May 8th set for Benghazi survivor testimony


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Finally we get to hear the voices of those that witnessed what happened in Benghazi.


As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories

From the article:

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced earlier in the day that it will convene a hearing on May 8 aimed at 'exposing failure' in the Obama administration to respond o security threats to that diplomatic mission, and to present to the public and to Congress an accurate version of the attack that left U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.

'This Administration has offered the American people only a carefully selected and sanitized version of events from before, during, and after the Benghazi terrorist attacks, committee chairman Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman from California, said in a statement Wednesday.

'Not surprisingly, this version of events casts senior officials in the most favorable light possible.'

As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories | Mail Online
Finally we get to hear the voices of those that witnessed what happened in Benghazi.


As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories

From the article:

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced earlier in the day that it will convene a hearing on May 8 aimed at 'exposing failure' in the Obama administration to respond o security threats to that diplomatic mission, and to present to the public and to Congress an accurate version of the attack that left U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.

'This Administration has offered the American people only a carefully selected and sanitized version of events from before, during, and after the Benghazi terrorist attacks, committee chairman Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman from California, said in a statement Wednesday.

'Not surprisingly, this version of events casts senior officials in the most favorable light possible.'

As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories | Mail Online

Wow a Republican committe with a pre-determined agenda what a suprise. Gee I wonder what their findings will be?
Finally we get to hear the voices of those that witnessed what happened in Benghazi.


As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories

From the article:

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced earlier in the day that it will convene a hearing on May 8 aimed at 'exposing failure' in the Obama administration to respond o security threats to that diplomatic mission, and to present to the public and to Congress an accurate version of the attack that left U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.

'This Administration has offered the American people only a carefully selected and sanitized version of events from before, during, and after the Benghazi terrorist attacks, committee chairman Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman from California, said in a statement Wednesday.

'Not surprisingly, this version of events casts senior officials in the most favorable light possible.'

As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories | Mail Online

Wow a Republican committe with a pre-determined agenda what a suprise. Gee I wonder what their findings will be?

Odds are that they will be able to confirm that the attack on the Embassy was not the result of a silly anti Muslim video. That there never was a protest at all.

I'd say that's a pretty good bet.
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Finally we get to hear the voices of those that witnessed what happened in Benghazi.


As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories

From the article:

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced earlier in the day that it will convene a hearing on May 8 aimed at 'exposing failure' in the Obama administration to respond o security threats to that diplomatic mission, and to present to the public and to Congress an accurate version of the attack that left U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.

'This Administration has offered the American people only a carefully selected and sanitized version of events from before, during, and after the Benghazi terrorist attacks, committee chairman Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman from California, said in a statement Wednesday.

'Not surprisingly, this version of events casts senior officials in the most favorable light possible.'

As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories | Mail Online

Wow a Republican committe with a pre-determined agenda what a suprise. Gee I wonder what their findings will be?

The truth.
Finally we get to hear the voices of those that witnessed what happened in Benghazi.


As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories

From the article:

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced earlier in the day that it will convene a hearing on May 8 aimed at 'exposing failure' in the Obama administration to respond o security threats to that diplomatic mission, and to present to the public and to Congress an accurate version of the attack that left U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.

'This Administration has offered the American people only a carefully selected and sanitized version of events from before, during, and after the Benghazi terrorist attacks, committee chairman Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman from California, said in a statement Wednesday.

'Not surprisingly, this version of events casts senior officials in the most favorable light possible.'

As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories | Mail Online

Wow a Republican committe with a pre-determined agenda what a suprise. Gee I wonder what their findings will be?

So the people who are testifying are Republicans?
Finally we get to hear the voices of those that witnessed what happened in Benghazi.


As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories

From the article:

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced earlier in the day that it will convene a hearing on May 8 aimed at 'exposing failure' in the Obama administration to respond o security threats to that diplomatic mission, and to present to the public and to Congress an accurate version of the attack that left U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.

'This Administration has offered the American people only a carefully selected and sanitized version of events from before, during, and after the Benghazi terrorist attacks, committee chairman Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman from California, said in a statement Wednesday.

'Not surprisingly, this version of events casts senior officials in the most favorable light possible.'

As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories | Mail Online

Wow a Republican committe with a pre-determined agenda what a suprise. Gee I wonder what their findings will be?

Odds are that they will be able to confirm that the attack on the Embassy was not the result of a silly anti Muslim video. That there never was a protest at all.

I'd say that's a pretty good bet.

Got it. They want to confirm what we already know and have known for some time.

Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., said, "Gen. Petraeus as director of the CIA has been completely consistent."

Conrad, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said that much of the confusion is due to the difference between classified and unclassified information.

"When people are talking in a classified setting, they can say much more than they can say in an unclassified setting," Conrad said.

Petraeus testifies on Benghazi attack - CBS News
Wow a Republican committe with a pre-determined agenda what a suprise. Gee I wonder what their findings will be?

Odds are that they will be able to confirm that the attack on the Embassy was not the result of a silly anti Muslim video. That there never was a protest at all.

I'd say that's a pretty good bet.

Got it. They want to confirm what we already know and have known for some time.

Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., said, "Gen. Petraeus as director of the CIA has been completely consistent."

Conrad, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said that much of the confusion is due to the difference between classified and unclassified information.

"When people are talking in a classified setting, they can say much more than they can say in an unclassified setting," Conrad said.

Petraeus testifies on Benghazi attack - CBS News

So if nothing new will come from this, why are you concerned?
Odds are that they will be able to confirm that the attack on the Embassy was not the result of a silly anti Muslim video. That there never was a protest at all.

I'd say that's a pretty good bet.

Got it. They want to confirm what we already know and have known for some time.

Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., said, "Gen. Petraeus as director of the CIA has been completely consistent."

Conrad, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said that much of the confusion is due to the difference between classified and unclassified information.

"When people are talking in a classified setting, they can say much more than they can say in an unclassified setting," Conrad said.

Petraeus testifies on Benghazi attack - CBS News

So if nothing new will come from this, why are you concerned?

I like to know what the CIA was doing, and why did Stevens travel to Benghazi on 9-11 when, according to the Ben-gaters, he had been asking for more security for months. Did someone order him to go?
Got it. They want to confirm what we already know and have known for some time.

Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., said, "Gen. Petraeus as director of the CIA has been completely consistent."

Conrad, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said that much of the confusion is due to the difference between classified and unclassified information.

"When people are talking in a classified setting, they can say much more than they can say in an unclassified setting," Conrad said.

Petraeus testifies on Benghazi attack - CBS News

So if nothing new will come from this, why are you concerned?

I like to know what the CIA was doing, and why did Stevens travel to Benghazi on 9-11 when, according to the Ben-gaters, he had been asking for more security for months. Did someone order him to go?

His gay lover, Barack Hussein Obama, ordered him to go. Stevens had been threatening for months to provide "The Mother of All October Surprises" to the media about his covert love affair with the big strapping mountain of Mandigo from Chicago.

Obama got on the wire with the Muslim Brotherhood and ordered a hit to prevent this information from getting out. He watched the whole thing live through the lens of an Iranian drone. Then he smoked some weed and some cigarettes and forgot the post-assassination sooper sekrit script on Air Force One after his golf trip/Colorado campaign fundraiser, and completely bungled his lines the next day in front of the cameras.

Glenn Beck has all the documents proving this.

But you don't need to see any evidence. You know this is all FACT because you want it to be.
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So if nothing new will come from this, why are you concerned?

I like to know what the CIA was doing, and why did Stevens travel to Benghazi on 9-11 when, according to the Ben-gaters, he had been asking for more security for months. Did someone order him to go?

His gay lover, Barack Hussein Obama, ordered him to go. Stevens had been threatening for months to provide "The Mother of All October Surprises" to the media about his covert love affair with the big strapping mountain of Mandigo from Chicago.

Obama got on the wire with the Muslim Brotherhood and ordered a hit to prevent this information from getting out. He watched the whole thing live through the lens of an Iranian drone. Then he smoked some weed and some cigarettes and forgot the post-assassination sooper sekrit script on Air Force One after his golf trip/Colorado campaign fundraiser, and completely bungled his lines the next day in front of the cameras.

Glenn Beck has all the documents proving this.

But you don't need to see any evidence. You know this is all FACT because you want it to be.

so you feel it is unimportant to hear these individuals that were there and think there is something that must be said? Interesting.
A total RW figment. After 20+ protests and attacks at ME embassies earlier that day, all PROVEN to be in reaction to that RW video- this one definitely wasn't, though we don't know who did it. Riggghhht!
so who is choosing jurors? (if there is a jury) and can u imagine if Barry had to choose 6 people? Hmm, Howard Dean,Maxine The Dufass,Baba Boxer,Sargeant Schultz,Chris Matthews,and Moochelle Obama!
I'd like to hear the version from the folks who were repeatedly ordered to "stand down".

Me too. A new tidbit I heard yesterday was those that did go against orders to go help and lost their lives as well, actually were in Tripoli and comandeered an airplane to get themselves there. If that is factual, then there was plenty of time for help to get there.
A total RW figment. After 20+ protests and attacks at ME embassies earlier that day, all PROVEN to be in reaction to that RW video- this one definitely wasn't, though we don't know who did it. Riggghhht!

Pssssssst franco. Panetta already admitted last November that the attacks were terrorism.

Get a grip and deal with the truth. Even the administration had to admit that Benghazi had nothing to do with the video. Better late than never.


Panetta today said that the attack that killed four Americans on the anniversary of 9/11 was not only carried out by terrorists — it was pre-meditated.

“As we determined the details of what took place there and how that attack took place,” Panetta told reporters, “it became clear that there were terrorists who had planned that attack.”

Some Administration Officials Were Concerned About Initial White House Push Blaming Benghazi Attack on Mob, Video* - ABC News
So if nothing new will come from this, why are you concerned?

I like to know what the CIA was doing, and why did Stevens travel to Benghazi on 9-11 when, according to the Ben-gaters, he had been asking for more security for months. Did someone order him to go?

His gay lover, Barack Hussein Obama, ordered him to go. Stevens had been threatening for months to provide "The Mother of All October Surprises" to the media about his covert love affair with the big strapping mountain of Mandigo from Chicago.

Obama got on the wire with the Muslim Brotherhood and ordered a hit to prevent this information from getting out. He watched the whole thing live through the lens of an Iranian drone. Then he smoked some weed and some cigarettes and forgot the post-assassination sooper sekrit script on Air Force One after his golf trip/Colorado campaign fundraiser, and completely bungled his lines the next day in front of the cameras.

Glenn Beck has all the documents proving this.

But you don't need to see any evidence. You know this is all FACT because you want it to be.

Reductio ad absurdum
Dude guys... I'm pretty sure Obama ordered a hit on the Benghazi embassy, because... because... because...

Shit I've been drinking... what's your excuse?

1, We just spent our treasury on blowing up Libya. There may have been some that didn't appreciate their friends and neighbors being blown to pieces.

2. 9/11, always a day most people should be cautious.

3. The compound was obviously not well guarded.

4. Obama's very escalated drone program has not made us loved in the ME.
I'd like to hear the version from the folks who were repeatedly ordered to "stand down".

Me too. A new tidbit I heard yesterday was those that did go against orders to go help and lost their lives as well, actually were in Tripoli and comandeered an airplane to get themselves there. If that is factual, then there was plenty of time for help to get there.

Yup. Thats what I read as well.

Doherty pretty much comandeered a plane and he a some buds headed for the consulate.

Woods pretty much told his CIA handler he was fucking going whether they liked it or not.

I, for one, will be interested to hear what those who were actually there and survived have to say.

Either way this was a massive fuckup by the Obama State Department. They had plenty of warning that something was up. Hell. The Brits and the Red Cross pulled out because of those same warnings. Warnings the State Department ignored.

If the warning had been headed chances are pretty good there would have been no Benghazi at all and we would be discussing something else.

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