Massive Spending Bill Prohibits Using Funds to Improve Border Security


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Congressman Dan Bishop and staff are reading over 4000 pages of this dastardly spending spree.

One find has this nugget. But the Democrats keep denying the border is open even though Biden invited illegals to surge if he were elected.

Congressman Dan Bishop and staff are reading over 4000 pages of this dastardly spending spree.
One find has this nugget. But the Democrats keep denying the border is open even though Biden invited illegals to surge if he were elected.

So basically, the money can be used for speedier processing of illegals at the border into the country and for bussing them all through the country. :smoke:
They seem intent on fast tracking the ruination of our economy.

So if the border is wide open when the economy collapses, what then? Will there even be anyone to check people coming across or will it be a literal open door and not just a figurative one like it is now?
Haven't they put that same language or variations of the same in every Omnibus Bill since Trump was POTUS?

I'd vote against it for that alone....And the 44B to Ukraine boondoggle.

So much to hate, so little time to read and I bet The Turtle is all for it.

I guess we will see if the gop Senate has a pair but I suspect that again we will find them ball-less.
Congressman Dan Bishop and staff are reading over 4000 pages of this dastardly spending spree.

One find has this nugget. But the Democrats keep denying the border is open even though Biden invited illegals to surge if he were elected.

That's pretty screwed up. :(

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