May 8th set for Benghazi survivor testimony

psssssssssssssst listen up to a liberal God of media you left wing loons . The attack lasted more than minutes. Link to BBC. A bastion of progressives.

Good grief are all you libs on this board habitual liars or what?

Here is the timeline of events that US officials believe led to the death of US ambassador Christopher Stevens, his state department colleague Sean Smith and former Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.

10pm: Attackers open fire at the consulate, which has a main building and a smaller annex.

10.15pm: The assailants gain entry to the complex and the main building is engulfed in flames.

Many of those trapped inside escape but Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith and a regional security guard remain.

The security guard manages to escape and returns shortly afterwards with others to try to rescue Mr Stevens and Mr Smith.

They find Mr Smith dead and pull him from the building, but no sign of Mr Stevens. They are driven from the building by thick black smoke, fire and gunfire.

10.45pm: Security staff try to retake the main building but come under heavy fire and retreat.

11.20pm: A second attempt to retake the main building is successful. Fighting moves to the annexe.

Midnight: Fighting at the annexe - reported to last about two hours - results in the deaths of two more Americans, later named by US authorities as former Navy Seals whose job was to protect the other staff.

1.15am: Mr Stevens arrives at a nearby hospital - it is not known who took him. A doctor there has told the BBC that he spent an hour trying to revive him, but that Mr Stevens died from smoke inhalation.

2.30am: Security forces regain control of the annexe.

BBC News - Benghazi US consulate attack: Timeline
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This is an enormous scandal involving the failure of the President and SOS to do their jobs and then a massive misinformation/cover up campaign in which the liberal press participated...all to make sure that the truth didn't come out before the 2012 election.
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Finally we get to hear the voices of those that witnessed what happened in Benghazi.


As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories

From the article:

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced earlier in the day that it will convene a hearing on May 8 aimed at 'exposing failure' in the Obama administration to respond o security threats to that diplomatic mission, and to present to the public and to Congress an accurate version of the attack that left U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.

'This Administration has offered the American people only a carefully selected and sanitized version of events from before, during, and after the Benghazi terrorist attacks, committee chairman Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman from California, said in a statement Wednesday.

'Not surprisingly, this version of events casts senior officials in the most favorable light possible.'

As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories | Mail Online

Wow a Republican committe with a pre-determined agenda what a suprise. Gee I wonder what their findings will be?

You notice how quickly they squashed the story that the CIA was keeping militants, prisoners and that may have been the primary motivation for the attack?

psssssssssssssst listen up to a liberal God of media you left wing loons like G500. The attack lasted more than minutes. Link to BBC. A bastion of progressives.

Good grief are all you libs on this board habitual liars or what?

Here is the timeline of events that US officials believe led to the death of US ambassador Christopher Stevens, his state department colleague Sean Smith and former Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.

10pm: Attackers open fire at the consulate, which has a main building and a smaller annex.

10.15pm: The assailants gain entry to the complex and the main building is engulfed in flames.

Many of those trapped inside escape but Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith and a regional security guard remain.

The security guard manages to escape and returns shortly afterwards with others to try to rescue Mr Stevens and Mr Smith.

They find Mr Smith dead and pull him from the building, but no sign of Mr Stevens. They are driven from the building by thick black smoke, fire and gunfire.

10.45pm: Security staff try to retake the main building but come under heavy fire and retreat.

11.20pm: A second attempt to retake the main building is successful. Fighting moves to the annexe.

Midnight: Fighting at the annexe - reported to last about two hours - results in the deaths of two more Americans, later named by US authorities as former Navy Seals whose job was to protect the other staff.

1.15am: Mr Stevens arrives at a nearby hospital - it is not known who took him. A doctor there has told the BBC that he spent an hour trying to revive him, but that Mr Stevens died from smoke inhalation.

2.30am: Security forces regain control of the annexe.

BBC News - Benghazi US consulate attack: Timeline

Was around 10:20 that Romney started an unprecedented criticism of a fluid situation?

Yeah..that conservative patriot..Mitt Romney. Patriot to conservative causes...not America.
This is an enormous scandal involving the failure of the President and SOT to do their jobs and then a massive misinformation/cover up campaign in which the liberal press participated...all to make sure that the truth didn't come out before the 2012 election. worked so well that no one new about the attack in Benghazi.

Oh wait.

And where were you guys when a diplomat and Americans working overseas were killed during the Bush administration?

Did the lives of those Americans matter less?

Weren't you saying "Stay the course"?
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analogies are typical in threads on all topics, we all do it to make a point. BFD

I'm fine with it. Apparently Tiny is not. However your description of Watergate as being simply one party spying one the other is not correct. The investigation uncovered massive corruption in Nixons Whitehouse. Whatever happened in the Benghazi tragedy, or what is said at this hearing, it will not be analogous to Watergate.

no, it won't be like watergate, it could be much worse. intentional disregard of a dangerous situation during a campaign that directly caused the deaths of 4 americans.

remember boo boo, no one died in watergate, or monica gate.

Funny you folks are not blaming Bush for the deaths of Daniel Pearl, Nick Berg, Jack Hensley, Eugene Armstrong, Paul Johnson, and John Granville.

Why no investigation?

Oh yeah. :lol:
analogies are typical in threads on all topics, we all do it to make a point. BFD

I'm fine with it. Apparently Tiny is not. However your description of Watergate as being simply one party spying one the other is not correct. The investigation uncovered massive corruption in Nixons Whitehouse. Whatever happened in the Benghazi tragedy, or what is said at this hearing, it will not be analogous to Watergate.

Of course it will not be analogous to Watergate.

No one died in Watergate. So pardon my french, fuck off. I lived it. I know those times. I know the times very well. Too bad there are not enough decent Democrats who would march on the Capitol now, like they did then demanding truth, honesty and an accounting of the reality of the situation.

There are no Democrats as I knew them alive anymore I guess. The party has just shifted to the radicals that I used to know and run with before I bailed from the left.

Freaking crazy progressives. Not a true Democrat left it appears.

If Kennedy were to read this message board and read the likes of Lakhota, Luddly, and Mr Shaman I'm telling you JFK would be crossing the floor and leading the Republicans.



The Republicans were calling Kennedy a crazy Catholic Communist who's loyalty was to the Pope.


Finally we get to hear the voices of those that witnessed what happened in Benghazi.


As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories

From the article:

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced earlier in the day that it will convene a hearing on May 8 aimed at 'exposing failure' in the Obama administration to respond o security threats to that diplomatic mission, and to present to the public and to Congress an accurate version of the attack that left U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.

'This Administration has offered the American people only a carefully selected and sanitized version of events from before, during, and after the Benghazi terrorist attacks, committee chairman Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman from California, said in a statement Wednesday.

'Not surprisingly, this version of events casts senior officials in the most favorable light possible.'

As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories | Mail Online

Wow a Republican committe with a pre-determined agenda what a suprise. Gee I wonder what their findings will be?
Hopefully the truth and expose obamaturd and the dimwits lies in the cover up.
I'm fine with it. Apparently Tiny is not. However your description of Watergate as being simply one party spying one the other is not correct. The investigation uncovered massive corruption in Nixons Whitehouse. Whatever happened in the Benghazi tragedy, or what is said at this hearing, it will not be analogous to Watergate.

no, it won't be like watergate, it could be much worse. intentional disregard of a dangerous situation during a campaign that directly caused the deaths of 4 americans.

remember boo boo, no one died in watergate, or monica gate.

Funny you folks are not blaming Bush for the deaths of Daniel Pearl, Nick Berg, Jack Hensley, Eugene Armstrong, Paul Johnson, and John Granville.

Why no investigation?

Oh yeah. :lol:

Putting this in context would be if we knew where they were being held and the military was asking for permission to go in and they are told to stand down and we let them be beheaded. Was there ever anyone that thought that to be the case?
Finally we get to hear the voices of those that witnessed what happened in Benghazi.


As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories

From the article:

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced earlier in the day that it will convene a hearing on May 8 aimed at 'exposing failure' in the Obama administration to respond o security threats to that diplomatic mission, and to present to the public and to Congress an accurate version of the attack that left U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.

'This Administration has offered the American people only a carefully selected and sanitized version of events from before, during, and after the Benghazi terrorist attacks, committee chairman Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman from California, said in a statement Wednesday.

'Not surprisingly, this version of events casts senior officials in the most favorable light possible.'

As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories | Mail Online

It will be interesting just what liberal media will "pick apart" from witness testimony.


The Republicans were calling Kennedy a crazy Catholic Communist who's loyalty was to the Pope.



Kennedy was a catholic and there was some debate to whether his loyalty would be to the country or the pope. I am sure the democrats of today would not bring up religion with a Christian running today.

I do not recall anyone calling Kennedy a communist. We would be justified in calling him a lot of different things today.
Finally we get to hear the voices of those that witnessed what happened in Benghazi.


As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories

From the article:

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced earlier in the day that it will convene a hearing on May 8 aimed at 'exposing failure' in the Obama administration to respond o security threats to that diplomatic mission, and to present to the public and to Congress an accurate version of the attack that left U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.

'This Administration has offered the American people only a carefully selected and sanitized version of events from before, during, and after the Benghazi terrorist attacks, committee chairman Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman from California, said in a statement Wednesday.

'Not surprisingly, this version of events casts senior officials in the most favorable light possible.'

As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories | Mail Online

Wow a Republican committe with a pre-determined agenda what a suprise. Gee I wonder what their findings will be?

You notice how quickly they squashed the story that the CIA was keeping militants, prisoners and that may have been the primary motivation for the attack?


I don't care who the CIA was keeping in fact I have not even heard that they were. It would have saved the four that we lost if they had. We seem to care for the safety of our prisoners much more than the Americans. There would have been much more security and military presence to keep any of the militant prisoners from being hurt.
Finally we get to hear the voices of those that witnessed what happened in Benghazi.


As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories

From the article:

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced earlier in the day that it will convene a hearing on May 8 aimed at 'exposing failure' in the Obama administration to respond o security threats to that diplomatic mission, and to present to the public and to Congress an accurate version of the attack that left U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.

'This Administration has offered the American people only a carefully selected and sanitized version of events from before, during, and after the Benghazi terrorist attacks, committee chairman Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman from California, said in a statement Wednesday.

'Not surprisingly, this version of events casts senior officials in the most favorable light possible.'

As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories | Mail Online

Wow a Republican committe with a pre-determined agenda what a suprise. Gee I wonder what their findings will be?

Finding out what actually happened from actual witnesses is a per-determined agenda driven hearing?????

Interesting that you feel truth is an agenda. Well perhaps it is.

What's your agenda? Lies?????
this is how I would envision the 12 jurors. Bengazi Lawyers Pics: Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Scott Walker, Rand Paul, Ben Carson, Marco Rubio. Hillarys/Obama's Pics: Jon Stewart, Joy Blowhard, Nancy Pelosi, Chris Matthews, Tickle Me Elmo, and Bigbird.
psssssssssssssst listen up to a liberal God of media you left wing loons like G500. The attack lasted more than minutes. Link to BBC. A bastion of progressives.

Good grief are all you libs on this board habitual liars or what?

Here is the timeline of events that US officials believe led to the death of US ambassador Christopher Stevens, his state department colleague Sean Smith and former Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.

10pm: Attackers open fire at the consulate, which has a main building and a smaller annex.

10.15pm: The assailants gain entry to the complex and the main building is engulfed in flames.

Many of those trapped inside escape but Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith and a regional security guard remain.

The security guard manages to escape and returns shortly afterwards with others to try to rescue Mr Stevens and Mr Smith.

They find Mr Smith dead and pull him from the building, but no sign of Mr Stevens. They are driven from the building by thick black smoke, fire and gunfire.

10.45pm: Security staff try to retake the main building but come under heavy fire and retreat.

11.20pm: A second attempt to retake the main building is successful. Fighting moves to the annexe.

Midnight: Fighting at the annexe - reported to last about two hours - results in the deaths of two more Americans, later named by US authorities as former Navy Seals whose job was to protect the other staff.

1.15am: Mr Stevens arrives at a nearby hospital - it is not known who took him. A doctor there has told the BBC that he spent an hour trying to revive him, but that Mr Stevens died from smoke inhalation.

2.30am: Security forces regain control of the annexe.

BBC News - Benghazi US consulate attack: Timeline

Was around 10:20 that Romney started an unprecedented criticism of a fluid situation?

Yeah..that conservative patriot..Mitt Romney. Patriot to conservative causes...not America.

Did Romney cause the deaths of those four Americans?

No. Really shitty deflection.
Finally we get to hear the voices of those that witnessed what happened in Benghazi.


As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories

From the article:

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced earlier in the day that it will convene a hearing on May 8 aimed at 'exposing failure' in the Obama administration to respond o security threats to that diplomatic mission, and to present to the public and to Congress an accurate version of the attack that left U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.

'This Administration has offered the American people only a carefully selected and sanitized version of events from before, during, and after the Benghazi terrorist attacks, committee chairman Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman from California, said in a statement Wednesday.

'Not surprisingly, this version of events casts senior officials in the most favorable light possible.'

As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories | Mail Online

Wow a Republican committe with a pre-determined agenda what a suprise. Gee I wonder what their findings will be?

You notice how quickly they squashed the story that the CIA was keeping militants, prisoners and that may have been the primary motivation for the attack?



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