Matt Lauer Gets Hammered For Being The One To Finally Ask Hillary The Tough Questions

How many fact checkers have you down as wrong...

Hillary: "I only used 1 device, I did not send / receive classified, I did not break the law...."

1 x 'FALSE', 1 x 'PANTS ON FIRE', 4 x 'PINOCCHIOS' for lying about lying. You should be more worried about THOSE fact-Checkers and the Lying, Dain-Bramaged Liberal Queen.

Did she last night she only used one device?

Did Trump double down on his lie?

See the difference?
no the funny line was the the DOJ server was hacked and mine wasn't? So her server was better protected.
She cannot keep defending the private server. Fair minded people should be able to accept that there's so much secret stuff, the sheer volume will result in forwarding secret info but that's not really putting the nation at risk. I mean it's not like nuclear codes. But the private server. ..... JFC. She needs to give it a rest. Or at least a decent burial.
How many fact checkers have you down as wrong...

Hillary: "I only used 1 device, I did not send / receive classified, I did not break the law...."

1 x 'FALSE', 1 x 'PANTS ON FIRE', 4 x 'PINOCCHIOS' for lying about lying. You should be more worried about THOSE fact-Checkers and the Lying, Dain-Bramaged Liberal Queen.

Did she last night she only used one device?

Did Trump double down on his lie?

See the difference?
no the funny line was the the DOJ server was hacked and mine wasn't? So her server was better protected.
She cannot keep defending the private server. Fair minded people should be able to accept that there's so much secret stuff, the sheer volume will result in forwarding secret info but that's not really putting the nation at risk. I mean it's not like nuclear codes. But the private server. ..... JFC. She needs to give it a rest. Or at least a decent burial.
she doesn't even understand that even though 'top secret' or 'classified' wasn't on the top of the email header, anything could have been top secret or classified from someone without providing the headers. how the fk would she know? what a crock of shit. her emails weren't scrubbed before they went out. ever have to get an email into a fed agency. a lot gets rejected or dumped. That wouldn't have happened in her case. wow, the stupid of the libturds is unreal.
Easy, I ask this in all seriousness...putting aside what anyone else may do, no matter who wins, can YOU turn off the distrust of government, of people different from you, of acting on innuendo?

I can not turn off any distrust I have for this administration.
- Obama has aided Mexican Drug Cartels, Terrorists, Illegals, etc...He has protected fellow Democrats from criminal charges (Holder, Hillary, Castro, Reid...), he has been proven to have intentionally criminally been non-compliant with FOIA requests 70% of the time. He has and continues to lie, he won 'Lie of the Year', he has refused to enforce existing law, protected those who broke the law, has broken the law himself, has refused to comply with court orders, has been held in contempt of court....

Hillary is no less criminal and has a more extensive 'resume' than Barry. Her list of scandals, list of associates and donors in prison or dead, stood on end would extend higher than how tall I am.

You falsely assume I do not trust or work / live well with those who are different from me. If you have ever been in the military you know that is not true because it teaches you to get along with everyone If you haven't I suggest you join and learn 1st hand.

Acting on innuendo? The question is at what point do - if ever - liberals accept the never-ending mounds of evidence against their preferred candidates? This board is evidence that Hillary could be caught in Dairy Queen holding a bundle of Top Secret documents and Libs would argue her innocence.

I say all of this in all seriousness and honesty.
I asked, you answered. Thanks. I do not agree, of course, but I am not here to try to change minds. It's just important to know what others feel and why. But I am concerned that we are beyond a point of no return in the division department. Too much has been said that is insulting and hurtful that will not be forgotten or forgiven, I fear. We aren't the United States anymore, nor are we e pluribus unum...all voluntarily. I don't know how to overcome this. sigh!
For your sake I hope that was supposed to be sarcastic, Colonel! If not it's laughable.

Watch CNN for a couple hours and tell me that they're in the tank for Trump. Get a note pad and score it. Put a check every time they slam Trump and a check every time they slam Clinton. See what you end up with.

While to you it may seem that CNN are biased towards Clinton but they are not... Trump has a real hard time telling the truth, he is running a campaign by the being a media whore going from one outlandish statement to the next....

This is the problem with the Alt-Right, they have been so infected they forgot that if one person lies more than the other they get called out more... Trump has been a disgrace and has said stuff in one week which would get any normal candidate creamed but his attitude is I will just say something worse tomorrow....

If Hillary criticized a family of a dead soldier what would the political backlash be like?

I have taken the attitude at this stage that the Alt-Right has lied so much about Hillary and been proven wrong so many times they have just no credibility... Only a fool would continue listening to their wild conspiracy theories and deranged unproven wrong statements they proclaim as facts...

Really dumb Democrat Talking Points. I mean, you're voting for the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in history for God's sake. So i doubt you're concerned about truth and justice. The Clintons are corrupt criminals. Nuff said.
Pauli, you too are not concerned about truth and justice, or you would not support Trump, either.


A question, you do dislike Trump and I think more that Hillary (you can correct me)....

Apart from Hillary being a center-left candidate and possibly the email server... What don't you like about her that has actually been proven...

The Alt-right has throw allegation after allegation but they have been refuted(exception Bosnia Sniper, long time ago and she was given a briefing about snipers)... What is the major objection factually do you have against her over Johnson who might lack a bit on the big stage (albeit I say his heart is honest)....

I can understand Clinton being guarded and sometimes comes off as cold but a lot of personal stories about her are that she is intelligent, empathic and generally no nonsense kind of person...

Just want your take?
She is such an establishment politico that she will sell out to the war lords and the corporations.

You supported Kasich, right?
While to you it may seem that CNN are biased towards Clinton but they are not... Trump has a real hard time telling the truth, he is running a campaign by the being a media whore going from one outlandish statement to the next....

This is the problem with the Alt-Right, they have been so infected they forgot that if one person lies more than the other they get called out more... Trump has been a disgrace and has said stuff in one week which would get any normal candidate creamed but his attitude is I will just say something worse tomorrow....

If Hillary criticized a family of a dead soldier what would the political backlash be like?

I have taken the attitude at this stage that the Alt-Right has lied so much about Hillary and been proven wrong so many times they have just no credibility... Only a fool would continue listening to their wild conspiracy theories and deranged unproven wrong statements they proclaim as facts...

Really dumb Democrat Talking Points. I mean, you're voting for the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in history for God's sake. So i doubt you're concerned about truth and justice. The Clintons are corrupt criminals. Nuff said.
Pauli, you too are not concerned about truth and justice, or you would not support Trump, either.


A question, you do dislike Trump and I think more that Hillary (you can correct me)....

Apart from Hillary being a center-left candidate and possibly the email server... What don't you like about her that has actually been proven...

The Alt-right has throw allegation after allegation but they have been refuted(exception Bosnia Sniper, long time ago and she was given a briefing about snipers)... What is the major objection factually do you have against her over Johnson who might lack a bit on the big stage (albeit I say his heart is honest)....

I can understand Clinton being guarded and sometimes comes off as cold but a lot of personal stories about her are that she is intelligent, empathic and generally no nonsense kind of person...

Just want your take?
She is such an establishment politico that she will sell out to the war lords and the corporations.

Let me address this first...

You could try and say she is establishment but she was over 40 when she first came to Washington and over 50 when holding her first office... She is not from a political family with generations in politics (thus a dynasty). She was very bright and ambitious but gave it to supported her husband's career and she backed a winner as he went all the way to the top... So top marks on judgement there...

As a sell out to War Lords, I have to object here... I believe you will come with two cases,
1. Her vote on Iraq
2. Bullish statements

1. Her vote for allowing Bush to be able to goto war with Iraq had some major influencing factors... She was the senator of New York and it was there state that was attacked, she was given false evidence (as we know now) and asked do you want us to prevent another attack... A lot harder for her to say no... She was guilty of believing her president after being attacked.

2. Bullish statement - Hey she is the first woman to run for President. She has a history of fighting for the poor and downtrodden. She ran a prayer group when first lady of Arkansas. She is just trying to look tough.
The truth is Hillary and Bill are ideologically very close, they say there are two not tighter in Washington. There marriage might had a few bumps but there political union is very strong. Bill hates going to war, it's bad for business and the economy. He likes to invest the money at home in education and health. He actually freely admits that flaw cost a lot of lives in Rwanda where he admits was one of the biggest mistakes of his presidency.

So the last, is she in the pocket of the corporations:
This is more difficult, while she has clearly said she against Citizens Unieted decision and Bill hated raising money and
Measure what she says against what she does.

Trump does not measure well either.
Really dumb Democrat Talking Points. I mean, you're voting for the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in history for God's sake. So i doubt you're concerned about truth and justice. The Clintons are corrupt criminals. Nuff said.
Pauli, you too are not concerned about truth and justice, or you would not support Trump, either.


A question, you do dislike Trump and I think more that Hillary (you can correct me)....

Apart from Hillary being a center-left candidate and possibly the email server... What don't you like about her that has actually been proven...

The Alt-right has throw allegation after allegation but they have been refuted(exception Bosnia Sniper, long time ago and she was given a briefing about snipers)... What is the major objection factually do you have against her over Johnson who might lack a bit on the big stage (albeit I say his heart is honest)....

I can understand Clinton being guarded and sometimes comes off as cold but a lot of personal stories about her are that she is intelligent, empathic and generally no nonsense kind of person...

Just want your take?
She is such an establishment politico that she will sell out to the war lords and the corporations.

Let me address this first...

You could try and say she is establishment but she was over 40 when she first came to Washington and over 50 when holding her first office... She is not from a political family with generations in politics (thus a dynasty). She was very bright and ambitious but gave it to supported her husband's career and she backed a winner as he went all the way to the top... So top marks on judgement there...

As a sell out to War Lords, I have to object here... I believe you will come with two cases,
1. Her vote on Iraq
2. Bullish statements

1. Her vote for allowing Bush to be able to goto war with Iraq had some major influencing factors... She was the senator of New York and it was there state that was attacked, she was given false evidence (as we know now) and asked do you want us to prevent another attack... A lot harder for her to say no... She was guilty of believing her president after being attacked.

2. Bullish statement - Hey she is the first woman to run for President. She has a history of fighting for the poor and downtrodden. She ran a prayer group when first lady of Arkansas. She is just trying to look tough.
The truth is Hillary and Bill are ideologically very close, they say there are two not tighter in Washington. There marriage might had a few bumps but there political union is very strong. Bill hates going to war, it's bad for business and the economy. He likes to invest the money at home in education and health. He actually freely admits that flaw cost a lot of lives in Rwanda where he admits was one of the biggest mistakes of his presidency.

So the last, is she in the pocket of the corporations:
This is more difficult, while she has clearly said she against Citizens Unieted decision and Bill hated raising money and
Measure what she says against what she does.

Trump does not measure well either.

His small hands creep me out.
Really dumb Democrat Talking Points. I mean, you're voting for the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in history for God's sake. So i doubt you're concerned about truth and justice. The Clintons are corrupt criminals. Nuff said.
Pauli, you too are not concerned about truth and justice, or you would not support Trump, either.


A question, you do dislike Trump and I think more that Hillary (you can correct me)....

Apart from Hillary being a center-left candidate and possibly the email server... What don't you like about her that has actually been proven...

The Alt-right has throw allegation after allegation but they have been refuted(exception Bosnia Sniper, long time ago and she was given a briefing about snipers)... What is the major objection factually do you have against her over Johnson who might lack a bit on the big stage (albeit I say his heart is honest)....

I can understand Clinton being guarded and sometimes comes off as cold but a lot of personal stories about her are that she is intelligent, empathic and generally no nonsense kind of person...

Just want your take?
She is such an establishment politico that she will sell out to the war lords and the corporations.

Let me address this first...

You could try and say she is establishment but she was over 40 when she first came to Washington and over 50 when holding her first office... She is not from a political family with generations in politics (thus a dynasty). She was very bright and ambitious but gave it to supported her husband's career and she backed a winner as he went all the way to the top... So top marks on judgement there...

As a sell out to War Lords, I have to object here... I believe you will come with two cases,
1. Her vote on Iraq
2. Bullish statements

1. Her vote for allowing Bush to be able to goto war with Iraq had some major influencing factors... She was the senator of New York and it was there state that was attacked, she was given false evidence (as we know now) and asked do you want us to prevent another attack... A lot harder for her to say no... She was guilty of believing her president after being attacked.

2. Bullish statement - Hey she is the first woman to run for President. She has a history of fighting for the poor and downtrodden. She ran a prayer group when first lady of Arkansas. She is just trying to look tough.
The truth is Hillary and Bill are ideologically very close, they say there are two not tighter in Washington. There marriage might had a few bumps but there political union is very strong. Bill hates going to war, it's bad for business and the economy. He likes to invest the money at home in education and health. He actually freely admits that flaw cost a lot of lives in Rwanda where he admits was one of the biggest mistakes of his presidency.

So the last, is she in the pocket of the corporations:
This is more difficult, while she has clearly said she against Citizens Unieted decision and Bill hated raising money and
Measure what she says against what she does.

Trump does not measure well either.
did she actually say something? if I measure nothing in her statements, i see nothing in her actions. so you're right she's a zero.
did she actually say something? if I measure nothing in her statements, i see nothing in her actions. so you're right she's a zero.
You don't read well, or listen well. Believe as you will.
Pauli, you too are not concerned about truth and justice, or you would not support Trump, either.


A question, you do dislike Trump and I think more that Hillary (you can correct me)....

Apart from Hillary being a center-left candidate and possibly the email server... What don't you like about her that has actually been proven...

The Alt-right has throw allegation after allegation but they have been refuted(exception Bosnia Sniper, long time ago and she was given a briefing about snipers)... What is the major objection factually do you have against her over Johnson who might lack a bit on the big stage (albeit I say his heart is honest)....

I can understand Clinton being guarded and sometimes comes off as cold but a lot of personal stories about her are that she is intelligent, empathic and generally no nonsense kind of person...

Just want your take?
She is such an establishment politico that she will sell out to the war lords and the corporations.

Let me address this first...

You could try and say she is establishment but she was over 40 when she first came to Washington and over 50 when holding her first office... She is not from a political family with generations in politics (thus a dynasty). She was very bright and ambitious but gave it to supported her husband's career and she backed a winner as he went all the way to the top... So top marks on judgement there...

As a sell out to War Lords, I have to object here... I believe you will come with two cases,
1. Her vote on Iraq
2. Bullish statements

1. Her vote for allowing Bush to be able to goto war with Iraq had some major influencing factors... She was the senator of New York and it was there state that was attacked, she was given false evidence (as we know now) and asked do you want us to prevent another attack... A lot harder for her to say no... She was guilty of believing her president after being attacked.

2. Bullish statement - Hey she is the first woman to run for President. She has a history of fighting for the poor and downtrodden. She ran a prayer group when first lady of Arkansas. She is just trying to look tough.
The truth is Hillary and Bill are ideologically very close, they say there are two not tighter in Washington. There marriage might had a few bumps but there political union is very strong. Bill hates going to war, it's bad for business and the economy. He likes to invest the money at home in education and health. He actually freely admits that flaw cost a lot of lives in Rwanda where he admits was one of the biggest mistakes of his presidency.

So the last, is she in the pocket of the corporations:
This is more difficult, while she has clearly said she against Citizens Unieted decision and Bill hated raising money and
Measure what she says against what she does.

Trump does not measure well either.

His small hands creep me out.
Donnie Small Hands, Donnie Two Times, Comrade Donald, Red Donnie. Oh, heavens, if elected, he will be used as a punchboard by the press of the right, the left center.
Thi is as blunt as it gets... His own bloody voice..

Posting PROOF like the above is like taking away the pacifier from a baby......
Can you hear the crying from nitwits like Queasy and Paulie???
Two ways to look at it. She could have used the opportunity to explain herself and put it behind her, if it were not true. But the reaction from the left indicates to me they know she is dirty they just don't want told.
Two ways to look at it. She could have used the opportunity to explain herself and put it behind her, if it were not true. But the reaction from the left indicates to me they know she is dirty they just don't want told.
And that comment ^^ is why you are not respected here. You are a homer for a despised section of America, who is pushing Trump. The other despised portion of the left is pushing HRC. fail to mention how Hillary and Barry allied themselves with the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida and ISIS, financed / supplied / armed / protected them, and dragged the nation into 2 unauthorized wars to help terrorists against dictators.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

You're totally off the rails, hunkered down in your non-reality fortress, in the heart of the bizarro dimension. That would by why nobody pays attention to you.
EasyT and the other crazy conspiracy nuts are growing older and will start dying off.

Society will come for the small remainder, and make sure their nonsense does not infect the schools and universities.

They will be reduced to the internet.
The internet is both good and bad.

Good, in that it keeps loons like the Trump-fans off the streets.

Bad, because it makes them think they're relevant. It used to be that cranks like the Trump-fans just raved at the TV in the local bar or coffee shop. Then everyone would tell them to STFU, so they understood they were acting crazy. Now, they get on the internet, join a pack of other delusional morons, and they all reinforce each others' crazy, egging each other on to new heights of stupid.
The US and other countries will have to create stronger and tougher libel laws deliberate online falsification, the use of lies to change others' minds.

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