Maureen Dowd rips the Orange Buffoon (Loon) a new one

Thanks for the article. Working class zero indeed. Perfect. She's an excellent writer and I've enjoyed her writing since she's been at the Times. I saw her at a forum she was at in Philly one afternoon at their grand public library. She's one classy lady!
It's exceptionally easy to lambast this charlathan because there are so many easy targets in every single area of his persona, public and private.
But she hit this one out of the park.
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There is a huge difference between "defending stupid" and "attacking stupid".

I don't care about Trump and never did. Didn't vote for him. Didn't want him. Only even considered it because Hillary is worse.

Maybe you missed it, but Trump and the Clinton's were friends, and allies, and share common views on policy and regulation.

You attacking Trump, only condemns yourself, after all, he's a left-winger.

You left-wingers are attacking a left-winger, and claiming this left-winger only cares about himself.

I agree. Left-wingers only care about themselves, and routinely rip off the working class.

Maybe if you had given us a real alternative, instead of Hillary, we wouldn't be here right now.

There's a number of Democrats that actually have good ideas, moral character, and proven successful policies.

Instead you ran Hillary. A national disaster. Then you want to attack Trump? There is only one group of people to blame for this... the left-wing. If you had given us a good option, we would have taken it. Instead of a bunch of corrupt socialists with years of failure as a track record.

Hillary was not even close to being worse than him. Was she the best candidate running? Not IMO. Katish and maybe Rubio were better. Maybe, dare I say it, even Bush or Sanders. However, I kinda ignored the "hillary is worse" BS during the election, but now that it is over, I'm not taking it any more.

On every level she was more qualified than him

As for him being a leftie. Maybe at one time or another he was. Going by his cabinet appointments alone he is far from left as you can get. I won't even go into his choice of VP.

The Republicans would have had to resurrect Stalin, and Hitler, and run them on a ticket together, to even come close to Hillary not being the worst... and then it would be close.

I don't care what you are "not taking". Hillary was absolute trash. 25 years of non-stop scandal, corruption, lying, and deceit. Yeah, she was qualified all right... qualified to screw over the American people like her husband did.

Most of the crap we've been dealing with today, is garbage he started.

VP doesn't matter. Vice-president has absolutely zero power to do anything. Your only chance of even having your existence known, is if by some luck, some issue divides the Senate 50/50, and that's assuming they are even bothering to show up for the vote.

As for his cabinet.... There are some lefties, and righties in his picks. I don't know what difference you think they'll make. I hope you are right. I hope they are fanatical right-wing.
What a nice story about a snowflake having a meltdown. We enjoy this kind of stuff. :spinner::up:

I'm not melting down about anything. Your hero, the Orange Buffoon, has daily meltdowns on twitter. And you little Petals eat it up like maggots on a dead carcass.

The Republicans would have had to resurrect Stalin, and Hitler, and run them on a ticket together, to even come close to Hillary not being the worst... and then it would be close.

I don't care what you are "not taking". Hillary was absolute trash. 25 years of non-stop scandal, corruption, lying, and deceit. Yeah, she was qualified all right... qualified to screw over the American people like her husband did.

Most of the crap we've been dealing with today, is garbage he started.

VP doesn't matter. Vice-president has absolutely zero power to do anything. Your only chance of even having your existence known, is if by some luck, some issue divides the Senate 50/50, and that's assuming they are even bothering to show up for the vote.

As for his cabinet.... There are some lefties, and righties in his picks. I don't know what difference you think they'll make. I hope you are right. I hope they are fanatical right-wing.

She would be one of the most scrutinised politicians in US history. The result of neocon smears? The email issue. That is it. Just because right-wing loons screech and scream for 25 years doesn't mean she is guilty of anything.

Vastly more qualified than the Orange Buffoon.
I'll tell you one thing for free; if she was your president now, there wouldn't be the clusterfuck that is happening from day one of the Buffoon's presidency.
What a nice story about a snowflake having a meltdown. We enjoy this kind of stuff. :spinner::up:

I'm not melting down about anything. Your hero, the Orange Buffoon, has daily meltdowns on twitter. And you little Petals eat it up like maggots on a dead carcass.

Actually I don't pay any attention to his tweets. I just find it entertaining when the left goes nuts over them.

You people are obsessed with him. The worst of you seem to have some sick fetish for him, obsessed with his sex life, using sick fake pics of him half naked with Putin, or in your case just naked.

The man was elected President, not your career politician and criminal Hilary. Get over it, sit back, and watch him get things done.
Ha ha, that idiot couldn't rip anyone anything. Only a brain dead liberal would think so.

From the Department if Redundancy Deoartment: "Brain Dead Liberal"
Actually I don't pay any attention to his tweets. I just find it entertaining when the left goes nuts over them.

You people are obsessed with him. The worst of you seem to have some sick fetish for him, obsessed with his sex life, using sick fake pics of him half naked with Putin, or in your case just naked.

The man was elected President, not your career politician and criminal Hilary. Get over it, sit back, and watch him get things done.

Yeah you do. And so should everybody. He is after all supposed to be the leader of the free world - although he is hardly acting like one.

He has brought it all on himself. His ego is the size of Russia, and he is a narcissistic douche. His problem.

Please provide evidence that Hillary is a criminal. Been asking for the best part of a year. Nada...

As for getting things done. What has he done? Again, Nada...It's easy to spout populist rhetoric in order to get elected. It's another to actually get the work done. All his life he has relied on others to do shit. Hillary on the other hand, actually worked her butt off as a senator and SOS....

The Republicans would have had to resurrect Stalin, and Hitler, and run them on a ticket together, to even come close to Hillary not being the worst... and then it would be close.

I don't care what you are "not taking". Hillary was absolute trash. 25 years of non-stop scandal, corruption, lying, and deceit. Yeah, she was qualified all right... qualified to screw over the American people like her husband did.

Most of the crap we've been dealing with today, is garbage he started.

VP doesn't matter. Vice-president has absolutely zero power to do anything. Your only chance of even having your existence known, is if by some luck, some issue divides the Senate 50/50, and that's assuming they are even bothering to show up for the vote.

As for his cabinet.... There are some lefties, and righties in his picks. I don't know what difference you think they'll make. I hope you are right. I hope they are fanatical right-wing.

She would be one of the most scrutinised politicians in US history. The result of neocon smears? The email issue. That is it. Just because right-wing loons screech and scream for 25 years doesn't mean she is guilty of anything.

Vastly more qualified than the Orange Buffoon.
I'll tell you one thing for free; if she was your president now, there wouldn't be the clusterfuck that is happening from day one of the Buffoon's presidency.

Yeah, when you see smoke everywhere, there's a fire. You smell crap, there's a cow. When you see scandal after scandal after scandal, people falling on their swords dozens of times, hundreds more that end up in prison, fleeing the country, or dead.... that my friend is proof of a scum bucket.

There is no other modern American politician in this country today, that a longer and more extensive track record of corruption and scandals.

The proof of this is endless. I can't even begin to copy and paste the vast numbers of documents, from Travelgate, oil-gate, coal-gate, china-gate, billing-gate, bimbo-gate, pardon-gate, whitewater-gate, and on and on and on. It would violate forum rules for me to post all the mountains of evidence against Hillary.

The bottom line is simply this:

You are either so far beyond ignorant and uninformed, that you are disqualified from talking about this subject.... or....

You are so partisan, immoral and dishonest, to not be worth talking to.

So why did I respond to your post? In the chance you are merely ignorant, here's you lame wake up call. Beyond that, I'm here for everyone else who is honest, and informed enough to read up on Hillary. She is scum of the Earth by every possible measure.

I don't care about your "Orange Buffoon". Trump doesn't matter to me, and never did. Doesn't mean Hillary is any less of a corrupt, wicked, and evil criminal politicians who deserved to lose, and is the only saving grace of the 2016 election. If you want to tie yourself, and your reputation to that horrible woman, that just makes you as much pond scum as she is.
Yeah, when you see smoke everywhere, there's a fire. You smell crap, there's a cow. When you see scandal after scandal after scandal, people falling on their swords dozens of times, hundreds more that end up in prison, fleeing the country, or dead.... that my friend is proof of a scum bucket.

There is no other modern American politician in this country today, that a longer and more extensive track record of corruption and scandals.

The proof of this is endless. I can't even begin to copy and paste the vast numbers of documents, from Travelgate, oil-gate, coal-gate, china-gate, billing-gate, bimbo-gate, pardon-gate, whitewater-gate, and on and on and on. It would violate forum rules for me to post all the mountains of evidence against Hillary.

The bottom line is simply this:

You are either so far beyond ignorant and uninformed, that you are disqualified from talking about this subject.... or....

You are so partisan, immoral and dishonest, to not be worth talking to.

So why did I respond to your post? In the chance you are merely ignorant, here's you lame wake up call. Beyond that, I'm here for everyone else who is honest, and informed enough to read up on Hillary. She is scum of the Earth by every possible measure.

I don't care about your "Orange Buffoon". Trump doesn't matter to me, and never did. Doesn't mean Hillary is any less of a corrupt, wicked, and evil criminal politicians who deserved to lose, and is the only saving grace of the 2016 election. If you want to tie yourself, and your reputation to that horrible woman, that just makes you as much pond scum as she is.

Where there is smoke there is

Okay, she's evil and corrupt. Now prove it.
Take your time...

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