Matt Lauer Gets Hammered For Being The One To Finally Ask Hillary The Tough Questions

You supported Kasich, right?
You know that he said in private that in no way would he send large units of ground troops to Iraq?
Said it in private? That's brave. But that doesn't address my point. You said Clinton was too establishment. Which is odd considering so is Kasich.
I said she is a neo-con imperialist and made clear that she has been in public life far too long. That you will vote for Clinton mindlessly say much about you.
You supported Kasich, right?
You know that he said in private that in no way would he send large units of ground troops to Iraq?
Said it in private? That's brave. But that doesn't address my point. You said Clinton was too establishment. Which is odd considering so is Kasich.
I said she is a neo-con imperialist and made clear that she has been in public life far too long. That you will vote for Clinton mindlessly say much about you.

I'm voting for the most qualified candidate. You're voting for someone who is completely unvetted and doesn't even know what Aleppo is and then when asked about what to do with refugees (which was the real question) he couldn't even answer that, had nothing to say on the subject at all even when it's explained to him like he's a 3rd grader.

So, what you are doing is voting for someone who can't win, hasn't done anything to demonstrate he's remotely qualified while doing absolutely nothing to strategically vote against someone who should never, ever see the White House. Your vote is the very definition of waste.

If Kasich, Jeb Bush hell even if Cruz were the GOP nominee and the Dems pulled a full retard and nominated Trump there is no way I'd go 3rd party, I'd vote for the Republican.
You supported Kasich, right?
You know that he said in private that in no way would he send large units of ground troops to Iraq?
Said it in private? That's brave. But that doesn't address my point. You said Clinton was too establishment. Which is odd considering so is Kasich.
I said she is a neo-con imperialist and made clear that she has been in public life far too long. That you will vote for Clinton mindlessly say much about you.

I'm voting for the most qualified candidate. You're voting for someone who is completely unvetted and doesn't even know what Aleppo is and then when asked about what to do with refugees (which was the real question) he couldn't even answer that, had nothing to say on the subject at all even when it's explained to him like he's a 3rd grader.

So, what you are doing is voting for someone who can't win, hasn't done anything to demonstrate he's remotely qualified while doing absolutely nothing to strategically vote against someone who should never, ever see the White House. Your vote is the very definition of waste.

If Kasich, Jeb Bush hell even if Cruz were the GOP nominee and the Dems pulled a full retard and nominated Trump there is no way I'd go 3rd party, I'd vote for the Republican.
So you think. You are voting as a homer not a thinker.
I actually thought he sucked up to Hitlery bigtime. He was much more aggressive and hostile to Trump. But Trump handled it well. He was the Boss again.

To trump followers yes. In reality all he did was insult ( trade mark ) people and kiss Putin ass. And zero answer to ISIS. Very weak.

That's your opinion. But Lauer definitely treated Clinton differently. He was a lapdog with her, but an attack dog with Trump. Anyone with common sense and integrity saw that. But Trump did just fine anyway.
Lauer was brave enough to finally ask Hillary the tough questions regarding Hillary's email scandal that the 'All-In' media have refused to ask...and immediately after Liberals launched a barrage of attacks against Lauer, using the standard 'Liberal 101' accusations:
- 'Unfair'
- 'Sexist'
- 'Waaaaa!'

God bless Lauer for having the integrity and courage to ask Hillary about the #1 scandal that is in the news every day and that is dogging her campaign, even when the other media refuses to do so!

Matt Lauer Fields Storm of Criticism Over Clinton-Trump Forum

"Charged with overseeing a live prime-time forum with Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton — widely seen as a dry run of sorts for the coming presidential debates — Mr. Lauer found himself besieged on Wednesday evening by critics of all political stripes, who accused the anchor of unfairness, sloppiness and even sexism in his handling of the event."

Isn't it clear by now that the email scandal has done all the damage it can do? What voter is not at least partially aware of it? The Dems should be applauding Lauer for acting tough by asking about something that will not do any damage.
You supported Kasich, right?
You know that he said in private that in no way would he send large units of ground troops to Iraq?
Said it in private? That's brave. But that doesn't address my point. You said Clinton was too establishment. Which is odd considering so is Kasich.
I said she is a neo-con imperialist and made clear that she has been in public life far too long. That you will vote for Clinton mindlessly say much about you.

I'm voting for the most qualified candidate. You're voting for someone who is completely unvetted and doesn't even know what Aleppo is and then when asked about what to do with refugees (which was the real question) he couldn't even answer that, had nothing to say on the subject at all even when it's explained to him like he's a 3rd grader.

So, what you are doing is voting for someone who can't win, hasn't done anything to demonstrate he's remotely qualified while doing absolutely nothing to strategically vote against someone who should never, ever see the White House. Your vote is the very definition of waste.

If Kasich, Jeb Bush hell even if Cruz were the GOP nominee and the Dems pulled a full retard and nominated Trump there is no way I'd go 3rd party, I'd vote for the Republican.
So you think. You are voting as a homer not a thinker.

I think I'm voting to ensure Trump doesn't win. That right now is my number one concern. If Trump wins and you complain about it, I hope the entire board goes down your throat because you'll have deserved it. You lost your party, if Trump wins you never get it back.

In general I'm tired of Democrats having to clean up after Republicans, mostly because Democrats aren't nearly as good as house cleaning as Republicans are at starting fires. You lost your party, the GOP couldn't fix Trump and now it's up to Democrats to take care of the problem. As a country we can't afford the risk and you who pretends to be a common sense moderate Republican has decided to sit it out, fuck it, why should Republicans like you care what happens now? I mean, after all as a party the GOP has been pandering to the very worst for decades, moderate Republicans should own up to their own past acceptance of the nutjobs now running your party.
Yup, whatever, HappyHomer. Neither one of them are worthy to be president, and we are all responsible
Yup, whatever, HappyHomer. Neither one of them are worthy to be president, and we are all responsible

I'll take Clinton over Trump anyday. How is Gary Johnson worthy? Is it normal for Libertarian leaning Republicans to raise their states debt? How is it Gary Johnson the 'Libertarian' was governor of a welfare state and somehow that's a good thing?
Clinton would put in Judges that would destroy our rights. No way can we allow Clinton to win.
You supported Kasich, right?
You know that he said in private that in no way would he send large units of ground troops to Iraq?
Said it in private? That's brave. But that doesn't address my point. You said Clinton was too establishment. Which is odd considering so is Kasich.
I said she is a neo-con imperialist and made clear that she has been in public life far too long. That you will vote for Clinton mindlessly say much about you.

Can you honestly say that you have read another book other than the communist manifesto?
Yup, whatever, HappyHomer. Neither one of them are worthy to be president, and we are all responsible
I'll take Clinton over Trump anyday. How is Gary Johnson worthy?
How is he worthy? He's not Clinton or Trump.

That's not an answer. He's 'worthy' most likely because he has no chance of winning. It's Clinton or Trump, nobody else.
For the likes of you (you are much like easyt, except quieter), that answer is acceptable.
You supported Kasich, right?
You know that he said in private that in no way would he send large units of ground troops to Iraq?
Said it in private? That's brave. But that doesn't address my point. You said Clinton was too establishment. Which is odd considering so is Kasich.
I said she is a neo-con imperialist and made clear that she has been in public life far too long. That you will vote for Clinton mindlessly say much about you.

Can you honestly say that you have read another book other than the communist manifesto?
Can you honestly say that you have only read Ayn Rand's trash? You Alt Right are so easily to toy with.

A question, you do dislike Trump and I think more that Hillary (you can correct me)....

Apart from Hillary being a center-left candidate and possibly the email server... What don't you like about her that has actually been proven...

The Alt-right has throw allegation after allegation but they have been refuted(exception Bosnia Sniper, long time ago and she was given a briefing about snipers)... What is the major objection factually do you have against her over Johnson who might lack a bit on the big stage (albeit I say his heart is honest)....

I can understand Clinton being guarded and sometimes comes off as cold but a lot of personal stories about her are that she is intelligent, empathic and generally no nonsense kind of person...

Just want your take?
She is such an establishment politico that she will sell out to the war lords and the corporations.

Let me address this first...

You could try and say she is establishment but she was over 40 when she first came to Washington and over 50 when holding her first office... She is not from a political family with generations in politics (thus a dynasty). She was very bright and ambitious but gave it to supported her husband's career and she backed a winner as he went all the way to the top... So top marks on judgement there...

As a sell out to War Lords, I have to object here... I believe you will come with two cases,
1. Her vote on Iraq
2. Bullish statements

1. Her vote for allowing Bush to be able to goto war with Iraq had some major influencing factors... She was the senator of New York and it was there state that was attacked, she was given false evidence (as we know now) and asked do you want us to prevent another attack... A lot harder for her to say no... She was guilty of believing her president after being attacked.

2. Bullish statement - Hey she is the first woman to run for President. She has a history of fighting for the poor and downtrodden. She ran a prayer group when first lady of Arkansas. She is just trying to look tough.
The truth is Hillary and Bill are ideologically very close, they say there are two not tighter in Washington. There marriage might had a few bumps but there political union is very strong. Bill hates going to war, it's bad for business and the economy. He likes to invest the money at home in education and health. He actually freely admits that flaw cost a lot of lives in Rwanda where he admits was one of the biggest mistakes of his presidency.

So the last, is she in the pocket of the corporations:
This is more difficult, while she has clearly said she against Citizens Unieted decision and Bill hated raising money and
Measure what she says against what she does.

Trump does not measure well either.

His small hands creep me out.
Donnie Small Hands, Donnie Two Times, Comrade Donald, Red Donnie. Oh, heavens, if elected, he will be used as a punchboard by the press of the right, the left center.
President Donnie, thanks
Yup, whatever, HappyHomer. Neither one of them are worthy to be president, and we are all responsible
I'll take Clinton over Trump anyday. How is Gary Johnson worthy?
How is he worthy? He's not Clinton or Trump.

That's not an answer. He's 'worthy' most likely because he has no chance of winning. It's Clinton or Trump, nobody else.
For the likes of you (you are much like easyt, except quieter), that answer is acceptable.
Actually I'm nothing like easyt and it's dishonest of you to say I am. I would never invite the likes of him to my party only to ridicule him while he took it over. That's you.
Yup, whatever, HappyHomer. Neither one of them are worthy to be president, and we are all responsible
I'll take Clinton over Trump anyday. How is Gary Johnson worthy?
How is he worthy? He's not Clinton or Trump.

That's not an answer. He's 'worthy' most likely because he has no chance of winning. It's Clinton or Trump, nobody else.
For the likes of you (you are much like easyt, except quieter), that answer is acceptable.
Actually I'm noting like easyt and it's dishonest of you to say I am. I would never invite the likes of him to my party only to ridicule him while he took it over. That's you.
You are very much like him. You use the same tactics. You are unethical that way, so is easy, so is Hillary, so is Little Hand Donnie.
I'll take Clinton over Trump anyday. How is Gary Johnson worthy?
How is he worthy? He's not Clinton or Trump.

That's not an answer. He's 'worthy' most likely because he has no chance of winning. It's Clinton or Trump, nobody else.
For the likes of you (you are much like easyt, except quieter), that answer is acceptable.
Actually I'm noting like easyt and it's dishonest of you to say I am. I would never invite the likes of him to my party only to ridicule him while he took it over. That's you.
You are very much like him. You use the same tactics. You are unethical that way, so is easy, so is Hillary, so is Little Hand Donnie.

Where have I been unethical? Seems you should follow that up with something rather than just say it. I must have hit a nerve, you usually have more of a point to make.

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