Matt Gaetz Says Biden Impeachment A ‘Platform’ To Tarnish President Before 2024

Oh so you just want Trump haters on it. I hope you get the same treatment someday.
So you think that anyone who is not a Trump supporter can't make an unbiased decision?

Look in the mirror honey and see why being MAGAT is the sole disqualifying factor.

just like BOTH of Trumps impeachments.

Pelosi, et all, knew there was no way they were going to remove Trump from office in the first one, and he was all but out of office for the second.

Both were just for show, and to tarnish the Trump name.
That is true. They had no evidence nor did they allow any exculpatory or mitigating witnesses/evidence. They completely threw due process out the door and conducted a kangaroo court in both Trump impeachments as well as in the J6 committee process. There was no intent to convict because they knew they had nothing to convict with. The purpose was to destroy a political opponent highly dangerous to their anti-American agenda.

Above all they wanted to avoid the embarrassment of Schiff's unethical Russiagate hearing in which, on national TV, the GOP got every single one of his witnesses to admit they did not hear, see, or know of anything illegal that Donald Trump did.

A Biden impeachment would be different in that the GOP will have real documents and unimpeachable witnesses to use and I am confident will use due process by allowing Biden to present his side/defense. Something the Democrats did not do in either impeachment or on the J6 committee.

Evenso, I have mixed emotions about the GOP impeaching Biden even though they apparently have sufficient valid evidence to justify that. Already impeachment has become commonplace and is seen as a political gimmick instead of the truly serious and last resort necessary process to remove a corrupt official from office.

And in a Biden impeachment his apologists won't talk about anything other than a malicious, vengeful GOP, the MSM probably won't cover the proceedings but will inundate the public with carefully edited sound bites that make Biden look not so bad and make the GOP look terrible.

The public will likely be no better informed than they are now.

Far better to keep hammering away on inflation, a sluggish economy, dwindling wealth among the citizens, destructive policies, an open border with policies that are flooding the USA with millions upon millions of illegals far too many of which are very bad actors. That is far more likely to get their intention than yet another ho hum impeachment.
Potatohead's disastrous record is enough tarnish for anybody to come to the conclusion he ain't worth shit.

However, nothing wrong with a little piling on to expose his corruption with a good old fashion impeachment.
So you think that anyone who is not a Trump supporter can't make an unbiased decision?

Look in the mirror honey and see why being MAGAT is the sole disqualifying factor.
No I see it on here everyday. I've never seen someone hate one man like you loons do, and I hope one day you will get the same jury. As you want for Trump.
WASHINGTON ― Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) this week described impeaching President Joe Biden as less an opportunity to remove Biden from office than a performance for the American people.

Gaetz said that even if the House impeaches Biden, there’s little chance the Democratic-controlled Senate would convict and remove the president from office.

“The purpose of that impeachment, from my standpoint, is not to force a vote that loses ― it’s to put on a trial in the Senate, and by the way, not for the sake of conviction,” Gaetz said during a live audio interview on Twitter.

“The purpose of the impeachment to me is to use the Senate as the stage, but they’re not the jury. The jury is the American people,” Gaetz continued. “And if we had the Senate as the stage and the platform for James Comer to put on his evidence and advance this impeachment, it will not result in a conviction, but the true verdict can still be rendered by the American people.”

In other words, a Biden impeachment would be less about Congress fulfilling its constitutional duty than ensuring Biden loses the next election because Gaetz assumes the evidence wouldn’t convince Senate Democrats to vote to convict. (Bipartisan Senate guilty votes are not impossible to achieve; seven Senate Republicans joined Democrats in voting to convict Donald Trump for the 2021 insurrection.)

House Oversight Committee chair James Comer (R-Ky.) has overseen Republicans’ investigation into the Biden family and has sought to connect the president to his son Hunter Biden’s income from foreign nationals. So far, witness testimony and bank records haven’t established such a connection.

More at the link below...

In other words - Republicans want to unfairly taint President Biden before the 2024 election like they did to Hillary Clinton with Benghazi and emails right before the 2016 election. It will all be based on lies, rumors and conspiracy theories. What do you think?

Sounds good to me. I mean, at least he’s honest about it. Dems impeached trump twice and said it was about “the law”…and they apparently still say that…
Shame on Republicans!

No I see it on here everyday. I've never seen someone hate one man like you loons do, and I hope one day you will get the same jury. As you want for Trump.
You think this place is a reflection of the real world?


There ya are folks.

A prince of MAGADUMIA
You think this place is a reflection of the real world?


There ya are folks.

A prince of MAGADUMIA
Hell simp you aren't a representation of a human being
You think this place is a reflection of the real world?


There ya are folks.

A prince of MAGADUMIA
Lol, I've seen it everywhere for the past 7 years.

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