Matt Taibbi on Media Suppression of Biden Scandal


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
A very informative and well written article exposing media collusion, hypocrisy, and bias.

All the things we've been saying for years.

And before the left rides in on their one trick pony...attacking the messenger..Taibbi is no fan of President Trump.

Here is an except...

"Many people on the liberal side of the political aisle don’t have a problem with this, focused as they are on the upcoming Trump-Biden election. But this same press corps might be weeks away from assuming responsibility for challenging a Biden administration. If they’ve already calculated once that a true story may be buried for political reasons because the other “side” is worse, they will surely make that same calculation again.

What happens a month from now when an ambitious Republican like Tom Cotton leaks a document damaging to a President-Elect Biden? Or two years from now, if in the weeks before midterm elections, we get bad economic news, or a Biden/Harris administration foreign policy initiative takes a turn for the worse? Are we sure those stories will be run?"

Unfortunately...while you may read a substantial portion of this article at the link above...and I recommend you do (even if you are a Biden supporter... there are some things in there for you too) is not the complete article. I will continue to search for an archived non-pay version to add in a follow up post.
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The main thing is, to sit on this stuff until two weeks before the election, so that it can't be reliable vetted and people will be bamboozled with no actual facts.

Seriously, they've had all this same dirt for many months. If they thought it was genuine, they'd have pushed it out there already.
The main thing is, to sit on this stuff until two weeks before the election, so that it can't be reliable vetted and people will be bamboozled with no actual facts.

Seriously, they've had all this same dirt for many months. If they thought it was genuine, they'd have pushed it out there already.

This has been a story for a long time. It's grown lately but it's been a story for a long time.
The main thing is, to sit on this stuff until two weeks before the election, so that it can't be reliable vetted and people will be bamboozled with no actual facts.

Seriously, they've had all this same dirt for many months. If they thought it was genuine, they'd have pushed it out there already.

This has been a story for a long time. It's grown lately but it's been a story for a long time.
grown lately. got it.
Amazing how conservatives love Taibbi NOW. Who are they going to praise next, Glenn Greenwald? When do you start calling for Snowden to be pardoned? :auiqs.jpg:
Uh...yeah. I think Glenn Greenwald is honest. And I've always supported Snowden. I also watch Jimmy Dore on YouTube and Tim Pool when he was a Bernie Supporter.

I think your comment is more projection than commentary. I listen to both sides then make my own decision.
When do you start calling for Snowden to be pardoned? :auiqs.jpg:

Right here in 2017...

And I defended him here in 2013...

That's the great thing about our little forum...I can prove my assertions...
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Trump retweeted Taibbi yesterday. Taibbi has written a book called "Insane Clown President" about Trump
The main thing is, to sit on this stuff until two weeks before the election, so that it can't be reliable vetted and people will be bamboozled with no actual facts.

Seriously, they've had all this same dirt for many months. If they thought it was genuine, they'd have pushed it out there already.
Like immaculate conception and Jesus walking on water. Simply coincidence. Every time..
A very informative and well written article exposing media collusion, hypocrisy, and bias.

All the things we've been saying for years.

And before the left rides in on their one trick pony...attacking the messenger..Taibbi is no fan of President Trump.

Here is an except...

"Many people on the liberal side of the political aisle don’t have a problem with this, focused as they are on the upcoming Trump-Biden election. But this same press corps might be weeks away from assuming responsibility for challenging a Biden administration. If they’ve already calculated once that a true story may be buried for political reasons because the other “side” is worse, they will surely make that same calculation again.

What happens a month from now when an ambitious Republican like Tom Cotton leaks a document damaging to a President-Elect Biden? Or two years from now, if in the weeks before midterm elections, we get bad economic news, or a Biden/Harris administration foreign policy initiative takes a turn for the worse? Are we sure those stories will be run?"

Unfortunately...while you may read a substantial portion of this article at the link above...and I recommend you do (even if you are a Biden supporter... there are some things in there for you too) is not the complete article. I will continue to search for an archived non-pay version to add in a follow up post.

From your link:

“The Republican version of Burisma story – essentially, that former General Prosecutor Viktor Shokin was Elliott Ness, and Joe Biden intervened to fire him specifically to aid his son’s company – is also not supported by evidence.

What Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and his cohorts have done to date is take a few unreported or under-reported facts and leap straight to a maximalist interpretation of corruption on Joe Biden’s part.“

The major media outlets have ignored this manufactured story for good reason. It’s garbage.
Amazing how conservatives love Taibbi NOW. Who are they going to praise next, Glenn Greenwald? When do you start calling for Snowden to be pardoned? :auiqs.jpg:
What...ive been reading him for a long time ..ive posted a couple of his piece here ... Americans here anyway like his stuff cause he's not a complete useful idiot
Youre a typical ignorant closed minded sub human leftist....go burn a flag
A very informative and well written article exposing media collusion, hypocrisy, and bias.

All the things we've been saying for years.

And before the left rides in on their one trick pony...attacking the messenger..Taibbi is no fan of President Trump.

Here is an except...

"Many people on the liberal side of the political aisle don’t have a problem with this, focused as they are on the upcoming Trump-Biden election. But this same press corps might be weeks away from assuming responsibility for challenging a Biden administration. If they’ve already calculated once that a true story may be buried for political reasons because the other “side” is worse, they will surely make that same calculation again.

What happens a month from now when an ambitious Republican like Tom Cotton leaks a document damaging to a President-Elect Biden? Or two years from now, if in the weeks before midterm elections, we get bad economic news, or a Biden/Harris administration foreign policy initiative takes a turn for the worse? Are we sure those stories will be run?"

Unfortunately...while you may read a substantial portion of this article at the link above...and I recommend you do (even if you are a Biden supporter... there are some things in there for you too) is not the complete article. I will continue to search for an archived non-pay version to add in a follow up post.

From your link:

“The Republican version of Burisma story – essentially, that former General Prosecutor Viktor Shokin was Elliott Ness, and Joe Biden intervened to fire him specifically to aid his son’s company – is also not supported by evidence.

What Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and his cohorts have done to date is take a few unreported or under-reported facts and leap straight to a maximalist interpretation of corruption on Joe Biden’s part.“

The major media outlets have ignored this manufactured story for good reason. It’s garbage.
blart there is an eyewitness no one cares about opinions that weren't there
The fact TDS folks claim Sleepy Joe's video of him shutting down the investigation into Hunter "Footjob's" corrupt relationship with a corrupt company who paid cash to Hunter and since Sleepy Joe got a significant cut, if fake means TDS folks' reality is fake. What TDS see, hear, and otherwise experience is literally a fake reality.
And before the left rides in on their one trick pony...attacking the messenger..Taibbi is no fan of President Trump.

Here is an except...

"Many people on the liberal side of the political aisle don’t have a problem with this, focused as they are on the upcoming Trump-Biden election. But this same press corps might be weeks away from assuming responsibility for challenging a Biden administration. If they’ve already calculated once that a true story may be buried for political reasons because the other “side” is worse, they will surely make that same calculation again.
Yes, great job of quoting Taibbi exposing you making "that same calculation."

Oh, really, "Taibbi is no fan of President Trump"? He's obviously no fan of the Right period, so Duh! Yes, unlike those on the Right, we Lefties are no strangers to self-examination and criticism. Incredibly, and again, unlike those on the Right, we don't see ourselves as perfect little paragons of virtue and self-empowerment all the time. We know we're often vulnerable, fucked up, and in need of help. The Right always has to have all the answers because they insist upon owning everything, thus controlling everyone by club membership access as opposed to democracy. Has that distinction never dawned upon you?

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