Trump wants to scrap the debate moderators--LOL It's rigged he says.

I see the Drumpf minions are already laying down excuses for his failure.
Yep. They are getting more and more bizarre. It's as if their posts are scripted by a National Enquirer writer.
Well here's Mr. Tough guy that is now whining about the debates and is suggesting that there are no moderators asking the questions--LOL

And Trump should be afraid.
1. He won't have 16 other GOP candidates that he can insult to divert attention.
2. There won't be any screaming Trump fans there.
3. The moderators will be asking him very specific questions that he'll have to answer. (He won't be able to go into his typical platitude speak--(opening mouth words coming out) but never really answering the question, they'll be right back on his ass for an answer.
4. Then Hillary Clinton will have a full minute and 30 seconds to show how incompetent and unqualified he really is.

"One week ago, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told reporters that despite his history of media bashing, he “respects” the four moderators selected by the Commission on Presidential Debates. Today Trump is already complaining that the moderators will be “very unfair” because they will go “really hard” on him.

“So I think we should have a debate with no moderators,” Trump suggested on Monday, “just Hillary and I sitting there talking.”

Referring to himself in the third person, the GOP nominee told CNBC that the debate moderator is going to “try to be really hard on Trump just to show, you know, the establishment what he can do.”

During a phone interview with CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” Trump said, “As far as the debates are concerned, the system is being gamed because everybody said that I won the debate, you know, the so-called forum that your group put on,” referring to last week’s Commander-in-Chief Forum hosted by NBC’s Matt Lauer.

“But they all said I won and that Matt Lauer was easy on me. Well he wasn’t,” Trump continued. “He was — I thought he was very professional. I have to be honest. I think he’s been treated very unfairly, but they all said that I won, and what they’re doing is they’re gaming the system so that when I go into the debate, I’m gonna get — be treated very, very unfairly by the moderators.”

Trump complains the debates will be “rigged,” suggests scrapping moderators

This is probably a pretty good preview of what the debate is going to look like.


Fucking Candy Crowley.

/end thread.

That is a drop the mic moment!!!
I see the Drumpf minions are already laying down excuses for his failure.
Yep. They are getting more and more bizarre. It's as if their posts are scripted by a National Enquirer writer.

Not really, we call it like we see it and it's pretty acurate, alot more accurate than the Clinton vote.

No health issues......bwahahahahahahahabababab
She tells the truth.....bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
She has good policies......bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

I could go on for days.
What's wrong with Lincoln Douglas type debates?
Neither Trump nor his Chumps have anywhere near that kind of attention span.

Hillary Fluffers say the darndest things
Says the guy who bleevs there is a Hillary double. :lol:


Lose 50 lbs. Check
Lose the wrinkles. Check
Lose the Secret service. Check (where the Secret Service?)
Look perky, but canceling the trip to CA. Check
poor Donnie.

being a loser suits him .. being a vapid loser suits him better ... having a fuckstick for a magic wand to wave over his pathetic Trumpbots is his calling in this life.

poor Donnie.

being a loser suits him .. being a vapid loser suits him better ... having a fuckstick for a magic wand to wave over his pathetic Trumpbots is his calling in this life.


But u ou bought the Benghazi video line. Oh and the Hillary is healthy line.....I mean how many times do the Clinton's have to embarrass you before you just quit?
poor Donnie.

being a loser suits him .. being a vapid loser suits him better ... having a fuckstick for a magic wand to wave over his pathetic Trumpbots is his calling in this life.


Bummer that your Krooked Kunt Klinton shot herself in the foot, then.

Her calling ANYONE "deplorable" is WAY beyond the pale.
poor Donnie.

being a loser suits him .. being a vapid loser suits him better ... having a fuckstick for a magic wand to wave over his pathetic Trumpbots is his calling in this life.


But u ou bought the Benghazi video line. Oh and the Hillary is healthy line.....I mean how many times do the Clinton's have to embarrass you before you just quit? was you who bought the Benghazi video line...what will you do if you ever figure out how you've been played.
poor Donnie.

being a loser suits him .. being a vapid loser suits him better ... having a fuckstick for a magic wand to wave over his pathetic Trumpbots is his calling in this life.


But u ou bought the Benghazi video line. Oh and the Hillary is healthy line.....I mean how many times do the Clinton's have to embarrass you before you just quit? was you who bought the Benghazi video line...what will you do if you ever figure out how you've been played.

Nice deflection........the Clintons have embarrassed you guys countless are their useful idiots

And I made fun of the video.lie immediately lefties to.defend clinton.and quit lying you ****. was you who bought the Benghazi video line...what will you do if you ever figure out how you've been played.

Oh look, a trolling retard.

I doubt you know what the words you post mean shortbus, so how did Buckeye "buy the Benghazi video line?" He never claimed it was the cause of the attacks - that was the lie of that scum Obama and his little rabid dog Hillary.


You truly are a dumb one...
poor Donnie.

being a loser suits him .. being a vapid loser suits him better ... having a fuckstick for a magic wand to wave over his pathetic Trumpbots is his calling in this life.


But u ou bought the Benghazi video line. Oh and the Hillary is healthy line.....I mean how many times do the Clinton's have to embarrass you before you just quit? was you who bought the Benghazi video line...what will you do if you ever figure out how you've been played.

Nice deflection........the Clintons have embarrassed you guys countless are their useful idiots

And I made fun of the video.lie immediately lefties to.defend clinton.and quit lying you ****.
With Two Tone Donnie, it's not necessary to defend the Clintons.
Well here's Mr. Tough guy that is now whining about the debates and is suggesting that there are no moderators asking the questions--LOL

And Trump should be afraid.
1. He won't have 16 other GOP candidates that he can insult to divert attention.
2. There won't be any screaming Trump fans there.
3. The moderators will be asking him very specific questions that he'll have to answer. (He won't be able to go into his typical platitude speak--(opening mouth words coming out) but never really answering the question, they'll be right back on his ass for an answer.
4. Then Hillary Clinton will have a full minute and 30 seconds to show how incompetent and unqualified he really is.

"One week ago, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told reporters that despite his history of media bashing, he “respects” the four moderators selected by the Commission on Presidential Debates. Today Trump is already complaining that the moderators will be “very unfair” because they will go “really hard” on him.

“So I think we should have a debate with no moderators,” Trump suggested on Monday, “just Hillary and I sitting there talking.”

Referring to himself in the third person, the GOP nominee told CNBC that the debate moderator is going to “try to be really hard on Trump just to show, you know, the establishment what he can do.”

During a phone interview with CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” Trump said, “As far as the debates are concerned, the system is being gamed because everybody said that I won the debate, you know, the so-called forum that your group put on,” referring to last week’s Commander-in-Chief Forum hosted by NBC’s Matt Lauer.

“But they all said I won and that Matt Lauer was easy on me. Well he wasn’t,” Trump continued. “He was — I thought he was very professional. I have to be honest. I think he’s been treated very unfairly, but they all said that I won, and what they’re doing is they’re gaming the system so that when I go into the debate, I’m gonna get — be treated very, very unfairly by the moderators.”

Trump complains the debates will be “rigged,” suggests scrapping moderators

This is probably a pretty good preview of what the debate is going to look like.


Fucking Candy Crowley.

/end thread.

That is a drop the mic moment!!!

Man. Can you guys suck each other off good or what? That was a stupid comment. Crowley was right. Romney tried to get in a lie. She called him out.

Drop the Mic moment?
Well, theoretically it's less likely that a debate will be rigged if there are no moderators.
Man. Can you guys suck each other off good or what? That was a stupid comment. Crowley was right. Romney tried to get in a lie. She called him out.

Drop the Mic moment?

Crowley admitted she lied, Moron.

Are you insane? I think you are insane.

So, Crowley lied in the debate to save Obama, altering the election. After the debate, she admits she lied, and this makes me insane?

Yeah, you hacks are something else.

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