Maxine Waters: ‘Enough Information’ in Mueller Report to Move Forward With Impeachment

Notice the skin color of Democrats calling for impeachment now?

Yeah. Racism is at play.

Maxine Waters: ‘Enough Information’ in Mueller Report to Move Forward with Impeachment

Only one person stopping impeachment- Nancy Pelosi. Whitey Pelosi. Democrats leader.

You know why Maxine want Trump impeached?

This all has to do with Trump playing with the birthers, so now the blacks and Hispanics in Congress that are on the left want impeachment...

Maxine should become the Speaker so she can get the job done...

Of course the Senate would never convict...
It's only Maxine.
No one takes her seriously unless they are brain damaged.
LOL. She is such a joke. I bet she doesn't even know the meaning of some of the words in the report.
Notice the skin color of Democrats calling for impeachment now?

Yeah. Racism is at play.

Maxine Waters: ‘Enough Information’ in Mueller Report to Move Forward with Impeachment

Only one person stopping impeachment- Nancy Pelosi. Whitey Pelosi. Democrats leader.

That's because they're in Sooper-Safe Districts.

The kind of district that would, and has, elected a dead person as long they have a 'D' next to their name.

dimocraps with ANY sense at all KNOW that if the scum of the Earth party moves forward with Impeachmen, they get killed in the next election.

Except for those in Sooper-Safe Districts. They could be dead and still be elected.

Common ploy with the dimocrap scum party. The rank and file won't touch it so they get their idiot friends in Sooper-Safe Districts to be their mouthpiece.
She didn't need the Mueller report for a reason.

However, imho, it would be a major strategic blunder. So I guess it's up in the air.
Maxine is lucky to still be a dirty politician.

During the height of the 2008 fiscal crisis, Waters helped arrange a meeting between the Treasury Department and top executives of a bank where her husband was a shareholder. Using her post on the House Financial Committee as leverage, she called Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson personally, asking him to meet with minority-owned banks.

When Treasury followed through, there was only one financial institution present: OneUnited. Had that bank gone under, the New York Times reported, Waters' husband would've lost as much as $350,000. Luckily for the Waters family, OneUnited received a cool $12 million in bailout funds.

After three years of special investigation, the ethics committee eventually ruled that Waters didn't technically break any rules. But that ruling came after unearthing her more than questionable family business practices, like making her grandson, Mikael Moore, her chief of staff.

Officially the committee ruled that Moore went behind the congresswoman's back to continue to lobby for special treatment. At best, that shows that Waters runs a haphazard office. At worst, it suggests she deliberately took steps to avoid prosecution.
Maxine Waters isn't in any position to lecture on ethics
O my god I thought she had died I didnt know she was still alive . she put on such a great preformace on stage and had a great singling voice. I loved it when she was in rocky. And she could dance like crazy .
Notice the skin color of Democrats calling for impeachment now?

Yeah. Racism is at play.

Maxine Waters: ‘Enough Information’ in Mueller Report to Move Forward with Impeachment

Only one person stopping impeachment- Nancy Pelosi. Whitey Pelosi. Democrats leader.

You know why Maxine want Trump impeached?

This all has to do with Trump playing with the birthers, so now the blacks and Hispanics in Congress that are on the left want impeachment...

Maxine should become the Speaker so she can get the job done...

Of course the Senate would never convict...
Maxine needs a little tar, feathers, a long stick and a rope, the technique Americans have used on stupid politicians in years gone by. Wouldn't she be cute in tar and feathers. <giggle>
Notice the skin color of Democrats calling for impeachment now?

Yeah. Racism is at play.

Maxine Waters: ‘Enough Information’ in Mueller Report to Move Forward with Impeachment

Only one person stopping impeachment- Nancy Pelosi. Whitey Pelosi. Democrats leader.

Democrat Steny Hoyer advised his colleagues to abandon their impeachment fetish. They have good advice, and I hope they benefit from Mr. Hoyer's good thoughts on the issue.
And I hope someone washes Tlaib's filthy mouth out with some soap and water. If that doesn't clean up her act maybe she needs some tar and feathers attatched to her naughty posterior also.
Notice the skin color of Democrats calling for impeachment now?

Yeah. Racism is at play.

Maxine Waters: ‘Enough Information’ in Mueller Report to Move Forward with Impeachment

Only one person stopping impeachment- Nancy Pelosi. Whitey Pelosi. Democrats leader.
Fight! Fight! Maxine and Nancy behind the Capitol at 4pm! Maxine's bigger but Nancy is scrappy. I've got the line even.
Nancy has a bigger gun, MarathonMike. She holds the strings to the purse.

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