May God have Mercy...

Nothing is official. That is the media calling it. That’s ridiculous. The Supreme Court still has a case on it!

The Supreme Court does not have a case on the 2020 election. Trump's piddly ass lawsuits are getting cleared out at the lowest court levels. They will never make it to the SCOTUS.
Uhh, yes it,does.

Uh, no it doesn't. From your source,

the Supreme Court ordered that ballots received after election day be segregated so that if the Supreme Court overturns a lower court's decision after the election, "a targeted remedy will be available."

Get back to me after the SCOTUS overturns a lower court decision AND agrees to hear the case.
Uhh, yes they do. At 2 today answers have to be submitted.
You are right, those fine relatives of yours would not recognize an America where grumpy ass old men pitch a tissy fit over the losing of an election and call for death to America like some deranged Wahhabist terrorist. You are displaying the maturity of a three year old this morning. Have a bottle, pop the pacifier in your mouth, and take a nap.

They would not recognize a nation full of Socialist scum and lack of values. They would not have fought for such a country. They would not have moved here.

My bottles will contain flammable liquids and rags. My mouth will be filled with disgust and hatred for this nation. Soon my nap will be an Eternal one.
Take that nap today and make America a better place.
I choose life. You may choose death if you so desire.

When the options are Desth or Socialism, DEATH is the preferable option.
The dead in Christ rise first. Do you not think that does not include the nation that is birthed by and through the Lord's spirit?

Does not Joshua take the land of Canaan?

Do you know which host (spy) dies due to his bad report trying to discourage the children of Israel?

(I'm talking in the spirit not about the flesh/carnal thoughts of mere mortals)
Get used to the name, Hemisphere 1, because it's what our UN leaders already call us.

I’ll be dead long before we reach thst point.

Will your children die along with you?
Hemisphere 1 begins in January, with open borders and no ICE. We just voted that nightmare into existence. With Omar in charge of immigration, how many Muslim migrants do you think is too many? Omar begs to differ. She wants them all here....
The dead in Christ rise first. Do you not think that does include the nation that is birthed by and through the Lord's spirit?)

Your Christ and I parted company at 22:05 pm on Augusta 22, 2001. Thst is not the God I believe in. The God I believe in is mean, vengeful, and crude. This nation lost its soul in 1861. We’ve been worthy of decimation since then.
You are right, those fine relatives of yours would not recognize an America where grumpy ass old men pitch a tissy fit over the losing of an election and call for death to America like some deranged Wahhabist terrorist. You are displaying the maturity of a three year old this morning. Have a bottle, pop the pacifier in your mouth, and take a nap.

They would not recognize a nation full of Socialist scum and lack of values. They would not have fought for such a country. They would not have moved here.

My bottles will contain flammable liquids and rags. My mouth will be filled with disgust and hatred for this nation. Soon my nap will be an Eternal one.

Lack of values? Tell me old man, just what "values" are you displaying here?
Will your children die along with you? Hemisphere 1 begins in January, with open borders and no ICE. We just voted that nightmare into existence. With Omar in charge of the immigration, how many Muslim migrants do you think is too many? Omar begs to differ. She wants them all here....

I have no children. I never wanted any. My days are likely numbering less than 100 left. I accept that.
I get you are upset. I am a DJT believer myself. However, please do not use the slogan chanted by Iranian fundamentalists during the late seventies and beyond. Do not wish death to our great nation. You are better than that. God bless America, always; forever.

No, I’m not better than that. My veteran father and my vetran cousin Jon were better than that. My relatives who fought and died (in vain) to create and preserve this nation were better than that. None of them would recognize what this nation has become. I’m not them. I never will be.


Donald thinks your father and your cousin are suckers and losers.
ABC News is now calling the election for Biden, officially. This is the point where I would normally say something like

“May God have Mercy o our Souls for doing this!!”

Not this year. Not with these two candidates. Not in this environment. This year my sentiment is thus...

GOD DANN US ALL!! May he rain his Wrath and Vengeance down upon every single person who was involved in this election. May He wipe this entire nation off the face of the Earth with War, Famine, Flame and Plague. May the survivors be enslaved and never take another breath of fresh air. We have proven unworthy of our Rights and Privileges.

DEATH TO AMERICA!!!!! (or at least what passes for it at this point).
Nations are judged by Christ. If you want to know where this country stands, the answer is right here:

On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.

We are about to become a nation filled with Muslims. They will determine our future...
ABC News is now calling the election for Biden, officially. This is the point where I would normally say something like

“May God have Mercy o our Souls for doing this!!”

Not this year. Not with these two candidates. Not in this environment. This year my sentiment is thus...

GOD DANN US ALL!! May he rain his Wrath and Vengeance down upon every single person who was involved in this election. May He wipe this entire nation off the face of the Earth with War, Famine, Flame and Plague. May the survivors be enslaved and never take another breath of fresh air. We have proven unworthy of our Rights and Privileges.

DEATH TO AMERICA!!!!! (or at least what passes for it at this point).

There is actual significant unrest in the democrat party as a result of results from Tuesday.

Regardless of what happens at the top of the ticket, and that is where all of our attention is right now, the democrat party is actually on the verge of a collapse.

They lost 100 state legislative seats all across the country.

Lost seats in New Hampshire.

Lost the governorship in Montana.

Did not pick up any of the state legislatures they NEEDED in a redistricting year.

They are actually devastated about this and they should be. The current democratic coalition is simply not workable.

They are in fact in disarray. Only thing masking it for these idiots is a 78 year old geriatric half senile man acting as the glue for the party.

Good luck

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