May democrats keep having bad weeks like the last explained by John Nolte.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The no good, very bad week had by the democrats, where the truth of who and what they are came out of the closet for just a little while.....may they keep telling the country who they are, and what they want....

Nolte: Democrats Just Had Their Worst Week in 47 Years

  1. Democrats Lost “The Sane One” Joe Biden
Slow Joe will always be the stupid one, the gaffe machine on the verge of imploding, but he has now openly embraced gun confiscation, taxpayer-funded abortions, the banning of every gun currently being manufactured (except those stupid “smart guns”), raising everyone’s taxes, and putting an end to deportations of illegal immigrants. And now, we don’t really know where Creepy Joe stands on awarding health insurance to illegals and decriminalizing illegal immigration because he’s flip-flopping all over the place on those two.

The so-called “sane one” is an aging moron ready to take our guns, ban all the others, and force us to pay for an illegal alien’s abortion.

  1. Democrats Handed the 4th of July to Trump
Because Democrats and the media have to be assholes about absolutely everything America-related, rather than join President Trump in celebrating America on the Fourth, they — no joke — raged against the idea of celebrating the birth of our great nation in our nation’s capital. And then…

After assuring us no one would show up, it would get rained out, it would end in a military takeover, and Trump would make it all about himself — none of that happened.




The mall was packed with Americans who weathered a literal storm to celebrate the country they love, everything went off without a hitch — from the flyovers to the fireworks — and Trump gave one of the best speeches of his presidency, a speech that had nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with the greatness of our nation.

It was a perfect way to celebrate the Fourth, a wonderful, stirring, and unifying event, and where I had been indifferent to the idea before Trump pulled it off, I am now in favor of making this an annual tradition regardless of who’s president.

What’s more, our military deserve this annual recognition, including the army, and honoring the army means tanks, and tanks are freakin’ awesome.

  1. Democrats Came Out Against the American Flag
The freakin’ Betsy Ross flag — you know, that adorable little flag with 13 stars in a circle…? Democrats hate that now. No joke, we now have Democrat presidential candidates arguing the American flag, the most potent symbol for freedom and liberty in the history of mankind, is a symbol of oppression.

Hey, do you remember when Democrats, the media, and all those Never Trump TrueConCucks told us it would stop with Confederate monuments?

I didn’t believe them, either.

This won’t stop until all our symbols are gone and replaced with a hammer, a sickle, an upside down cross, and a vagina.

  1. Democrats are Campaigning for Votes in … Mexico
Not New Mexico — Mexico-Mexico.

For those wondering why Democrats want to flood this country with illegal immigrants, I give you the “Fiercely HeterosexualCory Booker and the fake Hispanic Paddy O’Rourke, both of whom went looking for votes … in another country … in Mexico … I shit you not.

  1. Democrat Presidential Candidates are Documented Extremists
Look at this list of left-wing lunacy. Look at this bottomless list of threats promises made by these candidates, promises that include gun confiscation, open borders, legalizing abortion until the fetus registers for college, government-funded health insurance for illegal aliens, slavery reparations, gay reparations, forced busing, no one has to pay back that $1.5 trillion in student loans taxpayers are on the hook for, eliminating everyone’s health insurance, abolishing the electoral college, and taxpayer-funded abortions for transsexual women who are really guys and will never need an abortion.
Bigger problems have yet to come for the Ds. NJ just barely avoided going down the path of NY on taxes in the past month. If China walks on the trade war then the Left coast will be hit hardest and see a lot of jobs leave.

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