generations of black and hispanic children in crime and poverty, and yet they continue to vote for the democrat party. We don't hate them, we just want them to stop voting for the racist democrat party.

You left out Asians, the group the democrats really, really hate, because they don't give in to the democrats, and actually succeed well beyond their modest beginnings in this that is why the democrat party ignores when angry black democrats beat them, and when rich white democrats refuse to let Asians attend the best universities......
Excellent post 👌

Ever hear of Imperialism, colonialism, socialism, The 30 Years War, the Holocaust, World War 1, World War 2, the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, ethnic cleansing, ......all European.....

European socialists also murdered between 15-20 million innocent men, women and children between 1939-1945....6 years........over 1 million children.....

Gun murder in the U.S. over our entire 247 year history? Around 2,470,000....over 247 years....

And Americans with guns helped end World War 1 and essentially won World War2 stopping the Eurpeans from murdering the rest of the Jews in Europe as well as all the others the socialists were murdering in their death camps.....

European culture is violent and dumb......because after all of that murder of citizens by their governments, they still allowed their governments to take their guns away from them...

The saying is "Never Forget" ....they forgot....

Americans killed 100 million of the native population.

As for WWII it was the Soviet that defeated the German at a time the Americans helped the nazi.

Colonialism and slavery are horrible and were the job of European elite and politician.
Mass shooting is the average American and not only related to American politician.
Americans killed 100 million of the native population.

As for WWII it was the Soviet that defeated the German at a time the Americans helped the nazi.

Colonialism and slavery are horrible and were the job of European elite and politician.
Mass shooting is the average American and not only related to American politician.
Total bullshit
Americans killed 100 million of the native population.

As for WWII it was the Soviet that defeated the German at a time the Americans helped the nazi.

Colonialism and slavery are horrible and were the job of European elite and politician.
Mass shooting is the average American and not only related to American politician.

No, they didn't, the vast majority of indian deaths happened before our country was created in 1776 as a result of unintentional spread of diseases they did not have an immunity to.....

Mass public shootings in 2022?


12 people out of a population of over 350 million.

Total murdered...?


Cars kill more people....40,000 a year

Ladders kill more people....300 a year

Deer kill 200 people a year.

Mass public shootings are the rarest of rare events in this country.

Knives, clubs and bare hands are used to murder more people every single year than AR-15 rifles...

Do you want to ban knives, clubs and bare hands too?
Since Republicans ended the national assault weapons ban, mass homicides have skyrocketed.

Facts don’t care about your feelings, snowflakes.

That is a dumb ass.............

murder has gone up not because of mass public shootings. Murder has gone up because the democrat party has destroyed the ability of police to arrest violent criminals, and even when caught, democrat party politicians, judges and prosecutors are releasing the most violent criminals over and over again....

Here is the list of mass public documented by anti-gun, left wing, Mother Jones....

The actual number of mass shootings from Mother Jones......

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation





2018... 12

2017: 11 ( 5 according to the old standard)


2015....4 ( obama's new standard....7)

2014....2 (4)












2002 not listed so more than likely 0

















1985... not listed so probably 0


1983...not listed so probably 0


School shootings...

2015....1 (community college)

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

Deer kill 200 people a year.....

Lawn mowers between 90-100 people a year....

Ladders 300 people a year....

bathtubs 350 people a year...

Cars killed over 39,000 people in 2019...

Total number of people killed in mass public shootings by year...


2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2002...not listed by mother jones
1985...(none listed)
1983 (none listed)
Since Republicans ended the national assault weapons ban, mass homicides have skyrocketed.

Facts don’t care about your feelings, snowflakes.

And, dumb ass....actual research shows the rifle ban did nothing....and ending it did not increase anything...

Is there no end to you anti-gun extremists lying about every aspect of the gun debate?

  • The decline in the use of AWs has been due primarily to a reduction in the use of assault pistols (APs), which are used in crime more commonly than assault rifles (ARs). There has not been a clear decline in the use of ARs, though assessments are complicated by the rarity of crimes with these weapons and by substitution of post-ban rifles that are very similar to the banned AR models.

    1. It is Premature to Make Definitive Assessments of the Ban’s Impact on Gun Crime
    2. • Because the ban has not yet reduced the use of LCMs in crime, we cannot clearly credit the ban with any of the nation’s recent drop in gun violence. However, the ban’s exemption of millions of pre-ban AWs and LCMs ensured that the effects

      • Should it be renewed, the ban’s effects on gun violence are likely to be small at best and perhaps too small for reliable measurement. AWs were rarely used in gun crimes even before the ban. LCMs are involved in a more substantial share of gun crimes, but it is not clear how often the outcomes of gun attacks depend on the ability of offenders to fire more than ten shots (the current magazine capacity limit) without reloading.

when one takes into account data from the years 1994 to 2003 — when the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Act was effective.
During this period, the National Institute of Justice, along with University of Pennsylvania criminologist Dan Woods, found that the United States “cannot clearly credit the ban with any of the nation’s recent drop in gun violence … there has been no discernible reduction in the lethality and injuriousness of gun violence.” John Lott of The Wall Street Journal, who mentions the study in his 2013 piece on crime, alludes to a 5.7 per 100,000 murder rate prior to the ban expiring — in conjunction with the fact that the murder rate fell to 4.7 per 100,000, in 2011.
Similarly, a 2018 study from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found zero substantiation that “assault weapons bans” will lower “the incidence of fatal mass shootings.” Most of all, the Bloomberg-funded research “did not find an independent association between assault weapon bans and the incidence of fatal mass shootings after controlling for the effects of bans on large-capacity magazines.”

Biden’s nonsensical position on banning assault weapons
When not invading foreign countries, they end up killing each others in mass shooting.

Is there an end for blood thirsty American lust for blood?

American culture is a violent.
The great majority of violence in this country is in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among Black and Brown druggies, gang bangers and street thugs. It is mostly Black culture that is violent and the Liberals in our country let the sonofabitches get away with it.

The Blacks were the Europeans brought over here as slaves so they could get rich. The Browns the stupid Libtards allowed to come in to increase their voter base.

As far as wars go the US is the new comer in the world for that. The goddamn Europeans, Africans and Asians have been doing to for thousands of years longer.
And Texas and Florida is second....

You would think all "Liberal states" would be at the top of the list, right?

Those are two of the country's most populous states, tard. So is California. Both also have lot of criminal illegal aliens infesting them and huge minority populations as well. See a pattern there, tard?

Want to see another pattern? States with the highest percentages of blacks also have high rates of gun violence.

The states with the highest rates of large-scale gun violence are mostly clustered in the south: Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and South Carolina,...

Got any more examples of your dumbassery to share with us?
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Since Republicans ended the national assault weapons ban, mass homicides have skyrocketed.
You idiot.

That stupid AWB did not do anything. It was a cosmetic ban. There was no change in anything except you couldn't buy a new AR with a bayonet lug or adjustable stock. You still could buy a fully functional AR without a bayonet lug and with a fix stock.

During that ban I bought several brand new AR-15s. Also, there were a millions of grandfathered pre ban firearms available.

There was a ban on new magazines being produced over 10 rounds but since there were millions of grandfathered pre ban magazines available that didn't mean much. The net change was that before the ban you could buy a 30 rd AR Mag for $8 or so but after the ban it would cost you $15. I know because I was buying magazines back then and were very available.

That stupid ban did absolutely nothing to reduce gun crime mainly because what the idiot Libtards call "assault weapons" are very seldom used in crimes. Most gun crimes are with cheap handguns used by Black and Brown druggies, gang bangers and street thugs.
Since Republicans ended the national assault weapons ban, mass homicides have skyrocketed.

Facts don’t care about your feelings, snowflakes.

Hell they had too, I mean look what the violent left has brought to the cities and populations of America. Do you think Americans are so stupid that they can't see the bull shite going on in America, and this being courtesy of the violent leftist who are attempting to eradicate the cultures and lifestyles of the moderate peaceful Americans who just want to be left alone by the extremist in America ???

The pushing of the envelopes is causing a lot of trouble in America, and the convincing of Americans to just go with it is leading to a possible revolt if smarter people don't prevail.

Abandoning God is the first sign of the fall, and we have seen that in these latter day's getting louder and louder.
The great majority of violence in this country is in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among Black and Brown druggies, gang bangers and street thugs. It is mostly Black culture that is violent and the Liberals in our country let the sonofabitches get away with it.

The Blacks were the Europeans brought over here as slaves so they could get rich. The Browns the stupid Libtards allowed to come in to increase their voter base.

As far as wars go the US is the new comer in the world for that. The goddamn Europeans, Africans and Asians have been doing to for thousands of years longer.

The Problem is not Democrat or Republican but the American culture.

The Maine shooter is white as it get.
The Problem is not Democrat or Republican but the American culture.

The Maine shooter is white as it get.
No, you are wrong. The violent crime we have is mostly among the ghetto culture.

The Maine shooter was a White nut case. In a country with 330 million we are going have our share of crazy people. Maine is 98% White and has very low violent crime. One of the safest places to live in the world. Freezing to death in the winter or getting mauled by a bear are far more likely to get you than another human.

The great majority of violence in this country is among Black and Brown criminals and it is a culture of violence and the Democrats let them get away with it.
Link the proof that the bowling alley and bar were gun free zones.

Sorry if this has already been answered...

Picture of the bowling alley entrance with gun-free zone sign...


Sign reads, “We kindly ask that you refrain from bringing firearms in this building and we would appreciate it if you left them in your vehicle. Please keep our atmosphere family-friendly.”

It appears that the shooter decided to ignore the silly sign. Only the law-abiding abide.

In the bar/restaurant, possession of firearms is illegal if posted, or by patrons who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs...

PS: Judging by the other signs in the picture, the bowling alley is a fan of masks, hijabs, and Bud Light beer.
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