MASSIVE SHOOTING in MAINE RIGHT NOW and shooter on the lose

So someone who pay 200 million in taxes isn't paying enough?
Percentage is what counts duhhh
Gun incidents from gun nuts always include -

1) The perpetrator's skin colour

2) The perpetrator's sex/gender

3) The perpetrator's orientation to mental illnesses and prison.

Gun nuts find those priority. Forget the victims, they're indispensable.

I mean, yeah, who a murderer is and why they do what they do has been considered kind of important for oh... several years now. There are entire BOOK and MOVIE genres devoted to the subject. Check them out sometime, some are quite good.
Maybe you will answer the question, since your circle jerk teammate was too pussy to do fact, i will make it even easier...

Why don't you folks demand the GOP to implement racially targeted searches of black people's homes and take their guns?

Since this seems to be a popular solution among right-wingers on this forum...why are yall to pussy to actually try to get this done

Stop listening to the voices in your head.

You forgot about the worst mass shooter. The rightwinger in Las Vegas.

If even remotely true? Your problem is with the IRS. Tax rates on income are published. If Income = $10million, income Tax rate is ~38%.

How could anyone pay 8%? Not possible. If you make Income? Tax law is clear.
The GOP has also supplied plenty of loopholes if you have a bank of tax lawyers, dupe.

If even remotely true? Your problem is with the IRS. Tax rates on income are published. If Income = $10million, income Tax rate is ~38%.

How could anyone pay 8%? Not possible. If you make Income? Tax law is clear.
I've no problem with the IRS DUHHH, it's the GOP that gave us these giveaway to the rich tax rates (Raygun) and loopholes
No is wrong with you dupes? Your love for lying scumbags omg....
Franco, Mr. bigrebnc1775 doesn't lie at all, nor does he love those that do. I've been around this board for almost a dozen years. He's not a dupe either. Why don't you just use facts rather than marginalization of individuals for your case, if you have one. :cranky:
Franco, Mr. bigrebnc1775 doesn't lie at all, nor does he love those that do. I've been around this board for almost a dozen years. He's not a dupe either. Why don't you just use facts rather than marginalization of individuals for your case, if you have one. :cranky:
I never said he lied. I say he is duped by the worst liars in US history. Where is your argument (,dupe)?

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