Masters of the Universe


Gold Member
May 23, 2012
Looks like obama's pick for U.S. trade rep. will attend the upcoming Bilderberg conference this week. He's a good candidate to have to help transition in the transpacific partnership (Nafta on steroids) that will be signed into law with little or no public scrutiny in the USA. I know that their toady conservative allies on this board will be fighting the good fight, continuously blaming the poor, food stamps, minorities, unions, public workers, teachers etc. for all the ills of society while fighting to make sure the uber wealthy and large corporations pay as few taxes as possible.

Conspiracy? Hardly. It's happening now, but fox, cnn, msnbc and the rest of the conservative news sources choose to not give it coverage.

Will Bilderberg Summon Obama?s New Trade Representative To The Table? | ExplosiveReports.Com

Bilderberg 2013: welcome to 1984 | World news |
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It's amazing how little scrutiny these people are under. Every year they meet to shape the direction the world will move and nobody cares.

Sad thing is, both people on the left and right could agree that this is not a good thing, yet they're too busy disliking each other (over meaningless, fabricated BS) to collaborate and move forward. Divide and conquer.

It's amazing how little scrutiny these people are under. Every year they meet to shape the direction the world will move and nobody cares.

Sad thing is, both people on the left and right could agree that this is not a good thing, yet they're too busy disliking each other (over meaningless, fabricated BS) to collaborate and move forward. Divide and conquer.


Yup. Ain't that some shit
The OP seems to be fond of the Strawman Argument, but then, aren't all leftys? Also, CNN, and MSNBC are NOT conservative news sources by any stretch of the imagination.

THIS conservative cares about this and so do many many others.

Thanks for bringing this to everyones attention but you fail at hammering the right with it.
Bilderberg doesn't exist. Rich people gathering together to plan things? Who would believe that sh*t?

You all are Crazy Conspiracy Theorists!

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