Matt Lauer Gets Hammered For Being The One To Finally Ask Hillary The Tough Questions

I disagree...his timing on the first drop was about perfect. Let's be honest here, Buck...that convention was rocked by the Assange release. Debbie Wasserman Schultz went from being one of the most powerful Democrats in the country to being out in a matter of days. Other high level DNC leaders went with her. Bernie Sanders was about to tell his people to get in line and support Clinton. Next thing you know he can't control them and they are booing people off the stage. It drove a wedge between Clinton and the far left of the Party and she's been forced to veer even further to the left to attempt to win them back...something she didn't want to have to do. At a time when that convention was supposed to be a nonstop attack on Donald Trump, it was derailed by the Assange email drop.

You're right, it did some damage, but again, it was over by Wednesday. They left the convention with momentum. Had he dropped it on Wednesday it would have the typical 24 hour news cycle and they would have closed the convention in shambles. I watched the convention, and I don't recall it even being mentioned after Tuesday by even Fox. Hindsight is 20/20, and I contend Wednesday would have been much worse for the Dems. Sunday before the convention it got all sorts of coverage; Weekends are the worst time to get a bang. If you have bad news you have to get out do it on the weekend when more folks are not watching the news. 24 hour news cycle!
well dude, the media kept it silent. who'd have thunk that from a liberal biased media covering liberals. wow! It wouldn't have made it to the air on Wednesday. It wouldn't have. plain and simple. I supposed you don't fall for the libturd media bias shit.

That is absurd, they didn't ignore it on Sunday, CNN, FOX, MSNBC were all reporting it. But it played out before Wednesday, and all the news channels moved on. It was old news and when you compete for ratings you can't report old news.
When did Obama ever listen to the GOP led Congress? When he first took office he was President "Elections Have Consequences...I Won!" Obama...when the GOP took control of the House in 2010 he became President "I Have a Phone and a Pen" Obama! Paul Ryan has more understanding of economics in one of his pinkies than the entire Obama Administration.

Please list ALL of the economic and job bills proposed by Ryan and REJECTED by Obama.....

The Keystone pipeline?

We'll wait for your erudite response.....LOL

True..Obama rejected a money-making and job creation bill FOR CANADIANS..Oh, the nerve.....LOL

No, he rejected a bill that would have created thousands of high paying jobs for American's the reason that American unions supported Keystone. Why did he do that? To placate the far left. He did what he usually did when it came to the economy...he let his political ideology get in the way of economic pragmatism! Is that "erudite" enough for you?
I actually thought he sucked up to Hitlery bigtime. He was much more aggressive and hostile to Trump. But Trump handled it well. He was the Boss again.

To trump followers yes. In reality all he did was insult ( trade mark ) people and kiss Putin ass. And zero answer to ISIS. Very weak.

That's your opinion. But Lauer definitely treated Clinton differently. He was a lapdog with her, but an attack dog with Trump. Anyone with common sense and integrity saw that. But Trump did just fine anyway.

Typical Trump followers. In reality all he did was insult ( trade mark) generals, kiss Putin ass and unprepared.
We love it every time he mentioned Putin because that pissed off a lot of Americans. Did you see the reactions of the GOPs after trump praising dictator Putin?

Republicans duck Trump questions - CNN Video

He was right on Putin and Russia. Putin/Russia can be a great ally. Trump just said he could work with him. And let's face it, it can't be any worse than Obama and Clinton's stupid 'Reset Button' fail. Trump did well. Lauer did a classic Liberal Media hack hit-job on him. But Trump still came out on top. Good on em.

I'm not sure how can call that on top when his surrogates are so busy defending Trump non sense policy?
But that's very nice of him admiring a dictator.
US and Russia can never be a close ally because of world interest and security. It's the only country that has the power to kill millions of Americans in one push of a button. Think about that.

Syria & Crimea to name a few. Putin neighbors like Poland are so nervous from invasion that is why they are turning to US. Hillary will make sure that is not going to happen. But Trump pussy will just hand them to Putin.
We can just see Trump withdrawing support from Syrian rebels, withdraw troops in Turkey, Ukraine etc.
That is very weak. I can just see Putin and Jinping hi fiving.
That is why Trump should not be our president. He is unfit to become the commander in chief.

Are you kidding? Where has Hillary EVER shown good judgement when it came to foreign policy? She's on the wrong side of everything. Russia...Libya...Iran...Iraq! You'd be hard pressed to find anyone in the history of our country that got it wrong so many times yet you think SHE is the answer? Wow...that's wearing blinders, Charwin!
So you think. You are voting as a homer not a thinker.

I think I'm voting to ensure Trump doesn't win. That right now is my number one concern. If Trump wins and you complain about it, I hope the entire board goes down your throat because you'll have deserved it. You lost your party, if Trump wins you never get it back.

In general I'm tired of Democrats having to clean up after Republicans, mostly because Democrats aren't nearly as good as house cleaning as Republicans are at starting fires. You lost your party, the GOP couldn't fix Trump and now it's up to Democrats to take care of the problem. As a country we can't afford the risk and you who pretends to be a common sense moderate Republican has decided to sit it out, fuck it, why should Republicans like you care what happens now? I mean, after all as a party the GOP has been pandering to the very worst for decades, moderate Republicans should own up to their own past acceptance of the nutjobs now running your party.

Democrats "clean up" after Republicans? Since when? I'm from Massachusetts, Happy and we have a long history of electing Republican Governors periodically even though it's about as Democratic a State as there is in the country. Why? Because they gave us balanced budgets and reined in things like out of control government. Democrats equate balanced budgets with conservatism and they HATE them because they don't allow the spending on entitlements that they so dearly love.

The Great Depression and Great Recession.

With all due respect, Happy...Democrats oversaw the two worst recoveries from recessions in the nation's history...did they "clean up" a mess or did they "prolong" a mess with liberal policy? Barack Obama will leave office as the first President ever to have eight years of sub 2% economic growth. That's hardly "cleaning up" things. It's failing to fix things. And please don't give me that tired excuse of it taking time to fix...if you can't get it done in eight years then you had no business being in charge in the first place.

Well, thanks to a Congress who can't get shit passed, regardless who has the most seats due to filibustering. The point is, it's the Democrats who oversaw the recovery of the worst financial disasters this country has faced and they were both caused by Republicans. Also, the United States has fared much better in our recovery than other countries have.

Look at Russia as an example, their economy is still in the toilet, regardless of how 'strong' a leader Putin is.

Economic growth averaging less than 2% a year for 8 years isn't a's treading water! If you study recessions you'd note that almost without exception the steeper the recession the steeper the recovery. The two glaring exceptions are the Great Depression and the Great Recession...both "recoveries" overseen by liberal Democratic Administrations!

The fact is...if you take away a stock market "recovery" that is in reality nothing more than another bubble created by repeated quantitative easing and almost zero interest rates from the Fed...our economy is so fragile even a whiff of an interest rate increase by the Fed sends the market into a tailspin. That isn't a real recovery.
I think I'm voting to ensure Trump doesn't win. That right now is my number one concern. If Trump wins and you complain about it, I hope the entire board goes down your throat because you'll have deserved it. You lost your party, if Trump wins you never get it back.

In general I'm tired of Democrats having to clean up after Republicans, mostly because Democrats aren't nearly as good as house cleaning as Republicans are at starting fires. You lost your party, the GOP couldn't fix Trump and now it's up to Democrats to take care of the problem. As a country we can't afford the risk and you who pretends to be a common sense moderate Republican has decided to sit it out, fuck it, why should Republicans like you care what happens now? I mean, after all as a party the GOP has been pandering to the very worst for decades, moderate Republicans should own up to their own past acceptance of the nutjobs now running your party.

Democrats "clean up" after Republicans? Since when? I'm from Massachusetts, Happy and we have a long history of electing Republican Governors periodically even though it's about as Democratic a State as there is in the country. Why? Because they gave us balanced budgets and reined in things like out of control government. Democrats equate balanced budgets with conservatism and they HATE them because they don't allow the spending on entitlements that they so dearly love.

The Great Depression and Great Recession.

With all due respect, Happy...Democrats oversaw the two worst recoveries from recessions in the nation's history...did they "clean up" a mess or did they "prolong" a mess with liberal policy? Barack Obama will leave office as the first President ever to have eight years of sub 2% economic growth. That's hardly "cleaning up" things. It's failing to fix things. And please don't give me that tired excuse of it taking time to fix...if you can't get it done in eight years then you had no business being in charge in the first place.

Well, thanks to a Congress who can't get shit passed, regardless who has the most seats due to filibustering. The point is, it's the Democrats who oversaw the recovery of the worst financial disasters this country has faced and they were both caused by Republicans. Also, the United States has fared much better in our recovery than other countries have.

Look at Russia as an example, their economy is still in the toilet, regardless of how 'strong' a leader Putin is.

Economic growth averaging less than 2% a year for 8 years isn't a's treading water! If you study recessions you'd note that almost without exception the steeper the recession the steeper the recovery. The two glaring exceptions are the Great Depression and the Great Recession...both "recoveries" overseen by liberal Democratic Administrations!

The fact is...if you take away a stock market "recovery" that is in reality nothing more than another bubble created by repeated quantitative easing and almost zero interest rates from the Fed...our economy is so fragile even a whiff of an interest rate increase by the Fed sends the market into a tailspin. That isn't a real recovery.

And yet our economy has survived the recession better than most of Europe to include Russia. Why do you guys like Putin again?

Maybe we should go back to losing 800k jobs a month again, then we'll be like Russia nd you guys can scream with glee.
I think I'm voting to ensure Trump doesn't win. That right now is my number one concern. If Trump wins and you complain about it, I hope the entire board goes down your throat because you'll have deserved it. You lost your party, if Trump wins you never get it back.

In general I'm tired of Democrats having to clean up after Republicans, mostly because Democrats aren't nearly as good as house cleaning as Republicans are at starting fires. You lost your party, the GOP couldn't fix Trump and now it's up to Democrats to take care of the problem. As a country we can't afford the risk and you who pretends to be a common sense moderate Republican has decided to sit it out, fuck it, why should Republicans like you care what happens now? I mean, after all as a party the GOP has been pandering to the very worst for decades, moderate Republicans should own up to their own past acceptance of the nutjobs now running your party.

Democrats "clean up" after Republicans? Since when? I'm from Massachusetts, Happy and we have a long history of electing Republican Governors periodically even though it's about as Democratic a State as there is in the country. Why? Because they gave us balanced budgets and reined in things like out of control government. Democrats equate balanced budgets with conservatism and they HATE them because they don't allow the spending on entitlements that they so dearly love.

The Great Depression and Great Recession.

With all due respect, Happy...Democrats oversaw the two worst recoveries from recessions in the nation's history...did they "clean up" a mess or did they "prolong" a mess with liberal policy? Barack Obama will leave office as the first President ever to have eight years of sub 2% economic growth. That's hardly "cleaning up" things. It's failing to fix things. And please don't give me that tired excuse of it taking time to fix...if you can't get it done in eight years then you had no business being in charge in the first place.

Well, thanks to a Congress who can't get shit passed, regardless who has the most seats due to filibustering. The point is, it's the Democrats who oversaw the recovery of the worst financial disasters this country has faced and they were both caused by Republicans. Also, the United States has fared much better in our recovery than other countries have.

Look at Russia as an example, their economy is still in the toilet, regardless of how 'strong' a leader Putin is.

Economic growth averaging less than 2% a year for 8 years isn't a's treading water! If you study recessions you'd note that almost without exception the steeper the recession the steeper the recovery. The two glaring exceptions are the Great Depression and the Great Recession...both "recoveries" overseen by liberal Democratic Administrations!

The fact is...if you take away a stock market "recovery" that is in reality nothing more than another bubble created by repeated quantitative easing and almost zero interest rates from the Fed...our economy is so fragile even a whiff of an interest rate increase by the Fed sends the market into a tailspin. That isn't a real recovery.

Not actually

Real Gross Domestic Product
Lauer is a pussy who thought he could break out of the cheese-dick "morning host" box he's been happy to stay in until now. He's a Hillary fan, make no mistake about that. And so the diaper-wearing lying witch expected to be able to filibuster a question until she ran out of wind...or shit herself (again). Both sides are so ideated and looking for a crack to turn into a canyon, no moderator will escape the wrath of the warring tribes.
No, he rejected a bill that would have created thousands of high paying jobs for American's the reason that American unions supported Keystone. Why did he do that? To placate the far left. He did what he usually did when it came to the economy...he let his political ideology get in the way of economic pragmatism! Is that "erudite" enough for you?

An exhaustive study by the State Department concluded that the Keystone XL project will result in just 50 jobs, including "35 permanent employees and 15 temporary contractors." Further, the report stated that spending on the project would support only 3,900 temporary construction jobs if construction lasted one year and just 1,950 temporary construction jobs if construction lasted two years. The report also states that a majority of potential other jobs supported by the project would come from "indirect and induced spending," yet a recent Washington Post article detailed how the "indirect" job estimates themselves don't hold up, as some have already been created in anticipation of the pipeline, and most would last for less than a year: Most of those jobs are far from the construction site, and it's hard to argue they are new. Moreover, under State's accounting, they only last for a year.

WATCH: The Keystone XL Jobs Myth That Won't Die
He was right on Putin and Russia. Putin/Russia can be a great ally. Trump just said he could work with him. And let's face it, it can't be any worse than Obama and Clinton's stupid 'Reset Button' fail. Trump did well. Lauer did a classic Liberal Media hack hit-job on him. But Trump still came out on top. Good on em.

If you had more than a few brain cells functioning, you'd actually see that the very BEST ally that we could create to mitigate our ME problems, would be Iran.....

Perhaps the smartest Muslim population on the planet is both in Iran and Pakistan...So, should Trump be touting "better relations" with those 2 countries??? How would THAT go over with you tea baggers?
Look at Russia as an example, their economy is still in the toilet, regardless of how 'strong' a leader Putin is.

Indeed, there must have a been a shortage of shirts in Russia and Putin, as the strong leader that he is, went shirtless to show his solidarity.

Agree and agree..........
I've been scratching my head every time I hear........... Someone say Putin is a strong leader. What is the definition of strong leadership?
The economy is at the bottom of toilet, Russians are suffering with high prices, control the media, no freedom of speech, you cannot demonstrate, killing his political opponents, enriching himself and his cronies, Russians are leaving the country at alarming rate, banning Russians from leaving..........Is that a sign of good leadership? Or dictatorship?

Maybe one these smart ( ? ) Trump followers can explain this to us......
To trump followers yes. In reality all he did was insult ( trade mark ) people and kiss Putin ass. And zero answer to ISIS. Very weak.

That's your opinion. But Lauer definitely treated Clinton differently. He was a lapdog with her, but an attack dog with Trump. Anyone with common sense and integrity saw that. But Trump did just fine anyway.

Typical Trump followers. In reality all he did was insult ( trade mark) generals, kiss Putin ass and unprepared.
We love it every time he mentioned Putin because that pissed off a lot of Americans. Did you see the reactions of the GOPs after trump praising dictator Putin?

Republicans duck Trump questions - CNN Video

He was right on Putin and Russia. Putin/Russia can be a great ally. Trump just said he could work with him. And let's face it, it can't be any worse than Obama and Clinton's stupid 'Reset Button' fail. Trump did well. Lauer did a classic Liberal Media hack hit-job on him. But Trump still came out on top. Good on em.

I'm not sure how can call that on top when his surrogates are so busy defending Trump non sense policy?
But that's very nice of him admiring a dictator.
US and Russia can never be a close ally because of world interest and security. It's the only country that has the power to kill millions of Americans in one push of a button. Think about that.

Syria & Crimea to name a few. Putin neighbors like Poland are so nervous from invasion that is why they are turning to US. Hillary will make sure that is not going to happen. But Trump pussy will just hand them to Putin.
We can just see Trump withdrawing support from Syrian rebels, withdraw troops in Turkey, Ukraine etc.
That is very weak. I can just see Putin and Jinping hi fiving.
That is why Trump should not be our president. He is unfit to become the commander in chief.

Are you kidding? Where has Hillary EVER shown good judgement when it came to foreign policy? She's on the wrong side of everything. Russia...Libya...Iran...Iraq! You'd be hard pressed to find anyone in the history of our country that got it wrong so many times yet you think SHE is the answer? Wow...that's wearing blinders, Charwin!

What about Russia, Libya, Iran and Iraq?
Look at Russia as an example, their economy is still in the toilet, regardless of how 'strong' a leader Putin is.

Indeed, there must have a been a shortage of shirts in Russia and Putin, as the strong leader that he is, went shirtless to show his solidarity.

Agree and agree..........
I've been scratching my head every time I hear........... Someone say Putin is a strong leader. What is the definition of strong leadership?
The economy is at the bottom of toilet, Russians are suffering with high prices, control the media, no freedom of speech, you cannot demonstrate, killing his political opponents, enriching himself and his cronies, Russians are leaving the country at alarming rate, banning Russians from leaving..........Is that a sign of good leadership? Or dictatorship?

Maybe one these smart ( ? ) Trump followers can explain this to us......

But he gives steve mcgarret a hard on and that's what counts.
No, he rejected a bill that would have created thousands of high paying jobs for American's the reason that American unions supported Keystone. Why did he do that? To placate the far left. He did what he usually did when it came to the economy...he let his political ideology get in the way of economic pragmatism! Is that "erudite" enough for you?

An exhaustive study by the State Department concluded that the Keystone XL project will result in just 50 jobs, including "35 permanent employees and 15 temporary contractors." Further, the report stated that spending on the project would support only 3,900 temporary construction jobs if construction lasted one year and just 1,950 temporary construction jobs if construction lasted two years. The report also states that a majority of potential other jobs supported by the project would come from "indirect and induced spending," yet a recent Washington Post article detailed how the "indirect" job estimates themselves don't hold up, as some have already been created in anticipation of the pipeline, and most would last for less than a year: Most of those jobs are far from the construction site, and it's hard to argue they are new. Moreover, under State's accounting, they only last for a year.

WATCH: The Keystone XL Jobs Myth That Won't Die

So you think building a pipeline that connects Canada to the Gulf of Mexico is going to be done by 50 workers? One more example of how the State Department under Hillary Clinton couldn't find their asses with both hands if you gave them a one hand head start!
So you think building a pipeline that connects Canada to the Gulf of Mexico is going to be done by 50 workers? One more example of how the State Department under Hillary Clinton couldn't find their asses with both hands if you gave them a one hand head start!

What a fucked up "conclusion"....Look you're too stupid to understand the difference between temporary jobs (mostly done by Canadians) and permanent jobs that pipeline supporters have lied about.

Until you grow some more brain cells, don't bother spewing your stupidity and expect answers.

Go to bed.
So you think building a pipeline that connects Canada to the Gulf of Mexico is going to be done by 50 workers? One more example of how the State Department under Hillary Clinton couldn't find their asses with both hands if you gave them a one hand head start!

What a fucked up "conclusion"....Look you're too stupid to understand the difference between temporary jobs (mostly done by Canadians) and permanent jobs that pipeline supporters have lied about.

Until you grow some more brain cells, don't bother spewing your stupidity and expect answers.

Go to bed.

So you DO think that 50 people are going to build a pipeline that distance? You're as stupid as the Clinton State Department, Nat! Congrats!!!!

I actually thought he sucked up to Hitlery bigtime. He was much more aggressive and hostile to Trump. But Trump handled it well. He was the Boss again.

To trump followers yes. In reality all he did was insult ( trade mark ) people and kiss Putin ass. And zero answer to ISIS. Very weak.

That's your opinion. But Lauer definitely treated Clinton differently. He was a lapdog with her, but an attack dog with Trump. Anyone with common sense and integrity saw that. But Trump did just fine anyway.

Typical Trump followers. In reality all he did was insult ( trade mark) generals, kiss Putin ass and unprepared.
We love it every time he mentioned Putin because that pissed off a lot of Americans. Did you see the reactions of the GOPs after trump praising dictator Putin?

Republicans duck Trump questions - CNN Video

He was right on Putin and Russia. Putin/Russia can be a great ally. Trump just said he could work with him. And let's face it, it can't be any worse than Obama and Clinton's stupid 'Reset Button' fail. Trump did well. Lauer did a classic Liberal Media hack hit-job on him. But Trump still came out on top. Good on em.

I'm not sure how can call that on top when his surrogates are so busy defending Trump non sense policy?
But that's very nice of him admiring a dictator.
US and Russia can never be a close ally because of world interest and security. It's the only country that has the power to kill millions of Americans in one push of a button. Think about that.

Syria & Crimea to name a few. Putin neighbors like Poland are so nervous from invasion that is why they are turning to US. Hillary will make sure that is not going to happen. But Trump pussy will just hand them to Putin.
We can just see Trump withdrawing support from Syrian rebels, withdraw troops in Turkey, Ukraine etc.
That is very weak. I can just see Putin and Jinping hi fiving.
That is why Trump should not be our president. He is unfit to become the commander in chief.

Lay off American Government/Corporate Media propaganda. Most of it is scripted lies. You're only getting one side of the story. The Ukraine mess actually started with the US/Western-backed illegal coup in Kiev. But the real hostilities began with the US/West placing missiles near Russia's border. If there is to be any progress, the missiles will have to be removed.

Trump merely said he's willing to talk and listen to Putin. And i do believe agreements can be reached. I especially liked what he said about working together to eliminate ISIS. And seriously let's face it, he won't do any worse than Obama and Clinton's 'Reset Button' disaster.
To trump followers yes. In reality all he did was insult ( trade mark ) people and kiss Putin ass. And zero answer to ISIS. Very weak.

That's your opinion. But Lauer definitely treated Clinton differently. He was a lapdog with her, but an attack dog with Trump. Anyone with common sense and integrity saw that. But Trump did just fine anyway.

Typical Trump followers. In reality all he did was insult ( trade mark) generals, kiss Putin ass and unprepared.
We love it every time he mentioned Putin because that pissed off a lot of Americans. Did you see the reactions of the GOPs after trump praising dictator Putin?

Republicans duck Trump questions - CNN Video

He was right on Putin and Russia. Putin/Russia can be a great ally. Trump just said he could work with him. And let's face it, it can't be any worse than Obama and Clinton's stupid 'Reset Button' fail. Trump did well. Lauer did a classic Liberal Media hack hit-job on him. But Trump still came out on top. Good on em.

I'm not sure how can call that on top when his surrogates are so busy defending Trump non sense policy?
But that's very nice of him admiring a dictator.
US and Russia can never be a close ally because of world interest and security. It's the only country that has the power to kill millions of Americans in one push of a button. Think about that.

Syria & Crimea to name a few. Putin neighbors like Poland are so nervous from invasion that is why they are turning to US. Hillary will make sure that is not going to happen. But Trump pussy will just hand them to Putin.
We can just see Trump withdrawing support from Syrian rebels, withdraw troops in Turkey, Ukraine etc.
That is very weak. I can just see Putin and Jinping hi fiving.
That is why Trump should not be our president. He is unfit to become the commander in chief.

Are you kidding? Where has Hillary EVER shown good judgement when it came to foreign policy? She's on the wrong side of everything. Russia...Libya...Iran...Iraq! You'd be hard pressed to find anyone in the history of our country that got it wrong so many times yet you think SHE is the answer? Wow...that's wearing blinders, Charwin!

Spot On. Nuff said.
He was right on Putin and Russia. Putin/Russia can be a great ally. Trump just said he could work with him. And let's face it, it can't be any worse than Obama and Clinton's stupid 'Reset Button' fail. Trump did well. Lauer did a classic Liberal Media hack hit-job on him. But Trump still came out on top. Good on em.

If you had more than a few brain cells functioning, you'd actually see that the very BEST ally that we could create to mitigate our ME problems, would be Iran.....

Perhaps the smartest Muslim population on the planet is both in Iran and Pakistan...So, should Trump be touting "better relations" with those 2 countries??? How would THAT go over with you tea baggers?

Your Candidate has already proven to be a brutal disaster on Foreign Policy. She has no successes to tout. She only has failures. Trump can and will do better.
All you have to do is simply ask an average Clinton Bootlicker to list all the wonderful successes Hillary Clinton has achieved. Then sit back and watch em stumble and bumble. There are none. And even they know it. There's only been one failure after another. She's a corrupt incompetent criminal. Period, end of story.
Your Candidate has already proven to be a brutal disaster on Foreign Policy. She has no successes to tout. She only has failures. Trump can and will do better.

Perhaps....but I noticed there was NO mention on Hillary's role in killing OBL, and NO mention of her role in sanctioning Iran until they were forced to the bargaining table.....Didn't expect any objectivity from morons and you did NOT disappoint.
Having friendly relations with Putin is no worse than having friendly relations with Saudi Arabia, where they execute atheists, or Pakistan, or Iraq who sold out to Iran, or a multitude of other places we are friendly with who should be our enemy. If everyone who was evil was our enemy there wouldn't be many friends left.

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