Maxine Waters: Voting Against Sharia Law Is GOP Fear Mongering, Bigotry

Did you support the arrest of man who made the video Obama blamed for the assault on the consulate in Benghazi?

...and I'd like any of the left to provide evidence that any dem would publicly oppose sharia law.

I haven't seen and democrats opposing Vulcan law either. Because it's a non issue.

Wow what an argument....liberals said Cheney wasnt Darth Vader....I dont rember him killing jedi and choking people from accross the room.......God you're a moron......

are you really comparing sharia law...actual laws SUPPORTED by your favorite politician Maxine Watters with Vulcan about stuck on stupid

What "actual laws"? What law or proposed law does Maxine Waters support that would be considered "sharia law"?
Has anyone told her that muslims would take away her wig? It might make a difference.
Wow what an argument....liberals said Cheney wasnt Darth Vader....I dont rember him killing jedi and choking people from accross the room.......God you're a moron......

are you really comparing sharia law...actual laws SUPPORTED by your favorite politician Maxine Watters with Vulcan about stuck on stupid

I'm not comparing them. I'm pointing out the fundamental stupidity of chasing something that was never a threat in the first place.

Then why dont democrats come and say it's stupid and will never happen?

Because everyone other than rabid Islamophobes and Pam Gellar followers knows that it'll never happen.

Why don't I see republicans come out and publicly say the sky is blue?
this is a very real potential problem.....else why would several states be forming laws against sharia from creeping into our system....?

Oklahoma (dhimmi judge overruled it)
North Carolina
South Carolina

The fact that someone has proposed a law against something does NOT automatically mean that it's needed.

Isn't that supposed to be a Conservative mantra?
We need Sharia Law to keep those uppity women in there place which is in the kitchen. I want to be legal when I slap my woman in the mouth for talking back.
this is a very real potential problem.....else why would several states be forming laws against sharia from creeping into our system....?

Oklahoma (dhimmi judge overruled it)
North Carolina
South Carolina

The fact that someone has proposed a law against something does NOT automatically mean that it's needed.

Isn't that supposed to be a Conservative mantra?

my guess is that you're a that is definitely NOT part of the small group of American muslims who came here to get away from sharia law....
this is a very real potential problem.....else why would several states be forming laws against sharia from creeping into our system....?

Oklahoma (dhimmi judge overruled it)
North Carolina
South Carolina

The fact that someone has proposed a law against something does NOT automatically mean that it's needed.

Isn't that supposed to be a Conservative mantra?

my guess is that you're a that is definitely NOT part of the small group of American muslims who came here to get away from sharia law....

Nope. Atheist-Jewish.
And when is the GOP going to stop bringing their religion into politics and government and using it to control women's lives, medical care, to subvert scientific knowledge, or deny and revise history based on their own Sharia type ideas? There is a reason God is not mentioned in the Constitution.

"It seems to me that a case can be made for taking a human life statute that dates the origin of personhood at conception to be an "establishment" of religious doctrine. The argument runs as follows. For reasons given above, it is quite contrary to common sense to claim that a newly fertilized human ovum is already an actual person. Employing the term 'person' in the normal fashion, no one thinks of a fertilized egg in that way. The only arguments that have been advanced to the conclusion that fertilized eggs are people, common sense notwithstanding, are arguments with theological premises. These premises are part of large theological and philosophical systems that are very much worthy of respect indeed, but they can neither be established nor refuted without critical discussion of the whole systems of which they form a part. In fact, many conscientious persons reject them, often in favor of doctrines stemming from rival theological systems; so for the state to endorse the personhood of newly fertilized ova would be for the state to embrace one set of controversial theological tenets rather than others, in effect to enforce the teaching of some churches against those of other churches (and nonchurches), and to back up this enforcement with severe criminal penalties. The state plays this constitutionally prohibited role when it officially affirms a doctrine that is opposed to common sense and understanding and whose only proposed arguments proceed from theological premises. This case, it seems to me, is a good one even if there is reason, as there might be, for affirming the personhood of fetuses in the second or third trimester of pregnancy." Joel Feinberg, Abortion
Democrats are all about group think and wonder they support sharia....:eusa_whistle:

What Democrats "support" Sharia law?

California Politicians and Law Enforcement Support Sharia Law

U.S. Rep Maxine Waters (D-CA) urged the people and officials to support and embrace Sharia Law...
Another California politician that came out in support of Sharia Law was U.S. Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) ...
In addition to Waters and Sanchez, I was surprised to see Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca and Deputy Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department Michael Downing also come out and urge support of Sharia Law...
Read more: California Politicians and Law Enforcement Support Sharia Law

Your google broken?
Democrats are all about group think and wonder they support sharia....:eusa_whistle:

What Democrats "support" Sharia law?

California Politicians and Law Enforcement Support Sharia Law

U.S. Rep Maxine Waters (D-CA) urged the people and officials to support and embrace Sharia Law...
Another California politician that came out in support of Sharia Law was U.S. Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) ...
In addition to Waters and Sanchez, I was surprised to see Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca and Deputy Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department Michael Downing also come out and urge support of Sharia Law...
Read more: California Politicians and Law Enforcement Support Sharia Law

Your google broken?

Sorry, but I'm not going to take "Godfather Politics"' word for it.

I've seen the video. Maxine Waters in NO WAY has suggested basing any laws on Sharia law.

You guys don't seem to understand that NOT being hysterical about "creeping sharia" isn't the same thing as "supporting sharia law".
Do we need a law to prevent US courts from using Martian law also?

How about Zoroastrian Law? Does that need to be banned as well?

Has anyone suggested using Martian law? Are other Western nations adopting Martian law? Have you considered thinking this through?
here's another 'creep' example for ya...

"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."
- US President Barack Obama, speech to the UN, 25 Sept 2012.
How is that an example of "creeping sharia"?

What criminal penalties should be attached for slandering the Prophet of Islam? A fine? Prison? Death?

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