Matt Lauer Gets Hammered For Being The One To Finally Ask Hillary The Tough Questions

It's far safer to transport oil by pipeline...but you on the far left won't admit that...will you, Nat?

Look, Oldfart......You're NOT getting a pipeline regardless of all the bullshit you may want to spew. We've has enough pollution from oil transportation "accidents' that benefit a few and hurt millions.

We already HAVE pipelines! We transport millions of gallons of oil all across this country through pipelines every single day without incident, something that benefits ALL Americans! What pollution from pipeline "accidents" are you referring to that have "hurt millions"?

There is absolutely zero reasons not to build the Keystone pipeline except it's a symbol to you on the left...a symbol of "Big Oil".
We already HAVE pipelines! We transport millions of gallons of oil all across this country through pipelines every single day without incident, something that benefits ALL Americans! What pollution from pipeline "accidents" are you referring to that have "hurt millions"?

There is absolutely zero reasons not to build the Keystone pipeline except it's a symbol to you on the left...a symbol of "Big Oil".


We already HAVE pipelines! We transport millions of gallons of oil all across this country through pipelines every single day without incident, something that benefits ALL Americans! What pollution from pipeline "accidents" are you referring to that have "hurt millions"?

There is absolutely zero reasons not to build the Keystone pipeline except it's a symbol to you on the left...a symbol of "Big Oil".

View attachment 89057

View attachment 89058

Simple question, me pipeline failures that hurt millions! Those pictures? That's a joke and you know it!
Simple question, me pipeline failures that hurt millions! Those pictures? That's a joke and you know it!

Fine OldFart....I'm making it all up...We have NO oil spills from pipelines and we have NO spill from railroads' mishaps.....and NO one was hurt from Exxon Valdez or the Gulf of New Mexico spill....
Everything is just great and I lied about the dangers...

Now, go play with yourself...You "won".......

Table 6 compares incident rates for road, rail, oil
and petroleum products pipelines, and natural gas
transmission. Road had the highest rate of incidents,
with 19.95 per billion ton miles per year. This was
followed by rail, with 2.08 per billion ton miles per
year. Natural gas transmission came next, with 0.89
per billion ton miles. Hazardous liquid pipelines
were the safest, with 0.58 serious incidents per
billion ton miles.

Studies like this one show without question that the REAL danger to Americans comes not from oil pipelines delivering petroleum products but tanker trucks and rail cars delivering those same products!
Simple question, me pipeline failures that hurt millions! Those pictures? That's a joke and you know it!

Fine OldFart....I'm making it all up...We have NO oil spills from pipelines and we have NO spill from railroads' mishaps.....and NO one was hurt from Exxon Valdez or the Gulf of New Mexico spill....
Everything is just great and I lied about the dangers...

Now, go play with yourself...You "won".......

You did lie about the dangers because you're a liberal "shill"'s what you DO! You make claims that are total bullshit and then when you get called on what you've whine about it.
Have you bothered to pay attention to what is going on in Cuba?

All of us are very, very grateful for your brave and constant reporting from some barrio in Havana..>we rely on your "eyes on the ground" and "hand on the pulse" of world events....

Well, since is it somehow beneath you to find our for yourself, here's just a few of today's items:

Cuba’s apartheid dictatorship orders hospitals to not accept hunger striking dissident Guillermo Fariñas @ Cuba’s apartheid dictatorship orders hospitals to not accept hunger striking dissident Guillermo Fariñas | Babalú Blog

Raul’s amigo in North Korea said ‘si se puede’ @ Raul’s amigo in North Korea said ‘si se puede’ | Babalú Blog

Cuban Towns where the “Peoples Power” is No Longer So Popular @ Cuban Towns where the “Peoples Power” is No Longer So Popular

Cuba’s Virgen del Cobre belongs to everyone @ Cuba’s Virgen del Cobre belongs to everyone | Babalú Blog
To trump followers yes. In reality all he did was insult ( trade mark ) people and kiss Putin ass. And zero answer to ISIS. Very weak.

That's your opinion. But Lauer definitely treated Clinton differently. He was a lapdog with her, but an attack dog with Trump. Anyone with common sense and integrity saw that. But Trump did just fine anyway.

Typical Trump followers. In reality all he did was insult ( trade mark) generals, kiss Putin ass and unprepared.
We love it every time he mentioned Putin because that pissed off a lot of Americans. Did you see the reactions of the GOPs after trump praising dictator Putin?

Republicans duck Trump questions - CNN Video

He was right on Putin and Russia. Putin/Russia can be a great ally. Trump just said he could work with him. And let's face it, it can't be any worse than Obama and Clinton's stupid 'Reset Button' fail. Trump did well. Lauer did a classic Liberal Media hack hit-job on him. But Trump still came out on top. Good on em.

I'm not sure how can call that on top when his surrogates are so busy defending Trump non sense policy?
But that's very nice of him admiring a dictator.
US and Russia can never be a close ally because of world interest and security. It's the only country that has the power to kill millions of Americans in one push of a button. Think about that.

Syria & Crimea to name a few. Putin neighbors like Poland are so nervous from invasion that is why they are turning to US. Hillary will make sure that is not going to happen. But Trump pussy will just hand them to Putin.
We can just see Trump withdrawing support from Syrian rebels, withdraw troops in Turkey, Ukraine etc.
That is very weak. I can just see Putin and Jinping hi fiving.
That is why Trump should not be our president. He is unfit to become the commander in chief.

Lay off American Government/Corporate Media propaganda. Most of it is scripted lies. You're only getting one side of the story. The Ukraine mess actually started with the US/Western-backed illegal coup in Kiev. But the real hostilities began with the US/West placing missiles near Russia's border. If there is to be any progress, the missiles will have to be removed.

Trump merely said he's willing to talk and listen to Putin. And i do believe agreements can be reached. I especially liked what he said about working together to eliminate ISIS. And seriously let's face it, he won't do any worse than Obama and Clinton's 'Reset Button' disaster.

Please get yourself updated.
What do you think Obama has been doing? He's been talking to Putin all the time but Putin has his own interest they are in conflict with US interest. They can never be our close ally.
That's very nice of Trump adoring a dictator. His own GOPs didn't like it....... Just imagine how many veterans, active military personnel and patriotic Americans hate that.
BTW missile system EIS was only in place around March this year. Also since when a coup is legal? it's always been illegal. The Ukrainian didn't like to be associated with Kremlin. And that was the main reason Ukrainian overthrow the Russian puppet president.
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Will get a pulitzer for asking the tough questions and breaking the story of the year?

If you're going for "clever sarcasm", get educated first.....

A Pulitzer is awarded for PRINTED magazine or newspaper articles and sometimes for on-line blogs
Will get a pulitzer for asking the tough questions and breaking the story of the year?

If you're going for "clever sarcasm", get educated first.....

A Pulitzer is awarded for PRINTED magazine or newspaper articles and sometimes for on-line blogs

I kind of thought that since Katy couric got something for asking "what magazines do you read" as if she secretly discovered that Sarah Palin can't read then I would think Mat Lauer should get something for asking the tough question that no one else seemed to want to ask.
I kind of thought that since Katy couric got something for asking "what magazines do you read" as if she secretly discovered that Sarah Palin can't read then I would think Mat Lauer should get something for asking the tough question that no one else seemed to want to ask.

I kind of thought that since Katy couric got something for asking "what magazines do you read" as if she secretly discovered that Sarah Palin can't read then I would think Mat Lauer should get something for asking the tough question that no one else seemed to want to ask.


This is why I try not to be too clever because if I am then it seems the average 'liberal' doesn't understand. I try to keep it at a sophmore level but sometimes even that is too difficult for some people.
That's your opinion. But Lauer definitely treated Clinton differently. He was a lapdog with her, but an attack dog with Trump. Anyone with common sense and integrity saw that. But Trump did just fine anyway.

Typical Trump followers. In reality all he did was insult ( trade mark) generals, kiss Putin ass and unprepared.
We love it every time he mentioned Putin because that pissed off a lot of Americans. Did you see the reactions of the GOPs after trump praising dictator Putin?

Republicans duck Trump questions - CNN Video

He was right on Putin and Russia. Putin/Russia can be a great ally. Trump just said he could work with him. And let's face it, it can't be any worse than Obama and Clinton's stupid 'Reset Button' fail. Trump did well. Lauer did a classic Liberal Media hack hit-job on him. But Trump still came out on top. Good on em.

I'm not sure how can call that on top when his surrogates are so busy defending Trump non sense policy?
But that's very nice of him admiring a dictator.
US and Russia can never be a close ally because of world interest and security. It's the only country that has the power to kill millions of Americans in one push of a button. Think about that.

Syria & Crimea to name a few. Putin neighbors like Poland are so nervous from invasion that is why they are turning to US. Hillary will make sure that is not going to happen. But Trump pussy will just hand them to Putin.
We can just see Trump withdrawing support from Syrian rebels, withdraw troops in Turkey, Ukraine etc.
That is very weak. I can just see Putin and Jinping hi fiving.
That is why Trump should not be our president. He is unfit to become the commander in chief.

Lay off American Government/Corporate Media propaganda. Most of it is scripted lies. You're only getting one side of the story. The Ukraine mess actually started with the US/Western-backed illegal coup in Kiev. But the real hostilities began with the US/West placing missiles near Russia's border. If there is to be any progress, the missiles will have to be removed.

Trump merely said he's willing to talk and listen to Putin. And i do believe agreements can be reached. I especially liked what he said about working together to eliminate ISIS. And seriously let's face it, he won't do any worse than Obama and Clinton's 'Reset Button' disaster.

Please get yourself updated.
What do you think Obama has been doing? He's been talking to Putin all the time but Putin has his own interest they are in conflict with US interest. They can never be our close ally.
That's very nice of Trump adoring a dictator. His own GOPs didn't like it....... Just imagine how many veterans, active military personnel and patriotic Americans hate that.
BTW missile system EIS was only in place around March this year. Also since when a coup is legal? it's always been illegal. The Ukrainian didn't like to be associated with Kremlin. And that was the main reason Ukrainian overthrow the Russian puppet president.

The U.S./Western Ukraine Puppets are far worse. They're corrupt criminal thugs. They're currently conducting a brutal ethnic cleansing campaign. They've murdered so many since their illegal coup. The US/West should be ashamed of what they've done in Ukraine. But they're not. They're now making money hand over fist there. U.S. VP Biden's son is now running Ukraine's largest gas company. Gee, no conflict of interest there, huh? More will die while the US/West plunders Ukraine. It's business as usual.

And not much progress can be made until the missiles are removed. Placing the missiles so close to Russia was an act of aggression. The U.S. certainly wouldn't tolerate Russia placing missiles in Mexico, Cuba, Central America, and so on. In fact, the U.S. would likely declare war almost immediately. You like most Americans, are just getting one side of the story from your Government/Corporate Media. The reality is, the U.S./West is currently invading and bombing more countries than any other nations on earth. Russia and China aren't even close. But we can have a good relationship with Russia. However, it'll have to be based on respect. Trump will do ok. And like i said, he won't do any worse than Obama and Ciinton's awful 'Reset Button' fail.
Paulitician.......... Here's a good example why we cannot or never be a close ally of Russia......... China aggressively expanding their territories against small countries. Is Russia offering a solution? No. It doesn't matter who is our president. China ( or Russia) will continue to expand her territories to feed billions of Chinese with the help of Russia.
But Hillary will stand against these aggressors. For Trump.......... he will just hand it to them I think.

Joint China-Russia drills in disputed waters could renew tensions
Nyshka Chandran 10 hours ago
China and Russia begin naval drills in the South China Sea on Monday in what Beijing calls a "routine exercise," but the move could revive tensions in the long-running territorial conflict.

Over the next eight days, both nations will carry out rescue and anti-submarine operations as well as live-fire drills, island defense and landing operations, Reuters reported, citing a statement by the Chinese navy. The drills, first announced in July, are supposedly the largest naval project ever taken together by the two countries.

On surface, the drills aren't surprising. Both countries boast a close relationship , reflected by years of technology transfers, arm sales and a common aim of preventing U.S. hegemony in Asia-Pacific.
Typical Trump followers. In reality all he did was insult ( trade mark) generals, kiss Putin ass and unprepared.
We love it every time he mentioned Putin because that pissed off a lot of Americans. Did you see the reactions of the GOPs after trump praising dictator Putin?

Republicans duck Trump questions - CNN Video

He was right on Putin and Russia. Putin/Russia can be a great ally. Trump just said he could work with him. And let's face it, it can't be any worse than Obama and Clinton's stupid 'Reset Button' fail. Trump did well. Lauer did a classic Liberal Media hack hit-job on him. But Trump still came out on top. Good on em.

I'm not sure how can call that on top when his surrogates are so busy defending Trump non sense policy?
But that's very nice of him admiring a dictator.
US and Russia can never be a close ally because of world interest and security. It's the only country that has the power to kill millions of Americans in one push of a button. Think about that.

Syria & Crimea to name a few. Putin neighbors like Poland are so nervous from invasion that is why they are turning to US. Hillary will make sure that is not going to happen. But Trump pussy will just hand them to Putin.
We can just see Trump withdrawing support from Syrian rebels, withdraw troops in Turkey, Ukraine etc.
That is very weak. I can just see Putin and Jinping hi fiving.
That is why Trump should not be our president. He is unfit to become the commander in chief.

Lay off American Government/Corporate Media propaganda. Most of it is scripted lies. You're only getting one side of the story. The Ukraine mess actually started with the US/Western-backed illegal coup in Kiev. But the real hostilities began with the US/West placing missiles near Russia's border. If there is to be any progress, the missiles will have to be removed.

Trump merely said he's willing to talk and listen to Putin. And i do believe agreements can be reached. I especially liked what he said about working together to eliminate ISIS. And seriously let's face it, he won't do any worse than Obama and Clinton's 'Reset Button' disaster.

Please get yourself updated.
What do you think Obama has been doing? He's been talking to Putin all the time but Putin has his own interest they are in conflict with US interest. They can never be our close ally.
That's very nice of Trump adoring a dictator. His own GOPs didn't like it....... Just imagine how many veterans, active military personnel and patriotic Americans hate that.
BTW missile system EIS was only in place around March this year. Also since when a coup is legal? it's always been illegal. The Ukrainian didn't like to be associated with Kremlin. And that was the main reason Ukrainian overthrow the Russian puppet president.

The U.S./Western Ukraine Puppets are far worse. They're corrupt criminal thugs. They're currently conducting a brutal ethnic cleansing campaign. They've murdered so many since their illegal coup. The US/West should be ashamed of what they've done in Ukraine. But they're not. They're now making money hand over fist there. U.S. VP Biden's son is now running Ukraine's largest gas company. Gee, no conflict of interest there, huh? More will die while the US/West plunders Ukraine. It's business as usual.

And not much progress can be made until the missiles are removed. Placing the missiles so close to Russia was an act of aggression. The U.S. certainly wouldn't tolerate Russia placing missiles in Mexico, Cuba, Central America, and so on. In fact, the U.S. would likely declare war almost immediately. You like most Americans, are just getting one side of the story from your Government/Corporate Media. The reality is, the U.S./West is currently invading and bombing more countries than any other nations on earth. Russia and China aren't even close. But we can have a good relationship with Russia. However, it'll have to be based on respect. Trump will do ok. And like i said, he won't do any worse than Obama and Ciinton's awful 'Reset Button' fail.

Do you have a credible link to support your post?
Are you aware that there is OSCE independent organization monitoring Ukraine? Is there any evidence shown in Russia or US media about ethnic cleansing?
So far the only bombing that US involvement is Syria which I know you are against and Iraq. On the other hand Russia has killed thousands of civilians in Syria.
Of course Obama will not tolerate any missile place next to US. Because he is not a pussy. On the other hand. Putin is pussy for allowing a missile system in place next to his butt.
Last edited:
He was right on Putin and Russia. Putin/Russia can be a great ally. Trump just said he could work with him. And let's face it, it can't be any worse than Obama and Clinton's stupid 'Reset Button' fail. Trump did well. Lauer did a classic Liberal Media hack hit-job on him. But Trump still came out on top. Good on em.

I'm not sure how can call that on top when his surrogates are so busy defending Trump non sense policy?
But that's very nice of him admiring a dictator.
US and Russia can never be a close ally because of world interest and security. It's the only country that has the power to kill millions of Americans in one push of a button. Think about that.

Syria & Crimea to name a few. Putin neighbors like Poland are so nervous from invasion that is why they are turning to US. Hillary will make sure that is not going to happen. But Trump pussy will just hand them to Putin.
We can just see Trump withdrawing support from Syrian rebels, withdraw troops in Turkey, Ukraine etc.
That is very weak. I can just see Putin and Jinping hi fiving.
That is why Trump should not be our president. He is unfit to become the commander in chief.

Lay off American Government/Corporate Media propaganda. Most of it is scripted lies. You're only getting one side of the story. The Ukraine mess actually started with the US/Western-backed illegal coup in Kiev. But the real hostilities began with the US/West placing missiles near Russia's border. If there is to be any progress, the missiles will have to be removed.

Trump merely said he's willing to talk and listen to Putin. And i do believe agreements can be reached. I especially liked what he said about working together to eliminate ISIS. And seriously let's face it, he won't do any worse than Obama and Clinton's 'Reset Button' disaster.

Please get yourself updated.
What do you think Obama has been doing? He's been talking to Putin all the time but Putin has his own interest they are in conflict with US interest. They can never be our close ally.
That's very nice of Trump adoring a dictator. His own GOPs didn't like it....... Just imagine how many veterans, active military personnel and patriotic Americans hate that.
BTW missile system EIS was only in place around March this year. Also since when a coup is legal? it's always been illegal. The Ukrainian didn't like to be associated with Kremlin. And that was the main reason Ukrainian overthrow the Russian puppet president.

The U.S./Western Ukraine Puppets are far worse. They're corrupt criminal thugs. They're currently conducting a brutal ethnic cleansing campaign. They've murdered so many since their illegal coup. The US/West should be ashamed of what they've done in Ukraine. But they're not. They're now making money hand over fist there. U.S. VP Biden's son is now running Ukraine's largest gas company. Gee, no conflict of interest there, huh? More will die while the US/West plunders Ukraine. It's business as usual.

And not much progress can be made until the missiles are removed. Placing the missiles so close to Russia was an act of aggression. The U.S. certainly wouldn't tolerate Russia placing missiles in Mexico, Cuba, Central America, and so on. In fact, the U.S. would likely declare war almost immediately. You like most Americans, are just getting one side of the story from your Government/Corporate Media. The reality is, the U.S./West is currently invading and bombing more countries than any other nations on earth. Russia and China aren't even close. But we can have a good relationship with Russia. However, it'll have to be based on respect. Trump will do ok. And like i said, he won't do any worse than Obama and Ciinton's awful 'Reset Button' fail.

Do you have a credible link to support your post?
Are you aware that there is OSCE independent organization monitoring Ukraine? Is there any evidence shown in Russia or US media about ethnic cleansing?
So far the only bombing that US involvement is Syria which I know you are against and Iraq. On the other hand Russia has killed thousands of civilians in Syria.
Of course Obama will not tolerate any missile place next to US. Because he is not a pussy. On the other hand. Putin is pussy for allowing a missile system in place next to his butt.

'Independent Monitoring Organization' is code for 'US/West-owned farce'. The reality is, they're supporting brutal thugs in Ukraine. Many of them are Nazis. 'Right Sector' was the prominent force in pulling off the illegal coup. It's a brutal Neo-Nazi group. And it is fact that VP Joe Biden's son was immediately rewarded with running Ukraine's largest gas company. It's just another corrupt mess.

And Putin and Russians do have every right to be angry with the US/West for placing missiles so close to their nation. The relationship can't improve much, until the missiles are removed. Like i said, lay off the American Government/Corporate Media. It only presents Americans with one side of the story. Try to expand your horizons. Find more foreign Media sources for information. It's better to get both sides of the story. Only then can you claim to be informed.
I'm not sure how can call that on top when his surrogates are so busy defending Trump non sense policy?
But that's very nice of him admiring a dictator.
US and Russia can never be a close ally because of world interest and security. It's the only country that has the power to kill millions of Americans in one push of a button. Think about that.

Syria & Crimea to name a few. Putin neighbors like Poland are so nervous from invasion that is why they are turning to US. Hillary will make sure that is not going to happen. But Trump pussy will just hand them to Putin.
We can just see Trump withdrawing support from Syrian rebels, withdraw troops in Turkey, Ukraine etc.
That is very weak. I can just see Putin and Jinping hi fiving.
That is why Trump should not be our president. He is unfit to become the commander in chief.

Lay off American Government/Corporate Media propaganda. Most of it is scripted lies. You're only getting one side of the story. The Ukraine mess actually started with the US/Western-backed illegal coup in Kiev. But the real hostilities began with the US/West placing missiles near Russia's border. If there is to be any progress, the missiles will have to be removed.

Trump merely said he's willing to talk and listen to Putin. And i do believe agreements can be reached. I especially liked what he said about working together to eliminate ISIS. And seriously let's face it, he won't do any worse than Obama and Clinton's 'Reset Button' disaster.

Please get yourself updated.
What do you think Obama has been doing? He's been talking to Putin all the time but Putin has his own interest they are in conflict with US interest. They can never be our close ally.
That's very nice of Trump adoring a dictator. His own GOPs didn't like it....... Just imagine how many veterans, active military personnel and patriotic Americans hate that.
BTW missile system EIS was only in place around March this year. Also since when a coup is legal? it's always been illegal. The Ukrainian didn't like to be associated with Kremlin. And that was the main reason Ukrainian overthrow the Russian puppet president.

The U.S./Western Ukraine Puppets are far worse. They're corrupt criminal thugs. They're currently conducting a brutal ethnic cleansing campaign. They've murdered so many since their illegal coup. The US/West should be ashamed of what they've done in Ukraine. But they're not. They're now making money hand over fist there. U.S. VP Biden's son is now running Ukraine's largest gas company. Gee, no conflict of interest there, huh? More will die while the US/West plunders Ukraine. It's business as usual.

And not much progress can be made until the missiles are removed. Placing the missiles so close to Russia was an act of aggression. The U.S. certainly wouldn't tolerate Russia placing missiles in Mexico, Cuba, Central America, and so on. In fact, the U.S. would likely declare war almost immediately. You like most Americans, are just getting one side of the story from your Government/Corporate Media. The reality is, the U.S./West is currently invading and bombing more countries than any other nations on earth. Russia and China aren't even close. But we can have a good relationship with Russia. However, it'll have to be based on respect. Trump will do ok. And like i said, he won't do any worse than Obama and Ciinton's awful 'Reset Button' fail.

Do you have a credible link to support your post?
Are you aware that there is OSCE independent organization monitoring Ukraine? Is there any evidence shown in Russia or US media about ethnic cleansing?
So far the only bombing that US involvement is Syria which I know you are against and Iraq. On the other hand Russia has killed thousands of civilians in Syria.
Of course Obama will not tolerate any missile place next to US. Because he is not a pussy. On the other hand. Putin is pussy for allowing a missile system in place next to his butt.

'Independent Monitoring Organization' is code for 'US/West-owned farce'. The reality is, they're supporting brutal thugs in Ukraine. Many of them are Nazis. 'Right Sector' was the prominent force in pulling off the illegal coup. It's a brutal Neo-Nazi group. And it is fact that VP Joe Biden's son was immediately rewarded with running Ukraine's largest gas company. It's just another corrupt mess.

And Putin and Russians do have every right to be angry with the US/West for placing missiles so close to their nation. The relationship can't improve much, until the missiles are removed. Like i said, lay off the American Government/Corporate Media. It only presents Americans with one side of the story. Try to expand your horizons. Find more foreign Media sources for information. It's better to get both sides of the story. Only then can you claim to be informed.

Okay...... is there any news coming from Russia about ethnic cleansing? None. So far you have not provided any link about your claim.
Th only reason missile was in place bc at the request of Poland. Maybe you can tell Putin not invade his neighboring country?
I don't have problems with Russians. I have several Russians employees in Allentown. They are hard tough working people that love and respect this country. Most of them like to shoot Putin.
Just what the hell does this have to do with Matt Lauer's softball questions of Shrillary?

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