Matt Lauer Gets Hammered For Being The One To Finally Ask Hillary The Tough Questions

Funny...I was reading the thread on the Commander in Chief forum last nite and it was the RW Drumpf minions here who complained about him the most. Of course they are awfully quiet so far today......probably the most accurate indicator of what they REALLY think about how Drumpf did in relation to Clinton.
not really, Trump backers, besides being smart enough to know how to spell his name, don't require the repetition of boasting over how Donald trashed Hillary and obama. Liberals on the other hand, besides not knowing how to spell his name, feel that if something is repeated enough it will become truth.
By next week sometime after nonstop pretending that Hillary did well, the liberals will have flooded the internet with enough fake sites to use as links to prove Hillary was the better of the two.
Trump lied again about supporting the war in Iraq, and Lauer let him get away with it.

Prior to the invasion, Trump said he supported it. It wasn't until 2007 that he became a Cindy Sheehan cut-and-run loser.
Sorta like it.

one of the first things she said was she supported invading Iraq ... are you saying she LIED?
if Hillary is "THE MOST QUALIFIED CANDIDATE TO EVER RUN FOR PRESIDENT", why are people so worried about Matt Lauer being mean to her?

If she can't handle Matt Lauer, how can she be POTUS and handle the leaders of the world?
Matt Lauer was just being a typical disingenuous Liberal Media pussy. He kowtowed and licked Clinton's boots, and then attacked Trump. No surprise there. But Trump handled it very well. He got the message out anyway.

The people who destroyed the VA, aren't gonna be the ones to rebuild and fix it. Clinton and Obama are out. It's time for something different. It's time for Donald Trump. Movin on. Peace. :)
'Hillary, why wasn't your email scandal disqualifying?'


'Asking that question is 'SEXIST'!


Comparing Emails to what Trump said about having no Syrian policy is laughable... Trump was let off the hook on stuff he started in the room...

He continued to lie about Iraq War... Insulted the Generals (imagine if Hlllary did that), Putin...

The thing is if Clinton said any of these things you would shit kittens...

The media is in the tank for Trump. We all know it. They are nothing but Trump puppets.

For your sake I hope that was supposed to be sarcastic, Colonel! If not it's laughable.

Watch CNN for a couple hours and tell me that they're in the tank for Trump. Get a note pad and score it. Put a check every time they slam Trump and a check every time they slam Clinton. See what you end up with.

While to you it may seem that CNN are biased towards Clinton but they are not... Trump has a real hard time telling the truth, he is running a campaign by the being a media whore going from one outlandish statement to the next....

This is the problem with the Alt-Right, they have been so infected they forgot that if one person lies more than the other they get called out more... Trump has been a disgrace and has said stuff in one week which would get any normal candidate creamed but his attitude is I will just say something worse tomorrow....

If Hillary criticized a family of a dead soldier what would the political backlash be like?

I have taken the attitude at this stage that the Alt-Right has lied so much about Hillary and been proven wrong so many times they have just no credibility... Only a fool would continue listening to their wild conspiracy theories and deranged unproven wrong statements they proclaim as facts...

Are you kidding me? Hillary LIED TO THE FAMILIES OF THE MEN WHO WERE KILLED IN BENGHAZI AS THEIR CASKETS WERE COMING OFF THE PLANE! She looked them in the eye and she lied to them! What "backlash" has she gotten from that?
Every time Clinton was asked a question by an audience member, she stood during the question and her response out of respect. Trump never once got off his fat ass.
if Hillary is "THE MOST QUALIFIED CANDIDATE TO EVER RUN FOR PRESIDENT", why are people so worried about Matt Lauer being mean to her?

If she can't handle Matt Lauer, how can she be POTUS and handle the leaders of the world?
shes planning on sending Bill.
The way I see it, those voting for Hillary think that if she gets the office, it will be Bill running the country again.
Little do they know he is her bitch
if Hillary is "THE MOST QUALIFIED CANDIDATE TO EVER RUN FOR PRESIDENT", why are people so worried about Matt Lauer being mean to her?

WHO, exactly, is reputably stating that Lauer was mean to Hillary.......The original citation states that Lauer was being criticized by BOTH sides of the aisle....and if so, they are both wrong.
Paul Ryan has been the chief agent of fucking over veterans on the health care issue. I've been on the receiving end of his bullshit for quite a few years now.

This wasn't Obama's doing. It was the Republicans in Congress.

sure it was ... these numnut RW's cant figure out the way passing legislation works.
Did she have a coughing fit and have to walk off stage?
Yeah. She was wheeled in on a trolley and six handlers had to lift her onto the stage. She laid on a couch the whole time and napped between questions. She was unable to give a single answer without having to stop and hack up a hairball. By the end, they were rushing IVs to the stage and I think they were doing CPR on her as they wheeled her off on a stretcher.

I'm glad I didn't watch then.
And I can't believe you have the chutzpah to be a Clinton supporter and criticize ANYONE else for lying! If there was a picture to go along with the dictionary definition of liar it would probably be a shot of Bill and Hillary Clinton, a couple who have told so many lies over the years it boggles the mind.
Aside from bleeding from her ass and vomiting up shredded emails during the forum, I heard Hillary was getting beamed messages from beyond the grave from Saul Alinsky.

Donald Trump came out in boxing trunks and beat up 88 loser generals in one round!

"88 for those in the know ;)"
Are you kidding me? Hillary LIED TO THE FAMILIES OF THE MEN WHO WERE KILLED IN BENGHAZI AS THEIR CASKETS WERE COMING OFF THE PLANE! She looked them in the eye and she lied to them! What "backlash" has she gotten from that?


Hillary and the media have called them 'liars', called them 'crazy', and have given them no where the air time they gave the Khans.

How they have been treated is despicable.
Every time Clinton was asked a question by an audience member, she stood during the question and her response out of respect. Trump never once got off his fat ass.
you do know that Hillary is suffering brain damage that will keep her from doing the job right?
Look, after 8 years of a brain dead Kenyan fucking up the country, why would you want to go for another year or two before handing it over to someone nobody has ever heard of?
Every time Clinton was asked a question by an audience member, she stood during the question and her response out of respect. Trump never once got off his fat ass.
you do know that Hillary is suffering brain damage that will keep her from doing the job right?
Look, after 8 years of a brain dead Kenyan fucking up the country, why would you want to go for another year or two before handing it over to someone nobody has ever heard of?
I'm going to be laughing my ass off for the next eight years as I bump all those Hillary-has-one-foot-in-the-grave posts you retards have made.
Are you kidding me? Hillary LIED TO THE FAMILIES OF THE MEN WHO WERE KILLED IN BENGHAZI AS THEIR CASKETS WERE COMING OFF THE PLANE! She looked them in the eye and she lied to them! What "backlash" has she gotten from that?


Hillary and the media have called them 'liars', called them 'crazy', and have given them no where the air time they gave the Khans.

How they have been treated is despicable.
That was before the election cycle, now she feels their pain.
Every time Clinton was asked a question by an audience member, she stood during the question and her response out of respect. Trump never once got off his fat ass.
you do know that Hillary is suffering brain damage that will keep her from doing the job right?
Look, after 8 years of a brain dead Kenyan fucking up the country, why would you want to go for another year or two before handing it over to someone nobody has ever heard of?
I'm going to be laughing my ass off for the next eight years as I bump all those Hillary-has-one-foot-in-the-grave posts you retards have made.
Hope so for her sake, but we were right about obama being a stupid ghetto negro that hates the U.S.
Paul Ryan has been the chief agent of fucking over veterans on the health care issue. I've been on the receiving end of his bullshit for quite a few years now.

This wasn't Obama's doing. It was the Republicans in Congress.

sure it was ... these numnut RW's cant figure out the way passing legislation works.
well of course we can,.
The president thinks something stupid up, when congress rejects it, the president picks up his phone and his pen and he makes a new law.
Isnt that the way it works?
Every time Clinton was asked a question by an audience member, she stood during the question and her response out of respect. Trump never once got off his fat ass.
you do know that Hillary is suffering brain damage that will keep her from doing the job right?
Look, after 8 years of a brain dead Kenyan fucking up the country, why would you want to go for another year or two before handing it over to someone nobody has ever heard of?
I'm going to be laughing my ass off for the next eight years as I bump all those Hillary-has-one-foot-in-the-grave posts you retards have made.
Part of the reason that I would like to see the Honorable Donald Trump win is to watch all the liberals cry about reduced free shit for the next 4 years.
However, Hillary was promised the job and regardless of how the actual vote goes, she will be the next president.. till she is found dead in the bathroom with shit all over the walls because her bag exploded.
Oh yeah, I forgot only liberal dumbasses who love attacking Bush claimed / claim that the Iraq war was all Bush's fault and had nothing to do with not only Hillary's and other libs' votes but also their making the case to go to war as well.

True...All those democrats who did vote for the war must, MUST, admit that they believed the LYING GWB administration.

(especially the evil fuck,Dick Cheney)

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