Maui Burning

The new normal for the whole planet​

Yes. But a lot of those pics are from Chile, I believe that is the country anyway. One I saw was viewed in Maui, but it's probably been wiped off the net.
I saw it and could've grabbed it but I think it's been totally wiped. The guy's on like the 4th story of an apartment building.
Zelensky is as corrupt and evil as Putin, but you dem/libs worship him, can you explain why? Could it have anything to do with millions he has sent to the Bidens as bribes?
why are these demfks in here happy xiden gets funding from ukraine? What skin do they have in this?
why are these demfks in here happy xiden gets funding from ukraine? What skin do they have in this?
dem/libs are conditioned to only believe what their masters tell them to believe, its a sick cult of morons. Sadly they make up almost half of the US population.
dem/libs are conditioned to only believe what their masters tell them to believe, its a sick cult of morons. Sadly they make up almost half of the US population.
seriously, like I don't get it. It's like german to me.

So Biden funds Ukraine and they kick back millions for him and his family. hmmmmmmmm and demofks in here idolize that? Why demfks?
Gracie, did you see the beam video? I saw it yesterday and can't find it now. :(
never existed. The beam is not visible. The thing you need to know is there was a white powder floating in the air the day before the fire, the intensity of the fire indicates some accelerant being used, flaky powder such as aluminum oxide burns extremely hot. And, it explains why the fire just went out by itself. Officials needed it to burn, so they turned off the water supply, turned off cell service and silenced the alerts. Blocked the roads out and told folks to turn around who were attempting to leave. Normal fires don't normally go out when there is still fuel as there was on Maui. Many luxury homes were spared. hmmmmmmmm. Then I learned this morning that the governor put out an executive order stating that land can be taken from the people in an emergency. Any bigger kind of emergency?


All officials were off the island the night of the fire. ALL

Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck.
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hopefully the truth will come out, but I'm not holding my breath
it's why it's used. undetectable. It burns with the fire. Someone will need to explain why it burned so hot that it melted glass windows in cars. Normal car fires don't burn the glass.

I'm thinking they over did this event, bodies cremated will declare the area a grave yard, I'm not sure that was in their plans. OOPs.
it's why it's used. undetectable. It burns with the fire. Someone will need to explain why it burned so hot that it melted glass windows in cars. Normal car fires don't burn the glass.

I'm thinking they over did this event, bodies cremated will declare the area a grave yard, I'm not sure that was in their plans. OOPs.
Native graveyard, even. There had to have been indigenous people in that town.

Cops blocking people trying to evacuate?! Wtf?!

This thing stinks to high heaven.
You guys are ignoring the obvious, this was clearly an attack by Godzilla

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