May God have Mercy...

Get used to the name, Hemisphere 1, because it's what our UN leaders already call us.

I’ll be dead long before we reach thst point.

Will your children die along with you?
Hemisphere 1 begins in January, with open borders and no ICE. We just voted that nightmare into existence. With Omar in charge of immigration, how many Muslim migrants do you think is too many? Omar begs to differ. She wants them all here....

I really wish you were right about open borders. The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is granted, by a higher power, to EVERYONE. It is not exclusive to citizens, or white people, or men. And the freedom of movement is an integral part of those INALIENABLE rights.

The cognitive dissonance of those on the right that bitch and moan about immigration, that support the government either curtailing that immigration, or banning it completely, is so overwhelming that I understand why they struggle so much with life itself. It is a wonder they are not in an insane asylum, and the OP here is a prime example. The government should stay out of health care, the government should stay out of energy, the government should stay out of everything because everything the government gets involved with turns to shit. Except immigration, yep that same dysfunctional and incompetent government somehow has the ability to pick and choose their citizens. Are you freakin kidding me?

This country was founded on open borders. You can't claim to be a supporter of the founders and support immigration restrictions. Unless you are a native American you cannot possibly claim a superiority over immigrants. We all come from immigrants. I mean if you want to play that card then all you assholes get the hell out. My family was here before there was a United States. We let you yahoos stay around because, most of the time, you have the good sense to leave us the fawk alone.

The reality is this nation would not even exist today without a policy of open borders. Our national anthem would be "God Save the Queen". The Revolutionary War was won by North Carolinians. North Carolina, with a completely open border that accepted everyone, including murders and thieves. Can you say Blackbeard? No state in the young country sacrificed more of their blood than North Carolina during the Revolutionary War. Despite the fact that Alexander Hamilton, Washington's secretary, lamented that not a single sole from North Carolina would join the Continental Army. The descendants of those murders and thieves, came out of the hills of Appalachia and totally kicked British ass. They won the war, plain and simple.

Immigrants, both legal and illegal, contribute far more to our society than they take. Ignorant ass white trash consume the vast majority of public spending. Every economist that is halfway worth a shit agrees. Open the borders, let the "market" control the flow. A government that can control who is, and who is not a citizen, is a government destined to despotism. The founders knew that, Henry George understood that. It is common damn sense.
From a biblical perspective, a very compelling case can be made that the USA is mystery Babylon, and it doesn't make me happy to say that, but it just fits, far more than any other possible contender.

Anyone interested in this topic I highly recommend all of the presentations below, the first one is a documentary and the second one is a three part video series.

There are far too many people, including Christians, who are completely blind to the reality of the US… and who still have hope that things can be better. It doesn't even matter who "won" the election, and even if this whole charade plays out differently in a couple months to create the maximum chaos and division that the PTSB want, it still doesn't matter because the future is set. The NWO is going to happen, whether people believe that or not.

We are Mystery Babylon Part 1:

America (Babylon) Falls Part 2:

America as Mystery Babylon Part 3:
You have a point there. But I doubt that if this country goes full-throttle socialist, very many people would kill themselves.

Some of us will. Some of us will let the Government do it for them. Either way it’s better than living on our knees.
Nothing is official. That is the media calling it. That’s ridiculous. The Supreme Court still has a case on it!

The Supreme Court does not have a case on the 2020 election. Trump's piddly ass lawsuits are getting cleared out at the lowest court levels. They will never make it to the SCOTUS.
Uhh, yes it,does.

Uh, no it doesn't. From your source,

the Supreme Court ordered that ballots received after election day be segregated so that if the Supreme Court overturns a lower court's decision after the election, "a targeted remedy will be available."

Get back to me after the SCOTUS overturns a lower court decision AND agrees to hear the case.
Although segregated, Elito? said those ballots should still be counted!!
]Meth much? Listen you sorry ass pile of shit......Trump was evil and this country is evil....the wrath of God has taken its toll on all of us, its called Covid, something that bitch refused to go fuck yourself, its over bitch!!!!

I don’t drink alcohol, smoke or do drugs. Never have and never will.

You’re right this nation has become evil, but Donald Trump had nothing to do with it. COVID has not killed anywhere near enough people yet. Call me when we’re talking tens of MILLIONS of people dead. The Federal Government has no legitimate role in ANY medical issue. Never has and never will.


Change your name to Grumpy Old Fool, you think only racist white folks are Americans. The majority of Americans spoke deal with it coward.
Change your name to Grumpy Old Fool, you think only racist white folks are Americans. The majority of Americans spoke deal with it coward.

Not at all. Skin color has no place in determining who is or isn’t an American. What’s in your heart and in your hand do. Black, white, Latino, Asian, etc... makes no difference so long as what’s on the INSIDE is red, white and blue and your hand is full of a tool to earn your way rather than seeking a handout.

The majority of US Citizens haven’t been real Americans since the 1930s at best.
Change your name to Grumpy Old Fool, you think only racist white folks are Americans. The majority of Americans spoke deal with it coward.

Not at all. Skin color has no place in determining who is or isn’t an American. What’s in your heart and in your hand do. Black, white, Latino, Asian, etc... makes no difference so long as what’s on the INSIDE is red, white and blue and your hand is full of a tool to earn your way rather than seeking a handout.

The majority of US Citizens haven’t been real Americans since the 1930s at best.

So just a hand full of you guys have been REAL Americans.
So just a hand full of you guys have been REAL Americans.

Far more than a handful, but the percentage of individuals who meet the criteria seems to decrease dramatically with each passing generation. It’s truly sad to see it destroying this once great nation.
ABC News is now calling the election for Biden, officially. This is the point where I would normally say something like

“May God have Mercy o our Souls for doing this!!”

Not this year. Not with these two candidates. Not in this environment. This year my sentiment is thus...

GOD DANN US ALL!! May he rain his Wrath and Vengeance down upon every single person who was involved in this election. May He wipe this entire nation off the face of the Earth with War, Famine, Flame and Plague. May the survivors be enslaved and never take another breath of fresh air. We have proven unworthy of our Rights and Privileges.

DEATH TO AMERICA!!!!! (or at least what passes for it at this point).

You're too late.

Your god has already done that, or have you ignored the last nearly 4 years and especially this year?
You're too late.

Your god has already done that, or have you ignored the last nearly 4 years and especially this year?

LOL. Not even close. My God (not the Abrahamic one) doesn’t do half measures. If He were involved, Covid’s numbers would be in the hundreds of MILLIONS, not thousands.
One of the problems I have been mentioning is that people believe the propaganda. This is proof of that belief.
George Soros should be very happy that he will now be able to destroy the United States.

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