Matt Lauer Gets Hammered For Being The One To Finally Ask Hillary The Tough Questions

Show us the links that can objectively prove that there is no improvement in the VA.
Your 'Google' broke again, Jake? :p Report: VA still a mess, needs help with everything from hiring to parking One could call firing several people 'improvements' have been made.
I don't have to. It's someone's stupid comment above. The fact of the matter the VA has improved no matter how hard our neo-con overseas adventurism had tried to break it.
I thought the most entertaining part was when Trump told Lauer that the Iraq War was an epic disaster, and that Clinton should be ashamed of herself. He then went on to tell him that if he had decided to invade, he would have at least taken the oil. Matt Lauer looked stunned. He never had a Politician not follow a script and actually speak blunt honesty. Lauer was stumped. I thought that was priceless.

Oh, WOW, since you "think" that Trump can stump Matt Lauer, then he MUST be presidential material, right nitwit????

BTW, for less impaired right winger than you, what exactly does it mean to "take the oil"???? What, remain there for the next 20 years just around each oil well? Drain all the oil at once and place it in gallon jugs? Establish Trump Gas Stations all over Iraq?

.........and since Trump is NOW against invading Iraq, isn't this orange clown calling ALL of those republicans in his new-found party a bunch of morons for voting for the war?
I thought the most entertaining part was when Trump told Lauer that the Iraq War was an epic disaster, and that Clinton should be ashamed of herself. He then went on to tell him that if he had decided to invade, he would have at least taken the oil. Matt Lauer looked stunned. He never had a Politician not follow a script and actually speak blunt honesty. Lauer was stumped. I thought that was priceless.
Lauer looked stunned because Trump's response was so profoundly stupid as to be beyond belief.
I thought the most entertaining part was when Trump told Lauer that the Iraq War was an epic disaster, and that Clinton should be ashamed of herself. He then went on to tell him that if he had decided to invade, he would have at least taken the oil. Matt Lauer looked stunned. He never had a Politician not follow a script and actually speak blunt honesty. Lauer was stumped. I thought that was priceless.

Oh, WOW, since you "think" that Trump can stump Matt Lauer, then he MUST be presidential material, right nitwit????

BTW, for less impaired right winger than you, what exactly does it mean to "take the oil"???? What, remain there for the next 20 years just around each oil well? Drain all the oil at once and place it in gallon jugs? Establish Trump Gas Stations all over Iraq?

.........and since Trump is NOW against invading Iraq, isn't this orange clown calling ALL of those republicans in his new-found party a bunch of morons for voting for the war?

Your dumbass Candidate fully supported the Iraq War debacle. That's just fact. Trump was Spot On. Deal with it.
how about you look through the hundreds of bills that sat on Harry Reids desk going nowhere.

Even MORE deflections???? You may have (probably not) noticed that most of those Bills were HOUSE bills that never made it out of the Republican led HOUSE to even get to the Senate where your needed education, Reid resides. LOL
I thought the most entertaining part was when Trump told Lauer that the Iraq War was an epic disaster, and that Clinton should be ashamed of herself. He then went on to tell him that if he had decided to invade, he would have at least taken the oil. Matt Lauer looked stunned. He never had a Politician not follow a script and actually speak blunt honesty. Lauer was stumped. I thought that was priceless.
Lauer looked stunned because Trump's response was so profoundly stupid as to be beyond belief.

Nah, just some blunt honesty. Lauer clearly isn't used to it. Clinton's responsible for the horrific Iraq blunder. Trump nailed it Spot On. Good on em.
Your dumbass Candidate fully supported the Iraq War debacle. That's just fact. Trump was Spot On. Deal with it.

So, Trump never supporter the Ira invasion?????? REALLY ????

For months, Donald Trump has claimed that he opposed the Iraq War before the invasion began — as an example of his great judgment on foreign policy issues.

But in a 2002 interview with Howard Stern, Donald Trump said he supported an Iraq invasion. In the interview, which took place on Sept. 11, 2002, Stern asked Trump directly if he was for invading Iraq.

Yeah, I guess so,” Trump responded. “I wish the first time it was done correctly.
“NYPD sources involved with the NBC forum’s security detail confirm Clinton was wearing an ‘inductive earpiece,” the same technology employed by almost all lead Broadway actors to receive forgotten lines and stealth off-stage cues from directors. The flesh-colored earbud is easily concealed. There are no wires running directly to the ear like you see with the units employed by Secret Service protection detail personnel,”

Well, then, you'd have to admit that the little ear piece was better than this funny instance,right Kernel???

'Read the reports': Hillary Clinton refuses to explain what she told the FBI about how a concussion impaired her memory.

'Can you clarify what you told the FBI about your concussion?' asked as Clinton walked away from her podium on the tarmac in White Plains, N.Y.

'Read the reports,' she responded, offering no explanation.

SMART move by Clinton....Is she supposed to stop and answer all questions posed by a foreign right wing rag like the Daily Mai? Did the Daily Mail bother to "read the reports"???

Just some observations there, Kernel.
'Hillary, why wasn't your email scandal disqualifying?'


'Asking that question is 'SEXIST'!

Really? Who said that about the Emails and who said the question was sexist?

Maybe read the linked article:

“Lauer interrupted Clinton’s answers repeatedly to move on. Not once for Trump,” Norman Ornstein, the political commentator, wrote in a Twitter message, adding: “Tough to be a woman running for president.”
As I watched it, I knew why he asked her to move on. She needs to shorten her answers,
The FBI said there was nothing there to prosecute so I think it should finally be put to bed.

Except the Director of the FBI testified she lied under oath, did send/receive classified, used multiple devices, and violated the FOIA and Federal Records Act by refusing to turn over 'THOUSANDS' of work-related emails.

And let's not forget that the fact that she had any classified information at all on her personal computer was ILLEGAL because she was not legally authorized to have any classified in her possession after leaving the State Department.

And let's not forget she was operating illegal, unauthorized, unencrypted personal servers maintained and stored in the Bathroom of an IT company that did not have the legally required clearances to have them in their possession.

All in all, just for starters, Hillary violated numerous laws, to include the illegal possession, handling, storage, transportation, and destruction of classified information....all points libs and the 'All-In' media try their damnedest to avoid mentioning.

We wrongly invaded a country, but we should steal their oil to pay for our blunder. fail to mention how Hillary and Barry allied themselves with the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida and ISIS, financed / supplied / armed / protected them, and dragged the nation into 2 unauthorized wars to help terrorists against dictators.

Libs bitched about how we went to war for oil, and when that turned out to be false they are bitching about NOT taking oil for payment. :p Again, all while ignoring Hillary and Barry's 'treason'.
One of us has a comprehension problem. If the director of the FBI said she did all that, she would be indicted. What he said was there was nothing actionable, then true to Republican form, went on to relate a bunch of 'probables'. She should sue Comey, like Trump would if Comey made such claims against him while admitting no actionable proof.
'Hillary, why wasn't your email scandal disqualifying?'


'Asking that question is 'SEXIST'!

Really? Who said that about the Emails and who said the question was sexist?

Maybe read the linked article:

“Lauer interrupted Clinton’s answers repeatedly to move on. Not once for Trump,” Norman Ornstein, the political commentator, wrote in a Twitter message, adding: “Tough to be a woman running for president.”
As I watched it, I knew why he asked her to move on. She needs to shorten her answers,
The FBI said there was nothing there to prosecute so I think it should finally be put to bed.

Except the Director of the FBI testified she lied under oath, did send/receive classified, used multiple devices, and violated the FOIA and Federal Records Act by refusing to turn over 'THOUSANDS' of work-related emails.

And let's not forget that the fact that she had any classified information at all on her personal computer was ILLEGAL because she was not legally authorized to have any classified in her possession after leaving the State Department.

And let's not forget she was operating illegal, unauthorized, unencrypted personal servers maintained and stored in the Bathroom of an IT company that did not have the legally required clearances to have them in their possession.

All in all, just for starters, Hillary violated numerous laws, to include the illegal possession, handling, storage, transportation, and destruction of classified information....all points libs and the 'All-In' media try their damnedest to avoid mentioning.

We wrongly invaded a country, but we should steal their oil to pay for our blunder. fail to mention how Hillary and Barry allied themselves with the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida and ISIS, financed / supplied / armed / protected them, and dragged the nation into 2 unauthorized wars to help terrorists against dictators.

Libs bitched about how we went to war for oil, and when that turned out to be false they are bitching about NOT taking oil for payment. :p Again, all while ignoring Hillary and Barry's 'treason'.
One of us has a comprehension problem. If the director of the FBI said she did all that, she would be indicted. What he said was there was nothing actionable, then true to Republican form, went on to relate a bunch of 'probables'. She should sue Comey, like Trump would if Comey made such claims against him while admitting no actionable proof.

Its not you, it’s him.

Truth is kryptonite to easyt65
Your dumbass Candidate fully supported the Iraq War debacle. That's just fact. Trump was Spot On. Deal with it.

Fine, NOW the votes for the Iraq invasion break down like this

House: 215 GOP yeahs to 82 Dems. yeahs
Senate: 48 GOP yeahs to 29 Dems yeahs

Sooooo, which party is more fucked up in their judgment than the other????
As I watched it, I knew why he asked her to move on. She needs to shorten her answers,
Debate Tactic - drone on and on and have less time which means less questions.

If the director of the FBI said she did all that, she would be indicted.
Except Obama and Lynch were never going to allow charges to be filed. As the vet who addressed Hillary said, if he had done what she did he would be in jail. Obama has proven criminally lawless when dealing with Liberals - Castro, Reid, Holder...Hillary....despite evidence of criminal activity he protected them all. His explanation for refusing to allow charges to be filed against Castor" "He's sorry."

Your dumbass Candidate fully supported the Iraq War debacle. That's just fact. Trump was Spot On. Deal with it.

Fine, NOW the votes for the Iraq invasion break down like this

House: 215 GOP yeahs to 82 Dems. yeahs
Senate: 48 GOP yeahs to 29 Dems yeahs

Sooooo, which party is more fucked up in their judgment than the other????

Irrelevant. You're voting for an idiot who voted for the blunder. It is what it is.
Your dumbass Candidate fully supported the Iraq War debacle. That's just fact. Trump was Spot On. Deal with it.

Fine, NOW the votes for the Iraq invasion break down like this

House: 215 GOP yeahs to 82 Dems. yeahs
Senate: 48 GOP yeahs to 29 Dems yeahs

Sooooo, which party is more fucked up in their judgment than the other????
Again, it's not just the number of votes. It is also who not only voted for the war but who also argued for it. By your standards, Hillary is 'F*ed Up!" I agree.
Your dumbass Candidate fully supported the Iraq War debacle. That's just fact. Trump was Spot On. Deal with it.

Fine, NOW the votes for the Iraq invasion break down like this

House: 215 GOP yeahs to 82 Dems. yeahs
Senate: 48 GOP yeahs to 29 Dems yeahs

Sooooo, which party is more fucked up in their judgment than the other????
Again, it's not just the number of votes. It is also who not only voted for the war but who also argued for it. By your standards, Hillary is 'F*ed Up!" I agree.

I'm sure he or she will respond with their old ':smile:'. That's how some folks respond when they know they're whipped. You are Spot On. Case closed.
Again, it's not just the number of votes. It is also who not only voted for the war but who also argued for it. By your standards, Hillary is 'F*ed Up!" I agree.

Lame....very, very LAME.....If you had a few more brain cells, you'd agree.....LOL
I'm sure he or she will respond with their old ':smile:'. That's how some folks respond when they know they're whipped. You are Spot On. Case closed.

So, we are all THREE in agreement....The GOP is MORE fucked up in voting to go to war ON Iraq than the Dems......and guess who is running on the GOP ticket?......LOL

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