MASSIVE SHOOTING in MAINE RIGHT NOW and shooter on the lose

What shows that you are far from logic.

No, dumbass. I told you long ago, I am a scientist. I deal in observable facts. God isn't observable. Thus, believing in God is an act of faith.

I believe in things I can touch, see, taste, and smell. Because I can measure those.
No, dumbass. I told you long ago, I am a scientist. I deal in observable facts. God isn't observable. Thus, believing in God is an act of faith.

I believe in things I can touch, see, taste, and smell. Because I can measure those.
no comment
My summary:

18 people had been murdered because the USA has a weapon problem and you will do what you always did do while the problems grew: You will do nothing to change this. Main reason for this standstill is the criminal organisation NRA which blocks since decades young politicians who like to fight this problem.
When we want your advice we will ask for it.

That should be around the time Hell Freezes over.
You say nothing what makes any sense to me. And my experience is that what seems to make not any sense to me often just simple makes also in reality not any sense. But I know on the other side I am a wrong - because nothing exists without sense. It would be good you would be able to tell me what is this sense. Perhaps you still did not find it.

The strange thing is that you and westwall and others seem to be no individual entities. You are all the same mass of people who all say endlessly the same stupid things which follow structurally the rules of an extremist Nazi and/or Sowiet propaganda style = Try to convince - if not possible defame - the next steps are to frighten, to arrest and to kill. Not to forget a separating solidarity made by racism ("we" are ood - all others are evil) and clan liablity.

What you do not speak about are factual issues. It's even in the opposite. You use only marginalia which I on my own use only to make more clear what I say and blow them up to main themes.

I make no sense to you eh ? ROTFLMBO 🤣

Did you actually proof read what you just wrote ?
If there is a God is not knowable. That's why religion is based on faith, not evidence.
The evidence is found within the consequences one receives after doing what the Bible speaks of plainly not to do, otherwise where it is giving us ample warning on such things that are lurking in the shadows.

Makes one always wonder when the lessons will be learned, if ever they will be learned. If not learned, then it will consume us this thing that is called sin, and it will destroy us by robbing us of our happiness, our will, and our peace in which only God can give to us along our journey in this life. He also gives us the strength we need to withstand the attacks of the evil one, even unto our deaths he shall give us peace in knowing we live forever as his children, so fear not man who can take our life in the first death, but fear him who has the keys, and can take our lives in the second death.
More excuses. You don't get to excuse this because there are more of you. There are only a certain number of people who commit this crime and whites are the majority of the participants.

the only black dudes that shot up their surroundings were an army guy in killeen TX, right? & in NY on a subway or bus & that one was years & years ago
Love it
Need to buy that shirt. Other gun is a toaster. We learning grom you wankers.

Maybe we get power start inventing crimes too on you. Give you a taste of your own meds.

wow - that was a drunken filled post if i ever read one. :113:
the only black dudes that shot up their surroundings were an army guy in killeen TX, right? & in NY on a subway or bus & that one was years & years ago

okey dokey .. & when they catch up to the same level as ARs - you let me know.
i'm sure they do... more guns is always the answer.
Pretty much. The more guns that have been added to the country the lower the crime rate has dropped.

Amazing how that works.
i'll bet those are the only kinda holes you ever punched, you phallic deficient incel. :blowpop:


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