May 1st 2017 the press reports "Immigrants" marching against Trump!


Active Member
Apr 19, 2017
Are these immigrants or ILLEGALS here unlawfully? Newsflash all biased media sources, you need to make that distinction because if here illegally they should have NO RIGHTS AT ALL!

Since these invaders are congregating in certain spots shouldn't Ice call in the national guard to help arrest them so their ENTITLED asses can be deported back to where they came from? And if so shouldn't they also be fingerprinted so if they return they can be sent straight to prison? Remember due process is only for Americans and doesn't apply to criminals invading and infiltrating the country.

Isn't it time to put a stop to this behavior the progressive liberal leftists and George Soros are fueling? And why pray tell are they doing this? Because these people will vote for the democrats in the upcoming elections, that's why. Just as they did in 2016 if anyone cares to check all the voter fraud which biased media tried hard to downplay. But regardless there were still several valid news articles reported about this in cities across the U.S. Go ahead feel free to Google it. I have and I also bookmarked numerous links. Bear in mind for each precinct that found and reported fraud, there were probably thousands that didn't.

I mean does anyone at this point really think all the so called sanctuary cities would go rogue breaking the law to harbor them but wouldn't also hand them a ballot to vote? If so as the idiom goes, I have some swampland in Florida to sell you!
Are these immigrants or ILLEGALS here unlawfully? Newsflash all biased media sources, you need to make that distinction because if here illegally they should have NO RIGHTS AT ALL!

Since these invaders are congregating in certain spots shouldn't Ice call in the national guard to help arrest them so their ENTITLED asses can be deported back to where they came from? And if so shouldn't they also be fingerprinted so if they return they can be sent straight to prison? Remember due process is only for Americans and doesn't apply to criminals invading and infiltrating the country.

Isn't it time to put a stop to this behavior the progressive liberal leftists and George Soros are fueling? And why pray tell are they doing this? Because these people will vote for the democrats in the upcoming elections, that's why. Just as they did in 2016 if anyone cares to check all the voter fraud which biased media tried hard to downplay. But regardless there were still several valid news articles reported about this in cities across the U.S. Go ahead feel free to Google it. I have and I also bookmarked numerous links. Bear in mind for each precinct that found and reported fraud, there were probably thousands that didn't.

I mean does anyone at this point really think all the so called sanctuary cities would go rogue breaking the law to harbor them but wouldn't also hand them a ballot to vote? If so as the idiom goes, I have some swampland in Florida to sell you!
Are these immigrants or ILLEGALS here unlawfully?
They're still people who don't like Trump. LOL
We had one of those Big Giant Marches wherein 'hundreds of thousands, maybe over a million' where widely announced to be attending. About 3,200 showed up. The Press of course gushed like school girls at a Beatles concert and ran around finding 15 minutes of heart and leg tingling 'personal stories and stuff', and the Teachable Moments were just wondrous.
Are these immigrants or ILLEGALS here unlawfully? Newsflash all biased media sources, you need to make that distinction because if here illegally they should have NO RIGHTS AT ALL!

Since these invaders are congregating in certain spots shouldn't Ice call in the national guard to help arrest them so their ENTITLED asses can be deported back to where they came from? And if so shouldn't they also be fingerprinted so if they return they can be sent straight to prison? Remember due process is only for Americans and doesn't apply to criminals invading and infiltrating the country.

Isn't it time to put a stop to this behavior the progressive liberal leftists and George Soros are fueling? And why pray tell are they doing this? Because these people will vote for the democrats in the upcoming elections, that's why. Just as they did in 2016 if anyone cares to check all the voter fraud which biased media tried hard to downplay. But regardless there were still several valid news articles reported about this in cities across the U.S. Go ahead feel free to Google it. I have and I also bookmarked numerous links. Bear in mind for each precinct that found and reported fraud, there were probably thousands that didn't.

I mean does anyone at this point really think all the so called sanctuary cities would go rogue breaking the law to harbor them but wouldn't also hand them a ballot to vote? If so as the idiom goes, I have some swampland in Florida to sell you!
Are these immigrants or ILLEGALS here unlawfully?
They're still people who don't like Trump. LOL

Of course -- they're socialists. It's their day today... What are YOUR plans for today? :tongue:
Are these immigrants or ILLEGALS here unlawfully? Newsflash all biased media sources, you need to make that distinction because if here illegally they should have NO RIGHTS AT ALL!

Since these invaders are congregating in certain spots shouldn't Ice call in the national guard to help arrest them so their ENTITLED asses can be deported back to where they came from? And if so shouldn't they also be fingerprinted so if they return they can be sent straight to prison? Remember due process is only for Americans and doesn't apply to criminals invading and infiltrating the country.

Isn't it time to put a stop to this behavior the progressive liberal leftists and George Soros are fueling? And why pray tell are they doing this? Because these people will vote for the democrats in the upcoming elections, that's why. Just as they did in 2016 if anyone cares to check all the voter fraud which biased media tried hard to downplay. But regardless there were still several valid news articles reported about this in cities across the U.S. Go ahead feel free to Google it. I have and I also bookmarked numerous links. Bear in mind for each precinct that found and reported fraud, there were probably thousands that didn't.

I mean does anyone at this point really think all the so called sanctuary cities would go rogue breaking the law to harbor them but wouldn't also hand them a ballot to vote? If so as the idiom goes, I have some swampland in Florida to sell you!
Are these immigrants or ILLEGALS here unlawfully?
They're still people who don't like Trump. LOL
If they are illegal immigrants, then they should go back to their own countries to protest because they don't like Trump.
Are these immigrants or ILLEGALS here unlawfully? Newsflash all biased media sources, you need to make that distinction because if here illegally they should have NO RIGHTS AT ALL!

Since these invaders are congregating in certain spots shouldn't Ice call in the national guard to help arrest them so their ENTITLED asses can be deported back to where they came from? And if so shouldn't they also be fingerprinted so if they return they can be sent straight to prison? Remember due process is only for Americans and doesn't apply to criminals invading and infiltrating the country.

Isn't it time to put a stop to this behavior the progressive liberal leftists and George Soros are fueling? And why pray tell are they doing this? Because these people will vote for the democrats in the upcoming elections, that's why. Just as they did in 2016 if anyone cares to check all the voter fraud which biased media tried hard to downplay. But regardless there were still several valid news articles reported about this in cities across the U.S. Go ahead feel free to Google it. I have and I also bookmarked numerous links. Bear in mind for each precinct that found and reported fraud, there were probably thousands that didn't.

I mean does anyone at this point really think all the so called sanctuary cities would go rogue breaking the law to harbor them but wouldn't also hand them a ballot to vote? If so as the idiom goes, I have some swampland in Florida to sell you!
Good time to reel a few thousand of them in for deportation.
Are these immigrants or ILLEGALS here unlawfully? Newsflash all biased media sources, you need to make that distinction because if here illegally they should have NO RIGHTS AT ALL!

Since these invaders are congregating in certain spots shouldn't Ice call in the national guard to help arrest them so their ENTITLED asses can be deported back to where they came from? And if so shouldn't they also be fingerprinted so if they return they can be sent straight to prison? Remember due process is only for Americans and doesn't apply to criminals invading and infiltrating the country.

Isn't it time to put a stop to this behavior the progressive liberal leftists and George Soros are fueling? And why pray tell are they doing this? Because these people will vote for the democrats in the upcoming elections, that's why. Just as they did in 2016 if anyone cares to check all the voter fraud which biased media tried hard to downplay. But regardless there were still several valid news articles reported about this in cities across the U.S. Go ahead feel free to Google it. I have and I also bookmarked numerous links. Bear in mind for each precinct that found and reported fraud, there were probably thousands that didn't.

I mean does anyone at this point really think all the so called sanctuary cities would go rogue breaking the law to harbor them but wouldn't also hand them a ballot to vote? If so as the idiom goes, I have some swampland in Florida to sell you!
Are these immigrants or ILLEGALS here unlawfully?
They're still people who don't like Trump. LOL

Of course -- they're socialists. It's their day today... What are YOUR plans for today? :tongue:
Really? They're protesting the deportation policies. I don't have any sympathy for them, but that's why the immigrants are marching.
It's raining and I'm not marchin for NUTTIN.
Are these immigrants or ILLEGALS here unlawfully? Newsflash all biased media sources, you need to make that distinction because if here illegally they should have NO RIGHTS AT ALL!

Since these invaders are congregating in certain spots shouldn't Ice call in the national guard to help arrest them so their ENTITLED asses can be deported back to where they came from? And if so shouldn't they also be fingerprinted so if they return they can be sent straight to prison? Remember due process is only for Americans and doesn't apply to criminals invading and infiltrating the country.

Isn't it time to put a stop to this behavior the progressive liberal leftists and George Soros are fueling? And why pray tell are they doing this? Because these people will vote for the democrats in the upcoming elections, that's why. Just as they did in 2016 if anyone cares to check all the voter fraud which biased media tried hard to downplay. But regardless there were still several valid news articles reported about this in cities across the U.S. Go ahead feel free to Google it. I have and I also bookmarked numerous links. Bear in mind for each precinct that found and reported fraud, there were probably thousands that didn't.

I mean does anyone at this point really think all the so called sanctuary cities would go rogue breaking the law to harbor them but wouldn't also hand them a ballot to vote? If so as the idiom goes, I have some swampland in Florida to sell you!
Are these immigrants or ILLEGALS here unlawfully?
They're still people who don't like Trump. LOL

Of course -- they're socialists. It's their day today... What are YOUR plans for today? :tongue:
Really? They're protesting the deportation policies. I don't have any sympathy for them, but that's why the immigrants are marching.
It's raining and I'm not marchin for NUTTIN.

You would think all that would be on the 5th of May ---- right? Not on the 1st of May. There's a HUGE marching section for socialism in that community. Large fractions left Mexico because it wasn't socialist enough. It's a TRADITION.

If it was about "deportations". Cinquo de Mayo would have been a better choice...

I suspect you're secretly celebrating -- a little bit. Maybe in your head. Singing the party workers songs or Woody Guthrie or something... :biggrin:
This would be a great opportunity for ICE. There should be a quota incentive for ICE the same way cops have quotas for traffic tickets.
We are getting to the point where these marches are becoming a joke. There is a march a day. Half of our nation is filled with fools. Total uneducated fools.
Are these immigrants or ILLEGALS here unlawfully? Newsflash all biased media sources, you need to make that distinction because if here illegally they should have NO RIGHTS AT ALL!

Since these invaders are congregating in certain spots shouldn't Ice call in the national guard to help arrest them so their ENTITLED asses can be deported back to where they came from? And if so shouldn't they also be fingerprinted so if they return they can be sent straight to prison? Remember due process is only for Americans and doesn't apply to criminals invading and infiltrating the country.

Isn't it time to put a stop to this behavior the progressive liberal leftists and George Soros are fueling? And why pray tell are they doing this? Because these people will vote for the democrats in the upcoming elections, that's why. Just as they did in 2016 if anyone cares to check all the voter fraud which biased media tried hard to downplay. But regardless there were still several valid news articles reported about this in cities across the U.S. Go ahead feel free to Google it. I have and I also bookmarked numerous links. Bear in mind for each precinct that found and reported fraud, there were probably thousands that didn't.

I mean does anyone at this point really think all the so called sanctuary cities would go rogue breaking the law to harbor them but wouldn't also hand them a ballot to vote? If so as the idiom goes, I have some swampland in Florida to sell you!
Are these immigrants or ILLEGALS here unlawfully?
They're still people who don't like Trump. LOL

Of course -- they're socialists. It's their day today... What are YOUR plans for today? :tongue:
Really? They're protesting the deportation policies. I don't have any sympathy for them, but that's why the immigrants are marching.
It's raining and I'm not marchin for NUTTIN.

You would think all that would be on the 5th of May ---- right? Not on the 1st of May. There's a HUGE marching section for socialism in that community. Large fractions left Mexico because it wasn't socialist enough. It's a TRADITION.

If it was about "deportations". Cinquo de Mayo would have been a better choice...

I suspect you're secretly celebrating -- a little bit. Maybe in your head. Singing the party workers songs or Woody Guthrie or something... :biggrin:
Yeah, whenever I take a break from knitting my new tea cozy. I'm putting a nice red hammer and sickle on it.
I wonder what would happen if 10,000 or so of us went down to Mexico illegally and started to march and protest the Mexican government? We are truly a tolerant bunch but if these marches continue our patients will run dry and when that happens I wouldn't want to be caught marching. It was these very kind of illegal alien marches that helped Trump win and so why they continue is a mystery indeed.
But thanks for showing us your asses in public I guess.
I like going to the Cinquo de Mayo festivals; they're fun and the food vendors aren't deliberately poisoning anybody for the day. They're not anti-American festivals, they're anti-French festivals.

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