Maui Burning

Because his being there right as the disaster is unfolding is only going to divert resources away from rescue efforts and efforts to contain the fire. It's okay - we don't need a president chucking paper towels at people every time there's a natural disaster.

No idea, but pretty sure it had zero impact on the response. What does have impact on the response is FEMA's pitiful budget, which Republicans could actually fund but would rather not in favor of creating another political crisis over whether we're going to pay our debts or not.
Hey small hands guy!

Just how small do you think our government is…libertarian small or small hands?
You go and live in Nazi Kiev since you admire the Bandera credo so much,and you should be bothered about your tax dollars going to Ukraine while your Cities go to Rat shit, have you been to Detroit or Baltimore lately?

No, and neither have you, so maybe stop talking about shit you don't know. Just a suggestion, not an order.
Don't worry, the peadophile is all yours, you keep the mong.

As you're not that self-aware, I should point out that you're the one who can't stop talking about it. Is somethin on your mind?

You're definitely in the retard bracket. Solid bone from the neck up.

Good God, I know dead people who can insult me better than you can, you crooked-toothed, micro-cocked English muffin moron.
As you're not that self-aware, I should point out that you're the one who can't stop talking about it. Is somethin on your mind?

Good God, I know dead people who can insult me better than you can, you crooked-toothed, micro-cocked English muffin moron.
Dead people vote Democrat.
When I posted the above I hoped it would pique peoples curiosity and further the discussion. Some celebrities such as Oprah. Woody Harrelson, Jeff Bezos plus others have mansions on Maui. The fires spared their properties. Now Big Tech giants such as Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Apple, Meta (Facebook) and Microsoft are suddenly rushing to Maui, prodded by Blackrock, the world's largest asset management company. Why the seemingly sudden interest in buying up a large portion of the devastated Island? Something is so fishy that the Governor and Legislature has forbidden any land sales.

Any ideas or comment?



From the commies at NASA: "Yes, the vast majority of actively publishing climate scientists – 97 percent – agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change."
So climate butlrns concrete now? Why are we still here?
A little update

Hawaii Wildfires Aftermath Brings Looters and Speculators​

  • More than 100 people have died in Maui.

  • Speculation increases about what caused the Maui fires, electrical lines are being blamed.

  • Looters are becoming an issue in the aftermath of the fire.

  • The governor fights to keep burned land in the hands of locals.

( – Fires ripped through Maui, Hawaii, recently. The devastation was incredible. The blaze is one of the most deadly to occur in the United States, and the death toll continues to increase daily. While first responders search for victims, criminals and others who want to take advantage of the situation are targeting the island.

People lost their HOMES and Biden just says: "NO comment"? Really? Biden gave billions to Ukraine, but a whopping $700 to Households in Lahaina. Biden and the democrats don't care about anything that doesn't get them money or power. Not blacks, the poor, or minorities or anything. Nope.
People lost their HOMES and Biden just says: "NO comment"? Really? Biden gave billions to Ukraine, but a whopping $700 to Households in Lahaina. Biden and the democrats don't care about anything that doesn't get them money or power. Not blacks, the poor, or minorities or anything. Nope.
Someone got evicted yesterday. Such compassion
A little update

Hawaii Wildfires Aftermath Brings Looters and Speculators​

  • More than 100 people have died in Maui.

  • Speculation increases about what caused the Maui fires, electrical lines are being blamed.

  • Looters are becoming an issue in the aftermath of the fire.

  • The governor fights to keep burned land in the hands of locals.

( – Fires ripped through Maui, Hawaii, recently. The devastation was incredible. The blaze is one of the most deadly to occur in the United States, and the death toll continues to increase daily. While first responders search for victims, criminals and others who want to take advantage of the situation are targeting the island.

They said the missing 1,000 people were Disintegrated, their ashes in the debris

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