May 8th set for Benghazi survivor testimony

I have a bad feeling that this will be a scripted, coached, diluted, watered-down double-speak circus. It's all we've seen from this Administration over the past 5 years.
So if nothing new will come from this, why are you concerned?

I like to know what the CIA was doing, and why did Stevens travel to Benghazi on 9-11 when, according to the Ben-gaters, he had been asking for more security for months. Did someone order him to go?

His gay lover, Barack Hussein Obama, ordered him to go. Stevens had been threatening for months to provide "The Mother of All October Surprises" to the media about his covert love affair with the big strapping mountain of Mandigo from Chicago.

Obama got on the wire with the Muslim Brotherhood and ordered a hit to prevent this information from getting out. He watched the whole thing live through the lens of an Iranian drone. Then he smoked some weed and some cigarettes and forgot the post-assassination sooper sekrit script on Air Force One after his golf trip/Colorado campaign fundraiser, and completely bungled his lines the next day in front of the cameras.

Glenn Beck has all the documents proving this.

But you don't need to see any evidence. You know this is all FACT because you want it to be.

Yep, I just knew it. Thanks for the confirmation.

HUSSAIN!!! He's the :dev2:
Why do people passively accept the notion the the government has the right to deny people information by classifying it? Why would anything regarding the attack on Benghazi be classified? Does it give away troop movements? Does it endanger the lives of Americans?

Why would they classify the information?
Finally we get to hear the voices of those that witnessed what happened in Benghazi.


As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories

From the article:

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced earlier in the day that it will convene a hearing on May 8 aimed at 'exposing failure' in the Obama administration to respond o security threats to that diplomatic mission, and to present to the public and to Congress an accurate version of the attack that left U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.

'This Administration has offered the American people only a carefully selected and sanitized version of events from before, during, and after the Benghazi terrorist attacks, committee chairman Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman from California, said in a statement Wednesday.

'Not surprisingly, this version of events casts senior officials in the most favorable light possible.'

As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories | Mail Online

I look forward to hearing what the Survivors have to say.
Why do people passively accept the notion the the government has the right to deny people information by classifying it? Why would anything regarding the attack on Benghazi be classified? Does it give away troop movements? Does it endanger the lives of Americans?

Why would they classify the information?

Why did the Wizard of OZ hide behind a curtain?
Why is the actions of the Federal Reserve secret?
Why ask?
Why do people passively accept the notion the the government has the right to deny people information by classifying it? Why would anything regarding the attack on Benghazi be classified? Does it give away troop movements? Does it endanger the lives of Americans?

Why would they classify the information?

Why did the Wizard of OZ hide behind a curtain?
Why is the actions of the Federal Reserve secret?
Why ask?

Pay NO ATTENTION to the man behind the curtain!! He is the great and powerful OZ!
Why do people passively accept the notion the the government has the right to deny people information by classifying it? Why would anything regarding the attack on Benghazi be classified? Does it give away troop movements? Does it endanger the lives of Americans?

Why would they classify the information?

Too bad the families of the four men who died in that embassy will never know why their government chose to desert their sons as it did. It's something to think about though.
This will be obama's watergate and monica gate. The truth about the lies and coverup will bring the kenyan messiah down.

Can you say president Biden?????
Why do people passively accept the notion the the government has the right to deny people information by classifying it? Why would anything regarding the attack on Benghazi be classified? Does it give away troop movements? Does it endanger the lives of Americans?

Why would they classify the information?

Because then we Americans might have to take responsibilty for what is being done overseas in our name?

I think the members of the oversight commitee have been given the classified information already.
Why do people passively accept the notion the the government has the right to deny people information by classifying it? Why would anything regarding the attack on Benghazi be classified? Does it give away troop movements? Does it endanger the lives of Americans?

Why would they classify the information?

Too bad the families of the four men who died in that embassy will never know why their government chose to desert their sons as it did. It's something to think about though.

I think they will finally know the truth. election year politics was more important than protecting americans overseas.
This will be obama's watergate and monica gate. The truth about the lies and coverup will bring the kenyan messiah down.

Can you say president Biden?????

You sure it's not his "Waterloo" or his "Iraq Occupation" or ........(feel free to substitute your own favorite GOP debacle).
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This will be obama's watergate and monica gate. The truth about the lies and coverup will bring the kenyan messiah down.

Can you say president Biden?????

You sure it's not his "Waterloo" or his "Iraq Occupation" or ........(feel free to substitute your own favorite GOP debacle).

use whichever analogy you like. The truth about Benghazi will bring obama down and destroy any chance that Hillary had to run for anything ever again.

But since you brought them up:

watergate was one party spying on another, no one died, nixon covered up stupidly and lost his job

Iraq was a stupid waste of american lives and money-----both parties authorized and funded it based on flawed intelligence.

monica gate was a disgraceful episode by a amoral president. He lied under oath, was impeached and should have been kicked out of office.

waterloo-----Napolean lost a battle, what does that have to do with american politics?
Why do people passively accept the notion the the government has the right to deny people information by classifying it? Why would anything regarding the attack on Benghazi be classified? Does it give away troop movements? Does it endanger the lives of Americans?

Why would they classify the information?

Because we don't want the enemy to know that there are live feeds to the
WH from our Embassies. Very important they don't know.
I like to know what the CIA was doing, and why did Stevens travel to Benghazi on 9-11 when, according to the Ben-gaters, he had been asking for more security for months. Did someone order him to go?

His gay lover, Barack Hussein Obama, ordered him to go. Stevens had been threatening for months to provide "The Mother of All October Surprises" to the media about his covert love affair with the big strapping mountain of Mandigo from Chicago.

Obama got on the wire with the Muslim Brotherhood and ordered a hit to prevent this information from getting out. He watched the whole thing live through the lens of an Iranian drone. Then he smoked some weed and some cigarettes and forgot the post-assassination sooper sekrit script on Air Force One after his golf trip/Colorado campaign fundraiser, and completely bungled his lines the next day in front of the cameras.

Glenn Beck has all the documents proving this.

But you don't need to see any evidence. You know this is all FACT because you want it to be.

so you feel it is unimportant to hear these individuals that were there and think there is something that must be said? Interesting.

That's what you got from my post? :lol:

This will be obama's watergate and monica gate. The truth about the lies and coverup will bring the kenyan messiah down.

Can you say president Biden?????

You sure it's not his "Waterloo" or his "Iraq Occupation" or ........(feel free to substitute your own favorite GOP debacle).

use whichever analogy you like. The truth about Benghazi will bring obama down and destroy any chance that Hillary had to run for anything ever again.

But since you brought them up:

watergate was one party spying on another, no one died, nixon covered up stupidly and lost his job

Iraq was a stupid waste of american lives and money-----both parties authorized and funded it based on flawed intelligence.

monica gate was a disgraceful episode by a amoral president. He lied under oath, was impeached and should have been kicked out of office.

waterloo-----Napolean lost a battle, what does that have to do with american politics?

Sorry champ, but Watergate was not just about the break in and attempt at bugging the Democrats National Headquaters. The ensuing investigation uncovered massive illegal activity the Nixon Administration was engaged in. In contrast the Whitewater investigation found no widespread illegal activity by the Clinton adminstration and it's real goal was to somehow get some dirt on Bill.

The invasion and occupation of Iraq was President Bushes decision, not Congresses. However I feel that everyone in congress who voted to give him the deciding power should have resigned in desgrace for abdicating their constitutional reaponsibility.

You don't remember the first cat calls at President Obama being "It's his Waterloo"? I do. It wasn't. Just like now.
I'd like to hear the version from the folks who were repeatedly ordered to "stand down".

I agree with you. The fact that they did not have enough security can be just labeled stupid. The fact that the available help was told to stand down is just criminal and even Obama or Hillary won't be able to withstand that heat if the order came from one of them.
Finally we get to hear the voices of those that witnessed what happened in Benghazi.


As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories

From the article:

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced earlier in the day that it will convene a hearing on May 8 aimed at 'exposing failure' in the Obama administration to respond o security threats to that diplomatic mission, and to present to the public and to Congress an accurate version of the attack that left U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.

'This Administration has offered the American people only a carefully selected and sanitized version of events from before, during, and after the Benghazi terrorist attacks, committee chairman Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman from California, said in a statement Wednesday.

'Not surprisingly, this version of events casts senior officials in the most favorable light possible.'

As the White House denies Benghazi survivors sought clearance to testify about what they saw, House Republicans schedule a hearing to listen to their stories | Mail Online

I look forward to hearing what the Survivors have to say.

Will this be an open hearing?
You sure it's not his "Waterloo" or his "Iraq Occupation" or ........(feel free to substitute your own favorite GOP debacle).

use whichever analogy you like. The truth about Benghazi will bring obama down and destroy any chance that Hillary had to run for anything ever again.

But since you brought them up:

watergate was one party spying on another, no one died, nixon covered up stupidly and lost his job

Iraq was a stupid waste of american lives and money-----both parties authorized and funded it based on flawed intelligence.

monica gate was a disgraceful episode by a amoral president. He lied under oath, was impeached and should have been kicked out of office.

waterloo-----Napolean lost a battle, what does that have to do with american politics?

Sorry champ, but Watergate was not just about the break in and attempt at bugging the Democrats National Headquaters. The ensuing investigation uncovered massive illegal activity the Nixon Administration was engaged in. In contrast the Whitewater investigation found no widespread illegal activity by the Clinton adminstration and it's real goal was to somehow get some dirt on Bill.

The invasion and occupation of Iraq was President Bushes decision, not Congresses. However I feel that everyone in congress who voted to give him the deciding power should have resigned in desgrace for abdicating their constitutional reaponsibility.

You don't remember the first cat calls at President Obama being "It's his Waterloo"? I do. It wasn't. Just like now.

you really do not have much of a grasp on history. watergate was about the cover up, not the act.

I did not bring up whitewater, I brought up blowjobs in the oval office with a 19 year old intern and then lying under oath about it.

Bush could not have invaded Iraq without congressional authorization and funding------it was a huge stupid mistake, but they are all culpable.
use whichever analogy you like. The truth about Benghazi will bring obama down and destroy any chance that Hillary had to run for anything ever again.

But since you brought them up:

watergate was one party spying on another, no one died, nixon covered up stupidly and lost his job

Iraq was a stupid waste of american lives and money-----both parties authorized and funded it based on flawed intelligence.

monica gate was a disgraceful episode by a amoral president. He lied under oath, was impeached and should have been kicked out of office.

waterloo-----Napolean lost a battle, what does that have to do with american politics?

Sorry champ, but Watergate was not just about the break in and attempt at bugging the Democrats National Headquaters. The ensuing investigation uncovered massive illegal activity the Nixon Administration was engaged in. In contrast the Whitewater investigation found no widespread illegal activity by the Clinton adminstration and it's real goal was to somehow get some dirt on Bill.

The invasion and occupation of Iraq was President Bushes decision, not Congresses. However I feel that everyone in congress who voted to give him the deciding power should have resigned in desgrace for abdicating their constitutional reaponsibility.

You don't remember the first cat calls at President Obama being "It's his Waterloo"? I do. It wasn't. Just like now.

you really do not have much of a grasp on history. watergate was about the cover up, not the act.

I did not bring up whitewater, I brought up blowjobs in the oval office with a 19 year old intern and then lying under oath about it.

Bush could not have invaded Iraq without congressional authorization and funding------it was a huge stupid mistake, but they are all culpable.

Arguably the scandal began in 1971 with the publication of the Pentagon Papers, a classified 7,000-page Defense Department document on the origins and conduct of the Vietnam War that had been obtained by The New York Times. Nixon saw the publication as evidence of a great liberal Democratic Establishment plot against him. And his inability to do anything about it triggered a towering rage.

''We're up against an enemy, a conspiracy,'' he thunders to Haldeman and Henry Kissinger on July 1, 1971, in a newly published transcript. ''They're using any means. We are going to use any means. Is that clear?'' This included dispatching a secret White House team, ''the Plumbers,'' to dig up dirt on Daniel Ellsberg, the former Kissinger aide who said he was the one who had leaked the Pentagon Papers to the press. A few months later the Plumbers broke into the Los Angeles office of Ellsberg's psychiatrist to photograph Ellsberg's records, but found nothing, and left behind a messy crime scene. Since some of the Plumbers were caught breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate Hotel a year later, Nixon was understandably frightened that the Watergate investigation would reveal other illegalities, so a cover-up was vital, even if it meant paying the burglars hush money or trying to get the C.I.A. to obstruct the F.B.I.'s investigation using the pretext of national security.

Call the Plumbers

Without the endless Whitewater investigation President Clinton would never have been asked about his affair with Monica.

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