Maureen Dowd rips the Orange Buffoon (Loon) a new one

“Many voters who took a chance on the real estate mogul and reality TV star hoped he would grow more mature and centered when confronted with the august surroundings of the White House and immensity of the job. But instead of improving in office, Trump is regressing. The office has not changed Trump. Trump has changed the office.
He trusts his beliefs more than facts. So many secrets, so many plots, so many shards of gossip swirl in his head, there seems to be no room for reality.

Everyone is tiptoeing around the mad king in his gilded, sparse court. His lieges make fools of themselves trying to justify or interpret his transcendentally nutty tweets and willfully ignorant comments.
Trump’s aversion to veracity is exacerbated by his inner circle of sycophants and conspiracists. As far as Trump is concerned, his budget and health care plan are going great, when everyone else in Washington is averting their eyes.”

This is critical.

This isn’t solely about opposing a president because he’s wrong on the issues, as in fact Trump is.

This is about an individual who is utterly incompetent and has no business being president, who, as a consequence of that incompetence and being detached from reality, could very well facilitate a disastrous event, separate and apart from being wrong on the issues.
“Many voters who took a chance on the real estate mogul and reality TV star hoped he would grow more mature and centered when confronted with the august surroundings of the White House and immensity of the job. But instead of improving in office, Trump is regressing. The office has not changed Trump. Trump has changed the office.
He trusts his beliefs more than facts. So many secrets, so many plots, so many shards of gossip swirl in his head, there seems to be no room for reality.

Everyone is tiptoeing around the mad king in his gilded, sparse court. His lieges make fools of themselves trying to justify or interpret his transcendentally nutty tweets and willfully ignorant comments.
Trump’s aversion to veracity is exacerbated by his inner circle of sycophants and conspiracists. As far as Trump is concerned, his budget and health care plan are going great, when everyone else in Washington is averting their eyes.”

This is critical.

This isn’t solely about opposing a president because he’s wrong on the issues, as in fact Trump is.

This is about an individual who is utterly incompetent and has no business being president, who, as a consequence of that incompetence and being detached from reality, could very well facilitate a disastrous event, separate and apart from being wrong on the issues.

That bitches opinion is no more valid than mine. I'd say screw her but I wouldn't wish that task on anyone.
“Many voters who took a chance on the real estate mogul and reality TV star hoped he would grow more mature and centered when confronted with the august surroundings of the White House and immensity of the job. But instead of improving in office, Trump is regressing. The office has not changed Trump. Trump has changed the office.
He trusts his beliefs more than facts. So many secrets, so many plots, so many shards of gossip swirl in his head, there seems to be no room for reality.

Everyone is tiptoeing around the mad king in his gilded, sparse court. His lieges make fools of themselves trying to justify or interpret his transcendentally nutty tweets and willfully ignorant comments.
Trump’s aversion to veracity is exacerbated by his inner circle of sycophants and conspiracists. As far as Trump is concerned, his budget and health care plan are going great, when everyone else in Washington is averting their eyes.”

This is critical.

This isn’t solely about opposing a president because he’s wrong on the issues, as in fact Trump is.

This is about an individual who is utterly incompetent and has no business being president, who, as a consequence of that incompetence and being detached from reality, could very well facilitate a disastrous event, separate and apart from being wrong on the issues.

Good post but its factual and the RWNJs can't stand that. My bet is that not one of them will address even one point in the article. Really, they just can't.
http://Most Veterans and Soldiers d... shame. Trump will do better. I believe that.
Did you see this post from earlier?
“Many voters who took a chance on the real estate mogul and reality TV star hoped he would grow more mature and centered when confronted with the august surroundings of the White House and immensity of the job. But instead of improving in office, Trump is regressing. The office has not changed Trump. Trump has changed the office.
He trusts his beliefs more than facts. So many secrets, so many plots, so many shards of gossip swirl in his head, there seems to be no room for reality.

Everyone is tiptoeing around the mad king in his gilded, sparse court. His lieges make fools of themselves trying to justify or interpret his transcendentally nutty tweets and willfully ignorant comments.
Trump’s aversion to veracity is exacerbated by his inner circle of sycophants and conspiracists. As far as Trump is concerned, his budget and health care plan are going great, when everyone else in Washington is averting their eyes.”

This is critical.

This isn’t solely about opposing a president because he’s wrong on the issues, as in fact Trump is.

This is about an individual who is utterly incompetent and has no business being president, who, as a consequence of that incompetence and being detached from reality, could very well facilitate a disastrous event, separate and apart from being wrong on the issues.

That bitches opinion is no more valid than mine. I'd say screw her but I wouldn't wish that task on anyone.

“Many voters who took a chance on the real estate mogul and reality TV star hoped he would grow more mature and centered when confronted with the august surroundings of the White House and immensity of the job. But instead of improving in office, Trump is regressing. The office has not changed Trump. Trump has changed the office.
He trusts his beliefs more than facts. So many secrets, so many plots, so many shards of gossip swirl in his head, there seems to be no room for reality.

Everyone is tiptoeing around the mad king in his gilded, sparse court. His lieges make fools of themselves trying to justify or interpret his transcendentally nutty tweets and willfully ignorant comments.
Trump’s aversion to veracity is exacerbated by his inner circle of sycophants and conspiracists. As far as Trump is concerned, his budget and health care plan are going great, when everyone else in Washington is averting their eyes.”

This is critical.

This isn’t solely about opposing a president because he’s wrong on the issues, as in fact Trump is.

This is about an individual who is utterly incompetent and has no business being president, who, as a consequence of that incompetence and being detached from reality, could very well facilitate a disastrous event, separate and apart from being wrong on the issues.

Kind of like Hillary. Maybe if you had put up a better candidate, we wouldn't have to choose between the lesser of the two unqualifieds.

Maybe you if actually had some standards in your party, we wouldn't be so distrustful of everything you say on here.

Left-world logic: "Yay someone as warped as me, said an opinion I already agree with! That means my opinion is now magical fact, and validated because a parrot repeated it! Vindication!"


Ah... reminds me of the days when I was left-wing... and dumb... and in middle school.

Thankfully I grew up. Unfortunately growing up seems rare these days.

Left-world logic: "Yay someone as warped as me, said an opinion I already agree with! That means my opinion is now magical fact, and validated because a parrot repeated it! Vindication!"


Ah... reminds me of the days when I was left-wing... and dumb... and in middle school.

Thankfully I grew up. Unfortunately growing up seems rare these days.

Yeah, Andy, let's look at what she said. Here is but one excerpt...

Maybe if these elites-pretending-not-to-be-elites deigned to talk to some knowledgeable elites in government once in a while, they might emerge from the distorted, belligerent, dystopian, Darwinian, cracked-mirror world that is alarming Americans and our allies. They might even stop ripping off the working-class people they claim to be helping.

Yeah, Andy, you are really grown up...

You're defending a despicable deplorable who only gives a shit about himself and nobody else. He is a narcissistic buffoon who the whole world (and most of America) is laughing at. If you wanna tie your horse to that tree, then have at it. But don't dis anybody else's intelligence if you voted for the Buffoon. Or even support him. Anybody who does has no right speaking on anybody else's intelligence or lack thereof.

Left-world logic: "Yay someone as warped as me, said an opinion I already agree with! That means my opinion is now magical fact, and validated because a parrot repeated it! Vindication!"


Ah... reminds me of the days when I was left-wing... and dumb... and in middle school.

Thankfully I grew up. Unfortunately growing up seems rare these days.

Yeah, Andy, let's look at what she said. Here is but one excerpt...

Maybe if these elites-pretending-not-to-be-elites deigned to talk to some knowledgeable elites in government once in a while, they might emerge from the distorted, belligerent, dystopian, Darwinian, cracked-mirror world that is alarming Americans and our allies. They might even stop ripping off the working-class people they claim to be helping.

Yeah, Andy, you are really grown up...

You're defending a despicable deplorable who only gives a shit about himself and nobody else. He is a narcissistic buffoon who the whole world (and most of America) is laughing at. If you wanna tie your horse to that tree, then have at it. But don't dis anybody else's intelligence if you voted for the Buffoon. Or even support him. Anybody who does has no right speaking on anybody else's intelligence or lack thereof.
Dowd works for the DNC. Only a fool would believe anything she writes.
Dowd works for the DNC. Only a fool would believe anything she writes.

Feel free to go through the piece point-by-point and prove her wrong. Take your time.

Going "She works for the DNC nah, nah, nah, nah...." doesn't work for me. First of all, she might be a leftie, she might not be. The NY Times does have a reputation of being left, but that doesn't mean they are wrong. That is the difference between the left and Deplorable supporters at the moment. The left can prove categorically that Trump tells lie, after lie, after lie. The Deplorables don't even bother defending any more. They just do the old feint and weave "Oh, but look at the other side". To which I say "I do". And? Got any proof anywhere that their Fake News doesn't come from Breibart of infowars?

I mean, this Obama bugging thing is just a joke. Only diehard deplorables believe Trumplethinskin. It's getting to a stage now where even some on the right who were starting to be politically acceptable of the Buffoon are now averting their eyes with embarrassment.

Left-world logic: "Yay someone as warped as me, said an opinion I already agree with! That means my opinion is now magical fact, and validated because a parrot repeated it! Vindication!"


Ah... reminds me of the days when I was left-wing... and dumb... and in middle school.

Thankfully I grew up. Unfortunately growing up seems rare these days.

Yeah, Andy, let's look at what she said. Here is but one excerpt...

Maybe if these elites-pretending-not-to-be-elites deigned to talk to some knowledgeable elites in government once in a while, they might emerge from the distorted, belligerent, dystopian, Darwinian, cracked-mirror world that is alarming Americans and our allies. They might even stop ripping off the working-class people they claim to be helping.

Yeah, Andy, you are really grown up...

You're defending a despicable deplorable who only gives a shit about himself and nobody else. He is a narcissistic buffoon who the whole world (and most of America) is laughing at. If you wanna tie your horse to that tree, then have at it. But don't dis anybody else's intelligence if you voted for the Buffoon. Or even support him. Anybody who does has no right speaking on anybody else's intelligence or lack thereof.

There is a huge difference between "defending stupid" and "attacking stupid".

I don't care about Trump and never did. Didn't vote for him. Didn't want him. Only even considered it because Hillary is worse.

Maybe you missed it, but Trump and the Clinton's were friends, and allies, and share common views on policy and regulation.

You attacking Trump, only condemns yourself, after all, he's a left-winger.

You left-wingers are attacking a left-winger, and claiming this left-winger only cares about himself.

I agree. Left-wingers only care about themselves, and routinely rip off the working class.

Maybe if you had given us a real alternative, instead of Hillary, we wouldn't be here right now.

There's a number of Democrats that actually have good ideas, moral character, and proven successful policies.

Instead you ran Hillary. A national disaster. Then you want to attack Trump? There is only one group of people to blame for this... the left-wing. If you had given us a good option, we would have taken it. Instead of a bunch of corrupt socialists with years of failure as a track record.
There is a huge difference between "defending stupid" and "attacking stupid".

I don't care about Trump and never did. Didn't vote for him. Didn't want him. Only even considered it because Hillary is worse.

Maybe you missed it, but Trump and the Clinton's were friends, and allies, and share common views on policy and regulation.

You attacking Trump, only condemns yourself, after all, he's a left-winger.

You left-wingers are attacking a left-winger, and claiming this left-winger only cares about himself.

I agree. Left-wingers only care about themselves, and routinely rip off the working class.

Maybe if you had given us a real alternative, instead of Hillary, we wouldn't be here right now.

There's a number of Democrats that actually have good ideas, moral character, and proven successful policies.

Instead you ran Hillary. A national disaster. Then you want to attack Trump? There is only one group of people to blame for this... the left-wing. If you had given us a good option, we would have taken it. Instead of a bunch of corrupt socialists with years of failure as a track record.

Hillary was not even close to being worse than him. Was she the best candidate running? Not IMO. Katish and maybe Rubio were better. Maybe, dare I say it, even Bush or Sanders. However, I kinda ignored the "hillary is worse" BS during the election, but now that it is over, I'm not taking it any more.

On every level she was more qualified than him

As for him being a leftie. Maybe at one time or another he was. Going by his cabinet appointments alone he is far from left as you can get. I won't even go into his choice of VP.

Left-world logic: "Yay someone as warped as me, said an opinion I already agree with! That means my opinion is now magical fact, and validated because a parrot repeated it! Vindication!"


Ah... reminds me of the days when I was left-wing... and dumb... and in middle school.

Thankfully I grew up. Unfortunately growing up seems rare these days.

Yeah, Andy, let's look at what she said. Here is but one excerpt...

Maybe if these elites-pretending-not-to-be-elites deigned to talk to some knowledgeable elites in government once in a while, they might emerge from the distorted, belligerent, dystopian, Darwinian, cracked-mirror world that is alarming Americans and our allies. They might even stop ripping off the working-class people they claim to be helping.

Yeah, Andy, you are really grown up...

You're defending a despicable deplorable who only gives a shit about himself and nobody else. He is a narcissistic buffoon who the whole world (and most of America) is laughing at. If you wanna tie your horse to that tree, then have at it. But don't dis anybody else's intelligence if you voted for the Buffoon. Or even support him. Anybody who does has no right speaking on anybody else's intelligence or lack thereof.

There is a huge difference between "defending stupid" and "attacking stupid".

I don't care about Trump and never did. Didn't vote for him. Didn't want him. Only even considered it because Hillary is worse.

Maybe you missed it, but Trump and the Clinton's were friends, and allies, and share common views on policy and regulation.

You attacking Trump, only condemns yourself, after all, he's a left-winger.

You left-wingers are attacking a left-winger, and claiming this left-winger only cares about himself.

I agree. Left-wingers only care about themselves, and routinely rip off the working class.

Maybe if you had given us a real alternative, instead of Hillary, we wouldn't be here right now.

There's a number of Democrats that actually have good ideas, moral character, and proven successful policies.

Instead you ran Hillary. A national disaster. Then you want to attack Trump? There is only one group of people to blame for this... the left-wing. If you had given us a good option, we would have taken it. Instead of a bunch of corrupt socialists with years of failure as a track record.
No Hillary wasn't worse than the know nothing, racist, thin skinned whiny little bitch you asshole. Not in any universe..

Left-world logic: "Yay someone as warped as me, said an opinion I already agree with! That means my opinion is now magical fact, and validated because a parrot repeated it! Vindication!"


Ah... reminds me of the days when I was left-wing... and dumb... and in middle school.

Thankfully I grew up. Unfortunately growing up seems rare these days.

Yeah, Andy, let's look at what she said. Here is but one excerpt...

Maybe if these elites-pretending-not-to-be-elites deigned to talk to some knowledgeable elites in government once in a while, they might emerge from the distorted, belligerent, dystopian, Darwinian, cracked-mirror world that is alarming Americans and our allies. They might even stop ripping off the working-class people they claim to be helping.

Yeah, Andy, you are really grown up...

You're defending a despicable deplorable who only gives a shit about himself and nobody else. He is a narcissistic buffoon who the whole world (and most of America) is laughing at. If you wanna tie your horse to that tree, then have at it. But don't dis anybody else's intelligence if you voted for the Buffoon. Or even support him. Anybody who does has no right speaking on anybody else's intelligence or lack thereof.

There is a huge difference between "defending stupid" and "attacking stupid".

I don't care about Trump and never did. Didn't vote for him. Didn't want him. Only even considered it because Hillary is worse.

Maybe you missed it, but Trump and the Clinton's were friends, and allies, and share common views on policy and regulation.

You attacking Trump, only condemns yourself, after all, he's a left-winger.

You left-wingers are attacking a left-winger, and claiming this left-winger only cares about himself.

I agree. Left-wingers only care about themselves, and routinely rip off the working class.

Maybe if you had given us a real alternative, instead of Hillary, we wouldn't be here right now.

There's a number of Democrats that actually have good ideas, moral character, and proven successful policies.

Instead you ran Hillary. A national disaster. Then you want to attack Trump? There is only one group of people to blame for this... the left-wing. If you had given us a good option, we would have taken it. Instead of a bunch of corrupt socialists with years of failure as a track record.
No Hillary wasn't worse than the know nothing, racist, thin skinned whiny little bitch you asshole. Not in any universe..

You have the right to be wrong. Continue.

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