Matt Gaetz says he'd rather have a slim majority & abortion banned nationwide than have a big majority with abortion still legal

OK, I have finally figured it out. Those losers, that got drugged into the bathroom for swirlies in High School. You know, the dudes that were such pricks that they were constantly harassed and made fun of. The ones voted "most likely to be a loser", the ones who couldn't get a date to the prom so they wrote tear jerking letters to some pop singer in a desperate effort to appear to be "cool". I know what happened to them. They either became Republican legislators, or they started a right wing pod cast. I mean it is comical, that fourteen minutes was an exercise in watching losers slobber over each other.

I guess by your logic, all of the high school dumbasses became liberals. I can see you did!
Yes that is the official line when 2000 is brought up but it's bullshit. Look deeper you see much shadiness.

If you see it in 2020 how can you NOT see it in 2000? That's what baffles me about you guys.

The Brooks Brother riot (led by Roger Stone) to stop the recount
Hanging chads
Katherine Harris
Jeb Bush
Maddam Butterfly (former Republican turned Democrat just in time to run the Florida election)
Diebold hacked as fuck voting machines

You'd see it if it was Trump who got fucked this badly.

There were manual recounts of the "hanging chads". Did you forget those?
It is wrong to kill children as a birth control method.

A moral issue these Moon Bats are incapable of understanding.
There were manual recounts of the "hanging chads". Did you forget those?
Oh just stop. Bush and Co cheated many different ways. Hanging chads, tossed out votes, butterfly ballots, hacked diebold voting machines, a woman who was a Republican turned Democrat 4 years before 2000 and they put her in charge of the FL elections?

And ultimately, they stopped the recount. Roger Stone had a great idea. Start a riot that would stop the recount and have the right leaning Supreme's give it to Bush. Sound familiar? The new Supremes couldn't help Trump because he lost so badly, it would have been obvious. If the next election is closer, and I'm sure it will be, they'll help I'm sure.

And interesting. Fast forward 20 years and Roger Stone is involved in another riot to stop our election process. He should be hung.
Republicans’ newly-introduced national abortion ban would put doctors in prison for up to 5 years, force women to undergo extremely invasive transvaginal ultrasounds, and keep in place statewide bans that force rape victims to give birth.

Vote accordingly!

Dear dumbass abortion was not made illegal.
Suddenly all life isn't precious? It has to be an American fetus?
Herpaderp. Fucking liar.

They all claim “asylum” and pretend to be “refugees,” but the claim is insane on its face. It’s just an exploit of a broken system.

Mexico is not war torn. They often come from far south of Mexico. Actual refugees should stop at the first safe harbor.

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