Matt Lauer Gets Hammered For Being The One To Finally Ask Hillary The Tough Questions

Lauer was brave enough to finally ask Hillary the tough questions regarding Hillary's email scandal that the 'All-In' media have refused to ask...and immediately after Liberals launched a barrage of attacks against Lauer, using the standard 'Liberal 101' accusations:
- 'Unfair'
- 'Sexist'
- 'Waaaaa!'

God bless Lauer for having the integrity and courage to ask Hillary about the #1 scandal that is in the news every day and that is dogging her campaign, even when the other media refuses to do so!

Matt Lauer Fields Storm of Criticism Over Clinton-Trump Forum

"Charged with overseeing a live prime-time forum with Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton — widely seen as a dry run of sorts for the coming presidential debates — Mr. Lauer found himself besieged on Wednesday evening by critics of all political stripes, who accused the anchor of unfairness, sloppiness and even sexism in his handling of the event."
Half the questions he asked were about her emails and I thought she did a great job answering in every way she could. Explaining how things worked. What she did.
The FBI said there was nothing there to prosecute so I think it should finally be put to bed.

But Trump on the other hand, his questions were all over the place which is a good thing. It gave him a chance to show off his knowledge. Only his answers were all over the place. Which is a bad thing.

We wrongly invaded a country, but we should steal their oil to pay for our blunder.

Our generals, which I know more than they, are rubble. How insulting, saying that right to the face of the American Military.

Putin admires me so of course I'm going to say good things about a popular leader. Typical of someone with Narcissistic personality disorder.

And the worst? They need help. Something he said again and again. Not only did he embarrass a young lady Marine, he was wrong. And his answer was pandering and without substance.

Clinton lied about her emails once again. It's all she's done since this started. The FBI conducted an "investigation" with no subpoenas, no questioning whether Clinton lied and never putting Clinton under oath. Comey's testimony was one of the low points for the FBI in the history of that fine organization. They got "punked" by the Obama Justice Department and came out looking like complete buffoons.

If there was even a dollop of integrity in the Obama Justice Department...let alone "the most transparent administration in history" a special prosecutor would have been appointed to look into Clinton's emails a long time ago. That one hasn't been appointed says everything you have to know about how corrupt the Obama White House has been all along.
I actually thought he sucked up to Hitlery bigtime. He was much more aggressive and hostile to Trump. But Trump handled it well. He was the Boss again.
It is reported that almost twice as many questions were asked of Trump than Hillary. All-In media was still using kid gloves.
Lauer was brave enough to finally ask Hillary the tough questions regarding Hillary's email scandal that the 'All-In' media have refused to ask...and immediately after Liberals launched a barrage of attacks against Lauer, using the standard 'Liberal 101' accusations:
- 'Unfair'
- 'Sexist'
- 'Waaaaa!'

God bless Lauer for having the integrity and courage to ask Hillary about the #1 scandal that is in the news every day and that is dogging her campaign, even when the other media refuses to do so!

Matt Lauer Fields Storm of Criticism Over Clinton-Trump Forum

"Charged with overseeing a live prime-time forum with Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton — widely seen as a dry run of sorts for the coming presidential debates — Mr. Lauer found himself besieged on Wednesday evening by critics of all political stripes, who accused the anchor of unfairness, sloppiness and even sexism in his handling of the event."

Here, queasy moron.....from the article you cite.....

Mr. Lauer found himself besieged on Wednesday evening by critics of all political stripes, who accused the anchor of unfairness......

See, the bigger and underlined assertion should tell idiots like you that criticism of Lauer were NOT from libs alone.
'Hillary, why wasn't your email scandal disqualifying?'


'Asking that question is 'SEXIST'!


Comparing Emails to what Trump said about having no Syrian policy is laughable... Trump was let off the hook on stuff he started in the room...

He continued to lie about Iraq War... Insulted the Generals (imagine if Hlllary did that), Putin...

The thing is if Clinton said any of these things you would shit kittens...

The media is in the tank for Trump. We all know it. They are nothing but Trump puppets.

For your sake I hope that was supposed to be sarcastic, Colonel! If not it's laughable.

Watch CNN for a couple hours and tell me that they're in the tank for Trump. Get a note pad and score it. Put a check every time they slam Trump and a check every time they slam Clinton. See what you end up with.
The media is in the tank for Trump. We all know it. They are nothing but Trump puppets.


CNN's Cuomo came right out and declared to the world, 'We have done everything we can to help Hillary. We have given her a free pass on all of the scandals...'

So I don't know WHAT you are talking about. (Sorry if I missed the sarcasm!)

This thread is a PREVIEW of all the bullshit excuses that Trump-farts will have after each of the debates......LOL
Yes, I was being sarcastic because it's laughable the media was crying about Lauer being sexist and too tough on Hillary.
I actually thought he sucked up to Hitlery bigtime. He was much more aggressive and hostile to Trump. But Trump handled it well. He was the Boss again.
It is reported that almost twice as many questions were asked of Trump than Hillary. All-In media was still using kid gloves.

He clearly threw her softballs. He sucked up bigtime. But i and most expected that. He's a typical Dem-bot Media hack. He attacked Trump, but Trump handled it like a Boss.

I thought Trump was very effective in showing how awful Obama and Clinton have been for our Veterans. They've been a disaster. Most of our Military, especially Veterans, will be supporting Trump. Period, end of story.
Yes, I was being sarcastic because it's laughable the media was crying about Lauer being sexist and too tough on Hillary.

Re-read the fucking article that the O/P cited......The article DOES NOT state that Lauer was easier or meaner to each of the 2 candidates. Lauer is being criticized from BOTH sides of the aisle.
'Hillary, why wasn't your email scandal disqualifying?'


'Asking that question is 'SEXIST'!


Comparing Emails to what Trump said about having no Syrian policy is laughable... Trump was let off the hook on stuff he started in the room...

He continued to lie about Iraq War... Insulted the Generals (imagine if Hlllary did that), Putin...

The thing is if Clinton said any of these things you would shit kittens...

The media is in the tank for Trump. We all know it. They are nothing but Trump puppets.

For your sake I hope that was supposed to be sarcastic, Colonel! If not it's laughable.

Watch CNN for a couple hours and tell me that they're in the tank for Trump. Get a note pad and score it. Put a check every time they slam Trump and a check every time they slam Clinton. See what you end up with.

While to you it may seem that CNN are biased towards Clinton but they are not... Trump has a real hard time telling the truth, he is running a campaign by the being a media whore going from one outlandish statement to the next....

This is the problem with the Alt-Right, they have been so infected they forgot that if one person lies more than the other they get called out more... Trump has been a disgrace and has said stuff in one week which would get any normal candidate creamed but his attitude is I will just say something worse tomorrow....

If Hillary criticized a family of a dead soldier what would the political backlash be like?

I have taken the attitude at this stage that the Alt-Right has lied so much about Hillary and been proven wrong so many times they have just no credibility... Only a fool would continue listening to their wild conspiracy theories and deranged unproven wrong statements they proclaim as facts...
Let's be real, it went the way we thought it would... Lauer kowtowing and fawning all over Hitlery, while attacking and hating on Trump. Typical Liberal Media shite.

But it doesn't matter. Trump still got his message out there. Clinton and Obama should be ashamed of themselves for their awful treatment of our Veterans especially.
'Hillary, why wasn't your email scandal disqualifying?'


'Asking that question is 'SEXIST'!


Comparing Emails to what Trump said about having no Syrian policy is laughable... Trump was let off the hook on stuff he started in the room...

He continued to lie about Iraq War... Insulted the Generals (imagine if Hlllary did that), Putin...

The thing is if Clinton said any of these things you would shit kittens...

The media is in the tank for Trump. We all know it. They are nothing but Trump puppets.

For your sake I hope that was supposed to be sarcastic, Colonel! If not it's laughable.

Watch CNN for a couple hours and tell me that they're in the tank for Trump. Get a note pad and score it. Put a check every time they slam Trump and a check every time they slam Clinton. See what you end up with.

While to you it may seem that CNN are biased towards Clinton but they are not... Trump has a real hard time telling the truth, he is running a campaign by the being a media whore going from one outlandish statement to the next....

This is the problem with the Alt-Right, they have been so infected they forgot that if one person lies more than the other they get called out more... Trump has been a disgrace and has said stuff in one week which would get any normal candidate creamed but his attitude is I will just say something worse tomorrow....

If Hillary criticized a family of a dead soldier what would the political backlash be like?

I have taken the attitude at this stage that the Alt-Right has lied so much about Hillary and been proven wrong so many times they have just no credibility... Only a fool would continue listening to their wild conspiracy theories and deranged unproven wrong statements they proclaim as facts...

Really dumb Democrat Talking Points. I mean, you're voting for the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in history for God's sake. So i doubt you're concerned about truth and justice. The Clintons are corrupt criminals. Nuff said.
HRC did much better than DJT last night, but I still cannot vote for her.

I will vote Johnson.
'Hillary, why wasn't your email scandal disqualifying?'


'Asking that question is 'SEXIST'!


Comparing Emails to what Trump said about having no Syrian policy is laughable... Trump was let off the hook on stuff he started in the room...

He continued to lie about Iraq War... Insulted the Generals (imagine if Hlllary did that), Putin...

The thing is if Clinton said any of these things you would shit kittens...

The media is in the tank for Trump. We all know it. They are nothing but Trump puppets.

For your sake I hope that was supposed to be sarcastic, Colonel! If not it's laughable.

Watch CNN for a couple hours and tell me that they're in the tank for Trump. Get a note pad and score it. Put a check every time they slam Trump and a check every time they slam Clinton. See what you end up with.

While to you it may seem that CNN are biased towards Clinton but they are not... Trump has a real hard time telling the truth, he is running a campaign by the being a media whore going from one outlandish statement to the next....

This is the problem with the Alt-Right, they have been so infected they forgot that if one person lies more than the other they get called out more... Trump has been a disgrace and has said stuff in one week which would get any normal candidate creamed but his attitude is I will just say something worse tomorrow....

If Hillary criticized a family of a dead soldier what would the political backlash be like?

I have taken the attitude at this stage that the Alt-Right has lied so much about Hillary and been proven wrong so many times they have just no credibility... Only a fool would continue listening to their wild conspiracy theories and deranged unproven wrong statements they proclaim as facts...

Really dumb Democrat Talking Points. I mean, you're voting for the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in history for God's sake. So i doubt you're concerned about truth and justice. The Clintons are corrupt criminals. Nuff said.
Pauli, you too are not concerned about truth and justice, or you would not support Trump, either.
Comparing Emails to what Trump said about having no Syrian policy is laughable... Trump was let off the hook on stuff he started in the room...

He continued to lie about Iraq War... Insulted the Generals (imagine if Hlllary did that), Putin...

The thing is if Clinton said any of these things you would shit kittens...

The media is in the tank for Trump. We all know it. They are nothing but Trump puppets.

For your sake I hope that was supposed to be sarcastic, Colonel! If not it's laughable.

Watch CNN for a couple hours and tell me that they're in the tank for Trump. Get a note pad and score it. Put a check every time they slam Trump and a check every time they slam Clinton. See what you end up with.

While to you it may seem that CNN are biased towards Clinton but they are not... Trump has a real hard time telling the truth, he is running a campaign by the being a media whore going from one outlandish statement to the next....

This is the problem with the Alt-Right, they have been so infected they forgot that if one person lies more than the other they get called out more... Trump has been a disgrace and has said stuff in one week which would get any normal candidate creamed but his attitude is I will just say something worse tomorrow....

If Hillary criticized a family of a dead soldier what would the political backlash be like?

I have taken the attitude at this stage that the Alt-Right has lied so much about Hillary and been proven wrong so many times they have just no credibility... Only a fool would continue listening to their wild conspiracy theories and deranged unproven wrong statements they proclaim as facts...

Really dumb Democrat Talking Points. I mean, you're voting for the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in history for God's sake. So i doubt you're concerned about truth and justice. The Clintons are corrupt criminals. Nuff said.
Pauli, you too are not concerned about truth and justice, or you would not support Trump, either.

For that and various other reasons, i have to support Trump. Clinton is a criminal. She should not be rewarded by being allowed to be President of the United States. Period, end of story.
Let's be real, it went the way we thought it would... Lauer kowtowing and fawning all over Hitlery, while attacking and hating on Trump. Typical Liberal Media shite.

But it doesn't matter. Trump still got his message out there. Clinton and Obama should be ashamed of themselves for their awful treatment of our Veterans especially.
What message was that? He lied or has no idea what occurs in intelligence briefings and how generals are promoted to commands? He lied about supporting the Iraq invasion? He has a strange bormance with Putin? He thinks we go to war to steal natural resources? He has no policy on Syria and Iraq?
The overall topic of the interviews last night by Lauer and veterans, was the candidates' stances on the current wars and the status of benefits to Vets......

Had Lauer asked Trump about his NOT releasing his tax returns or about the fraud of Trump U., THAT would have been unfair.

However, Lauer DID ask Clinton about her emails messes and THAT was a breach of the objective of the interviews.

Nonetheless, any claim by right wingers that Lauer was cuddling up to Hillary is total BULLSHIT.

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