MASSIVE SHOOTING in MAINE RIGHT NOW and shooter on the lose

Can you tell me what legislation he passed that advanced civil rights and voting rights protection for black folks?

I'll wait

Because I will stand with MLK's opinion of the Conservative movement's opposition to Civil Rights legislation than a moron like yourself

I just listed them.....
Conservatives OPPOSED the Civil Rights movement....

Can you name me a single prominent conservative that risked their life marching down south fighting for Civil Rights?

I'll wait while you keep flailing like a bitch

No...they opposed Federal overreach...

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The conservative ascendency of 1964 saw the nomination of Barry Goldwater, a western libertarian who had never been strongly identified with racial issues one way or the other, but who was a principled critic of the 1964 act and its extension of federal power.

Goldwater had supported the 1957 and 1960 acts but believed that Title II and Title VII of the 1964 bill were unconstitutional, based in part on a 75-page brief from Robert Bork.

But far from extending a welcoming hand to southern segregationists, he named as his running mate a New York representative, William E. Miller, who had been the co-author of Republican civil-rights legislation in the 1950s.

Read more at:

And more....

Barry M. Goldwater: The Most Consequential Loser in American Politics

Goldwater treated all people the same. As a private citizen, he flew mercy missions to Navaho reservations, never asking for recognition or accepting payment. He felt that “the red man seemed as much—if not more—a part of Arizona and America as any white or black person.”[20] Moreover, a few weeks after Goldwater was discharged from the Army in November 1945, Democratic Arizona Governor Sidney Preston Osborn asked him to organize the Arizona Air National Guard. One of Goldwater’s first recommendations, soon approved, was to desegregate the unit. Goldwater’s integration of the state’s Air National Guard took place more than two years before President Harry Truman integrated the U.S. armed forces.

Goldwater was an early member of the Arizona chapters of both the NAACP and the National Urban League, even making up the latter’s operating deficit when it was getting started. Later as a Senator, he desegregated the Senate cafeteria in 1953, demanding that his black legislative assistant, Kathrine Maxwell, be served along with every other Senate employee after learning she had been denied service.

In the mid-1970s, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, investigating improper operations of the intelligence community in the United States, proposed that transcripts of the FBI tapes about Martin Luther King Jr.’s alleged indiscretions be published. An outraged Goldwater declared he would not be a party to destroying King’s reputation and strode out of the committee room. A fellow Senator recalled that Goldwater’s protest “injected some common sense into the proceedings,” and the electronic surveillance transcripts were not released.[21]

That his opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was based on constitutional grounds and not political considerations was underscored in the final week of the fall campaign.

Speaking in Columbia, South Carolina, Goldwater condemned segregation and declared that government must treat “all men as equal in the arena of law and civil order.”[22] He pledged if elected President to implement all provisions of the act. His forthright pro-civil rights speech was televised on 87 stations throughout the South.


As for the Republican nominee's position on the Civil Rights Act, Goldwater had said he would vote for passage if Section II on public accommodations and Section VII on equal employment opportunity were removed. With his view reinforced by a detailed memorandum from Phoenix lawyer and future Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Goldwater felt these sections were unconstitutional, were unenforceable without a federal police force, and would lead to the creation of racial quotas and affirmative action.

"He was absolutely right about [the two sections of the Civil Rights Act] and they did lead to precisely what Goldwater and most conservatives were afraid of," said Tom Winter, then executive editor of Human Events, who would join Ryskind as its co-owner a year later. As for the "extremism in the defense of liberty" speech, Winter recalled watching it from a San Francisco restaurant "and cheering it because it was clearly about freedom and fighting communism. I certainly didn't think it had anything to do with race."

More specifically, Goldwater had problems with title II and title VII of the 1964 bill. He felt that constitutionally the federal government had no legal right to interfere in who people hired, fired; or to whom they sold their products, goods and services. He felt that “power” laid in the various states, and with the people. He was a strong advocate of the tenth amendment. Goldwater’s constitutional stance did not mean he agreed with the segregation and racial discrimination practiced in the South. To the contrary, he fought against these kinds of racial divides in his own state of Arizona. He supported the integration of the Arizona National guard and Phoenix public schools.[4] Goldwater was, also, a member of the NAACP and the Urban League.[5]
His personal feelings about discrimination are enshrined in the congressional record where he states, “I am unalterably opposed to discrimination or segregation on the basis of race, color, or creed or on any other basis; not only my words, but more importantly my actions through years have repeatedly demonstrated the sincerity of my feeling in this regard…”[6]. And, he would continued to holdfast to his strongly felt convictions that constitutionally the federal government was limited in what it could do, believing that the amoral actions of those perpetuating discrimination and segregation would have to be judged by those in that community. Eventually, the states government and local communities would come to pressure people to change their minds. Goldwater’s view was that the civil disobedience by private citizens against those business establishments was more preferable than intervention by the feds. He, optimistically, believed that racial intolerance would soon buckle under the economic and societal pressure.
Aren't background checks a function of gun control?

Also, I recall quite a few conservatives having a hissy fit about guns being taken away from mentally ill fact, one of the first things your cult leader did in office was make it easier for mentally ill people to get guns:

"President Trump signed a measure into law Tuesday that rescinds an Obama-era rule aimed at blocking gun sales to certain mentally ill people. NPR's Jessica Taylor reported, "Republicans argued it infringed upon Second Amendment rights by denying due process." Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, a leading supporter of the rule's repeal, has stated that "if a specific individual is likely to be violent due to the nature of their mental illness, then the government should have to prove it."

What would be the proof besides the dead bodies he left in his wake?
The FBI has its own department that is responsible for background checks... and they are not good at it so it should not be something they do... period...
How many crazy people are they going to allow to buy guns?....
Some white people can't face the raw truth of our history. These frragile punks can recite all day about how Africans willingly sold other Africans, try making blacks the people who made slavery the law in this country, or pretend that blacks owned most or all of the slaves.

But what these fragile right wing snowflakes cannot handle is the fact that the white man was not the superhero that built a nation all by themselves and on the way of doing so they "civilized" Native Americans and Africans into the great wisdom and knowledge of whites.
It has nothing to do with gun control. It has to do with releasing a mentally ill man knowing this could happen. It is progressive fuckery that is killing this country.
Not really not when pondexder is equating gun in Texas equal mass shootings. He did say Texas had a lot of mass shootings with all those guns. Yet California does have more mass shootings with all the gun control that leftists are looking for
Some white people can't face the raw truth of our history. These frragile punks can recite all day about how Africans willingly sold other Africans, try making blacks the people who made slavery the law in this country, or pretend that blacks owned most or all of the slaves.

But what these fragile right wing snowflakes cannot handle is the fact that the white man was not the superhero that built a nation all by themselves and on the way of doing so they "civilized" Native Americans and Africans into the great wisdom and knowledge of whites.
You can't accept the fact blacks sold other blacks for slaves and still do today.
white man was not the superhero that built a nation all by themselves

The Chinese, Irish and Italians helped too. Hope that helps you. But, This is NOW. Not 250 years ago. Quit focusing on the past. What can you contribute today? How can you make your life better? How can you make everyone a better life? What can you contribute? How can you clean up some of the mess in your own backyard?
The Chinese, Irish and Italians helped too. Hope that helps you. But, This is NOW. Not 250 years ago. Quit focusing on the past. What can you contribute today? How can you make your life better? How can you make everyone a better life? What can you contribute? How can you clean up some of the mess in your own backyard?
And here we come with the racist downplaying slavery. And don't try that 250 years ago crap. Italians and Irish were not slaves, and black slaves/"leased convicts" built railroads. Because you guys bring up 200 years ago telling us about the Democratic party, and you celebrate 250 years ago every fourth of July. TODAY, blacks pay taxes and get little back in return. TODAY blacks have trillions off dollars in whiite banks that don't invest in black communities. The past is why we are here now, so face your history and begin working to fix the damage caused by it.

Cleaning up the mess in my backyard includes addressing the root cause of the problem.

So let MLK speak to you right quick.

“It would neither be true or honest to say that the Negros problem is what it is because he is innately inferior or because he is basically lazy and listless or because he has not lifted himself by his own bootstraps. To find the origins of the Negro problem we must turn to the white man’s problem.”-Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
wrong! Read my post again. I was mentioning red flag laws which YOU highlighted so nicely for me in caps. Maine has no red flag laws. You’re referring to a yellow flag law. Red flag laws are more strict.

Now why he wasn’t turned in by the yellow flag laws need to be investigated however it seems to be a much longer process with a long chain of requirements so the paperwork could be sitting on someone’s desk right now. 🙄
When dealing with crazy you need red flag not yellow flag. Faster and one judge making instant decisions.

Yellow flag works better when you get into an argument with your ex, neighbor,former bestie and they decides to lie just to piss you off. When the person reporting you may be questionable in their report yellow flag is probably better.

Card was hearing voices telling him to shoot. I have to even question his release from the mental health facility. That should have immediately made him committed instead of voluntarily. Because of his age it’s probably not schizophrenia, that usually crops up much earlier in life around your teenage years. Voices happening in your 40’s needs intense investigation I would think including a brain scan to see if there’s a tumor. Voices don’t magically go away. Physical and psychological assessments, therapy and finding the right medication take time; more than a couple of weeks. This guy was probably far from well at discharge. SMH

Red flag laws should be unconstitutional because a third party is getting involved, whereas yellow flag laws require two parties to agree that the guns should be removed. Maine obviously chose the less strict law for a reason.
I am not blaming guns.......except for, depending on the gun, they sure make it easier to kill a bunch of people....

I doubt this guy would have much luck murdering as many people as he did if armed with a knife
He could have killed more had he used a bomb or set the building entrances and exits on fire.
Not to start a conspiracy theory but,
The shooter looks more like radicalist Hasan Piker who thinks it's a moral obligation to kill innocents, than it does Robert Card. Just saying... :stir:
They get the shooter yet?
They'll either find him in the river dead by suicide or he escaped up river in a boat. They need to check any cameras in use by riverside resident's in order to see if a boat passed by at the time it would have passed by if it was him.

Check the nearest landing for any clues that he may have docked down river, and get camera footage if available at these landings

Ride the river to see if he may have landed the boat, and then camouflaged it. He may be on foot to a location in the woods that he knew about (hunting or fishing cabin).
Some white people can't face the raw truth of our history. These frragile punks can recite all day about how Africans willingly sold other Africans, try making blacks the people who made slavery the law in this country, or pretend that blacks owned most or all of the slaves.

But what these fragile right wing snowflakes cannot handle is the fact that the white man was not the superhero that built a nation all by themselves and on the way of doing so they "civilized" Native Americans and Africans into the great wisdom and knowledge of whites.
Civilized eh ? 😂
And here we come with the racist downplaying slavery. And don't try that 250 years ago crap. Italians and Irish were not slaves, and black slaves/"leased convicts" built railroads. Because you guys bring up 200 years ago telling us about the Democratic party, and you celebrate 250 years ago every fourth of July. TODAY, blacks pay taxes and get little back in return. TODAY blacks have trillions off dollars in whiite banks that don't invest in black communities. The past is why we are here now, so face your history and begin working to fix the damage caused by it.

Cleaning up the mess in my backyard includes addressing the root cause of the problem.

So let MLK speak to you right quick.

“It would neither be true or honest to say that the Negros problem is what it is because he is innately inferior or because he is basically lazy and listless or because he has not lifted himself by his own bootstraps. To find the origins of the Negro problem we must turn to the white man’s problem.”-Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

He should have simply said the democrat party, white man's problem....since the democrat party is the party that enacted jim crow and fought all Civil Rights for Blacks....
You make it sound as though the feds fought the Civil War for the purpose of freeing the slaves.
Just so they could relegate them to depraved slums in northern cities.
Several of the Northern States banned slavery within their state lines. Stories of blacks being horsewhipped for small infractions made them sick at their stomachs. I was raised in the south, and watching people mistreat their black brothers and sisters made me disgusted at a very young age, to the point of making my parents fear they would lose their standing in the community. I couldn't be convinced that people could scream epithets and "you're stupid" smears were going to heaven, because in Sunday School, we sang a song that included the line, "red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in God's sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world. In my heart, that little song was true, but I wouldn't betray my family by correcting the adults, mainly because when I did say what I thought, I got punched in the face with a fist until there was blood spatter all over the wall. Staying quiet after that was a lot easier that taking another brutal beating. It took me a lifetime to forgive the parent who did that to me. My only regret is that I hadn't processed the Lord Jesus' forgiving of the people who were killing him after nailing him onto the Cross until a few years after both parents were dead. I should have forgiven the incident on the spot, because I learned a long time ago if we talk the talk, well, we have to walk the walk. In my prayers I always remember my parents for all the good they did, but I also pray for those who were marginalized because of the color of their skin by my family. It also taught me to be extra kind to those who suffered all sorts of abuse on account of their race. I am convinced the Lord loves all of his children the same. I'm surprised that Moses missed that in the Ten Commandments, because his sister had a bad attitude toward his black wife and was stricken with some kind of disease when she verbally mistreated Moses wife. I think this was in the book of Numbers in the Old Testament:

Why did Miriam and Aaron speak against Moses?
  • In Numbers 12, Miriam and Aaron together "speak against" Moses: 1 And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman. 2 And they said, Hath the Lord indeed spoken only by Moses? hath he not spoken also by us? And the Lord heard it. (KJV)
Why did Moses ask Moses to forgive Miriam?
  • His punishment falls first on Miriam who becomes leprous to the point of death, and Aaron begs Moses to forgive them ( Num. 12:10-12 ). The authority of God’s chosen leader must be respected, for to rebel against such a leader is to rebel against God himself. God was uniquely present in Moses’ leadership.
Luke 23:34-46
  • Luke 23:34-46 TPT While they were nailing Jesus to the cross, he prayed over and over, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they’re doing.”
With no history in the Bible, the American Tribal Indians had a saying "Don't judge a man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins."
The American Indians did believe in "the Great Spirit." I believe that God makes his judgments in ways we seem to have forgotten in the heat of arguments in politics for some reason.. /end sermon.
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