Matt Lauer Gets Hammered For Being The One To Finally Ask Hillary The Tough Questions

Comparing Emails to what Trump said about having no Syrian policy is laughable... Trump was let off the hook on stuff he started in the room...

He continued to lie about Iraq War... Insulted the Generals (imagine if Hlllary did that), Putin...

The thing is if Clinton said any of these things you would shit kittens...

The media is in the tank for Trump. We all know it. They are nothing but Trump puppets.

For your sake I hope that was supposed to be sarcastic, Colonel! If not it's laughable.

Watch CNN for a couple hours and tell me that they're in the tank for Trump. Get a note pad and score it. Put a check every time they slam Trump and a check every time they slam Clinton. See what you end up with.

While to you it may seem that CNN are biased towards Clinton but they are not... Trump has a real hard time telling the truth, he is running a campaign by the being a media whore going from one outlandish statement to the next....

This is the problem with the Alt-Right, they have been so infected they forgot that if one person lies more than the other they get called out more... Trump has been a disgrace and has said stuff in one week which would get any normal candidate creamed but his attitude is I will just say something worse tomorrow....

If Hillary criticized a family of a dead soldier what would the political backlash be like?

I have taken the attitude at this stage that the Alt-Right has lied so much about Hillary and been proven wrong so many times they have just no credibility... Only a fool would continue listening to their wild conspiracy theories and deranged unproven wrong statements they proclaim as facts...

Really dumb Democrat Talking Points. I mean, you're voting for the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in history for God's sake. So i doubt you're concerned about truth and justice. The Clintons are corrupt criminals. Nuff said.
Pauli, you too are not concerned about truth and justice, or you would not support Trump, either.


A question, you do dislike Trump and I think more that Hillary (you can correct me)....

Apart from Hillary being a center-left candidate and possibly the email server... What don't you like about her that has actually been proven...

The Alt-right has throw allegation after allegation but they have been refuted(exception Bosnia Sniper, long time ago and she was given a briefing about snipers)... What is the major objection factually do you have against her over Johnson who might lack a bit on the big stage (albeit I say his heart is honest)....

I can understand Clinton being guarded and sometimes comes off as cold but a lot of personal stories about her are that she is intelligent, empathic and generally no nonsense kind of person...

Just want your take?
Let's be real, it went the way we thought it would... Lauer kowtowing and fawning all over Hitlery, while attacking and hating on Trump. Typical Liberal Media shite.

But it doesn't matter. Trump still got his message out there. Clinton and Obama should be ashamed of themselves for their awful treatment of our Veterans especially.
What message was that? He lied or has no idea what occurs in intelligence briefings and how generals are promoted to commands? He lied about supporting the Iraq invasion? He has a strange bormance with Putin? He thinks we go to war to steal natural resources? He has no policy on Syria and Iraq?

He was very effective in showing what a terrible disaster Obama and Clinton have been for our Military, and Veterans especially. They both should be ashamed of what they did to the VA.

And he was clear about the Putin stuff too. Lauer kept trying to attack him on it, but he handled it well. Putin and Russia can be important allies. A new Cold War isn't wise or necessary. Clinton and Obama's 'Reset Button' has been a monumental fail. Bottom line is, neither Clinton or Obama have any 'successes' to boast about. They've been a disaster. Trump very wisely and articulately pointed that out.
Matt Lauer proved he is the lightweight he has always been.
Lauer was brave enough to finally ask Hillary the tough questions regarding Hillary's email scandal that the 'All-In' media have refused to ask...and immediately after Liberals launched a barrage of attacks against Lauer, using the standard 'Liberal 101' accusations:
- 'Unfair'
- 'Sexist'
- 'Waaaaa!'

God bless Lauer for having the integrity and courage to ask Hillary about the #1 scandal that is in the news every day and that is dogging her campaign, even when the other media refuses to do so!

Matt Lauer Fields Storm of Criticism Over Clinton-Trump Forum

"Charged with overseeing a live prime-time forum with Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton — widely seen as a dry run of sorts for the coming presidential debates — Mr. Lauer found himself besieged on Wednesday evening by critics of all political stripes, who accused the anchor of unfairness, sloppiness and even sexism in his handling of the event."
It was supposed to be a forum devoted to foreign policy. Spending half of Hillary's time on the e-mail scandals was a weak tie-in to foreign policy. In Lauer's defense, though, if she'd answered these questions in press conferences prior to last night, he wouldn't have had to ask them.
He didn't seem to push Trump as hard as Hillary, but maybe that's because Trump didn't really seem to have a lot to say. A lot of criticizing Obama and Clinton, but not much except he's going to keep the oil and he's going to ask the generals for a plan. I'd hoped for more. I don't like Clinton's adamant "no boots on the ground." Maybe I'm too impatient.
He was very effective in showing what a terrible disaster Obama and Clinton have been for our Military, and Veterans especially. They both should be ashamed of what they did to the VA.

That is such BULLSHIT........Be honest (if not to us at least to yourself) ...Trump could have talked about his hair coloring and YOU would still interpret that as his magnificent showing of "what a terrible disaster Obama and Clinton have been"......

You want to hear what you wish to hear..........and, in the long run, its a loser's wish.
Let's be real, it went the way we thought it would... Lauer kowtowing and fawning all over Hitlery, while attacking and hating on Trump. Typical Liberal Media shite.

But it doesn't matter. Trump still got his message out there. Clinton and Obama should be ashamed of themselves for their awful treatment of our Veterans especially.
What message was that? He lied or has no idea what occurs in intelligence briefings and how generals are promoted to commands? He lied about supporting the Iraq invasion? He has a strange bormance with Putin? He thinks we go to war to steal natural resources? He has no policy on Syria and Iraq?

He was very effective in showing what a terrible disaster Obama and Clinton have been for our Military, and Veterans especially. They both should be ashamed of what they did to the VA.

And he was clear about the Putin stuff too. Lauer kept trying to attack him on it, but he handled it well. Putin and Russia can be important allies. A new Cold War isn't wise or necessary. Clinton and Obama's 'Reset Button' has been a monumental fail. Bottom line is, neither Clinton or Obama have any 'successes' to boast about. They've been a disaster. Trump very wisely and articulately pointed that out.
Well, assuming that's true, Trump showed he has no policy or understanding of how policy is formulated, and Putin is aimed at destabilizing the E European democracies, if not Germany too.
Yes, I was being sarcastic because it's laughable the media was crying about Lauer being sexist and too tough on Hillary.

Re-read the fucking article that the O/P cited......The article DOES NOT state that Lauer was easier or meaner to each of the 2 candidates. Lauer is being criticized from BOTH sides of the aisle.
The interviewer shouldn't get blamed for a poor performance by both candidates.
He was very effective in showing what a terrible disaster Obama and Clinton have been for our Military, and Veterans especially. They both should be ashamed of what they did to the VA.

That is such BULLSHIT........Be honest (if not to us at least to yourself) ...Trump could have talked about his hair coloring and YOU would still interpret that as his magnificent showing of "what a terrible disaster Obama and Clinton have been"......

You want to hear what you wish to hear..........and, in the long run, its a loser's wish.

The VA is an awful disaster. And that is on you folks. Obama and Clinton are very disliked among our Soldiers, and especially Veterans. You can live in denial over that if you want, but it is reality. Trump nailed em. God bless em for it.
except he's going to keep the oil

...and on THAT (keeping the oil) Trump shows his complete stupidity....

Can you picture the US building a mini-fort around each oil-well?...and guarding those with US soldiers who would have a bull's eye target painted on their backs?.....and with pissed off ISIS AND Iraqis trying to kill them?
Yes, I was being sarcastic because it's laughable the media was crying about Lauer being sexist and too tough on Hillary.

Re-read the fucking article that the O/P cited......The article DOES NOT state that Lauer was easier or meaner to each of the 2 candidates. Lauer is being criticized from BOTH sides of the aisle.
The interviewer shouldn't get blamed for a poor performance by both candidates.

Yes he should. He kowtowed and fawned all over one, while attacking the other. It was shamefully unprofessional. But Trump handled it very well. He was the Boss again.
It was supposed to be a forum devoted to foreign policy. Spending half of Hillary's time on the e-mail scandals was a weak tie-in to foreign policy. In Lauer's defense, though, if she'd answered these questions in press conferences prior to last night, he wouldn't have had to ask them.


He didn't seem to push Trump as hard as Hillary...
The media reported Lauer asked Trump almost twice as many questions.

I am not surprised but am no where near impressed with Hillary having to be coached and fed answers during the forum from the man whispering into her ear piece.
Matt Lauer Gets Hammered For Being The One To Finally Ask Hillary The Tough Questions

Clinton lied in the opinion of every RW'r on the planet

Trump will make America great again is his answer to every fucking question

same shit, different day.

bla bla bla .....
The VA is an awful disaster. And that is on you folks. Obama and Clinton are very disliked among our Soldiers, and especially Veterans. You can live in denial over that if you want, but it is reality. Trump nailed em. God bless em for it.

Here....objectively REFUTE these facts:

Overall, Obama Has Done More For Veterans Than Any President In the Past 30 Years.

Republicans and conservatives have spent 4 years spreading the lie that President Obama hasn’t done anything for veterans. They have repeated it 100x per day for all 4 years and spent millions promoting their lies. The thing about records is that they are recorded. So let’s set the record straight.

Quick Overview:
  1. Initiated a new policy to promote federal hiring of military spouses. ref, ref
  2. Improved benefits for veterans. ref, ref, ref, ref
  3. Interagency Task Force on Veterans Small Business Development . ref
  4. Worked to clear the backlog of veterans claims and streamline benefits to those who served. ref
  5. Provided for the expenses of families of to be at Dover AFB when fallen soldiers arrive.ref
  6. Donated 250K of Nobel prize money to Fisher House. ref
  7. Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act of 2009. ref
  8. Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2009. ref
  9. Medal of Honor Commemorative Coin Act of 2009. ref
  10. Promoted a bill to award a Congressional Gold Medal to the Women Airforce Service Pilots (“WASP”). ref
  11. Ended media blackout on war casualties; reporting full information. ref , ref, ref , ref
  12. Military Spouses Residency Relief Act. ref
  13. Improved basic housing allowance for military personnel. ref
  14. Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010. ref
  15. Provided minimum essential health care coverage by Veteran’s Affairs. ref
  16. Authorized construction/opening of additional health centers to care for veterans. ref
  17. Korean War Veterans Recognition Act. ref
  18. Blinded Veterans Association. ref
  19. Major Charles R. Soltes, Jr., O.D. Department of Veterans Affairs Blind Rehabilitation Center. ref
  20. Improved access for Veterans to receive PTSD treatment. ref
  21. Green Vet Initiative to promote environmental jobs for veterans. ref
Let's be real, it went the way we thought it would... Lauer kowtowing and fawning all over Hitlery, while attacking and hating on Trump. Typical Liberal Media shite.

But it doesn't matter. Trump still got his message out there. Clinton and Obama should be ashamed of themselves for their awful treatment of our Veterans especially.
What message was that? He lied or has no idea what occurs in intelligence briefings and how generals are promoted to commands? He lied about supporting the Iraq invasion? He has a strange bormance with Putin? He thinks we go to war to steal natural resources? He has no policy on Syria and Iraq?

He was very effective in showing what a terrible disaster Obama and Clinton have been for our Military, and Veterans especially. They both should be ashamed of what they did to the VA.

And he was clear about the Putin stuff too. Lauer kept trying to attack him on it, but he handled it well. Putin and Russia can be important allies. A new Cold War isn't wise or necessary. Clinton and Obama's 'Reset Button' has been a monumental fail. Bottom line is, neither Clinton or Obama have any 'successes' to boast about. They've been a disaster. Trump very wisely and articulately pointed that out.
Well, assuming that's true, Trump showed he has no policy or understanding of how policy is formulated, and Putin is aimed at destabilizing the E European democracies, if not Germany too.

Again, Clinton and Obama have no 'successes' to boast about. They've been a disaster, especially on foreign policy. Trump knows how to negotiate. And that was his point on Putin and Russia especially. Obama, Kerry, and Clinton have proven to be completely clueless. Trump will do better. Negotiating is what he does best.
The media is in the tank for Trump. We all know it. They are nothing but Trump puppets.

For your sake I hope that was supposed to be sarcastic, Colonel! If not it's laughable.

Watch CNN for a couple hours and tell me that they're in the tank for Trump. Get a note pad and score it. Put a check every time they slam Trump and a check every time they slam Clinton. See what you end up with.

While to you it may seem that CNN are biased towards Clinton but they are not... Trump has a real hard time telling the truth, he is running a campaign by the being a media whore going from one outlandish statement to the next....

This is the problem with the Alt-Right, they have been so infected they forgot that if one person lies more than the other they get called out more... Trump has been a disgrace and has said stuff in one week which would get any normal candidate creamed but his attitude is I will just say something worse tomorrow....

If Hillary criticized a family of a dead soldier what would the political backlash be like?

I have taken the attitude at this stage that the Alt-Right has lied so much about Hillary and been proven wrong so many times they have just no credibility... Only a fool would continue listening to their wild conspiracy theories and deranged unproven wrong statements they proclaim as facts...

Really dumb Democrat Talking Points. I mean, you're voting for the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in history for God's sake. So i doubt you're concerned about truth and justice. The Clintons are corrupt criminals. Nuff said.
Pauli, you too are not concerned about truth and justice, or you would not support Trump, either.


A question, you do dislike Trump and I think more that Hillary (you can correct me)....

Apart from Hillary being a center-left candidate and possibly the email server... What don't you like about her that has actually been proven...

The Alt-right has throw allegation after allegation but they have been refuted(exception Bosnia Sniper, long time ago and she was given a briefing about snipers)... What is the major objection factually do you have against her over Johnson who might lack a bit on the big stage (albeit I say his heart is honest)....

I can understand Clinton being guarded and sometimes comes off as cold but a lot of personal stories about her are that she is intelligent, empathic and generally no nonsense kind of person...

Just want your take?
She is such an establishment politico that she will sell out to the war lords and the corporations.
Surprise, surprise...and Barry said he would get right on that...right after he ever gets off the golf course.

Here's the Bills in numerical order. In short, the GOP has voted TO NOT SUPPORT THE TROOPS at least 7 times. I think that is sufficient to call the GOP House Hypocrites and Phonies.

Bill's Blocked By Republican's Since President Obama Took Office.

David Gregory, John McCain, and the media aren't covering this story so we have to.

Here's a concise extraction for easy viewing for those who are INTERESTED IN VETERANS ISSUES and need to know which party supports veterans and which party does not.

The rejected Bills are named:

H.R. 466 – Wounded Veteran Job Security Act became H. R. 2875.

H.R. 1168 -- Veterans Retraining Act

H.R. 1171 – Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Reauthorization

H.R. 1172 -- Requiring List on VA Website of Organizations Providing Scholarships for Veterans

H.R. 1293 -- Disabled Veterans Home Improvement and Structural Alteration Grant Increase Act of 2009

H.R. 1803 -- Veterans Business Center Act

H.R. 2352 – Job Creation Through Entrepreneurship Act


H.R. 466 – Wounded Veteran Job Security Act – This bill would actually provide job security for veterans who are receiving medical treatment for injuries suffered while fighting in defense of their country. It would prohibit employers from terminating
employees who miss work while receiving treatment for a service-related disability.

H.R. 1168 -- Veterans Retraining Act – This bill would provide for assistance to help veterans who are currently unemployed with their expenses while retraining for the current job market.

H.R. 1171 – Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Reauthorization – This bill would reauthorize programs in support of homeless veterans, to assist them with job training, counseling, and placement services through the Department of Veterans Affairs through 2014.

H.R. 1172 -- Requiring List on VA Website of Organizations Providing Scholarships for Veterans which does nothing more than direct the Department of Veterans Affairs to include information about scholarships for veterans.

H.R. 1293 -- Disabled Veterans Home Improvement and Structural Alteration Grant Increase Act of 2009 – Here’sanother bill in support of those who have fought for their country, passed by House Democrats and blocked from becoming law by Republicans.

This would increase the amount paid by the VA to disabled veterans for necessary home structural improvements from $4,100 to $6,800 for those who are more than 50% disabled, and from $1,200 to $2,000 who are less than 50%, disabled. This means, if a veteran lost the use of his legs in service of his country, the country will pay for the wheelchair ramp so that he can live at home.

By the way, the last time this ceiling was lifted was in 1992. There isn't even a fiscal reason for being against this bill, as the total cost of this bill, according to CBO estimates, would be a “whopping” $20 million. That's about a quarter (25 cents) per family of four.

H.R. 1803 -- Veterans Business Center Act – This bill would set up a Veterans Business Center program within the Small Business Administration, which would specialize in such programs as grants for service-disabled veterans, help them develop business plans and secure business opportunities. In other words, folks, it would create jobs and offer opportunities those who have fought in defense of our country.

H.R. 2352 – Job Creation Through Entrepreneurship Act – This bill essentially combines a number of other bills that Republicans had blocked in the Senate previously, and adds a few elements. The bill would again establish a Veterans Business Center Program; .... it would establish a Military Entrepreneurs Program; ...

VOTERS NEED TO SEE THIS LIST to offset the distortions offered by the GOP and the silent media.

This GOP record does not says We Do Not Support the Troops.

Is it any wonder that VETERANS SUPPORT OBAMA in recent polls?

Poll: Veterans Favor Obama Over Romney ‘By As Much As Seven Points’
Again, Clinton and Obama have no 'successes' to boast about. They've been a disaster, especially on foreign policy. Trump knows how to negotiate. And that was his point on Putin and Russia especially. Obama, Kerry, and Clinton have proven to be completely clueless. Trump will do better. Negotiating is what he does best.

Fine, let Trump interview in the Clinton's administration for the job of Secretary of Commerce.
The VA is an awful disaster. And that is on you folks. Obama and Clinton are very disliked among our Soldiers, and especially Veterans. You can live in denial over that if you want, but it is reality. Trump nailed em. God bless em for it.

Here....objectively REFUTE these facts:

Overall, Obama Has Done More For Veterans Than Any President In the Past 30 Years.

Republicans and conservatives have spent 4 years spreading the lie that President Obama hasn’t done anything for veterans. They have repeated it 100x per day for all 4 years and spent millions promoting their lies. The thing about records is that they are recorded. So let’s set the record straight.

Quick Overview:
  1. Initiated a new policy to promote federal hiring of military spouses. ref, ref
  2. Improved benefits for veterans. ref, ref, ref, ref
  3. Interagency Task Force on Veterans Small Business Development . ref
  4. Worked to clear the backlog of veterans claims and streamline benefits to those who served. ref
  5. Provided for the expenses of families of to be at Dover AFB when fallen soldiers arrive.ref
  6. Donated 250K of Nobel prize money to Fisher House. ref
  7. Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act of 2009. ref
  8. Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2009. ref
  9. Medal of Honor Commemorative Coin Act of 2009. ref
  10. Promoted a bill to award a Congressional Gold Medal to the Women Airforce Service Pilots (“WASP”). ref
  11. Ended media blackout on war casualties; reporting full information. ref , ref, ref , ref
  12. Military Spouses Residency Relief Act. ref
  13. Improved basic housing allowance for military personnel. ref
  14. Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010. ref
  15. Provided minimum essential health care coverage by Veteran’s Affairs. ref
  16. Authorized construction/opening of additional health centers to care for veterans. ref
  17. Korean War Veterans Recognition Act. ref
  18. Blinded Veterans Association. ref
  19. Major Charles R. Soltes, Jr., O.D. Department of Veterans Affairs Blind Rehabilitation Center. ref
  20. Improved access for Veterans to receive PTSD treatment. ref
  21. Green Vet Initiative to promote environmental jobs for veterans. ref

Tell it to all the Veterans' families who watched their loved ones die waiting for treatment. You should actually be ashamed of yourself for supporting the assholes who allowed the VA to become such a nightmare. Trump can and will do better. Nuff said.

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