Matt Taibbi

The COLLUSION and Constitution breaking cooperation allowing the govt to USE a media platform to censor speech, was VERY widespread and STILL operating in the lead-up the recent 2022 midterms.
I see y'all using the buzzword collusion a lot... Is that a tit for tat for the Russia deal?! Because what y'all are calling collusion is simple communication that both sides were doing.

The social media platforms had systems set up for government officials and public figures and anybody else to flag tweets for review. If those tweets violated Twitters policy they would be flagged or removed. Trumps White House did it, states do it, businesses do it, the DNC and RNC do it, its not a legal issue.

The Hobbs example you gave shows just that. Somebody in her admin flagged two tweets to twitter, they said they would review, after review they deleted the tweets. So what? What were the Tweets? If they violated Twitters policy then do you have an issue with Twitter removing them? Don't you think you should know this before using it as an example of some kind of deep state collusion?

I've been looking everywhere for the actual tweets, can't find them. Don't you find that curious?

Here is the response from Hobbs office:

This email exchange is from January 2021, as shown in the screenshot. Not only was it taken entirely out of context, it has nothing to do with this year’s midterm election. This is yet another example of conspiracy theorists trying to create chaos and confusion by casting doubt on our election system. It’s unfair to Arizona voters and it’s harmful to our democracy.

It is standard practice for government entities, organizations, and corporations alike to report content on social media that violates a platform’s terms of service. It’s the Secretary of State’s job to make sure that voters are informed about how to vote and how our election system works. One of the ways we do that is by working to counter disinformation online that can confuse voters.
The Trump white house and the Biden campaign had a red phone connection with Twitter?

I am still waiting to find out what was illegal but the above doesn't make any sense to me.

YES. Read the post again. Dept of Homeland was channeling all Dem favorable requests DIRECT to the top of Twitter moderation and getting INSTANT CENSORSHIP responses from within Twitter.

Did ya EVEN READ the story about Katy Hobbs using the censorship hot-line? You couldn't have thought about it -- because I posted that only minutes ago.

This is NOT A DRILL. It is NOT A GAME. The corruption in our govt runs deep. Ignore it at your peril. You NEED to take off the blinders.
I posted a cite. I don't claim every word of it is factual, bonehead. Furthermore, it's irrelevant to the story.
You posted a headline and didn't read the rest that much is obvious.

You're all over the place. You point to this twitter dump as some kind of evidence but when a line is found to contradict one of your points you dismiss it as unreliable because it was posted by a "twitter employee"... A guy that your post before called an independent journalist.

Get your story straight, you're a mess right now.
So nothing to do with Twitter was illegal so now you resort to right wing tropes.

You are a good right wing soldier. Keep that red hat in tight!
I’m happy you’re so fucked up you don’t see how you’re fucking up the next generation.
You realize the White House at the time was Trumps White House, right?? And requests were handled from them as well... Thats in the twitter dump

Doesnt matter. The Dems think they OWN THE MEDIA and can use all of it as a "campaign contribution". Twitter and FB and others had DEEP ties to Democrat advocacy.

IN FACT -- this operation was in place during the phoney as shit Steele Dossier and during Clinton's run for Pres suppressing news about the YEARS of spying on the Trump campaign thru the Intel community and domestic surveillance sections of OTHER agencies under the Patriotic Act.

OF COURSE it's been around since the media became one big POLITICAL ADVOCACY group..
YES. Read the post again. Dept of Homeland was channeling all Dem favorable requests DIRECT to the top of Twitter moderation and getting INSTANT CENSORSHIP responses from within Twitter.

Why was Trump's department of Homeland security doing that?

Also, requests are not illegal.

Did ya EVEN READ the story about Katy Hobbs using the censorship hot-line? You couldn't have thought about it -- because I posted that only minutes ago.

Big deal. What's the crime?

This is NOT A DRILL. It is NOT A GAME. The corruption in our govt runs deep. Ignore it at your peril. You NEED to take off the blinders.
Then change the laws, although I don't think even this SCOTUS will look favorably on curtailing first amendment rights.

Why do you?
It does when Twitter was actually run by a hostile Lefty pretending to be neutral.
Thanks to Elon, we now the truth.
I don't think Elon showed us anything that we didn't already know... That would be like uncovering a bombshell report that Fox News is run by conservatives that favor the GOP. Big whoop.
I don't think Elon showed us anything that we didn't already know... That would be like uncovering a bombshell report that Fox News is run by conservatives that favor the GOP. Big whoop.
By the way, Fox is owned by Liberals who want to make money.
I’m sure the guy who has a video camera on him 24/7 is getting away with murder.
Not murder, but he gets away with lying a lot because he has built this mythological status that can’t be questioned.

Also, no one expects him to be truthful anymore.
Doesnt matter. The Dems think they OWN THE MEDIA and can use all of it as a "campaign contribution". Twitter and FB and others had DEEP ties to Democrat advocacy.
What the Dems think doesn't matter at all... If the owners of Twitter and FB have political bias then welcome to America. So does Fox News and pretty much every other company out there. Im not seeing the bombshell crimes that happened. This is all political theater so far.

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