Matt Lauer Gets Hammered For Being The One To Finally Ask Hillary The Tough Questions

You supported Kasich, right?
You know that he said in private that in no way would he send large units of ground troops to Iraq?
Said it in private? That's brave. But that doesn't address my point. You said Clinton was too establishment. Which is odd considering so is Kasich.
I said she is a neo-con imperialist and made clear that she has been in public life far too long. That you will vote for Clinton mindlessly say much about you.

Can you honestly say that you have read another book other than the communist manifesto?
Can you honestly say that you have only read Ayn Rand's trash? You Alt Right are so easily to toy with.
What's alt right?
You know that he said in private that in no way would he send large units of ground troops to Iraq?
Said it in private? That's brave. But that doesn't address my point. You said Clinton was too establishment. Which is odd considering so is Kasich.
I said she is a neo-con imperialist and made clear that she has been in public life far too long. That you will vote for Clinton mindlessly say much about you.

Can you honestly say that you have read another book other than the communist manifesto?
Can you honestly say that you have only read Ayn Rand's trash? You Alt Right are so easily to toy with.
What's alt right?

Ask, they have an answer.
How is he worthy? He's not Clinton or Trump.

That's not an answer. He's 'worthy' most likely because he has no chance of winning. It's Clinton or Trump, nobody else.
For the likes of you (you are much like easyt, except quieter), that answer is acceptable.
Actually I'm noting like easyt and it's dishonest of you to say I am. I would never invite the likes of him to my party only to ridicule him while he took it over. That's you.
You are very much like him. You use the same tactics. You are unethical that way, so is easy, so is Hillary, so is Little Hand Donnie.

Where have I been unethical? Seems you should follow that up with something rather than just say it. I must have hit a nerve, you usually have more of a point to make.
You are saying silly stuff that does not require rebuttal. Thinking you "hit a never" is simply another of your askew vision of reality.
Lauer was brave enough to finally ask Hillary the tough questions regarding Hillary's email scandal that the 'All-In' media have refused to ask...and immediately after Liberals launched a barrage of attacks against Lauer, using the standard 'Liberal 101' accusations:
- 'Unfair'
- 'Sexist'
- 'Waaaaa!'

God bless Lauer for having the integrity and courage to ask Hillary about the #1 scandal that is in the news every day and that is dogging her campaign, even when the other media refuses to do so!

Matt Lauer Fields Storm of Criticism Over Clinton-Trump Forum

"Charged with overseeing a live prime-time forum with Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton — widely seen as a dry run of sorts for the coming presidential debates — Mr. Lauer found himself besieged on Wednesday evening by critics of all political stripes, who accused the anchor of unfairness, sloppiness and even sexism in his handling of the event."
Liberals have been so pampered by the liberal bias in the news media that they have come to "expect" the media to attack conservatives.
Funny...I was reading the thread on the Commander in Chief forum last nite and it was the RW Drumpf minions here who complained about him the most.

Exactly what I was about to say. Nothing but whining from the Trump Tards.
Because both they and Two Tone Donnie operate in a separate reality. That's what is scary about the election. Trump said at least four things that should disqualify him, in no particular order, I have a bromance with Putin, Generals are rubble and I will choose whom to elevate, he admittedly has no Syria policy, and I was against the Iraq War

Not to give kudos to Hillary
Putin is a strong leader. Our leader is a pussy. I see nothing wrong with having acknowledged that.
Funny...I was reading the thread on the Commander in Chief forum last nite and it was the RW Drumpf minions here who complained about him the most.

Exactly what I was about to say. Nothing but whining from the Trump Tards.
Because both they and Two Tone Donnie operate in a separate reality. That's what is scary about the election. Trump said at least four things that should disqualify him, in no particular order, I have a bromance with Putin, Generals are rubble and I will choose whom to elevate, he admittedly has no Syria policy, and I was against the Iraq War

Not to give kudos to Hillary
Putin is a strong leader. Our leader is a pussy. I see nothing wrong with having acknowledged that.

Putin is the closest thing possible to being a tyrant without actually being one.
Liberals have been so pampered by the liberal bias in the news media that they have come to "expect" the media to attack conservatives.

Thank you for admitting that FOX, Breibart, Drudge, and the rest of that trash have NOTHING to do with being labeled "news media."....A bit of honesty is always a good thing.
That's not an answer. He's 'worthy' most likely because he has no chance of winning. It's Clinton or Trump, nobody else.
For the likes of you (you are much like easyt, except quieter), that answer is acceptable.
Actually I'm noting like easyt and it's dishonest of you to say I am. I would never invite the likes of him to my party only to ridicule him while he took it over. That's you.
You are very much like him. You use the same tactics. You are unethical that way, so is easy, so is Hillary, so is Little Hand Donnie.

Where have I been unethical? Seems you should follow that up with something rather than just say it. I must have hit a nerve, you usually have more of a point to make.
You are saying silly stuff that does not require rebuttal. Thinking you "hit a never" is simply another of your askew vision of reality.

But you are providing a rebuttal, by making baseless accusations. Maybe the wingnuts rubbed off on you more than you know.
Putin is a strong leader. Our leader is a pussy. I see nothing wrong with having acknowledged that.

Putin is a dictator that kills off dissidents......We, luckily live in a democracy that does not get rid of you.
Funny...I was reading the thread on the Commander in Chief forum last nite and it was the RW Drumpf minions here who complained about him the most.

Exactly what I was about to say. Nothing but whining from the Trump Tards.
Because both they and Two Tone Donnie operate in a separate reality. That's what is scary about the election. Trump said at least four things that should disqualify him, in no particular order, I have a bromance with Putin, Generals are rubble and I will choose whom to elevate, he admittedly has no Syria policy, and I was against the Iraq War

Not to give kudos to Hillary
Putin is a strong leader. Our leader is a pussy. I see nothing wrong with having acknowledged that.

Putin is the closest thing possible to being a tyrant without actually being one.
But he exudes strength. Obama does not.
Funny...I was reading the thread on the Commander in Chief forum last nite and it was the RW Drumpf minions here who complained about him the most.

Exactly what I was about to say. Nothing but whining from the Trump Tards.
Because both they and Two Tone Donnie operate in a separate reality. That's what is scary about the election. Trump said at least four things that should disqualify him, in no particular order, I have a bromance with Putin, Generals are rubble and I will choose whom to elevate, he admittedly has no Syria policy, and I was against the Iraq War

Not to give kudos to Hillary
Putin is a strong leader. Our leader is a pussy. I see nothing wrong with having acknowledged that.

Putin is the closest thing possible to being a tyrant without actually being one.
But he exudes strength. Obama does not.

Murdering the press does not exude strength, having women beaten in the streets is not leadership. Holding highly questionable elections is not democracy.
Putin is a strong leader. Our leader is a pussy. I see nothing wrong with having acknowledged that.

Putin is a dictator that kills off dissidents......We, luckily live in a democracy that does not get rid of you.

Bush38 would say Hitler was a strong leader too I bet.
He was.
Oh, I forgot, you guys like him too.

Hitler and Putin wouldn't survive a day in a real democracy.
Liberals have been so pampered by the liberal bias in the news media that they have come to "expect" the media to attack conservatives.

Thank you for admitting that FOX, Breibart, Drudge, and the rest of that trash have NOTHING to do with being labeled "news media."....A bit of honesty is always a good thing.
CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and CBS are not legitimate news organizations. And pretty much all the print media.
For the likes of you (you are much like easyt, except quieter), that answer is acceptable.
Actually I'm noting like easyt and it's dishonest of you to say I am. I would never invite the likes of him to my party only to ridicule him while he took it over. That's you.
You are very much like him. You use the same tactics. You are unethical that way, so is easy, so is Hillary, so is Little Hand Donnie.

Where have I been unethical? Seems you should follow that up with something rather than just say it. I must have hit a nerve, you usually have more of a point to make.
You are saying silly stuff that does not require rebuttal. Thinking you "hit a never" is simply another of your askew vision of reality.

But you are providing a rebuttal, by making baseless accusations. Maybe the wingnuts rubbed off on you more than you know.
Only in your mind. :biggrin:
Putin is a strong leader. Our leader is a pussy. I see nothing wrong with having acknowledged that.

Putin is a dictator that kills off dissidents......We, luckily live in a democracy that does not get rid of you.

Bush38 would say Hitler was a strong leader too I bet.
He was.
Oh, I forgot, you guys like him too.

Hitler and Putin wouldn't survive a day in a real democracy.
What does that have to do with the fact they were strong leaders?
Actually I'm noting like easyt and it's dishonest of you to say I am. I would never invite the likes of him to my party only to ridicule him while he took it over. That's you.
You are very much like him. You use the same tactics. You are unethical that way, so is easy, so is Hillary, so is Little Hand Donnie.

Where have I been unethical? Seems you should follow that up with something rather than just say it. I must have hit a nerve, you usually have more of a point to make.
You are saying silly stuff that does not require rebuttal. Thinking you "hit a never" is simply another of your askew vision of reality.

But you are providing a rebuttal, by making baseless accusations. Maybe the wingnuts rubbed off on you more than you know.
Only in your mind. :biggrin:

No, it's in your posts. Vague accusations of being dishonest. And you're the one who accused me of being like one of the wingnut posters?
Putin is a strong leader. Our leader is a pussy. I see nothing wrong with having acknowledged that.

Putin is a dictator that kills off dissidents......We, luckily live in a democracy that does not get rid of you.

Bush38 would say Hitler was a strong leader too I bet.
He was.
Oh, I forgot, you guys like him too.

Hitler and Putin wouldn't survive a day in a real democracy.
What does that have to do with the fact they were strong leaders?

Leading a democracy is more difficult than forcing your citizens to your will. You actually have to convince people to vote for you.

I think you have a little boy's vision about what leadership means.

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