Matt Lauer Gets Hammered For Being The One To Finally Ask Hillary The Tough Questions

He was right on Putin and Russia. Putin/Russia can be a great ally. Trump just said he could work with him. And let's face it, it can't be any worse than Obama and Clinton's stupid 'Reset Button' fail. Trump did well. Lauer did a classic Liberal Media hack hit-job on him. But Trump still came out on top. Good on em.

I actually find it amusing about right wingers level of hypocrisy about their bitching on the thawing of relations between us and Cuba or Iran.....while clamoring with better friendly relations with Russia.

I find it amusing that y'all jumped for joy boasting about Hitlery's 'Reset Button' shite. But now you're hating on Trump for merely saying he'll attempt to work with Putin and Russia. He said Putin/Russia can be a great ally. He's gonna clean up your awful mess. Y'all should be thanking the man.
Lauer was brave enough to finally ask Hillary the tough questions regarding Hillary's email scandal that the 'All-In' media have refused to ask...and immediately after Liberals launched a barrage of attacks against Lauer, using the standard 'Liberal 101' accusations:
- 'Unfair'
- 'Sexist'
- 'Waaaaa!'

God bless Lauer for having the integrity and courage to ask Hillary about the #1 scandal that is in the news every day and that is dogging her campaign, even when the other media refuses to do so!

Matt Lauer Fields Storm of Criticism Over Clinton-Trump Forum

"Charged with overseeing a live prime-time forum with Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton — widely seen as a dry run of sorts for the coming presidential debates — Mr. Lauer found himself besieged on Wednesday evening by critics of all political stripes, who accused the anchor of unfairness, sloppiness and even sexism in his handling of the event."

Isn't it clear by now that the email scandal has done all the damage it can do? What voter is not at least partially aware of it? The Dems should be applauding Lauer for acting tough by asking about something that will not do any damage.

I beg to disagree with you, Buck...I think you're being rather naive if you don't think there are things in the 33,000 deleted emails that would be politically damaging to Hillary. We've got some 60 days until the election. If someone like Julian Assange does have hacked emails from Hillary's server then it's a question of when he thinks he'll get the biggest bang for his buck when they're released. I'd guess the timing would be several weeks before the election.

I am onboard with the idea that there could be somethings that will come out that have a crippling effect, but so far they effect has been minimal. Lauer asked about the emails already released, and my point is that those effects are already played out.

Assange doesn't seem to know when to release them to get the biggest bang. Recall he released the emails that got Schultz booted on Sunday before the convention, and they weren't even a topic by the time Hellary accepted on Thursday. Imagine the effect had that dump been made on Wednesday before Slick Willie and Chelsea spoke. All the momentum of the convention would have been sucked out of the room while the Bernsters boiled. Hopefully his timing will improve. I'd like to see a bomb dropped the morning of the first debate, and then watch that witch stand up and answer questions with little time to create a spun story.

I disagree...his timing on the first drop was about perfect. Let's be honest here, Buck...that convention was rocked by the Assange release. Debbie Wasserman Schultz went from being one of the most powerful Democrats in the country to being out in a matter of days. Other high level DNC leaders went with her. Bernie Sanders was about to tell his people to get in line and support Clinton. Next thing you know he can't control them and they are booing people off the stage. It drove a wedge between Clinton and the far left of the Party and she's been forced to veer even further to the left to attempt to win them back...something she didn't want to have to do. At a time when that convention was supposed to be a nonstop attack on Donald Trump, it was derailed by the Assange email drop.

You're right, it did some damage, but again, it was over by Wednesday. They left the convention with momentum. Had he dropped it on Wednesday it would have the typical 24 hour news cycle and they would have closed the convention in shambles. I watched the convention, and I don't recall it even being mentioned after Tuesday by even Fox. Hindsight is 20/20, and I contend Wednesday would have been much worse for the Dems. Sunday before the convention it got all sorts of coverage; Weekends are the worst time to get a bang. If you have bad news you have to get out do it on the weekend when more folks are not watching the news. 24 hour news cycle!

I'm going to once again disagree with you, Buck for the following reason. If Assange had waited until Wednesday...I don't think the DNC dumps Debbie Wasserman Schultz at all...or the other high level members of the DNC. I think Wasserman Schultz gavels the convention into order, presides over the opening and then rides out the email leaks after the convention by making herself as small a target as possible from the Bernie supporters. Doing the dump at the start of the convention put the Clinton camp in a real bind...if their minions in the DNC leadership don't go...then there would have been riots in the convention hall. You can't put Wasserman Schultz on that stage. You can't have those other leaders anywhere around that hall.
Lauer was brave enough to finally ask Hillary the tough questions regarding Hillary's email scandal that the 'All-In' media have refused to ask...and immediately after Liberals launched a barrage of attacks against Lauer, using the standard 'Liberal 101' accusations:
- 'Unfair'
- 'Sexist'
- 'Waaaaa!'

God bless Lauer for having the integrity and courage to ask Hillary about the #1 scandal that is in the news every day and that is dogging her campaign, even when the other media refuses to do so!

Matt Lauer Fields Storm of Criticism Over Clinton-Trump Forum

"Charged with overseeing a live prime-time forum with Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton — widely seen as a dry run of sorts for the coming presidential debates — Mr. Lauer found himself besieged on Wednesday evening by critics of all political stripes, who accused the anchor of unfairness, sloppiness and even sexism in his handling of the event."

Isn't it clear by now that the email scandal has done all the damage it can do? What voter is not at least partially aware of it? The Dems should be applauding Lauer for acting tough by asking about something that will not do any damage.

I beg to disagree with you, Buck...I think you're being rather naive if you don't think there are things in the 33,000 deleted emails that would be politically damaging to Hillary. We've got some 60 days until the election. If someone like Julian Assange does have hacked emails from Hillary's server then it's a question of when he thinks he'll get the biggest bang for his buck when they're released. I'd guess the timing would be several weeks before the election.

I am onboard with the idea that there could be somethings that will come out that have a crippling effect, but so far they effect has been minimal. Lauer asked about the emails already released, and my point is that those effects are already played out.

Assange doesn't seem to know when to release them to get the biggest bang. Recall he released the emails that got Schultz booted on Sunday before the convention, and they weren't even a topic by the time Hellary accepted on Thursday. Imagine the effect had that dump been made on Wednesday before Slick Willie and Chelsea spoke. All the momentum of the convention would have been sucked out of the room while the Bernsters boiled. Hopefully his timing will improve. I'd like to see a bomb dropped the morning of the first debate, and then watch that witch stand up and answer questions with little time to create a spun story.

I disagree...his timing on the first drop was about perfect. Let's be honest here, Buck...that convention was rocked by the Assange release. Debbie Wasserman Schultz went from being one of the most powerful Democrats in the country to being out in a matter of days. Other high level DNC leaders went with her. Bernie Sanders was about to tell his people to get in line and support Clinton. Next thing you know he can't control them and they are booing people off the stage. It drove a wedge between Clinton and the far left of the Party and she's been forced to veer even further to the left to attempt to win them back...something she didn't want to have to do. At a time when that convention was supposed to be a nonstop attack on Donald Trump, it was derailed by the Assange email drop.

You're right, it did some damage, but again, it was over by Wednesday. They left the convention with momentum. Had he dropped it on Wednesday it would have the typical 24 hour news cycle and they would have closed the convention in shambles. I watched the convention, and I don't recall it even being mentioned after Tuesday by even Fox. Hindsight is 20/20, and I contend Wednesday would have been much worse for the Dems. Sunday before the convention it got all sorts of coverage; Weekends are the worst time to get a bang. If you have bad news you have to get out do it on the weekend when more folks are not watching the news. 24 hour news cycle!
well dude, the media kept it silent. who'd have thunk that from a liberal biased media covering liberals. wow! It wouldn't have made it to the air on Wednesday. It wouldn't have. plain and simple. I supposed you don't fall for the libturd media bias shit.
He was right on Putin and Russia. Putin/Russia can be a great ally. Trump just said he could work with him. And let's face it, it can't be any worse than Obama and Clinton's stupid 'Reset Button' fail. Trump did well. Lauer did a classic Liberal Media hack hit-job on him. But Trump still came out on top. Good on em.

I actually find it amusing about right wingers level of hypocrisy about their bitching on the thawing of relations between us and Cuba or Iran.....while clamoring with better friendly relations with Russia.
the wall came down, why are you so against that?

Hopefully Trump can clean up Obama, Kerry, and Clinton's awful foreign policy disasters. A new 'Cold War' is completely unnecessary. Russia doesn't want it. Like Trump said, we can be allies working together on things like eliminating ISIS. I like what he said.
Someone who understands economics might have hastened the recovery...just saying!

So the republican led congress ALSO has no understanding of economics???

When did Obama ever listen to the GOP led Congress? When he first took office he was President "Elections Have Consequences...I Won!" Obama...when the GOP took control of the House in 2010 he became President "I Have a Phone and a Pen" Obama! Paul Ryan has more understanding of economics in one of his pinkies than the entire Obama Administration.
When did Obama ever listen to the GOP led Congress? When he first took office he was President "Elections Have Consequences...I Won!" Obama...when the GOP took control of the House in 2010 he became President "I Have a Phone and a Pen" Obama! Paul Ryan has more understanding of economics in one of his pinkies than the entire Obama Administration.

Please list ALL of the economic and job bills proposed by Ryan and REJECTED by Obama.....

We'll wait for your erudite response.....LOL
Isn't it clear by now that the email scandal has done all the damage it can do? What voter is not at least partially aware of it? The Dems should be applauding Lauer for acting tough by asking about something that will not do any damage.

I beg to disagree with you, Buck...I think you're being rather naive if you don't think there are things in the 33,000 deleted emails that would be politically damaging to Hillary. We've got some 60 days until the election. If someone like Julian Assange does have hacked emails from Hillary's server then it's a question of when he thinks he'll get the biggest bang for his buck when they're released. I'd guess the timing would be several weeks before the election.

I am onboard with the idea that there could be somethings that will come out that have a crippling effect, but so far they effect has been minimal. Lauer asked about the emails already released, and my point is that those effects are already played out.

Assange doesn't seem to know when to release them to get the biggest bang. Recall he released the emails that got Schultz booted on Sunday before the convention, and they weren't even a topic by the time Hellary accepted on Thursday. Imagine the effect had that dump been made on Wednesday before Slick Willie and Chelsea spoke. All the momentum of the convention would have been sucked out of the room while the Bernsters boiled. Hopefully his timing will improve. I'd like to see a bomb dropped the morning of the first debate, and then watch that witch stand up and answer questions with little time to create a spun story.

I disagree...his timing on the first drop was about perfect. Let's be honest here, Buck...that convention was rocked by the Assange release. Debbie Wasserman Schultz went from being one of the most powerful Democrats in the country to being out in a matter of days. Other high level DNC leaders went with her. Bernie Sanders was about to tell his people to get in line and support Clinton. Next thing you know he can't control them and they are booing people off the stage. It drove a wedge between Clinton and the far left of the Party and she's been forced to veer even further to the left to attempt to win them back...something she didn't want to have to do. At a time when that convention was supposed to be a nonstop attack on Donald Trump, it was derailed by the Assange email drop.

You're right, it did some damage, but again, it was over by Wednesday. They left the convention with momentum. Had he dropped it on Wednesday it would have the typical 24 hour news cycle and they would have closed the convention in shambles. I watched the convention, and I don't recall it even being mentioned after Tuesday by even Fox. Hindsight is 20/20, and I contend Wednesday would have been much worse for the Dems. Sunday before the convention it got all sorts of coverage; Weekends are the worst time to get a bang. If you have bad news you have to get out do it on the weekend when more folks are not watching the news. 24 hour news cycle!
well dude, the media kept it silent. who'd have thunk that from a liberal biased media covering liberals. wow! It wouldn't have made it to the air on Wednesday. It wouldn't have. plain and simple. I supposed you don't fall for the libturd media bias shit.

That is absurd, they didn't ignore it on Sunday, CNN, FOX, MSNBC were all reporting it. But it played out before Wednesday, and all the news channels moved on. It was old news and when you compete for ratings you can't report old news.
Let's be real, Hitlery did so poorly, Democrat Wingnuts are now viciously attacking one of their own. Matt Lauer, a Liberal Democrat himself, basically threw her softballs. Yet she still performed very badly.

I just read a hilarious article in the NY Times, where the Hillary Fluffer was so outraged over Lauer asking her just a few 'tough' questions. I guess he didn't see the Trump part. Lauer was on the attack bigtime with Trump. Much more so than he was with Hitlery. It has been fun watching Dem Wingnuts freaking out over her bad performance. Let's hope it continues. :)
I beg to disagree with you, Buck...I think you're being rather naive if you don't think there are things in the 33,000 deleted emails that would be politically damaging to Hillary. We've got some 60 days until the election. If someone like Julian Assange does have hacked emails from Hillary's server then it's a question of when he thinks he'll get the biggest bang for his buck when they're released. I'd guess the timing would be several weeks before the election.

I am onboard with the idea that there could be somethings that will come out that have a crippling effect, but so far they effect has been minimal. Lauer asked about the emails already released, and my point is that those effects are already played out.

Assange doesn't seem to know when to release them to get the biggest bang. Recall he released the emails that got Schultz booted on Sunday before the convention, and they weren't even a topic by the time Hellary accepted on Thursday. Imagine the effect had that dump been made on Wednesday before Slick Willie and Chelsea spoke. All the momentum of the convention would have been sucked out of the room while the Bernsters boiled. Hopefully his timing will improve. I'd like to see a bomb dropped the morning of the first debate, and then watch that witch stand up and answer questions with little time to create a spun story.

I disagree...his timing on the first drop was about perfect. Let's be honest here, Buck...that convention was rocked by the Assange release. Debbie Wasserman Schultz went from being one of the most powerful Democrats in the country to being out in a matter of days. Other high level DNC leaders went with her. Bernie Sanders was about to tell his people to get in line and support Clinton. Next thing you know he can't control them and they are booing people off the stage. It drove a wedge between Clinton and the far left of the Party and she's been forced to veer even further to the left to attempt to win them back...something she didn't want to have to do. At a time when that convention was supposed to be a nonstop attack on Donald Trump, it was derailed by the Assange email drop.

You're right, it did some damage, but again, it was over by Wednesday. They left the convention with momentum. Had he dropped it on Wednesday it would have the typical 24 hour news cycle and they would have closed the convention in shambles. I watched the convention, and I don't recall it even being mentioned after Tuesday by even Fox. Hindsight is 20/20, and I contend Wednesday would have been much worse for the Dems. Sunday before the convention it got all sorts of coverage; Weekends are the worst time to get a bang. If you have bad news you have to get out do it on the weekend when more folks are not watching the news. 24 hour news cycle!
well dude, the media kept it silent. who'd have thunk that from a liberal biased media covering liberals. wow! It wouldn't have made it to the air on Wednesday. It wouldn't have. plain and simple. I supposed you don't fall for the libturd media bias shit.

That is absurd, they didn't ignore it on Sunday, CNN, FOX, MSNBC were all reporting it. But it played out before Wednesday, and all the news channels moved on. It was old news and when you compete for ratings you can't report old news.
When did Obama ever listen to the GOP led Congress? When he first took office he was President "Elections Have Consequences...I Won!" Obama...when the GOP took control of the House in 2010 he became President "I Have a Phone and a Pen" Obama! Paul Ryan has more understanding of economics in one of his pinkies than the entire Obama Administration.

Please list ALL of the economic and job bills proposed by Ryan and REJECTED by Obama.....

The Keystone pipeline?

We'll wait for your erudite response.....LOL
Paul Ryan is pissed, and the second it looks like HRC will win, any GOP $$$ is going to senators and reps. All of it
Paul Ryan is pissed, and the second it looks like HRC will win, any GOP $$$ is going to senators and reps. All of it

Ah, Ryan's a pussy. He's exactly what's wrong with the Republican Party. Time to boot all the milquetoast RINO pussies.
I am onboard with the idea that there could be somethings that will come out that have a crippling effect, but so far they effect has been minimal. Lauer asked about the emails already released, and my point is that those effects are already played out.

Assange doesn't seem to know when to release them to get the biggest bang. Recall he released the emails that got Schultz booted on Sunday before the convention, and they weren't even a topic by the time Hellary accepted on Thursday. Imagine the effect had that dump been made on Wednesday before Slick Willie and Chelsea spoke. All the momentum of the convention would have been sucked out of the room while the Bernsters boiled. Hopefully his timing will improve. I'd like to see a bomb dropped the morning of the first debate, and then watch that witch stand up and answer questions with little time to create a spun story.

I disagree...his timing on the first drop was about perfect. Let's be honest here, Buck...that convention was rocked by the Assange release. Debbie Wasserman Schultz went from being one of the most powerful Democrats in the country to being out in a matter of days. Other high level DNC leaders went with her. Bernie Sanders was about to tell his people to get in line and support Clinton. Next thing you know he can't control them and they are booing people off the stage. It drove a wedge between Clinton and the far left of the Party and she's been forced to veer even further to the left to attempt to win them back...something she didn't want to have to do. At a time when that convention was supposed to be a nonstop attack on Donald Trump, it was derailed by the Assange email drop.

You're right, it did some damage, but again, it was over by Wednesday. They left the convention with momentum. Had he dropped it on Wednesday it would have the typical 24 hour news cycle and they would have closed the convention in shambles. I watched the convention, and I don't recall it even being mentioned after Tuesday by even Fox. Hindsight is 20/20, and I contend Wednesday would have been much worse for the Dems. Sunday before the convention it got all sorts of coverage; Weekends are the worst time to get a bang. If you have bad news you have to get out do it on the weekend when more folks are not watching the news. 24 hour news cycle!
well dude, the media kept it silent. who'd have thunk that from a liberal biased media covering liberals. wow! It wouldn't have made it to the air on Wednesday. It wouldn't have. plain and simple. I supposed you don't fall for the libturd media bias shit.

That is absurd, they didn't ignore it on Sunday, CNN, FOX, MSNBC were all reporting it. But it played out before Wednesday, and all the news channels moved on. It was old news and when you compete for ratings you can't report old news.
When did Obama ever listen to the GOP led Congress? When he first took office he was President "Elections Have Consequences...I Won!" Obama...when the GOP took control of the House in 2010 he became President "I Have a Phone and a Pen" Obama! Paul Ryan has more understanding of economics in one of his pinkies than the entire Obama Administration.

Please list ALL of the economic and job bills proposed by Ryan and REJECTED by Obama.....

The Keystone pipeline?

We'll wait for your erudite response.....LOL

True..Obama rejected a money-making and job creation bill FOR CANADIANS..Oh, the nerve.....LOL
That's not an answer. He's 'worthy' most likely because he has no chance of winning. It's Clinton or Trump, nobody else.
For the likes of you (you are much like easyt, except quieter), that answer is acceptable.
Actually I'm noting like easyt and it's dishonest of you to say I am. I would never invite the likes of him to my party only to ridicule him while he took it over. That's you.
You are very much like him. You use the same tactics. You are unethical that way, so is easy, so is Hillary, so is Little Hand Donnie.
president Donnie to you.
Not yet and probably not. Beeing odds are still 75 to 25 and HRC is climbing again the favorability column. Check RealClearPolitics.

Not that you have anything to do with it.
I'm voting for the most qualified candidate. You're voting for someone who is completely unvetted and doesn't even know what Aleppo is and then when asked about what to do with refugees (which was the real question) he couldn't even answer that, had nothing to say on the subject at all even when it's explained to him like he's a 3rd grader.

So, what you are doing is voting for someone who can't win, hasn't done anything to demonstrate he's remotely qualified while doing absolutely nothing to strategically vote against someone who should never, ever see the White House. Your vote is the very definition of waste.

If Kasich, Jeb Bush hell even if Cruz were the GOP nominee and the Dems pulled a full retard and nominated Trump there is no way I'd go 3rd party, I'd vote for the Republican.
So you think. You are voting as a homer not a thinker.

I think I'm voting to ensure Trump doesn't win. That right now is my number one concern. If Trump wins and you complain about it, I hope the entire board goes down your throat because you'll have deserved it. You lost your party, if Trump wins you never get it back.

In general I'm tired of Democrats having to clean up after Republicans, mostly because Democrats aren't nearly as good as house cleaning as Republicans are at starting fires. You lost your party, the GOP couldn't fix Trump and now it's up to Democrats to take care of the problem. As a country we can't afford the risk and you who pretends to be a common sense moderate Republican has decided to sit it out, fuck it, why should Republicans like you care what happens now? I mean, after all as a party the GOP has been pandering to the very worst for decades, moderate Republicans should own up to their own past acceptance of the nutjobs now running your party.

Democrats "clean up" after Republicans? Since when? I'm from Massachusetts, Happy and we have a long history of electing Republican Governors periodically even though it's about as Democratic a State as there is in the country. Why? Because they gave us balanced budgets and reined in things like out of control government. Democrats equate balanced budgets with conservatism and they HATE them because they don't allow the spending on entitlements that they so dearly love.

The Great Depression and Great Recession.

With all due respect, Happy...Democrats oversaw the two worst recoveries from recessions in the nation's history...did they "clean up" a mess or did they "prolong" a mess with liberal policy? Barack Obama will leave office as the first President ever to have eight years of sub 2% economic growth. That's hardly "cleaning up" things. It's failing to fix things. And please don't give me that tired excuse of it taking time to fix...if you can't get it done in eight years then you had no business being in charge in the first place.

Well, thanks to a Congress who can't get shit passed, regardless who has the most seats due to filibustering. The point is, it's the Democrats who oversaw the recovery of the worst financial disasters this country has faced and they were both caused by Republicans. Also, the United States has fared much better in our recovery than other countries have.

Look at Russia as an example, their economy is still in the toilet, regardless of how 'strong' a leader Putin is.
Look at Russia as an example, their economy is still in the toilet, regardless of how 'strong' a leader Putin is.

Indeed, there must have a been a shortage of shirts in Russia and Putin, as the strong leader that he is, went shirtless to show his solidarity.
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Look at Russia as an example, their economy is still in the toilet, regardless of how 'strong' a leader Putin is.

Indeed, there must have a been a shortage of shirts in Russia and Putin,as the strong leader tat he is, went shirtless to show his solidarity.

Shortage of shirts but at least they have an abundance of Russian taxis.


I think more than a shirt Putin needs a bra, bouncing up and down on that horse has got to hurt.
The so-called 'criticisms' of Lauer by the 'media' is just laughably fake false flagging, trying to spin her pathetic dissembling and lying into 'look how she handled the heat!!' garbage. Anybody who falls for it should do the right thing and burn their voter registration cards.
I actually thought he sucked up to Hitlery bigtime. He was much more aggressive and hostile to Trump. But Trump handled it well. He was the Boss again.

To trump followers yes. In reality all he did was insult ( trade mark ) people and kiss Putin ass. And zero answer to ISIS. Very weak.

That's your opinion. But Lauer definitely treated Clinton differently. He was a lapdog with her, but an attack dog with Trump. Anyone with common sense and integrity saw that. But Trump did just fine anyway.

Typical Trump followers. In reality all he did was insult ( trade mark) generals, kiss Putin ass and unprepared.
We love it every time he mentioned Putin because that pissed off a lot of Americans. Did you see the reactions of the GOPs after trump praising dictator Putin?

Republicans duck Trump questions - CNN Video

He was right on Putin and Russia. Putin/Russia can be a great ally. Trump just said he could work with him. And let's face it, it can't be any worse than Obama and Clinton's stupid 'Reset Button' fail. Trump did well. Lauer did a classic Liberal Media hack hit-job on him. But Trump still came out on top. Good on em.

I'm not sure how can call that on top when his surrogates are so busy defending Trump non sense policy?
But that's very nice of him admiring a dictator.
US and Russia can never be a close ally because of world interest and security. It's the only country that has the power to kill millions of Americans in one push of a button. Think about that.

Syria & Crimea to name a few. Putin neighbors like Poland are so nervous from invasion that is why they are turning to US. Hillary will make sure that is not going to happen. But Trump pussy will just hand them to Putin.
We can just see Trump withdrawing support from Syrian rebels, withdraw troops in Turkey, Ukraine etc.
That is very weak. I can just see Putin and Jinping hi fiving.
That is why Trump should not be our president. He is unfit to become the commander in chief.

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