Matt Taibbi

You’re slowing down.
Why is it a good think Musk took over Twitter.
If you don’t know yet by my posts, this discussion is done.
I think musk taking over twitter is a great thing... Don't see what that has to do with what we were talking about. Why are you changing the subject?
I think musk taking over twitter is a great thing... Don't see what that has to do with what we were talking about. Why are you changing the subject?
Social Sites should be required to explicitly state what Tweets they will not allow without legal ramifications.
Yes I read the story and 2 others from other sources. I'm not seeing the issue with reporting fake stories and misinformation to twitter for their review. Thats a policy open to all from twitter and they can manage according to whatever policies they set up. Whats your issue?
Only a douchebag wouldn't see a problem with the FBI designating stories to be censored. Twitter didn't review jack shit. It simple deleted the stories the FBI objected to.
Dude. Get your thinking straight. Twitter as a company could adopt a Hammer/Sickle logo and DO WHATEVER THEY WANTED TO.

What the SCOTUS has said MANY TIMES -- see "brentwood decision I.E.) -- is that GOVT CANNOT use private sources or corporations to get around prohibiting any Constitutional right by ENCOURAGING those operations to negate those rights FOR THEM.

THIS IS a clear Constitution violation of the BoRights BY YOUR OWN GOVT!!!!!!!!!!
Can you show the section of the constitution you are referring to? Because a lot of new policies have evolved since the feather in ink days and I'm pretty sure the founders didn't cover social media issues.... I've been saying this for a while that flagging fake news posts is an open policy that everybody has been using for a while now. Even Trump and his White House. If you have a problem with the constitutionality of that policy then fine take it up in court. But that doesn't defend the core, and from what I've seen dishonest, complaint that the DNC and Biden used it to rig and steal an election.
The FBI was using Twitter to censor Americans, dumbass. Government agencies aren't allowed to outsource their violations of the Constitution.
Thats an unfounded accusation. The FBI wasn't censoring anybody... Twitter was on their own... No force from the FBI has been shown.
Only a douchebag wouldn't see a problem with the FBI designating stories to be censored. Twitter didn't review jack shit. It simple deleted the stories the FBI objected to.
Which stories did the FBI designate?. Can you show your proof of this? Didn’t think so.
Thats an unfounded accusation. The FBI wasn't censoring anybody... Twitter was on their own... No force from the FBI has been shown.
Wrong. anyone who believe force wasn't involved is an imbecile. Is force involved if the IRS suggests you shouldn't donate to a particular charity?
They were being directed to do so by the FBI, douchebag.

So Trump's FBI directed them? I don't think "directed" means to force compliance so Trumps administration did nothing illegal.

It doesn't allow the FBI to direct Twitter what to censor, you fucking NAZI.
The FBI can ask Twitter to do anything they want. You are the one going full Nazi claiming that people can't even ask a company not to post something.

Have you read the first amendment?

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