Matt Taibbi

You posted a headline and didn't read the rest that much is obvious.

You're all over the place. You point to this twitter dump as some kind of evidence but when a line is found to contradict one of your points you dismiss it as unreliable because it was posted by a "twitter employee"... A guy that your post before called an independent journalist.

Get your story straight, you're a mess right now.

Did you even read the news about how Katy Hobbs -- the corrupt Sec State that REFUSED to recuse herself from RUNNING HER OWN ELECTION used this "censorship hot-line" at Twitter?

THAT was NOT IN THE Taibbi dump. That's breaking news THIS week from unearthed State of Ariz emails.
You posted a headline and didn't read the rest that much is obvious.

You're all over the place. You point to this twitter dump as some kind of evidence but when a line is found to contradict one of your points you dismiss it as unreliable because it was posted by a "twitter employee"... A guy that your post before called an independent journalist.

Get your story straight, you're a mess right now.
The claim that he's an "independent journalist" means nothing
You posted a headline and didn't read the rest that much is obvious.

You're all over the place. You point to this twitter dump as some kind of evidence but when a line is found to contradict one of your points you dismiss it as unreliable because it was posted by a "twitter employee"... A guy that your post before called an independent journalist.

Get your story straight, you're a mess right now.
This thread is getting to convoluted to follow any longer. I don't have the energy to untangle it for you, so I'm done.

REMINDER: Corrupt James Comey Praised His FBI Attorney James Baker, the Same Guy Fired Yesterday for Withholding Information at Twitter on Hunter Biden Laptop​

Twitter was violating the 1st amendment.
For fucks sake, read a news site everyday.
Twitter was excersing it's first amendment rights by deleting posts they wanted too.

You actually think the first amendment requires Twitter to be forced to post things on their own platform that they don't want?

ROFL, you Trump supporters are something really special.
Breaking Update!

Data may have been created from Alien farts too... All a possibility. Musk is doing a great job at provoking and causing a stir... Props to him for that. Shows how many braindead dupes there are out there.
What the Dems think doesn't matter at all... If the owners of Twitter and FB have political bias then welcome to America. So does Fox News and pretty much every other company out there. Im not seeing the bombshell crimes that happened. This is all political theater so far.

Dude. Get your thinking straight. Twitter as a company could adopt a Hammer/Sickle logo and DO WHATEVER THEY WANTED TO.

What the SCOTUS has said MANY TIMES -- see "brentwood decision I.E.) -- is that GOVT CANNOT use private sources or corporations to get around prohibiting any Constitutional right by ENCOURAGING those operations to negate those rights FOR THEM.

THIS IS a clear Constitution violation of the BoRights BY YOUR OWN GOVT!!!!!!!!!!
What the Dems think doesn't matter at all... If the owners of Twitter and FB have political bias then welcome to America. So does Fox News and pretty much every other company out there. Im not seeing the bombshell crimes that happened. This is all political theater so far.
The FBI was using Twitter to censor Americans, dumbass. Government agencies aren't allowed to outsource their violations of the Constitution.
Twitter was excersing it's first amendment rights by deleting posts they wanted too.

You actually think the first amendment requires Twitter to be forced to post things on their own platform that they don't want?

ROFL, you Trump supporters are something really special.
No one should be forced to do anything.
I am happy we are finding out about double standards.
Did you even read the news about how Katy Hobbs -- the corrupt Sec State that REFUSED to recuse herself from RUNNING HER OWN ELECTION used this "censorship hot-line" at Twitter?

THAT was NOT IN THE Taibbi dump. That's breaking news THIS week from unearthed State of Ariz emails.
Yes I read the story and 2 others from other sources. I'm not seeing the issue with reporting fake stories and misinformation to twitter for their review. Thats a policy open to all from twitter and they can manage according to whatever policies they set up. Whats your issue?
Twitter was excersing it's first amendment rights by deleting posts they wanted too.
They were being directed to do so by the FBI, douchebag.
You actually think the first amendment requires Twitter to be forced to post things on their own platform that they don't want?

ROFL, you Trump supporters are something really special.
It doesn't allow the FBI to direct Twitter what to censor, you fucking NAZI.
What the SCOTUS has said MANY TIMES -- see "brentwood decision I.E.) -- is that GOVT CANNOT use private sources or corporations to get around prohibiting any Constitutional right by ENCOURAGING those operations to negate those rights FOR THEM.
The government wasn’t. They were working with social media companies to limit foreign interference in our elections.

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