Maxine Waters we've got to get more confrontational.

The judge said that Waters' comments may be appropriately used in appeal by the defense.

Yikes, that would be interesting.
Enough of this childish "I know you are, what am I?" nonsense about her being an insurrectionist or terrorist. Y'all don't like your Jan 6 heroes being called that, so in typical fashion, you're going to call her that. But that shoe don't fit.
You want to talk treason? She is saying that anything less than a Murder verdict, “We’ve got to get more Confrontational”. Once again, Waters is inciting riots and violence. If she’s not, then she needs to elaborate and clarify how and what she means by “confrontational”. My bet is that is a dog whistle for people to get violent, burn businesses, loot businesses, beat people.
That's exactly what it is.
Maxine Waters gave the defense plenty of grounds for a mistrial.

Defense counsel was right, the judge should have sequestered the jury. Not doing that was a huge mistake.

The prosecutor, Mr. Blackwell, was doing an outstanding job until his final closing remarks. He gave the defense some grounds for a mistrial and was not as effective.
The judge dealt with Blackwell incautious comments, but Maxine's comment were essentially a threat that any other than Murder 2 would wreck havoc in the town of the jurors. A definite plan B for the defense.
She should have said this peaceful comment: "We fight, we fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore...."

So you're ok with what she said. Noted.
there was no need for a trial at all.

Well said, Comrade...

Enough of this childish "I know you are, what am I?" nonsense about her being an insurrectionist or terrorist. Y'all don't like your Jan 6 heroes being called that, so in typical fashion, you're going to call her that. But that shoe don't fit.

Actually, the shoe fits her perfectly. Your denial of such makes you no better than those who deny the truth of what happened on January 6th.

Congratulations, you are them...
Watching the post-trial dialogue between the lawyers and the judge, even the judge agrees that there may be grounds for a mistrial on that ugly idiot's utterances.,
Except the judge didn't find her remarks prejudicial to the jury, and neither will an appellate judge. Have you EVER heard of a murder conviction where the defense didn't appeal?

Waters said outloud what we've all known for weeks. How long has the NG and Minnesota LE been in place awaiting this decision? She is not the first activist to say that anything less than a murder conviction is unacceptable.

It may suck, but that's common knowledge.

It doesn't seem to occur to you that this is a Representative talking like this, that is bad when a GOVERNMENT official is doing that.

I realize that makes it worse, but it seems out of line comments about getting tough with our government only bother you when they're coming from the left. I listened to months of rightwing codswallop after the election, criticizing the decisions of the courts, the state legislatures and governors...where were you then?
...they are PROUD to be racist and start trouble/riots/BURNING/etc
If Chauvin is convicted Waters comments will be solid grounds for mistrial which would become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Let the rioting and looting start. I'd kinda enjoy that.

Maxine Waters is a domestic terrorist.
Trump was impeached the second time for saying the same things she said.

But it's okay for her to say it; she's a Democrat.
Maxine Waters gave the defense plenty of grounds for a mistrial.

Defense counsel was right, the judge should have sequestered the jury. Not doing that was a huge mistake.

The prosecutor, Mr. Blackwell, was doing an outstanding job until his final closing remarks. He gave the defense some grounds for a mistrial and was not as effective.
The judge dealt with Blackwell incautious comments, but Maxine's comment were essentially a threat that any other than Murder 2 would wreck havoc in the town of the jurors. A definite plan B for the defense.
She should have said this peaceful comment: "We fight, we fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore...."
Is that comment in here?

Maxine Waters gave the defense plenty of grounds for a mistrial.

Defense counsel was right, the judge should have sequestered the jury. Not doing that was a huge mistake.

The prosecutor, Mr. Blackwell, was doing an outstanding job until his final closing remarks. He gave the defense some grounds for a mistrial and was not as effective.
The judge dealt with Blackwell incautious comments, but Maxine's comment were essentially a threat that any other than Murder 2 would wreck havoc in the town of the jurors. A definite plan B for the defense.
She should have said this peaceful comment: "We fight, we fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore...."

So you're ok with what she said. Noted.

She's obsessed with orange man quotes and thinks she's gonna walk someone into a trap. Lol. Waters blasted out hoping that he would be acquitted so her savage following could get their burning and thuggery on. She is a stain on this country and pushes racism because she is a racist fool.
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The old bitch has totally blown up the Chavin trial!
The Appeals court is going to throw the Chavin trial in the fucking dumpster.
Judge Cahill just told Waters to shut the fuck up.
She is a nice lady but her mouth got in the way of her brains. The judge gave her a nice reaming. These days lawmakers are always letting their mouths get in the way of their brains. I wish that they would concentrate on the people instead of their own interests.
...they are PROUD to be racist and start trouble/riots/BURNING/etc
If Chauvin is convicted Waters comments will be solid grounds for mistrial which would become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Let the rioting and looting start. I'd kinda enjoy that.

Maxine Waters is a domestic terrorist.
Trump was impeached the second time for saying the same things she said.

But it's okay for her to say it; she's a Democrat.
T**** was impeached for trying to remain President after he lost.
The defense team did a poor job overall. They kind of got their butts handed to them. This is going to be epic either way. I have no vested interest either way. It's up to the jury. They will do what is right.
Maxine Waters gave the defense plenty of grounds for a mistrial.

Defense counsel was right, the judge should have sequestered the jury. Not doing that was a huge mistake.

The prosecutor, Mr. Blackwell, was doing an outstanding job until his final closing remarks. He gave the defense some grounds for a mistrial and was not as effective.
The judge dealt with Blackwell incautious comments, but Maxine's comment were essentially a threat that any other than Murder 2 would wreck havoc in the town of the jurors. A definite plan B for the defense.
She should have said this peaceful comment: "We fight, we fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore...."
Seek help soon.:itsok:
The old bitch has totally blown up the Chavin trial!
The Appeals court is going to throw the Chavin trial in the fucking dumpster.
Judge Cahill just told Waters to shut the fuck up.


No court would have the guts to overthrow the guilty verdict.

And certainly not the Supreme Court, which is shaking in its boots that the Dems are going to pack it.

Say! Why not make Ms. Maxine a Justice? I am sure she would be fair and impartial.
...they are PROUD to be racist and start trouble/riots/BURNING/etc
If Chauvin is convicted Waters comments will be solid grounds for mistrial which would become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Let the rioting and looting start. I'd kinda enjoy that.

Maxine Waters is a domestic terrorist.
Trump was impeached the second time for saying the same things she said.

But it's okay for her to say it; she's a Democrat.
T**** was impeached for trying to remain President after he lost.
Seek help soon.:itsok:
Is anyone else concerned that this Judge just gave a sentence on a Jury Trial that has no verdict yet?

You don't appeal a verdict unless you are guilty.

To My knowledge, no such verdict has been rendered.

This can be overturned on Judicial bias alone.
Enough of this childish "I know you are, what am I?" nonsense about her being an insurrectionist or terrorist. Y'all don't like your Jan 6 heroes being called that, so in typical fashion, you're going to call her that. But that shoe don't fit.

Actually, the shoe fits her perfectly. Your denial of such makes you no better than those who deny the truth of what happened on January 6th.

Congratulations, you are them...
Nothing has happened. And if it does, I can't believe you think she was the first one to be thinking that the protests would escalate if there isn't a murder conviction. Why do you think Minnesota has been ready for riots for weeks?

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