Maui files wildfire lawsuit, not suing climate change

Ya, I think someone on stage last night at the debate mentioned that lawsuits have to be reined in. This was a sad thing to have happened. But, how does anyone know at this point that the system wasn't properly maintained? This sort of stuff is very sad and the loss of life cannot be restored. But, the amount of the lawsuit will be partially covered by insurance. But, taxpayers will ultimately pay the price. Individuals should have had insurance for the homes and cars. They should have life insurance as well. The later is the most disturbing because people never think they will die leaving their families without their incomes. Too many rely on group insurance that may not pay off. Fine print often times restricts when there can be a payoff. Individual term policies are the only way to be able to cost effectively pay the premiums and cover at least 10 times the annual premium.
If not mistaken, there are videos of downed power lines igniting dried overgrown grasses. Initially insurance companies will pay the price, although it won't take long for the insurance companies to stop doing business in certain areas. Not too long ago State Farm stopped new homeowner policies in California. May have been yesterday, insurance companies were pulling back on car insurance policies in California due to expense.
If not mistaken, there are videos of downed power lines igniting dried overgrown grasses. Initially insurance companies will pay the price, although it won't take long for the insurance companies to stop doing business in certain areas. Not too long ago State Farm stopped new homeowner policies in California. May have been yesterday, insurance companies were pulling back on car insurance policies in California due to expense.
Well, with the Democrats wanting expensive electric cars and gasoline, inflation makes it harder to cover properly and casualty. I’m sure the government wants to take over insurance too. The big three have stopped new homeowners insurance. Sucks to be those agents.
Well, with the Democrats wanting expensive electric cars and gasoline, inflation makes it harder to cover properly and casualty. I’m sure the government wants to take over insurance too. The big three have stopped new homeowners insurance. Sucks to be those agents.
Sucks to buy a house and look for insurance.
Of course not. Instead of providing kickback to democrats,

You mean to both parties?

the electric companies should invest in burying power lines.
It's expensive.

Perhaps they should be non profit?
One thing is for certain, the DATA proves Hawaii is NOT WARMING and WAS NOT HAVING A WARM SUMMER.

The Co2 FRAUD is lying, what a shock, NOT!!!

Hawaii's record high is 100F from 1931

Honolulu's record high is 95F from 1994

Weather Channel documents Honolulu has not gotten to 90F in the past two months, which the Co2 fraud claims is "warmest ever..."

There is NO WARMING on Hawaii. Hence to claim "warming" caused anything on Hawaii is a DOCUMENTABLE LIE.

Why does the Co2 fraud lie, fudge data, and squirt bleach into coral?

Because it has NO TRUTH AT ALL!!!
Notice how none of the cult fucks give a fuck about Maui and the horrible failure of government before and after the catastrophic fire?


If TRUMP was POTUS,they would be all over him for this.


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