Matt Lauer Gets Hammered For Being The One To Finally Ask Hillary The Tough Questions

Your Candidate has already proven to be a brutal disaster on Foreign Policy. She has no successes to tout. She only has failures. Trump can and will do better.

Perhaps....but I noticed there was NO mention on Hillary's role in killing OBL, and NO mention of her role in sanctioning Iran until they were forced to the bargaining table.....Didn't expect any objectivity from morons and you did NOT disappoint.
Hillary's "role"? She sat in the room and watched Seal Team Six kill OBL with intel that was obtained using interrogation methods that both Clinton and Obama had at that point had taken off the table! If it wasn't for waterboarding that doesn't happen. You progressives want people to believe that Barry and Hillary are the ones who GOT Osama bin Laden when the truth is...if it hadn't been for people who had been working on finding him for YEARS before they even inhabited the White House...that never happens! All they did was take the victory lap.

You think Hillary sanctioned Iran? Hillary was one of the asshats who got rid of the sanctions on Iran...gave them billions of dollars to finance terror with and let them go right on building their bomb! Iran is an even bigger cluster fuck than Libya.
So you think building a pipeline that connects Canada to the Gulf of Mexico is going to be done by 50 workers? One more example of how the State Department under Hillary Clinton couldn't find their asses with both hands if you gave them a one hand head start!

What a fucked up "conclusion"....Look you're too stupid to understand the difference between temporary jobs (mostly done by Canadians) and permanent jobs that pipeline supporters have lied about.

Until you grow some more brain cells, don't bother spewing your stupidity and expect answers.

Go to bed.

What I find amazing, the liberal talking point that construction of the Keystone Pipeline would only create 50 jobs...yet "infrastructure spending" to fix bridges and roads would create hundreds of thousands of new jobs! Boy, those guys who build pipelines must be some kind of construction SUPERMEN...they each do the work of thousands! (eye roll)
So you think building a pipeline that connects Canada to the Gulf of Mexico is going to be done by 50 workers? One more example of how the State Department under Hillary Clinton couldn't find their asses with both hands if you gave them a one hand head start!

What a fucked up "conclusion"....Look you're too stupid to understand the difference between temporary jobs (mostly done by Canadians) and permanent jobs that pipeline supporters have lied about.

Until you grow some more brain cells, don't bother spewing your stupidity and expect answers.

Go to bed.

What I find amazing, the liberal talking point that construction of the Keystone Pipeline would only create 50 jobs...yet "infrastructure spending" to fix bridges and roads would create hundreds of thousands of new jobs! Boy, those guys who build pipelines must be some kind of construction SUPERMEN...they each do the work of thousands! (eye roll)

The construction of Keystone XL, which would generate 3,950 initial jobs according to the U.S. Department of State, has a job creation potential on par with building a shopping mall. Moreover, after it's built, Keystone XL will only employ between 35 and 50 people — and some of those positions will be filled in Canada. That's a small fraction of the long-term employment benefits one could expect from a shopping mall.
Will Keystone XL Pipeline Create Many Construction Jobs? (Op-Ed)
So you think building a pipeline that connects Canada to the Gulf of Mexico is going to be done by 50 workers? One more example of how the State Department under Hillary Clinton couldn't find their asses with both hands if you gave them a one hand head start!

What a fucked up "conclusion"....Look you're too stupid to understand the difference between temporary jobs (mostly done by Canadians) and permanent jobs that pipeline supporters have lied about.

Until you grow some more brain cells, don't bother spewing your stupidity and expect answers.

Go to bed.

What I find amazing, the liberal talking point that construction of the Keystone Pipeline would only create 50 jobs...yet "infrastructure spending" to fix bridges and roads would create hundreds of thousands of new jobs! Boy, those guys who build pipelines must be some kind of construction SUPERMEN...they each do the work of thousands! (eye roll)

The construction of Keystone XL, which would generate 3,950 initial jobs according to the U.S. Department of State, has a job creation potential on par with building a shopping mall. Moreover, after it's built, Keystone XL will only employ between 35 and 50 people — and some of those positions will be filled in Canada. That's a small fraction of the long-term employment benefits one could expect from a shopping mall.
Will Keystone XL Pipeline Create Many Construction Jobs? (Op-Ed)

Which proves that the Clinton/Kerry led Department of State is as full of shit as the people who run it! When you let your ideology set your agenda you end up with amusing "studies" like the one that the State Department did for Keystone.
Which proves that the Clinton/Kerry led Department of State is as full of shit as the people who run it! When you let your ideology set your agenda you end up with amusing "studies" like the one that the State Department did for Keystone.

tell you what......Get a shovel and go dig the fucking pipeline yourself.....LOL
He was right on Putin and Russia. Putin/Russia can be a great ally. Trump just said he could work with him. And let's face it, it can't be any worse than Obama and Clinton's stupid 'Reset Button' fail. Trump did well. Lauer did a classic Liberal Media hack hit-job on him. But Trump still came out on top. Good on em.

I actually find it amusing about right wingers level of hypocrisy about their bitching on the thawing of relations between us and Cuba or Iran.....while clamoring with better friendly relations with Russia.

You mean making a brutal dictatorship that imprisons people for simply disagreeing with them acceptable? Have you bothered to pay attention to what is going on in Cuba? You certainly won't see anything about it in the MSM.
Have you bothered to pay attention to what is going on in Cuba?

All of us are very, very grateful for your brave and constant reporting from some barrio in Havana..>we rely on your "eyes on the ground" and "hand on the pulse" of world events....
Which proves that the Clinton/Kerry led Department of State is as full of shit as the people who run it! When you let your ideology set your agenda you end up with amusing "studies" like the one that the State Department did for Keystone.

tell you what......Get a shovel and go dig the fucking pipeline yourself.....LOL

It's not buried, Nat! You obviously know about as much about the pipeline as the Clinton State Department does...

What SHOULD happen is Americans who do that for a living should be working on that pipeline even as we have this conversation...putting food on their families tables and money in their bank accounts. That won't happen though...will it?
Funny...I was reading the thread on the Commander in Chief forum last nite and it was the RW Drumpf minions here who complained about him the most. Of course they are awfully quiet so far today......probably the most accurate indicator of what they REALLY think about how Drumpf did in relation to Clinton.

Dumb Donald was a disaster
You think it's "funny" that American construction workers can't get jobs because Obama and Clinton need to appease the far left environmental fringe, Jillian? Typical...
Nat thinks not letting American construction workers make a living is funny too...
Nat thinks not letting American construction workers make a living is funny too...

Ahem.....Actually NO......Use those construction workers to fix our falling apart infrastructure, instead of a way to possibly pollute the water supply for 30-40 million people......

Has a pipeline ever broken and polluted? Yes or No?
Do bridges fall down in Minnesota? Yes or No?

The Pipeline is just a way for a few folks (quite a few Canadians) to become millionaires while potentially fucking over millions of people of their water supply, and livelihood as thepipeline goes through a good part of our "bread basket" area......

If the pipeline were to other often have.......ALL the millionaires would be sitting on their penthouses stating "Oh, what a tragedy" while sipping their martinis.
He was right on Putin and Russia. Putin/Russia can be a great ally. Trump just said he could work with him. And let's face it, it can't be any worse than Obama and Clinton's stupid 'Reset Button' fail. Trump did well. Lauer did a classic Liberal Media hack hit-job on him. But Trump still came out on top. Good on em.

I actually find it amusing about right wingers level of hypocrisy about their bitching on the thawing of relations between us and Cuba or Iran.....while clamoring with better friendly relations with Russia.

You mean making a brutal dictatorship that imprisons people for simply disagreeing with them acceptable? Have you bothered to pay attention to what is going on in Cuba? You certainly won't see anything about it in the MSM.

We're currently involved with some very dark evil folks we call 'Allies.' Saudi Arabia for one, is probably the most evil nation on earth. Many prominent Saudis funded and planned the 9/11 attack. Yet our Government still considers it a 'Close Ally.' But we also have close relationships with other very questionable nations like Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt, China, and so on.

So there's no reason we can't have a relationship with Russia. Another 'Cold War' is completely unnecessary. Obama and Clinton really have screwed things up. Trump will be stuck cleaning up a pretty big mess they're leaving behind. But he's a leader, so i think he'll handle it.
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Trump will be stuck cleaning up a pretty big mess they're leaving behind. But he's a leader, so i think he'll handle it.

You can rest assured that Trump will not be cleaning up anything EXCEPT his lawsuits regarding Trump U. and his bribes to AG in Fl and TX......But you're right, he will be "cleaning up" his own messes.
Trump will be stuck cleaning up a pretty big mess they're leaving behind. But he's a leader, so i think he'll handle it.

You can rest assured that Trump will not be cleaning up anything EXCEPT his lawsuits regarding Trump U. and his bribes to AG in Fl and TX......But you're right, he will be "cleaning up" his own messes.

Well, I still have faith the American People won't reward the corrupt witch and her rapist husband with the U.S. Presidency. But we'll see i guess.
Nat thinks not letting American construction workers make a living is funny too...

Ahem.....Actually NO......Use those construction workers to fix our falling apart infrastructure, instead of a way to possibly pollute the water supply for 30-40 million people......

Has a pipeline ever broken and polluted? Yes or No?
Do bridges fall down in Minnesota? Yes or No?

The Pipeline is just a way for a few folks (quite a few Canadians) to become millionaires while potentially fucking over millions of people of their water supply, and livelihood as thepipeline goes through a good part of our "bread basket" area......

If the pipeline were to other often have.......ALL the millionaires would be sitting on their penthouses stating "Oh, what a tragedy" while sipping their martinis.

What's a safer way to transport pipeline or by rail? The fact is that we already have thousands of miles of pipeline crisscrossing that part of the country and have had for DECADES!

Your wet dream is to get rid of fossil fuel use in the US completely...even though we're not even close to being able to replace coal, oil and natural gas with "green" alternatives let alone do so at an economically feasible price. Admit it, Nat...that's what you WANT...and you don't care how many people you put in the poor house to get there!
It's far safer to transport oil by pipeline...but you on the far left won't admit that...will you, Nat?

Look, Oldfart......You're NOT getting a pipeline regardless of all the bullshit you may want to spew. We've has enough pollution from oil transportation "accidents' that benefit a few and hurt millions.

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