Maxine Waters we've got to get more confrontational.

Maxine should be impeached for a variety of reasons.

But she reasons she is bullet proof because of her race and sex and party.

But isn’t this exactly what LindsGay Graham does also?
Watching the post-trial dialogue between the lawyers and the judge, even the judge agrees that there may be grounds for a mistrial on that ugly idiot's utterances.,
Except the judge didn't find her remarks prejudicial to the jury, and neither will an appellate judge. Have you EVER heard of a murder conviction where the defense didn't appeal?

Waters said outloud what we've all known for weeks. How long has the NG and Minnesota LE been in place awaiting this decision? She is not the first activist to say that anything less than a murder conviction is unacceptable.

It may suck, but that's common knowledge.
She is a public servant. If she is an activist she should be removed from office.
...they are PROUD to be racist and start trouble/riots/BURNING/etc
If Chauvin is convicted Waters comments will be solid grounds for mistrial which would become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Let the rioting and looting start. I'd kinda enjoy that.

Maxine Waters is a domestic terrorist.

Not according to Pelosi

Pelosi rejects GOP threat to censure Rep. Maxine Waters for 'inciting violence' (
Of course she does. If it weren't for double standards, Democrats would have no standards at all.
Where is the FBI? That's what I want to know! :mad-61:

Time for her to go to jail! Enough is enough!

Maxine Waters gave the defense plenty of grounds for a mistrial.

Defense counsel was right, the judge should have sequestered the jury. Not doing that was a huge mistake.

The prosecutor, Mr. Blackwell, was doing an outstanding job until his final closing remarks. He gave the defense some grounds for a mistrial and was not as effective.
The judge dealt with Blackwell incautious comments, but Maxine's comment were essentially a threat that any other than Murder 2 would wreck havoc in the town of the jurors. A definite plan B for the defense.
She should have said this peaceful comment: "We fight, we fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore...."
Did it work? Is everyone talking about Trump now? Have you distracted everyone from Waters calling for violence?
...they are PROUD to be racist and start trouble/riots/BURNING/etc
If Chauvin is convicted Waters comments will be solid grounds for mistrial which would become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Let the rioting and looting start. I'd kinda enjoy that.

Maxine Waters is a domestic terrorist.
Trump was impeached the second time for saying the same things she said.

But it's okay for her to say it; she's a Democrat.
T**** was impeached for trying to remain President after he lost.
Haven't been paying attention, huh?

And it's HILARIOUS how you're afraid to spell his name. How childish!
The old bitch has totally blown up the Chavin trial!
The Appeals court is going to throw the Chavin trial in the fucking dumpster.
Judge Cahill just told Waters to shut the fuck up.
Gotta link to this?

I just saw it on CBS News, so it will be on their site. I don't care enough to go find it, I'm happy without links from people who don't lie all the time.
The judge said that Waters' comments may be appropriately used in appeal by the defense.

Yikes, that would be interesting.
Not bad enough for him to declare mistrial but bad enough for him to mention it plus reference someone else ruling mistrial
No matter what your feelings are telling you, it’s not a win for lib land
The old bitch has totally blown up the Chavin trial!
The Appeals court is going to throw the Chavin trial in the fucking dumpster.
Judge Cahill just told Waters to shut the fuck up.
Waters is just stating the obvious: “no justice, no peace!”

it’s a warning. If anything she’s trying to prepare everyone

After 1yr of all the protests, it seems like you conservatives still don’t understand the systemic racism in this country. It’s just not in the police force but the whole legal system.
And you all wonder why the protests never stop...
lol worst troll sock ever.
The judge said that Waters' comments may be appropriately used in appeal by the defense.

Yikes, that would be interesting.
Not bad enough for him to declare mistrial but bad enough for him to mention it plus reference someone else ruling mistrial
No matter what your feelings are telling you, it’s not a win for lib land
It was a stupid thing for her to say. Feelings have nothing to do with it.
Everybody knows it was just a commie show trial, and none of the charges are valid. It's just part of the national power show meant to discourage white people from defending themselves from violent black and brown feral animals, is all. And, the scum are going to riot no matter what; they will just make up another excuse. Either shoot them or deport them, or they will never crawl back into the sewers they crawled out of.
Is anyone else concerned that this Judge just gave a sentence on a Jury Trial that has no verdict yet?

You don't appeal a verdict unless you are guilty.

To My knowledge, no such verdict has been rendered.

This can be overturned on Judicial bias alone.

And the absurdity of having Floyd's brother testify as a witness for the prosecution. What the hell was that all about? He had no probative value.
Is anyone else concerned that this Judge just gave a sentence on a Jury Trial that has no verdict yet?

You don't appeal a verdict unless you are guilty.

To My knowledge, no such verdict has been rendered.

This can be overturned on Judicial bias alone.

And the absurdity of having Floyd's brother testify as a witness for the prosecution. What the hell was that all about? He had no probative value.
I have no idea.
Nothing has happened. And if it does, I can't believe you think she was the first one to be thinking that the protests would escalate if there isn't a murder conviction. Why do you think Minnesota has been ready for riots for weeks?

NIce dodge in a sick attempt to defend Slapsy Maxie.

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