MASSIVE SHOOTING in MAINE RIGHT NOW and shooter on the lose

If you count ALL taxes, it's a flat tax. And a the only tax graph you need to know....and the demise of the middle class, dunces.
If you count ALL taxes, everyone is paying WAY TOO MUCH. The wealthy pay right around half their income in taxes. That's obscene and absurd.

Now, I would like to see your source that tells you the wealthy and poor pay the same total taxes.
I said the Illinois NATL Guard. It may take years. Where are the shooting? Inner cities. Who is doing 99% of the shootings? Inner city residents. Yes, mostly Black. Mostly with illegal firearms. You got to take away the illegal guns and lock up those with those guns if need be.

Maybe they could have two weeks to turn them in? No questions asked.
Why do you keep avoiding a simple question?

What candidate is going to be the one to implement racially targeted searches of black people's homes?

Trump? Do you think he will be the one to put this in place -- or is this just the fantasies of a pussy on a random message board?
First of all you have many different types of "MASS SHOOTINGS". You have to know what you are going after. You have to honestly define the problems and pareto what to "go after". In the meantime do what? The GOVT won't help? The Police are always late?

What is the answer? It depends on which problem you are going after.
Tax the rich again and invest in America again.... Where am I wrong?
Your pablum puke suggestion is wrong because (as a British Prime Minister once wisely noted), sooner or later you run out of other people’s money. Your rancid rhetoric is premised on a social and economic system that is fundamentally hostile to capitalism.

Just because the “rich” (however you might end up defining that term) already pay taxes. You seek to tax them even more not for economically sound reasons, but as a form of punishment for the sin of having earned more.

Plus, guys like you tend to confuse the taxation of income with the taxation of wealth.

If we had some silly tax system which taxed income earned per year at a flat 10%, then assuming I made $100,000.00 and you earned $50,000.00 my tax would be twice as much as you pay (ie, &10k vs. $5k). What have I done that justifies taxing me even one cent more?

What you socialist oriented numbskulls actually bitch about is that based on many years of income, after taxes, I likely “have” more than you have. So what? How would that justify making me pay a higher rate?

Alternatively, you folks tend to bitch about shit like stock market investments. If I invest a portion of my post tax dollars in the market, the increases (if any) in market value don’t get taxed until they’re sold. Why? Because until that time it isn’t realized income.

Why the fuck should any investor pay taxes on income which has not yet been realized. Our current system is income based. What many of your moron ilk seek is to tax it before it qualifies as “income.” Why are you so hostile to the ability of people to earn a higher amount of money via investing?

I’ll await your well thought out and substantive replies to these questions. 🙄
Why do you keep avoiding a simple question?

What candidate is going to be the one to implement racially targeted searches of black people's homes?

Trump? Do you think he will be the one to put this in place -- or is this just the fantasies of a pussy on a random message board?

DEM cities. DEM mayors. I don't know? DEMS would not work with Trump. The MSM spread 5 years of falsehoods. The Mayor of Chicago would be a good start. It is their problem, not mine.
First of all you have many different types of "MASS SHOOTINGS". You have to know what you are going after. You have to honestly define the problems and pareto what to "go after". In the meantime do what? The GOVT won't help? The Police are always late?

What is the answer? It depends on which problem you are going after.
Maybe you will answer the question, since your circle jerk teammate was too pussy to do fact, i will make it even easier...

Why don't you folks demand the GOP to implement racially targeted searches of black people's homes and take their guns?

Since this seems to be a popular solution among right-wingers on this forum...why are yall to pussy to actually try to get this done
When yall rail about the globalist and wealthy elites? Do yall just be doing it because you don't really want to come out and say "Jews"
No, that's stupid. The Jews don't run the world and they don't control all the wealth. That's just a myth. I keep telling you to get out of your echo chamber.
Because as soon as we talk about raising the top marginal tax rate by 3% -- yall whine like bitches......why do you cape up for those wealthy elite like you do? Do you think they will pat you on the head and call you a good boy?

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You have to have a good reason to raise tax rates, and thus far I've seen none. The vacuous claims that higher rates will result in tons of new revenue to the treasury (and yes, y'all do wax ecstatic that we can just tax the rich and pay off the debt, just for one example) are based on wishful thinking that ignores human reality. What else you got? Until I see a good reason for higher tax rates, the motivation will remain the same, feel good about socking it to a rich guy. Heck, I'd rather he keep the money so he can pay my consulting rates when I fix his company's database problems instead of giving Congress even more to squander.
DEM cities. DEM mayors. I don't know? DEMS would not work with Trump. The MSM spread 5 years of falsehoods. The Mayor of Chicago would be a good start. It is their problem, not mine.
Trump hasn't even said he would do anything like you are fact, no GOP politician is....and all DEM cities are not in DEM states......

Missouri isn't a DEM state..St Louis has a higher crime rate than a why not demand the Governor there put your plan in place?
Maybe you will answer the question, since your circle jerk teammate was too pussy to do fact, i will make it even easier...

Why don't you folks demand the GOP to implement racially targeted searches of black people's homes and take their guns?

Since this seems to be a popular solution among right-wingers on this forum...why are yall to pussy to actually try to get this done

I said the Mayor of Chicago is the one who needs to act as an example of a good start.
Trump hasn't even said he would do anything like you are fact, no GOP politician is....and all DEM cities are not in DEM states......

Missouri isn't a DEM state..St Louis has a higher crime rate than a why not demand the Governor there put your plan in place?

St. Louis and KC have been DEM control forever. The Mayors there could act. The only action they ever take is to realease more and more killers/criminals back onto the streets. The GOV is in the same postion as Trump would be.....not his domain. They don't want help for some reason. See PORTLAND or SEA when Trump tried to help stop rioting. They run to LW courts.
Trump hasn't even said he would do anything like you are fact, no GOP politician is....and all DEM cities are not in DEM states......

Missouri isn't a DEM state..St Louis has a higher crime rate than a why not demand the Governor there put your plan in place?
St. Louis is a democrats controlled city.
Why did he make an ignorant claim? Gee. Maybe he wasn’t always right?
MLK didn't make an ignorant claim....

He was 10000% you know who was nominated the GOP presidential candidate in 64? The guy who is most famous for opposing the Civil Rights/Voting Rights Act....

and since that guy was nominated, the GOP has bled all of the black support it once's almost like policies matter....

And this has what to do with Texas?

Your claim was being an open carry state meant, less gun crimes, especially mass shootings..

Pointing at California doesn't make that go away -- why can't you address Texas?

Texas has less mass public shootings than don't want to address that.
St. Louis and KC have been DEM control forever. The Mayors there could act. The only action they ever take is to realease more and more killers/criminals back onto the streets. The GOV is in the same postion as Trump would be.....not his domain. They don't want help for some reason. See PORTLAND or SEA when Trump tried to help stop rioting. They run to LW courts.
So governors have no power over their states?

Got it
MLK didn't make an ignorant claim....

He was 10000% you know who was nominated the GOP presidential candidate in 64? The guy who is most famous for opposing the Civil Rights/Voting Rights Act....

and since that guy was nominated, the GOP has bled all of the black support it once's almost like policies matter....

View attachment 849475

Goldwater was a Civil Rights hero, you dumb fuck.....MLK sided with the devil and black children have been dying in the 10s of thousands ever since......


Barry M. Goldwater: The Most Consequential Loser in American Politics

Goldwater treated all people the same. As a private citizen, he flew mercy missions to Navaho reservations, never asking for recognition or accepting payment. He felt that “the red man seemed as much—if not more—a part of Arizona and America as any white or black person.”[20] Moreover, a few weeks after Goldwater was discharged from the Army in November 1945, Democratic Arizona Governor Sidney Preston Osborn asked him to organize the Arizona Air National Guard. One of Goldwater’s first recommendations, soon approved, was to desegregate the unit. Goldwater’s integration of the state’s Air National Guard took place more than two years before President Harry Truman integrated the U.S. armed forces.

Goldwater was an early member of the Arizona chapters of both the NAACP and the National Urban League, even making up the latter’s operating deficit when it was getting started. Later as a Senator, he desegregated the Senate cafeteria in 1953, demanding that his black legislative assistant, Kathrine Maxwell, be served along with every other Senate employee after learning she had been denied service.

In the mid-1970s, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, investigating improper operations of the intelligence community in the United States, proposed that transcripts of the FBI tapes about Martin Luther King Jr.’s alleged indiscretions be published. An outraged Goldwater declared he would not be a party to destroying King’s reputation and strode out of the committee room. A fellow Senator recalled that Goldwater’s protest “injected some common sense into the proceedings,” and the electronic surveillance transcripts were not released.[21]

That his opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was based on constitutional grounds and not political considerations was underscored in the final week of the fall campaign.

Speaking in Columbia, South Carolina, Goldwater condemned segregation and declared that government must treat “all men as equal in the arena of law and civil order.”[22] He pledged if elected President to implement all provisions of the act. His forthright pro-civil rights speech was televised on 87 stations throughout the South.


As for the Republican nominee's position on the Civil Rights Act, Goldwater had said he would vote for passage if Section II on public accommodations and Section VII on equal employment opportunity were removed. With his view reinforced by a detailed memorandum from Phoenix lawyer and future Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Goldwater felt these sections were unconstitutional, were unenforceable without a federal police force, and would lead to the creation of racial quotas and affirmative action.

"He was absolutely right about [the two sections of the Civil Rights Act] and they did lead to precisely what Goldwater and most conservatives were afraid of," said Tom Winter, then executive editor of Human Events, who would join Ryskind as its co-owner a year later. As for the "extremism in the defense of liberty" speech, Winter recalled watching it from a San Francisco restaurant "and cheering it because it was clearly about freedom and fighting communism. I certainly didn't think it had anything to do with race."

More specifically, Goldwater had problems with title II and title VII of the 1964 bill. He felt that constitutionally the federal government had no legal right to interfere in who people hired, fired; or to whom they sold their products, goods and services. He felt that “power” laid in the various states, and with the people. He was a strong advocate of the tenth amendment. Goldwater’s constitutional stance did not mean he agreed with the segregation and racial discrimination practiced in the South. To the contrary, he fought against these kinds of racial divides in his own state of Arizona. He supported the integration of the Arizona National guard and Phoenix public schools.[4] Goldwater was, also, a member of the NAACP and the Urban League.[5]
His personal feelings about discrimination are enshrined in the congressional record where he states, “I am unalterably opposed to discrimination or segregation on the basis of race, color, or creed or on any other basis; not only my words, but more importantly my actions through years have repeatedly demonstrated the sincerity of my feeling in this regard…”[6]. And, he would continued to holdfast to his strongly felt convictions that constitutionally the federal government was limited in what it could do, believing that the amoral actions of those perpetuating discrimination and segregation would have to be judged by those in that community. Eventually, the states government and local communities would come to pressure people to change their minds. Goldwater’s view was that the civil disobedience by private citizens against those business establishments was more preferable than intervention by the feds. He, optimistically, believed that racial intolerance would soon buckle under the economic and societal pressure.

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