Massive voter fraud uncovered

Assuming that you supported the dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being, how can you possibly use the phrase "Friends turn into enemies"?????

The only possible conclusion is, as is the case with your avi, when speaking of your IQ, it should be written in lower case.
Never mind my IQ chic I didn't vote for the moron Chump that puts me way ahead of about 60 million of you idiots

In post #217 I explained why you are a fool.

Nor did you deny it.


Now, you make the supreme joke comparing, it seems, Obama to Bush.

Obama wishes he had Bushes record instead of his own.

One can only be amazed that your have accomplished the spelling of 'IQ.'
Bush's record is one of getting us into a BS war , taking out saddam was the worst thing a repub moron could do and he and you can hang your hats on the worst recession of your lifetimes Obama brought us back from the edge of a depression

Are you referring to the mortgage meltdown that Democrat policy caused?

Certainly wasn't Bushes fault, as he warned the Democrats numerous times:

"Democrats Were Wrong on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
The White House called for tighter regulation 17 times.

Seventeen. That's how many times, according to this White House statement (hat tip Gateway Pundit), that the Bush administration has called for tighter regulation of the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Much if not all of that could have been prevented by a bill cosponsored by John McCain and supported by all the Republicans and opposed by all the Democrats in the Senate Banking Committee in 2005. That bill, which the Democrats stopped from passing, would have prohibited the GSEs from speculating on the mortgage-based securities they packaged. The GSEs' mission allegedly justifying their quasi-governmental status was to package or securitize such mortgages, but the lion's share of their profits—which determined top executives' bonuses—came from speculation.

Yet Barney Frank and his chums blocked all Bush's attempts to put a rein on Raines. During the House Financial Services Committee hearing following Bush's initiative, Frank declared: "The more people exaggerate a threat of safety and soundness [at Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae], the more people conjure up the possibility of serious financial losses to the Treasury which I do not see. I think we see entities that are fundamentally sound financially." His colleague on the committee, the California Democrat Maxine Walters, said: "There were nearly a dozen hearings where we were trying to fix something that wasn't broke. Mr Chairman, we do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac and particularly at Fannie Mae under the outstanding leadership of Mr Franklin Raines." Bubble Meter: Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd deserve blame for Fannie and Freddie
Yet you did not provide a you tube video of Bush and Republicans complaining about the need for tighter regulations!!! I would say you and your ilk are LIARS.

I would say that you all need to accept the fact that Trump is going to be your president for the next 4 years at least. Wasn't it Hillary Clinton who said "not accepting the election results is a direct assault on our democracy"? :) Yup, I think it was.
I seem to remember him getting sworn in a week ago......can't get more acceptance than that

Why can't President Tinkles accept that he lost the popular vote?

Americans don't count illegal alien votes....hence, Trump won the popular vote.
I would say that you all need to accept the fact that Trump is going to be your president for the next 4 years at least. Wasn't it Hillary Clinton who said "not accepting the election results is a direct assault on our democracy"? :) Yup, I think it was.
I seem to remember him getting sworn in a week ago......can't get more acceptance than that

Why can't President Tinkles accept that he lost the popular vote?

Americans don't count illegal alien votes....hence, Trump won the popular vote.

Have I ever told you how the moon landing is fake?
I would say that you all need to accept the fact that Trump is going to be your president for the next 4 years at least. Wasn't it Hillary Clinton who said "not accepting the election results is a direct assault on our democracy"? :) Yup, I think it was.
I seem to remember him getting sworn in a week ago......can't get more acceptance than that

Why can't President Tinkles accept that he lost the popular vote?

Americans don't count illegal alien votes....hence, Trump won the popular vote.
Konservatives don't count LEGAL votes for Democrats but ILLEGAL aliens that vote for Republicans ARE counted. And Trump still lost the popular vote.
I would say that you all need to accept the fact that Trump is going to be your president for the next 4 years at least. Wasn't it Hillary Clinton who said "not accepting the election results is a direct assault on our democracy"? :) Yup, I think it was.
I seem to remember him getting sworn in a week ago......can't get more acceptance than that

Why can't President Tinkles accept that he lost the popular vote?

Americans don't count illegal alien votes....hence, Trump won the popular vote.
Konservatives don't count LEGAL votes for Democrats but ILLEGAL aliens that vote for Republicans ARE counted. And Trump still lost the popular vote.

Evidence?....beside the evidence you've provided that you are our best source of Greenhouse gases.

Oh...and that popular vote thing?


Now....first the reading comprehension part of the test:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

From the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

I would say that you all need to accept the fact that Trump is going to be your president for the next 4 years at least. Wasn't it Hillary Clinton who said "not accepting the election results is a direct assault on our democracy"? :) Yup, I think it was.
I seem to remember him getting sworn in a week ago......can't get more acceptance than that

Why can't President Tinkles accept that he lost the popular vote?

Americans don't count illegal alien votes....hence, Trump won the popular vote.
Konservatives don't count LEGAL votes for Democrats but ILLEGAL aliens that vote for Republicans ARE counted. And Trump still lost the popular vote.

Gee....the quiz scared you off????

Why is that?

Your non-response is good enough.
Puts the lie to the claim that Bill's wife won without illegal alien votes, huh?
I would say that you all need to accept the fact that Trump is going to be your president for the next 4 years at least. Wasn't it Hillary Clinton who said "not accepting the election results is a direct assault on our democracy"? :) Yup, I think it was.
I seem to remember him getting sworn in a week ago......can't get more acceptance than that

Why can't President Tinkles accept that he lost the popular vote?

Americans don't count illegal alien votes....hence, Trump won the popular vote.
Konservatives don't count LEGAL votes for Democrats but ILLEGAL aliens that vote for Republicans ARE counted. And Trump still lost the popular vote.

Gee....the quiz scared you off????

Why is that?

Your non-response is good enough.
Puts the lie to the claim that Bill's wife won without illegal alien votes, huh?
Calm down, toots! Don't get hysterical. Someone put Kryptonite powder in your Kool-Aid but it will pass.
I would say that you all need to accept the fact that Trump is going to be your president for the next 4 years at least. Wasn't it Hillary Clinton who said "not accepting the election results is a direct assault on our democracy"? :) Yup, I think it was.
I seem to remember him getting sworn in a week ago......can't get more acceptance than that

Why can't President Tinkles accept that he lost the popular vote?

Americans don't count illegal alien votes....hence, Trump won the popular vote.
Konservatives don't count LEGAL votes for Democrats but ILLEGAL aliens that vote for Republicans ARE counted. And Trump still lost the popular vote.

Gee....the quiz scared you off????

Why is that?

Your non-response is good enough.
Puts the lie to the claim that Bill's wife won without illegal alien votes, huh?
Calm down, toots! Don't get hysterical. Someone put Kryptonite powder in your Kool-Aid but it will pass.

Now....first the reading comprehension part of the test:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

From the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

I would say that you all need to accept the fact that Trump is going to be your president for the next 4 years at least. Wasn't it Hillary Clinton who said "not accepting the election results is a direct assault on our democracy"? :) Yup, I think it was.
I seem to remember him getting sworn in a week ago......can't get more acceptance than that

Why can't President Tinkles accept that he lost the popular vote?

Americans don't count illegal alien votes....hence, Trump won the popular vote.
Konservatives don't count LEGAL votes for Democrats but ILLEGAL aliens that vote for Republicans ARE counted. And Trump still lost the popular vote.

Gee....the quiz scared you off????

Why is that?

Your non-response is good enough.
Puts the lie to the claim that Bill's wife won without illegal alien votes, huh?
Calm down, toots! Don't get hysterical. Someone put Kryptonite powder in your Kool-Aid but it will pass.

Still no response?

The apparatchiks are so well trained that actual thinking is fearful to them.
I seem to remember him getting sworn in a week ago......can't get more acceptance than that

Why can't President Tinkles accept that he lost the popular vote?

Americans don't count illegal alien votes....hence, Trump won the popular vote.
Konservatives don't count LEGAL votes for Democrats but ILLEGAL aliens that vote for Republicans ARE counted. And Trump still lost the popular vote.

Gee....the quiz scared you off????

Why is that?

Your non-response is good enough.
Puts the lie to the claim that Bill's wife won without illegal alien votes, huh?
Calm down, toots! Don't get hysterical. Someone put Kryptonite powder in your Kool-Aid but it will pass.

Still no response?

The apparatchiks are so well trained that actual thinking is fearful to them.
I seem to remember him getting sworn in a week ago......can't get more acceptance than that

Why can't President Tinkles accept that he lost the popular vote?

Americans don't count illegal alien votes....hence, Trump won the popular vote.
Konservatives don't count LEGAL votes for Democrats but ILLEGAL aliens that vote for Republicans ARE counted. And Trump still lost the popular vote.

Gee....the quiz scared you off????

Why is that?

Your non-response is good enough.
Puts the lie to the claim that Bill's wife won without illegal alien votes, huh?
Calm down, toots! Don't get hysterical. Someone put Kryptonite powder in your Kool-Aid but it will pass.

Still no response?

The apparatchiks are so well trained that actual thinking is fearful to them.
Upergal copy.jpg
Americans don't count illegal alien votes....hence, Trump won the popular vote.
Konservatives don't count LEGAL votes for Democrats but ILLEGAL aliens that vote for Republicans ARE counted. And Trump still lost the popular vote.

Gee....the quiz scared you off????

Why is that?

Your non-response is good enough.
Puts the lie to the claim that Bill's wife won without illegal alien votes, huh?
Calm down, toots! Don't get hysterical. Someone put Kryptonite powder in your Kool-Aid but it will pass.

Still no response?

The apparatchiks are so well trained that actual thinking is fearful to them.
Americans don't count illegal alien votes....hence, Trump won the popular vote.
Konservatives don't count LEGAL votes for Democrats but ILLEGAL aliens that vote for Republicans ARE counted. And Trump still lost the popular vote.

Gee....the quiz scared you off????

Why is that?

Your non-response is good enough.
Puts the lie to the claim that Bill's wife won without illegal alien votes, huh?
Calm down, toots! Don't get hysterical. Someone put Kryptonite powder in your Kool-Aid but it will pass.

Still no response?

The apparatchiks are so well trained that actual thinking is fearful to them.
View attachment 109414

So....we can consider it settled?

Millions of illegal aliens answered the call that Obama put out when he told them to vote.

Now...aren't you sorry you brought the subject up?
Konservatives don't count LEGAL votes for Democrats but ILLEGAL aliens that vote for Republicans ARE counted. And Trump still lost the popular vote.

Gee....the quiz scared you off????

Why is that?

Your non-response is good enough.
Puts the lie to the claim that Bill's wife won without illegal alien votes, huh?
Calm down, toots! Don't get hysterical. Someone put Kryptonite powder in your Kool-Aid but it will pass.

Still no response?

The apparatchiks are so well trained that actual thinking is fearful to them.
Konservatives don't count LEGAL votes for Democrats but ILLEGAL aliens that vote for Republicans ARE counted. And Trump still lost the popular vote.

Gee....the quiz scared you off????

Why is that?

Your non-response is good enough.
Puts the lie to the claim that Bill's wife won without illegal alien votes, huh?
Calm down, toots! Don't get hysterical. Someone put Kryptonite powder in your Kool-Aid but it will pass.

Still no response?

The apparatchiks are so well trained that actual thinking is fearful to them.
View attachment 109414

So....we can consider it settled?

Millions of illegal aliens answered the call that Obama put out when he told them to vote.

Now...aren't you sorry you brought the subject up?
The only thing settled is the assumptions we had about your sanity. Now we KNOW you are a super nutcase! Certifiably so.

I am still waiting for you to post something of substance...something so titillating that it will leave no doubt that massive voter fraud ever occurred. My experience has been that when Republicans accuse the Democrats of doing something nefarious, it is THEY who are doing that very thing.. Besides registering to vote and voting is two different things. A federal crime occurs when one votes illegally or fraudulently in a national election, not because they registered but have no record of voting.

And I do not trust Republicans anymore than you do Democrats. you RW Konservative cummie(sp) populists could create your own self fulfilling scenario by planting evidence of voter fraud and then screaming loudly when you uncover the planted evidence.

Who would know????
Gee....the quiz scared you off????

Why is that?

Your non-response is good enough.
Puts the lie to the claim that Bill's wife won without illegal alien votes, huh?
Calm down, toots! Don't get hysterical. Someone put Kryptonite powder in your Kool-Aid but it will pass.

Still no response?

The apparatchiks are so well trained that actual thinking is fearful to them.
Gee....the quiz scared you off????

Why is that?

Your non-response is good enough.
Puts the lie to the claim that Bill's wife won without illegal alien votes, huh?
Calm down, toots! Don't get hysterical. Someone put Kryptonite powder in your Kool-Aid but it will pass.

Still no response?

The apparatchiks are so well trained that actual thinking is fearful to them.
View attachment 109414

So....we can consider it settled?

Millions of illegal aliens answered the call that Obama put out when he told them to vote.

Now...aren't you sorry you brought the subject up?
The only thing settled is the assumptions we had about your sanity. Now we KNOW you are a super nutcase! Certifiably so.

I am still waiting for you to post something of substance...something so titillating that it will leave no doubt that massive voter fraud ever occurred. My experience has been that when Republicans accuse the Democrats of doing something nefarious, it is THEY who are doing that very thing.. Besides registering to vote and voting is two different things. A federal crime occurs when one votes illegally or fraudulently in a national election, not because they registered but have no record of voting.

And I do not trust Republicans anymore than you do Democrats. you RW Konservative cummie(sp) populists could create your own self fulfilling scenario by planting evidence of voter fraud and then screaming loudly when you uncover the planted evidence.

Who would know????

"Besides registering to vote and voting is two different things." admit that illegals are registered to vote
Good start!


"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

From the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

Afraid to answer?????

Don't worry...Obama's gone, so you won't have to fend off all the cries of 'racist' if you disagree with the orthodoxy.

Soooooo,,,what do you surmise....oh, surmise means suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it.
Gee....the quiz scared you off????

Why is that?

Your non-response is good enough.
Puts the lie to the claim that Bill's wife won without illegal alien votes, huh?
Calm down, toots! Don't get hysterical. Someone put Kryptonite powder in your Kool-Aid but it will pass.

Still no response?

The apparatchiks are so well trained that actual thinking is fearful to them.
Gee....the quiz scared you off????

Why is that?

Your non-response is good enough.
Puts the lie to the claim that Bill's wife won without illegal alien votes, huh?
Calm down, toots! Don't get hysterical. Someone put Kryptonite powder in your Kool-Aid but it will pass.

Still no response?

The apparatchiks are so well trained that actual thinking is fearful to them.
View attachment 109414

So....we can consider it settled?

Millions of illegal aliens answered the call that Obama put out when he told them to vote.

Now...aren't you sorry you brought the subject up?
The only thing settled is the assumptions we had about your sanity. Now we KNOW you are a super nutcase! Certifiably so.

I am still waiting for you to post something of substance...something so titillating that it will leave no doubt that massive voter fraud ever occurred. My experience has been that when Republicans accuse the Democrats of doing something nefarious, it is THEY who are doing that very thing.. Besides registering to vote and voting is two different things. A federal crime occurs when one votes illegally or fraudulently in a national election, not because they registered but have no record of voting.

And I do not trust Republicans anymore than you do Democrats. you RW Konservative cummie(sp) populists could create your own self fulfilling scenario by planting evidence of voter fraud and then screaming loudly when you uncover the planted evidence.

Who would know????

Ah, so being registered to vote and actually voting are two different things! That's what people have been saying all along, I believe. :) Lol. If you don't trust republicans or whomever, then you should be PRO voter identification. That is one way to ensure that people are in fact voting legally.
What Trump Tweeted this morning...

Trump on Tuesday said : "I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and.... even, those registered to vote who are dead (and many for a long time). Depending on results, we will strengthen up voting procedures!"
Get over yourself!
Fraud could have swung the election to Trump.......coming from Trump's lead advisor

Column: Does Stephen Bannon live in Sarasota County? Because he's registered to vote here

Anyway, this is where Bannon lives, or is supposed to live, still, according to the Sarasota County Supervisor of Elections office. It's the address listed on his voter registration form, effective Aug. 25.

There is only problem: Bannon is also registered to vote in New York City, listing a home address on West 40th Street, and according to a spokesman for the New York State Board of Elections, he voted there in November by absentee ballot.

That means he voted in New York while still registered in Sarasota County, where he did not vote. His voting status in both places remains active, records show

Imagine if it was some poor Mexican who was found to be registered in two states


14 "winners" for this ^^^^^^^ garbage? Looks like Soros has sent his ratbots into USMB to even things up.
Calm down, toots! Don't get hysterical. Someone put Kryptonite powder in your Kool-Aid but it will pass.

Still no response?

The apparatchiks are so well trained that actual thinking is fearful to them.
Calm down, toots! Don't get hysterical. Someone put Kryptonite powder in your Kool-Aid but it will pass.

Still no response?

The apparatchiks are so well trained that actual thinking is fearful to them.
View attachment 109414

So....we can consider it settled?

Millions of illegal aliens answered the call that Obama put out when he told them to vote.

Now...aren't you sorry you brought the subject up?
The only thing settled is the assumptions we had about your sanity. Now we KNOW you are a super nutcase! Certifiably so.

I am still waiting for you to post something of substance...something so titillating that it will leave no doubt that massive voter fraud ever occurred. My experience has been that when Republicans accuse the Democrats of doing something nefarious, it is THEY who are doing that very thing.. Besides registering to vote and voting is two different things. A federal crime occurs when one votes illegally or fraudulently in a national election, not because they registered but have no record of voting.

And I do not trust Republicans anymore than you do Democrats. you RW Konservative cummie(sp) populists could create your own self fulfilling scenario by planting evidence of voter fraud and then screaming loudly when you uncover the planted evidence.

Who would know????

"Besides registering to vote and voting is two different things." admit that illegals are registered to vote
Good start!

I am admitting nothing. I am just commenting on your wild unfounded premise.

YOU said:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

From the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

Afraid to answer?????

Don't worry...Obama's gone, so you won't have to fend off all the cries of 'racist' if you disagree with the orthodoxy.

Soooooo,,,what do you surmise....oh, surmise means suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it.

You are good at jumping to conclusions, aren't you!

I welcome Trump's investigation if it is done on a bipartisan basis...let the chips fall where they may.
Calm down, toots! Don't get hysterical. Someone put Kryptonite powder in your Kool-Aid but it will pass.

Still no response?

The apparatchiks are so well trained that actual thinking is fearful to them.
Calm down, toots! Don't get hysterical. Someone put Kryptonite powder in your Kool-Aid but it will pass.

Still no response?

The apparatchiks are so well trained that actual thinking is fearful to them.
View attachment 109414

So....we can consider it settled?

Millions of illegal aliens answered the call that Obama put out when he told them to vote.

Now...aren't you sorry you brought the subject up?
The only thing settled is the assumptions we had about your sanity. Now we KNOW you are a super nutcase! Certifiably so.

I am still waiting for you to post something of substance...something so titillating that it will leave no doubt that massive voter fraud ever occurred. My experience has been that when Republicans accuse the Democrats of doing something nefarious, it is THEY who are doing that very thing.. Besides registering to vote and voting is two different things. A federal crime occurs when one votes illegally or fraudulently in a national election, not because they registered but have no record of voting.

And I do not trust Republicans anymore than you do Democrats. you RW Konservative cummie(sp) populists could create your own self fulfilling scenario by planting evidence of voter fraud and then screaming loudly when you uncover the planted evidence.

Who would know????

Ah, so being registered to vote and actually voting are two different things! That's what people have been saying all along, I believe. :) Lol. If you don't trust republicans or whomever, then you should be PRO voter identification. That is one way to ensure that people are in fact voting legally.

I do support voter ID. I don;t support the Cross Check program that purges legal legitimate voters off the rolls because thousands of them might share the same name. If the SSN and addresses are all different then don't mess with those people's rights. And no matter how many states a person is registered to vote in, due to moving, unless there is overt proof that they voted in both states, leave their rights intact and let that vote count.
Still no response?

The apparatchiks are so well trained that actual thinking is fearful to them.
Still no response?

The apparatchiks are so well trained that actual thinking is fearful to them.
View attachment 109414

So....we can consider it settled?

Millions of illegal aliens answered the call that Obama put out when he told them to vote.

Now...aren't you sorry you brought the subject up?
The only thing settled is the assumptions we had about your sanity. Now we KNOW you are a super nutcase! Certifiably so.

I am still waiting for you to post something of substance...something so titillating that it will leave no doubt that massive voter fraud ever occurred. My experience has been that when Republicans accuse the Democrats of doing something nefarious, it is THEY who are doing that very thing.. Besides registering to vote and voting is two different things. A federal crime occurs when one votes illegally or fraudulently in a national election, not because they registered but have no record of voting.

And I do not trust Republicans anymore than you do Democrats. you RW Konservative cummie(sp) populists could create your own self fulfilling scenario by planting evidence of voter fraud and then screaming loudly when you uncover the planted evidence.

Who would know????

"Besides registering to vote and voting is two different things." admit that illegals are registered to vote
Good start!

I am admitting nothing. I am just commenting on your wild unfounded premise.

YOU said:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

From the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

Afraid to answer?????

Don't worry...Obama's gone, so you won't have to fend off all the cries of 'racist' if you disagree with the orthodoxy.

Soooooo,,,what do you surmise....oh, surmise means suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it.

You are good at jumping to conclusions, aren't you!

I welcome Trump's investigation if it is done on a bipartisan basis...let the chips fall where they may.

Clearly you don't have the courage of your convictions, but are simply parroting what the Left's elites tell you to.

Why else would you decline responding to this?

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

From the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

Afraid to answer?????

Don't worry...Obama's gone, so you won't have to fend off all the cries of 'racist' if you disagree with the orthodoxy.

Soooooo,,,what do you surmise....oh, surmise means suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it.

BTW....I have gotten the very same fear of the truth from every Leftist Janissary to whom I have posed the query.

So....we can consider it settled?

Millions of illegal aliens answered the call that Obama put out when he told them to vote.

Now...aren't you sorry you brought the subject up?
The only thing settled is the assumptions we had about your sanity. Now we KNOW you are a super nutcase! Certifiably so.

I am still waiting for you to post something of substance...something so titillating that it will leave no doubt that massive voter fraud ever occurred. My experience has been that when Republicans accuse the Democrats of doing something nefarious, it is THEY who are doing that very thing.. Besides registering to vote and voting is two different things. A federal crime occurs when one votes illegally or fraudulently in a national election, not because they registered but have no record of voting.

And I do not trust Republicans anymore than you do Democrats. you RW Konservative cummie(sp) populists could create your own self fulfilling scenario by planting evidence of voter fraud and then screaming loudly when you uncover the planted evidence.

Who would know????

"Besides registering to vote and voting is two different things." admit that illegals are registered to vote
Good start!

I am admitting nothing. I am just commenting on your wild unfounded premise.

YOU said:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

From the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

Afraid to answer?????

Don't worry...Obama's gone, so you won't have to fend off all the cries of 'racist' if you disagree with the orthodoxy.

Soooooo,,,what do you surmise....oh, surmise means suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it.

You are good at jumping to conclusions, aren't you!

I welcome Trump's investigation if it is done on a bipartisan basis...let the chips fall where they may.

Clearly you don't have the courage of your convictions, but are simply parroting what the Left's elites tell you to.

Why else would you decline responding to this?

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

From the LATimes:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

Afraid to answer?????

Don't worry...Obama's gone, so you won't have to fend off all the cries of 'racist' if you disagree with the orthodoxy.

Soooooo,,,what do you surmise....oh, surmise means suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it.

BTW....I have gotten the very same fear of the truth from every Leftist Janissary to whom I have posed the query.

CLAIM: California passed a law to allow undocumented immigrants to vote.



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