Maui Burning

No you can't afford both, and whats your problem with Russia? i mean it's not like they have started several wars in the past twenty years and invaded half the middle East, i just don't get this deranged fixation with Russia, before that it was the Soviet Union, well that went so the warmongers need a new enemy.
Russia is better than democrats. It might embarrass them. Remember when Putin had to give shitstain obama the disgust he so richly deserved?
I believe you will not deny that one should hardly back those who kill their enemies and eat their organs. … Do you want to support these people? Do you want to supply arms to these people?"
Russia has a leader. We get maggots.
Russia is better than democrats. It might embarrass them. Remember when Putin had to give shitstain obama the disgust he so richly deserved?
I believe you will not deny that one should hardly back those who kill their enemies and eat their organs. … Do you want to support these people? Do you want to supply arms to these people?"
Russia has a leader. We get maggots.
Well these are the savages the West has been backing in Syria, this was back in 2016 in Aleppo before it was liberated, a bunch of savages beheading a 12 year old Palestinian boy they had taken from a Hospital in a refugee camp, the west has been supporting these bastards since day one in Syria and still are, just like they support Nazis in Ukraine, they sawed the kids head off in the back of a truck, the West is in the same pit of depravity as the scum who carried it out.

A fascist dictatorship?

Hilarious wanker
What else do you call a regime that closes all alternative media down murders others and bans opposition political parties? when there were peace talks in Turkey the Ukrainian SBU/Getapo even murdered one of their own negotiating team on the street with a bullet through his head, there are reports from the battle front that Ukrainian nationalist and mercenary barrier squads are shooting their own men who refuse to advance on Russian lines, because it's suicide, that was a tactic the Nazis used.wake up dickhead.
Yes we can.

You can read about the history of Russia sometime, because clearly anyone who asks a question like that has not.

God, stop being an anti-American fag for once.
I have read history and that's a problem for people like you, i know what i am talking about, i am not anti American, i have family members who are American, there are many things i love about America, don't confuse anti US neocon insanity with anti American, were people who protested the Vietnam war anti American or anti the lunatic politicians and the industrial military complex and deep state madmen.
I have read history and that's a problem for people like you, i know what i am talking about, i am not anti American, i have family members who are American, there are many things i love about America, don't confuse anti US neocon insanity with anti American, were people who protested the Vietnam war anti American or anti the lunatic politicians and the industrial military complex and deep state madmen.

Blah blah blah - shut up and just go live in Russia, then.
What else do you call a regime that closes all alternative media down murders others and bans opposition political parties? when there were peace talks in Turkey the Ukrainian SBU/Getapo even murdered one of their own negotiating team on the street with a bullet through his head, there are reports from the battle front that Ukrainian nationalist and mercenary barrier squads are shooting their own men who refuse to advance on Russian lines, because it's suicide, that was a tactic the Nazis used.wake up dickhead.
What else do you call a regime that closes all alternative media down murders others and bans opposition political parties? when there were peace talks in Turkey the Ukrainian SBU/Getapo even murdered one of their own negotiating team on the street with a bullet through his head, there are reports from the battle front that Ukrainian nationalist and mercenary barrier squads are shooting their own men who refuse to advance on Russian lines, because it's suicide, that was a tactic the Nazis used.wake up dickhead.
You can keep the Ruskie propaganda in Moscow .

BTW though since you mentioned it, what was the Russian Wagner Force named after?
Well, this sucks. Lahaina is gone..or so news sources say and people that live there. ALL boats in the harbor are destroyed. People jumping in the ocean to escape the flames. Dead people laying in the street (that were not checked to see if they were dead and PRESUMED to be so. What if they just passed out from smoke inhalation?) . No no..just drive by and say "she can't be helped" without getting out of their car as they film. Jeez.
Anyway..shades of Paradise. I love that island, and especially that town. Gone. And the oldest tree on the island probably gone too...the famous Banyan tree. So many good memories...gone, like Paradise. So damn sad.

but now Oprah can buy the land at bargain prices. Why exactly was she buying up Maui property as fast as possible, then the fire the miraculously started at the exact same time is many different places. Sorry, but this does not look like an act of God or a natural event. Will we ever know? probably not.
but now Oprah can buy the land at bargain prices. Why exactly was she buying up Maui property as fast as possible, then the fire the miraculously started at the exact same time is many different places. Sorry, but this does not look like an act of God or a natural event. Will we ever know? probably not.
Hilarious that everything that happens is a conspiracy to maga fuckuos.

And racial too
Typical response from those who are totally bankrupt of argument, why don't you go and live in Kiev? you could even join Azov.

I'm fine with sending them money and arms, which is what we're doing. There's no argument bankruptcy here. You ought to go live in Russia since you admire strongmen so much.
Why did he wait so long?

Because his being there right as the disaster is unfolding is only going to divert resources away from rescue efforts and efforts to contain the fire. It's okay - we don't need a president chucking paper towels at people every time there's a natural disaster.

Why did he say "no comment" when asked about it?

No idea, but pretty sure it had zero impact on the response. What does have impact on the response is FEMA's pitiful budget, which Republicans could actually fund but would rather not in favor of creating another political crisis over whether we're going to pay our debts or not.
I'm fine with sending them money and arms, which is what we're doing. There's no argument bankruptcy here. You ought to go live in Russia since you admire strongmen so much.
You go and live in Nazi Kiev since you admire the Bandera credo so much,and you should be bothered about your tax dollars going to Ukraine while your Cities go to Rat shit, have you been to Detroit or Baltimore lately?

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