Matt Taibbi

Already explained several times. Seems like you want to troll. Is that right?
I have zero intentions of trolling. I want to discuss the substance. You didn't explain anything to me. If you think you did then what post are you talking about because I'm not seeing it.
There was "red phone" hotline between the WH staff, DNC, Campaign directors and any connected authority among the Democrat party. They just had to "make a request" to remove or shadow ban content --- and WITHIN HOURS -- the reporter got a "DONE or HANDLED". It's in the Taibbi dump.

MORE BTW coming. Because NEW revelation this week, is long time Chief FBI lawyer James Baker, who GOT that same job at Twitter just 3 months BEFORE the 2020 election, inserted himself into approving/disapproving or redacting info in the FIRST Twitter dump that Musk offered. He REMOVE records and comms that elaborated on the "red phone" hotline between Twitter and Dem officials.

Musk FIRED HIM YESTERDAY -- saying "more records to come".

The COLLUSION and Constitution breaking cooperation allowing the govt to USE a media platform to censor speech, was VERY widespread and STILL operating in the lead-up the recent 2022 midterms. Here's an example of CORRUPT Katy Hobbs - ex Sec State of Arizona -- NOW GOVERNOR using the Federal Govt "red phone" hotline to Twitter to have UNFAVORABLE removed from Twitter and the SWIFT COURTEOUS SERVICE that Twitter provided this rotten politician who WOULD NOT RECUSE HERSELF as "director of Arizona elections" WHILE she was running for governor.

Arizona Gov-elect Katie Hobbs colluded with Twitter to censor ‘election related misinformation’: report

As Americans are wrapping their heads around the implications of Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files,” a leaked internal email reveals that Arizona Governor-elect and current Secretary of State Katie Hobbs allegedly colluded with Twitter’s old guard by flagging accounts she determined were spreading election “misinformation.”

In an email dated January 7, 2021, the communications director for the Office of the Arizona Secretary of State reportedly emailed the Center for Internet Security (CIS), a 501 nonprofit that claims to be “leading the global community to secure our ever-changing connected world,” to say, “I am flagging this twitter account for your review.”

The subject line read, “Election Related Misinformation” and two people at the Secretary of State’s office were copied on the request.

Additionally, the Daily Wire reports, the email went to “an unknown employee at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, a branch under the federal government’s Department of Homeland Security.”

The email was forwarded to an employee at Twitter along with a note saying, “Please see this report below from the Arizona SOS office. Please let me know if you have any questions.”

The dutiful Twitter employee reportedly emailed back, thanking the sender and saying, “We will escalate.”

A follow-up email reads, “Both Tweets have been removed from the service.”

Now we KNOW -- that Homeland Security WANTED a "Ministry of Truth" to be led by "Scary Poppins", but we (I) didn't know that a govt agency like Homeland Security could FORM 501-3Cs. This seems to be a REGULATORY dysfunction that NEEDS TO GET FIXED.

And APPARENTLY -- Dept Homeland GOT their "Ministry of Truth" because it STILL was trying to use TWITTER as a free speech CENSORING operation DURING THE RECENT MIDTERMS !!!!!

Get woke on this Slade3K or lose BOTH Democracy and Capitalism. There wont be any do-overs in dead country if this DOES NOT GET FIXED.

The Trump white house and the Biden campaign had a red phone connection with Twitter?

I am still waiting to find out what was illegal but the above doesn't make any sense to me.
There was "red phone" hotline between the WH staff, DNC, Campaign directors and any connected authority among the Democrat party. They just had to "make a request" to remove or shadow ban content --- and WITHIN HOURS -- the reporter got a "DONE or HANDLED". It's in the Taibbi dump.
You realize the White House at the time was Trumps White House, right?? And requests were handled from them as well... Thats in the twitter dump
MORE BTW coming. Because NEW revelation this week, is long time Chief FBI lawyer James Baker, who GOT that same job at Twitter just 3 months BEFORE the 2020 election, inserted himself into approving/disapproving or redacting info in the FIRST Twitter dump that Musk offered. He REMOVE records and comms that elaborated on the "red phone" hotline between Twitter and Dem officials.

Musk FIRED HIM YESTERDAY -- saying "more records to come".
Ok so still no thing there just a promise of more to come... I'll wait
Don't lie... I literally linked to your post where you did post that Taibbi was an independent journalist... Need to see it again? READ BELOW... your post #96:
I posted a cite. I don't claim every word of it is factual, bonehead. Furthermore, it's irrelevant to the story.
Does it make sense to you that the trump white house and the Biden campaign were sharing a red phone hotline with Twitter?
It does when Twitter was actually run by a hostile Lefty pretending to be neutral.
Thanks to Elon, we now the truth.
It does when Twitter was actually run by a hostile Lefty pretending to be neutral.
Thanks to Elon, we now the truth.
It doesn't when Twitter is actually run by a hostile righty pretending to be neutral. Derp derp.

So your saying Biden and Trump were working together to ask Twitter not to post stuff.

Thanks for the laugh.
It doesn't when Twitter is actually run by a hostile righty pretending to be neutral. Derp derp.

So your saying Biden and Trump were working together to ask Twitter not to post stuff.

Thanks for the laugh.
The more you post, the stupider you appear to be.
Musk is allowing everyone to Tweet as per Freedom of Speech.
Who claims that?
In post 106...

"There was "red phone" hotline between the WH staff, DNC, Campaign directors and any connected authority among the Democrat party..."

This story keeps getting more and crazy.

Despite this I still don't see a crime.
It doesn't when Twitter is actually run by a hostile righty pretending to be neutral. Derp derp.

So your saying Biden and Trump were working together to ask Twitter not to post stuff.

Thanks for the laugh.
No, they weren't, you fucking douchebag.
The more you post, the stupider you appear to be.
Musk is allowing everyone to Tweet as per Freedom of Speech.
You are the one claiming Trump and Biden worked together...that seems pretty stupid to me but run with it.

BTW, Musk has already banned posts but that is excercising his first amendment rights so not sure why it matter.
In post 106...

"There was "red phone" hotline between the WH staff, DNC, Campaign directors and any connected authority among the Democrat party..."

This story keeps getting more and crazy.

Despite this I still don't see a crime.
I don’t see a crime.
I see LibTards being psychotic.
In post 106...

"There was "red phone" hotline between the WH staff, DNC, Campaign directors and any connected authority among the Democrat party..."

This story keeps getting more and crazy.

Despite this I still don't see a crime.
That isn't in post 106, moron.

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