Matt Gaetz says he'd rather have a slim majority & abortion banned nationwide than have a big majority with abortion still legal

Usually when people are not fighting honestly, they think their opponents are doing the same thing.

I don't expect you to admit Republicans dishonesty about the election being rigged.

And you're too stupid to see now that Republicans used a lot of Trump's tactics to steal 2000. And Roger Stone was involved in both riots. He is a close Trump ally and he coordinated with the Proud Boys. What is that called? Culpable deniability? So Trump didn't meet with Proud Boys, the guy he pardoned did.

And don't you find that interesting Roger Stone was involved in the 2000 riot that stopped the recount in Florida? Shady as fuck and you know it. Then they tried to stop Biden's certification with a 2020 riot? Coincidence? Fuck you.

So I don't expect Republicans to play fair because I know they rig elections. The last one wasn't close enough for them to rig. The Supreme Court, if it's closer in the future, will help whoever the Republican is, cheat and steal another election.

And the corporate media will say nothing. You brainwashed Americans are so dumb. You don't realize you swallow propoganda too just like Russians who like Putin. Right wing Americans are nazi's I tell ya.

All the recounts showed Bush won Florida.

Are you still angry because a Russian meme on Facebook got you to vote for Trump?
All the recounts showed Bush won Florida.

Are you still angry because a Russian meme on Facebook got you to vote for Trump?
Yes that is the official line when 2000 is brought up but it's bullshit. Look deeper you see much shadiness.

If you see it in 2020 how can you NOT see it in 2000? That's what baffles me about you guys.

The Brooks Brother riot (led by Roger Stone) to stop the recount
Hanging chads
Katherine Harris
Jeb Bush
Maddam Butterfly (former Republican turned Democrat just in time to run the Florida election)
Diebold hacked as fuck voting machines

You'd see it if it was Trump who got fucked this badly.
Yes that is the official line when 2000 is brought up but it's bullshit. Look deeper you see much shadiness.

If you see it in 2020 how can you NOT see it in 2000? That's what baffles me about you guys.

The Brooks Brother riot (led by Roger Stone) to stop the recount
Hanging chads
Katherine Harris
Jeb Bush
Maddam Butterfly (former Republican turned Democrat just in time to run the Florida election)
Diebold hacked as fuck voting machines

You'd see it if it was Trump who got fucked this badly.

The Brooks Brother riot (led by Roger Stone) to stop the recount

That was awful!
We should never stop the dems when they're changing ballots after the election.
And yet, all the recounts showed Bush won.
Yes that is the official line when 2000 is brought up but it's bullshit. Look deeper you see much shadiness.

If you see it in 2020 how can you NOT see it in 2000? That's what baffles me about you guys.

The Brooks Brother riot (led by Roger Stone) to stop the recount
Hanging chads
Katherine Harris
Jeb Bush
Maddam Butterfly (former Republican turned Democrat just in time to run the Florida election)
Diebold hacked as fuck voting machines

You'd see it if it was Trump who got fucked this badly.
We must find balances in everything. The real truth is that state have been infected with Progs and their views. So, Washington State and Oregon are Prog by corruption. So, New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada are pushed in varying degrees the same. A dozen Northeast States are Zombiezed with people who are not commies voting for it by union benefits.
Anyone willing to pay for an abortion should be aborted.
As an Observant Jew I am not happy about a society that rejoices in Abortion Freedom, but Jews do not have the same Black & White view of the individual issues a pregnant woman is facing.
The Brooks Brother riot (led by Roger Stone) to stop the recount

That was awful!
We should never stop the dems when they're changing ballots after the election.
And yet, all the recounts showed Bush won.
That's your bias right wing spin you fucking traitor. Or ignorant pig.
We must find balances in everything. The real truth is that state have been infected with Progs and their views. So, Washington State and Oregon are Prog by corruption. So, New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada are pushed in varying degrees the same. A dozen Northeast States are Zombiezed with people who are not commies voting for it by union benefits.
Imagine that. The politicians doing what the majority of citizens want, not the good old boys network/minority.

Reminds me of South Africa. Today the South African government doesn't represent just the small white powerful class. It has to represent the poor people and blacks too now. Not just serve the whites.

Or in our case, our Supreme Court serving a fringe group that helps win elections. Whites, religious people and what they want, when most people want diversity and a secular government. Thanks for the midterm gift.
Detroit News, USA Today. They always endorse the GOP. One time they didn't. Trump. That's how bad he was.
Funny, not a single liberal who supports abortion had a mom who had one.

Their moms chose life. Maybe their moms should have aborted them.

I think about this all the time. Kinda cheating to promote abortion from this side, but the left are sick fucks.
Funny, not a single liberal who supports abortion had a mom who had one.

Their moms chose life. Maybe their moms should have aborted them.
Many women are only going to have 2 kids. 1 in 4 will get an abortion in their lives. Usually when they are younger and can't afford kids. So a lot of us should thank god for abortion. Because without it, we wouldn't have been born. My mom got her tubes tied after she had me. Her second kid. If she got an abortion before my brother was born, I'm glad.
I think about this all the time. Kinda cheating to promote abortion from this side, but the left are sick fucks.
You want us to worry about a human who was never born? How about you worry about yours and I'll worry about mine?

I can't wait for PROP 3 in November. Let's see how many Michiganders are pro choice. I'm going to put the over under at 70%. I'll take the over.
Republicans’ newly-introduced national abortion ban would put doctors in prison for up to 5 years, force women to undergo extremely invasive transvaginal ultrasounds, and keep in place statewide bans that force rape victims to give birth.

Vote accordingly!

And yet Republicans continue to deny their end game is a full out ban on abortion both at the state and federal level.

The Fox News host suggested the Democratic Party is a "child sacrifice cult" because its donors care about abortion.

And yet Republicans continue to deny their end game is a full out ban on abortion both at the state and federal level.

The Fox News host suggested the Democratic Party is a "child sacrifice cult" because its donors care about abortion.

For years they denied that their goal was to overturn Roe.

Do NOT believe these people
Republicans’ newly-introduced national abortion ban would put doctors in prison for up to 5 years, force women to undergo extremely invasive transvaginal ultrasounds, and keep in place statewide bans that force rape victims to give birth.

Vote accordingly!

Gaetz is another one like Cawthorn and MTG who is unfit for public office.

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