Trump wants to scrap the debate moderators--LOL It's rigged he says.

Trump's right. They usually are rigged in favor of the Democrats. The Moderators are always very questionable. I'm sure this time won't be any different. They'll stack em with Democrat Media Hacks.

Ha. Ha. well you can be assured one of the questions will be "why did you say that our Generals have embarrassed us."

Trump has already given these moderators questions, just from what he has said in the past,and they are going to demand that he explain himself during these debates, or should I say debate, because "if" he shows up for one, he may very well refuse to do the other two.

The one thing about Trump is he craves attention, and adoration. that is what a Narcissist is all about. If a debate pulls the rug out from under that--he's gone for good.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader
And his response to that question should be.

Fuck you ya stupid hack. That is not what I said. Course it won't matter, dumbfucks like you will twist it to fit any narrative you need as shown by this very post.

You're a fraud. No conservative would sacrifice his principles just to spite Trump.

And the newcomers to the board need to know you pretended to be a conservative for years. You're worse than an honest liberal.
It will be tougher for Hillary with her frail health. The Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for putting an old vulnerable woman battling a serious medical condition through all this. All for the hopes of even more power.
poor Donnie.

being a loser suits him .. being a vapid loser suits him better ... having a fuckstick for a magic wand to wave over his pathetic Trumpbots is his calling in this life.


But u ou bought the Benghazi video line. Oh and the Hillary is healthy line.....I mean how many times do the Clinton's have to embarrass you before you just quit? was you who bought the Benghazi video line...what will you do if you ever figure out how you've been played.

Nice deflection........the Clintons have embarrassed you guys countless are their useful idiots

And I made fun of the video.lie immediately lefties to.defend clinton.and quit lying you ****.
With Two Tone Donnie, it's not necessary to defend the Clintons.

So you libtards got nothin.....just like I thought.
Next he'll want to scrap either candidate saying anything.

Nah he wants to jump on that ass......can't wait for the debates. Hilary is just gonna all try and use inside baseball lingo......its all she has.....its gonna be glorious!
What a little pussy. Lol. I mean this big angry son of a bitch can't debate a little women? lol
Well here's Mr. Tough guy that is now whining about the debates and is suggesting that there are no moderators asking the questions--LOL

And Trump should be afraid.
1. He won't have 16 other GOP candidates that he can insult to divert attention.
2. There won't be any screaming Trump fans there.
3. The moderators will be asking him very specific questions that he'll have to answer. (He won't be able to go into his typical platitude speak--(opening mouth words coming out) but never really answering the question, they'll be right back on his ass for an answer.
4. Then Hillary Clinton will have a full minute and 30 seconds to show how incompetent and unqualified he really is.

"One week ago, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told reporters that despite his history of media bashing, he “respects” the four moderators selected by the Commission on Presidential Debates. Today Trump is already complaining that the moderators will be “very unfair” because they will go “really hard” on him.

“So I think we should have a debate with no moderators,” Trump suggested on Monday, “just Hillary and I sitting there talking.”

Referring to himself in the third person, the GOP nominee told CNBC that the debate moderator is going to “try to be really hard on Trump just to show, you know, the establishment what he can do.”

During a phone interview with CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” Trump said, “As far as the debates are concerned, the system is being gamed because everybody said that I won the debate, you know, the so-called forum that your group put on,” referring to last week’s Commander-in-Chief Forum hosted by NBC’s Matt Lauer.

“But they all said I won and that Matt Lauer was easy on me. Well he wasn’t,” Trump continued. “He was — I thought he was very professional. I have to be honest. I think he’s been treated very unfairly, but they all said that I won, and what they’re doing is they’re gaming the system so that when I go into the debate, I’m gonna get — be treated very, very unfairly by the moderators.”

Trump complains the debates will be “rigged,” suggests scrapping moderators

This is probably a pretty good preview of what the debate is going to look like.


Fucking Candy Crowley.

/end thread.

That is a drop the mic moment!!!

Man. Can you guys suck each other off good or what? That was a stupid comment. Crowley was right. Romney tried to get in a lie. She called him out.

Drop the Mic moment?

Are you homophobic?

Romney didn't lie.....Obama did....but hey you still believed a video caused Ben ghazi....another proven leftwing lie.
Trump's right. They usually are rigged in favor of the Democrats. The Moderators are always very questionable. I'm sure this time won't be any different. They'll stack em with Democrat Media Hacks.

Ha. Ha. well you can be assured one of the questions will be "why did you say that our Generals have embarrassed us."

Trump has already given these moderators questions, just from what he has said in the past,and they are going to demand that he explain himself during these debates, or should I say debate, because "if" he shows up for one, he may very well refuse to do the other two.

The one thing about Trump is he craves attention, and adoration. that is what a Narcissist is all about. If a debate pulls the rug out from under that--he's gone for good.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader
And his response to that question should be.

Fuck you ya stupid hack. That is not what I said. Course it won't matter, dumbfucks like you will twist it to fit any narrative you need as shown by this very post.

You're a fraud. No conservative would sacrifice his principles just to spite Trump.

And the newcomers to the board need to know you pretended to be a conservative for years. You're worse than an honest liberal.

Spot On. Nuff said. :thup:
Trump's right. They usually are rigged in favor of the Democrats. The Moderators are always very questionable. I'm sure this time won't be any different. They'll stack em with Democrat Media Hacks.

Ha. Ha. well you can be assured one of the questions will be "why did you say that our Generals have embarrassed us."

Trump has already given these moderators questions, just from what he has said in the past,and they are going to demand that he explain himself during these debates, or should I say debate, because "if" he shows up for one, he may very well refuse to do the other two.

The one thing about Trump is he craves attention, and adoration. that is what a Narcissist is all about. If a debate pulls the rug out from under that--he's gone for good.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader
And his response to that question should be.

Fuck you ya stupid hack. That is not what I said. Course it won't matter, dumbfucks like you will twist it to fit any narrative you need as shown by this very post.

You're a fraud. No conservative would sacrifice his principles just to spite Trump.

And the newcomers to the board need to know you pretended to be a conservative for years. You're worse than an honest liberal.

Spot On. Nuff said. :thup:

Well Trump himself has given them WMD questions with his own MOUTH and midnight tweety fingers.

Trump's right. They usually are rigged in favor of the Democrats. The Moderators are always very questionable. I'm sure this time won't be any different. They'll stack em with Democrat Media Hacks.

Ha. Ha. well you can be assured one of the questions will be "why did you say that our Generals have embarrassed us."

Trump has already given these moderators questions, just from what he has said in the past,and they are going to demand that he explain himself during these debates, or should I say debate, because "if" he shows up for one, he may very well refuse to do the other two.

The one thing about Trump is he craves attention, and adoration. that is what a Narcissist is all about. If a debate pulls the rug out from under that--he's gone for good.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader
And his response to that question should be.

Fuck you ya stupid hack. That is not what I said. Course it won't matter, dumbfucks like you will twist it to fit any narrative you need as shown by this very post.

You're a fraud. No conservative would sacrifice his principles just to spite Trump.

And the newcomers to the board need to know you pretended to be a conservative for years. You're worse than an honest liberal.

Spot On. Nuff said. :thup:

Well Trump himself has given them WMD questions with his own MOUTH and midnight tweety fingers.


You get nowhere near the subject of the thread and merely fling shit at random...

No one takes you seriously, and why would they?

You are a mindless hack, nothing to offer anyone.
Well here's Mr. Tough guy that is now whining about the debates and is suggesting that there are no moderators asking the questions--LOL

And Trump should be afraid.
1. He won't have 16 other GOP candidates that he can insult to divert attention.
2. There won't be any screaming Trump fans there.
3. The moderators will be asking him very specific questions that he'll have to answer. (He won't be able to go into his typical platitude speak--(opening mouth words coming out) but never really answering the question, they'll be right back on his ass for an answer.
4. Then Hillary Clinton will have a full minute and 30 seconds to show how incompetent and unqualified he really is.

"One week ago, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told reporters that despite his history of media bashing, he “respects” the four moderators selected by the Commission on Presidential Debates. Today Trump is already complaining that the moderators will be “very unfair” because they will go “really hard” on him.

“So I think we should have a debate with no moderators,” Trump suggested on Monday, “just Hillary and I sitting there talking.”

Referring to himself in the third person, the GOP nominee told CNBC that the debate moderator is going to “try to be really hard on Trump just to show, you know, the establishment what he can do.”

During a phone interview with CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” Trump said, “As far as the debates are concerned, the system is being gamed because everybody said that I won the debate, you know, the so-called forum that your group put on,” referring to last week’s Commander-in-Chief Forum hosted by NBC’s Matt Lauer.

“But they all said I won and that Matt Lauer was easy on me. Well he wasn’t,” Trump continued. “He was — I thought he was very professional. I have to be honest. I think he’s been treated very unfairly, but they all said that I won, and what they’re doing is they’re gaming the system so that when I go into the debate, I’m gonna get — be treated very, very unfairly by the moderators.”

Trump complains the debates will be “rigged,” suggests scrapping moderators

This is probably a pretty good preview of what the debate is going to look like.


Her strategy should be to slowly reveal his lack of knowledge and preparation.

He will be come enraged and probably have to restrained. Election over.
Trump Moves To Ditch Moderator, Debate Hillary Freestyle


What an awesome idea! Just him and her.

“’I think we should have a debate with no moderator, just Hillary and I sitting there talking,’ Trump said Monday morning in a phone interview on CNBC’s ‘Squawk Box.’

The Republican presidential candidate said thatcriticism of NBC’s Matt Lauer following last week’s candidate forum in New York City is an effort to manipulate the presidential debates.

“’The fact is they are gaming the system,’ Trump said of the criticism of Lauer, ‘and I think maybe we should have no moderator. Let Hillary and I sit there and just debate. I think the system is being rigged so it’s going to be a very unfair debate.’”

There's absolutely no way in hell she or her minions will ever allow that to happen. Even with the prompting over her earbud, it would be a disaster for her.

Story @ Trump Moves To Ditch Moderator, Debate Hillary Freestyle - Patriot Update
It may be that the MSM does not want a repeat of the Commander and Chief, where Lauer elicited statements that were off the cuff lies, but were delivered dead pan, that some might take as being somehow seriously thought out positions.

And Trump doesn't want fact checking.

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