Matt Lauer Gets Hammered For Being The One To Finally Ask Hillary The Tough Questions

Again, Clinton and Obama have no 'successes' to boast about. They've been a disaster, especially on foreign policy. Trump knows how to negotiate. And that was his point on Putin and Russia especially. Obama, Kerry, and Clinton have proven to be completely clueless. Trump will do better. Negotiating is what he does best.

Fine, let Trump interview in the Clinton's administration for the job of Secretary of Commerce.

He can negotiate. Your folks are a real mess. Obama, Kerry, and Clinton have been a disaster. Trump nailed it Spot On. Period, end of story.
What you refuse to mention in regards to all of these bills is the fact that Liberals have attempted to use all of these bills as 'Trojan Horses', packing everything from Funding for Planned parenthood to all kinds of other Liberal pork. It's not the support for the troops the GOP has opposed, it has been the disgraceful way liberals have tried to hijack these bills to get all kinds of crap. And when they do not get their way, the bills are voted down because of all the liberal crap, the libs scream how much the GOP hates the troops. They have been doing this for decades.

yeah, Libs love the military...How's that VA mess Barry said he would get right on a year or so ago?!
Trump lied again about supporting the war in Iraq, and Lauer let him get away with it.

Prior to the invasion, Trump said he supported it. It wasn't until 2007 that he became a Cindy Sheehan cut-and-run loser.

"Declare victory, and leave!"
She is such an establishment politico that she will sell out to the war lords and the corporations.
Like she sold out to Al Qaeida, helping drag the country to war to help them take over Libya?! LOL!
I am not surprised but am no where near impressed with Hillary having to be coached and fed answers during the forum from the man whispering into her ear piece.

well, if THAT is what you believe (because you're an idiot) you'll have to admit that it was done better than this, correct?

Lauer was brave enough to finally ask Hillary the tough questions regarding Hillary's email scandal that the 'All-In' media have refused to ask...and immediately after Liberals launched a barrage of attacks against Lauer, using the standard 'Liberal 101' accusations:
- 'Unfair'
- 'Sexist'
- 'Waaaaa!'

God bless Lauer for having the integrity and courage to ask Hillary about the #1 scandal that is in the news every day and that is dogging her campaign, even when the other media refuses to do so!

Matt Lauer Fields Storm of Criticism Over Clinton-Trump Forum

"Charged with overseeing a live prime-time forum with Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton — widely seen as a dry run of sorts for the coming presidential debates — Mr. Lauer found himself besieged on Wednesday evening by critics of all political stripes, who accused the anchor of unfairness, sloppiness and even sexism in his handling of the event."
It was supposed to be a forum devoted to foreign policy. Spending half of Hillary's time on the e-mail scandals was a weak tie-in to foreign policy. In Lauer's defense, though, if she'd answered these questions in press conferences prior to last night, he wouldn't have had to ask them.
He didn't seem to push Trump as hard as Hillary, but maybe that's because Trump didn't really seem to have a lot to say. A lot of criticizing Obama and Clinton, but not much except he's going to keep the oil and he's going to ask the generals for a plan. I'd hoped for more. I don't like Clinton's adamant "no boots on the ground." Maybe I'm too impatient.

I thought he said the generals were 'Rubble' and he needs ones to say yes...

As to 'Boots on the Ground', Read 'Black Flags'. Stay the hell out of it and let Arabs sort out Arabs on the ground... US puts troops on the ground you are playing into ISIS hands... They want US on the ground, easier to shoot at then....

ISIS have no real threat to US. You more than 10 times to killed by the cops in US and be unarmed and white than killed by a terrorist...
Trump lied again about supporting the war in Iraq, and Lauer let him get away with it.

Prior to the invasion, Trump said he supported it. It wasn't until 2007 that he became a Cindy Sheehan cut-and-run loser.
Sorta like it.
By Trump's own standards, he was wrong at both ends of the Iraq War.

He supported the invasion, which he now condemns.

In 2007, he wanted to cut-and-run. "Declare victory, and leave!" A policy he now blames for the creation of ISIS.

By his own current standards, Trump has atrocious judgment.
according to Donnie, the entire world is falling apart at the seams, and he's the only human alive that can fix it ....

as long as he has Putin's cock in his mouth.

F him.
Trump lied again about supporting the war in Iraq, and Lauer let him get away with it.

Prior to the invasion, Trump said he supported it. It wasn't until 2007 that he became a Cindy Sheehan cut-and-run loser.
Sorta like it.
Hillary does not deny she supported the invasion. Nice try, idiot. Not.
well, if THAT is what you believe (because you're an idiot) you'll have to admit that it was done better than this, correct?

Ding, ding, ding....winner, winner, chicken dinner! THERE it IS! "B...b...b..but Booooosh!"

Lib 101:
1. When you get busted for anything: 'Lie, Deny' and Justify!'
2. Call them 'racist' and/or 'sexist'.
3. Blame 'Booooooooosh'!

Tell it to all the Veterans' families who watched their loved ones die waiting for treatment. You should actually be ashamed of yourself for supporting the assholes who allowed the VA to become such a nightmare. Trump can and will do better. Nuff said.

Sure, you can disregard facts all you want with your "'nuff said"....but unless you actually think that veterans and their families are a bunch of dummies, FACTS should speak for them selves.

Check out how many bills to help vets that the GOP (the party of Trump) has REJECTED and then get back with your "nuff said".
Paul Ryan has been the chief agent of fucking over veterans on the health care issue. I've been on the receiving end of his bullshit for quite a few years now.

This wasn't Obama's doing. It was the Republicans in Congress.
Tell it to all the Veterans' families who watched their loved ones die waiting for treatment. You should actually be ashamed of yourself for supporting the assholes who allowed the VA to become such a nightmare. Trump can and will do better. Nuff said.

Sure, you can disregard facts all you want with your "'nuff said"....but unless you actually think that veterans and their families are a bunch of dummies, FACTS should speak for them selves.

Check out how many bills to help vets that the GOP (the party of Trump) has REJECTED and then get back with your "nuff said".

Soldiers and Veterans know the deal. They know you guys have been a miserable disaster. They're supporting Trump.
Hillary does not deny she supported the invasion.

Oh yeah, I forgot only liberal dumbasses who love attacking Bush claimed / claim that the Iraq war was all Bush's fault and had nothing to do with not only Hillary's and other libs' votes but also their making the case to go to war as well.

My bad. :p
Ding, ding, ding....winner, winner, chicken dinner! THERE it IS! "B...b...b..but Booooosh!"

Lib 101:
1. When you get busted for anything: 'Lie, Deny' and Justify!'
2. Call them 'racist' and/or 'sexist'.
3. Blame 'Booooooooosh'! the PROOF that Hillary was being fed answers and don't give for proof the fucked up version from the Drudge Report idiots.

GO the PROOF.......
Did she have a coughing fit and have to walk off stage?
Yeah. She was wheeled in on a trolley and six handlers had to lift her onto the stage. She laid on a couch the whole time and napped between questions. She was unable to give a single answer without having to stop and hack up a hairball. By the end, they were rushing IVs to the stage and I think they were doing CPR on her as they wheeled her off on a stretcher.
Paul Ryan has been the chief agent of fucking over veterans on the health care issue. I've been on the receiving end of his bullshit for quite a few years now.

This wasn't Obama's doing. It was the Republicans in Congress.
The Obama administration is responsible for the VA disaster - the lines, the false reporting, the corruption, etc. After it was exposed Barry said he would get right on that...yeah more than a year later no change. Ryan just had this crap dumped in his lap not long ago - it was going on far longer than he has been Speaker. Nice try.

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